Po.CaA Work Attracting At . ProF.A Cr 3lg' tenftio. -J n YO C NTELL Fabilehed Daily (Sudays etceptedl dring the Prof. Craig has been engaged in edit college year, at ng a series of -works on SemiticSH ES THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. following is a statement of the work in B H H E Orios Th Ilan Pes,-Hnnng lok. the New York Evening Post of Dec .%s~ BohPoe,1:1tThe Scribners have begn to pubih - your feet f~a-ugeyuchr MANAGING EDITOR, a series of Semitic textbooks which acobyouahe F.Bau n e . prms ob fsg seflness Theyt/ Stylih well tting Antoeraitig BUSINESS MANAGER, are intended especially to be serviceale i Iokng Shoe at 0.#. IHa s.'Ia L. , to college and tniversity students ad ., fi >RDIToOS.'" will act for tese as itroductions to the . GLASS'S SHOE STORE !l1'BLE IS, . .. ilenniren,'Ii Bdifferent branches. of Semitics. This105l09 Bon MflCi 1.T T. IR. RWonntow, 'Oil L A. H. MDooasxn'1El amongthe. titles announced so far are ____________ A. Q. BROWNS. '0. . 3J B. WOOD, '0, L. J. Moidaoaln, 00,,W. D. Hionu, '000, the history and government of the he- -,1 " ~ ___________________________brews, their ethics and religion, the ' Somarians, the history of the Babylon airs aid Assyrians, teir religion, tneir S ,,f 0 ', ' i life and csoms, early h-story and reig- The aeciption picc of the DAILY i $2.50forin of Arabia, development of Muslins the clege year, wish a reglar delivery eforotheology, Arabic literature and science,- - nnachan y.Notioes, commuanictions, and =tarMatter intended foe pbiieon'mot e etc. The general editor is Prof. Craig anded n at the DALYfi oc before 8 p . or o Is' UsvestyofMchgnad'n ailed to the ediiior efore 3 p. incfcay of the nayriyofMcia, n n prevloau to that on which they ae peced to vonme by Prof. Sayce has jst been ' We carry a full line . of ths appear. -l Onbllshoied.. Snecriptlonn maybe left at the DALY offie, Pulshd('Babylonians and Assyrians;ONtT frlI -Xe 0eraO, or Stolearwaiand, or with 'Bamnen Life and Cstoms'). It is based on an--, Eana~r. Sacilere will confer a favreo aboaealt .o ftecotat.~ /" T *' rape rtagpromptly-ni thin cic any I linerofelbrtexmainothcnrct T 9. % carrierato delivor paper, tablets, and letters, and gives a nmost All changms in advertiin4 matter insteh In vivid view of all te phases, pblic and i o rfrt t tl en which they are to noer. private, of Babylonian and Assyrians life. That it is sonewat hasty in its stat- wibtosdonte rn 'AN= OPPONENT TO SHOLAR- aeits i onlty what might e expected we have that also from SHIP. fronm Prof. Sayce. The, book would *The sysemn of pecniary assistance to have been very greatly inpoved by the Z.^^V$2.00 TO $6.00 the theological' students at Yale is op- additions of either an index or a very posed by Ors Isadleythe new :presi-, uch fuller table of contents. We wishs A SPECIAL dent, as indicated in Iisinaugural. Most Prof. Craig all sccess in his uider- GAMENT IN IF YOU WANT TWO PIECE GAR of the stndents'-in the !'Yale' Divinity taking" FLEECED LINED MENTS WE HAVE THEM FROM School have been attraced to the sm- - 75c QUALITY 25c TO $.oo PER GARMENT inary, not only byits educational advan- Mineral Water Won't Do For Boiers AT '50c. tesowbut ealesy the tfact that its richa A halt has been called in the deep well enomn nalsi ogive ascolr-drilling on the campus. The discovery NO B bE. STfIRf GC L T'Ii 1G hi 0 U 8E Iship of .$ioo a year and'free tuition to of mieral water was not what was' every graduate applicant who has main- hoped for. Matters will be at a stand- THIS SPACE IS RESERVED :FOR> tined -a high stand in the college from till until it cats be deteined whether to whcy h ae.Np resdn ad- continue the search for water suitabc ley iverse to the practice ofirentlngd for the boilers and the heating plant. . pecuniary aid 'of this.sort, as is eviden, C A LL A G I"r & C fcom the following extract from his ai Prof H. Ellis Foster, a graduate of he drss:, American Institutet of Phriology, of Lw B osles u lses ad I pres "Aid in education, if given without ex- New York, is iow located at 408 Lw B osles ulses ad m otr, acting a corresponding return, becomes Thompson Street prepared to give read- demoralizing. It it is earned by the lgs of character. He comes here with,"' student as lie goes,. it has just the op- twenty years' experience and direct from 114 Monroe Street, Chicag o, Ills. posite effect. This holds goodsof grad- five busy weeks' in Ypsilanti where h _____________________________________________ iate scholarships and fellowships, no was rermkblysucessful He beas a G hetrffo eRv.C .Alnnesathan of u dergraduate ones. 'There wlett e fromithlyenre. .Aln n A1N LETI IHTN JPIE!~A is no doubt that in the soehtin-whcheilsgyenoed6 PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,. discriminate -competition of differeit Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley is in New A SPCIALTY AHTAny PI.Olnm~o, T5,05(AN O WATsE 5tATNGq. universities anxios to increase thesize, York CityJ .SH '27E ASIGO T real or apparent, of their graduate de -_________________ partments, tliere has been an abse of U V O h colo 8Cll r Ve. these applances which, uless .promply EU HY 0l TeShO 0 cn¢TyTe. corrected threaensth future of tht Antiepic Tooth and Moth WahN R HSD teaching profession with an over abunsd- 25c BonnleI ant infiux of inferior men," IfFIVY LAUNDRYe EIVIIIJIVII t THOS. ROWS. r*Vr- Cornea Deeat Yale at Cros Coun 1003aam j ~SlOBrnalway try nStudys Tooth7 Pas e Ppilareeed at an ie-BellPhne 2-8-S. Cornell defeated Yl n Atydyspopaa nnm5em etrifirm.25' Sc. cross- country race by the score of 36to 11PacsO hleede'a711 -leg , Features of the race were the wor-; TOOTH BRUSHES ...,:. . H of Sweet, of Cornell, who finished first 3UiENewy io fine condition and in record-breaking f II *time, the fine work of all of Cornell's lEEen Yale, anid the pluck of Captain Adamns, who ran the greater part' of the race ATHEN THE ATRE l "gook whe csufeingseveriely ron rs.ENthe ~''' Before hytg yor note oohnor lecture cn eracall In and eenernew patent cver The Th7o s a i.~mlsi egth. " papr doec not teaf or get mipaced an In the old styleta-n nne beeb. - Weather conditions Saturday were fo- - Parker and Waterman Pea from $1.5 up. Whlesolea'agd Reti orable, and Sweet's tunse of 38:36 bets'1 Paper fromn 10 cents a Pound up.° the record for the course by several min- TOJ-IGHT I~I F.. SCH.LE EE 340 South State Street.. utes. The race was started at 3:I$, Bern}y( ttEADQUfiIRTBRi FOR' tok the lead at first, and, held it for th H r Sh n o C . rstmil. t te pontSwet i2 H~rt S an on o.Trunks, Valises, Teliescopes, Dress Suit Cases tained the lead and kept that 1p0sition: of Eery IDenriptin. TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING ai Loart Prce, throughout te race, fnishing in atrong In Repertoire of Popular Successes;HREFRISiGGOS form. ,Best Seats I0 and 30 OSEFRIHIGGOS *' Galiery 10o, Nn Ilghr. 307 South F;ian Street. A N TNr F'F'EL. Each memer of the Harvard golf team; - - 0' ,0' which won the intercollegiate chanmpion- tl tario Patrs;+ilp V ..iA* 'I rL j r3tTIJI4 -