be of _ 4 - VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1899. No. 6. LD H Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, Golfi Suits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A eCarry the Largest I Stock L In the City. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R T H E T A I 0 0R WILD BEFORE YOU BUY DISSECTING GASES WI LDLF&S 336 South State Street. THE OLD Fseeal eeks w ta RELIABLE tsr lin of UNCHIES, CI- R. E. JOLLY & CO. DISSECTING SETS. Complete sets, parts of sets or single instruments. We± think we have exactly what . you want and we know that+ S the prices are right. Oar cases for five instruments S are very neat aind conven- ient and were gotten op ac- cording to suggestions from DALKNSYu t ATz SRET Dr.LYINy.STTSRE. SECO NO-H AND TEXT BOOKS For all Departments, Law and Medical Books. Bring in your old hooks for ex- change. College Stationery and Blank Books, all prices. Writing by the pound at 16, 20 and 25c. Make onr stores your headquarters. WAHIR'S Two Stores, W~s. 5005TISE DOWN TOWN, WWRV.BOOKSOREOpp. ( oust Hosae 8. OtMe 1St. Smain 1St. TWO GAMES TODAY Hillsdale a Hard Proposition for the Varit. The ceasen sens in Ann Arbor toay with two gases on the schedule. The college eleven will openr up with Ann Arbor High for a game of short halves and immediately following will come the contest between the Varsity and Hillsdale. Bth game promise to be close and exciting fec tie Vasity and college teams have hardly had time to get well lts the practice, whiile Hills- dale and lbe High School have both bees playing tr a longer time hnd have developed team swork to quite a extent. Tbe -roacises expet to give every man a show in one or te other of rhe games, and expet all of the candide to be ot the field isu'its at tree c'clock. For the sore irepratgare,. lie lite up till prbbly be as folo, Mihigan Hilledale. While, johnstort.~....... Hal-lt Wilson, urrant... .t. I' t E VDw Kramer, Overetiti, .g.... reb Ls Dickey, Carrrody.........Clark Siegreonrr, arlehsiter.g... ..Frerert Slekle Julleer..r I I ....1.Defles Mcreato PrAffci Its .....Alwartd ikeetta wely..'re.I.. .\ lipl( Te Hilllsdale troswitrarrve tire mrig otdt ullt thie Cookiotseo 'ie avre we igtrofteifrrrtemis to16t' It itti's, olitrrIt i I rotably 1)101ve t itt sou1t for rie rpoitudsligte tanr theltesm tat isptaitheield againte Ths lete tc yeterieday sowedr ttaeke rimrovettmettorrlte prt tf boht eamrs Th drei ave wtroth terr tmucrhi itter tanthait sotothe dy hefoie, whiriore of the foemere ag- gressivenessot ras5lst1u fete changes terre made inr lierVrstsry lireup, tierec beitg justlenought shfting arond 10 keep the iren on rtienxariros sa. The Vat-oily stered teocer after a rur feerhaltheoleIthoiof the Ofied by steeley, who pirked tie bll ure on a fue;tsh ee ether tirme by hard lite buckinig. Tie cllege eleven seeei just rs untabe tisop tieir opontcets as tieltrter ail been urabe to soe Staffi Positions. A rswrchangs ihave been erade isthe statff srpi tsslsefor feeIhomienrg year. The staff psitiorrs for lie settlr mdi- cal riots itt the regular schoiol are as follow'e Dr. Dlok, intlerral mediire; C. H1. buns, F. C.IHyde, T. A. Hoh, W. A. Cetrly, B. K. Van Naten, L. N. Up- john. Br. Wartir,Pthlogy: . N. Up- john, F. C. Hiydc, Julia Kimbrall Qua, Harret Baker. Dr, Martin, Obstetrics and Gya'ecol- ogy; 1ist semester, I. K. Jbinson, W. . Hindley, Mises Snyder ard Cover; 2d semeter, Franki Hosssrti, H, C. Eades, Miss Dithridge, Mrs. Cleave. Dr. Crrrow, Ophthalmology and Oto- ogy; J. . Freund, B. F. Green, John Stedda rd, aien Helen Affed. Dr. Herdman, Nervous Diseas; Miss Kate Johnson, F. W. Nager. Dr. Nancrede, Surgery; S. R. Eaton, E. F. Wakeieid, . S. Kennedy, A. Ne- son, T. W. Fournoy, E. Bates. Dr. Breakey, Dermaliogy; H. W. Couchek, E. G. Weadock. Facultql Members on Questions o Statistics o Football Squad the Day. -' The Daily publishes below a lit .Y -The success of the business men's torty-hiee Of the mst premising candi- class of the Congregational church the dates foe the Varsity eleven tis fal past years has been so marked, and the and gives certain interesting statistics demcand has been so great for its cnr- concerning them. The oin which tinuance, that it has been deemed ad- each player is a candidae for in giver visable to keep it up the coming year. together with his tweight, height, an A very interesting and instructive pro- age. The list is by io rmeans cempieb gram has been arranged for the eom- but will give some idra oc the maleril ing year. Only those subjects have which the coaches have on hand. been assigned which the committee Pos. Name t H.A thought would be of the greatest In- T-Wilson H........1557 2 terest to these who attend. H-Durant itt......17 -1 ii1 With three or four exceptions, all the T-Lursne ...r.585 2 :speakers ar-c faculty members, thus -H. White .......15 A 1 making it practically a fa culty course T--S. Brotn .. i.... a15 -1/2 P4 ott quetreonesof the day. <=-Seigmund .......1905e111,20 The folloinirg is a list of subjects E-Johnston .......1N5112 G-Kelly .. .......... '2 6- I2 tbus far assigned HI-Shepard .......160 571 Sundry, Oct 1-Is Great Gritain jus- C-Howech..........C20 2 tilied inris eoetrrse atitude teward the H--Mar tin ....IC6 -Itz2 Transvaral in lie present rentreversy? Ft Hatls .......,6 -1 2 Petif. I.s . r el- ey. 1 Teo nt ....,I.....15 51 SunrdayOct.1 s.ArtIt realieir atUF- t er P.........115-1 1 tomtpare d ithticits idalistic phase. H-M CNes'er.......140 5 2 Pr-ti ii ..i......r.e...10001011 11 1(t-M ctffrr...... ....46 5 7', l2 i Sutodayt. r15.-I idielity- t Chttst- 1-M.Brrn16 10 iV 5 ian rinttttlecoretstetrrwtithr tie rsue, F5-M onug .....-5.59 2 cess-ful ipraticerof the late? Prof. J.CH. F'-Ar'tsronrg ........15 -I 7' Bear driy.... .. .10 -9 2 Sundy, Ot. 2.-Wat effeltwoldIri-IsResoner .... , the reses sngof Paestirre by thteOr-Nestberty'....... 16 -Illt.2.1 -t Itt aveontcChrisianity and 1ro- t. Ot er srib0.......8886-t -i(;--iH coil.C Turner .........Isi 61 '1 hin ? R bbiBe 'olelIT-Patters ........ 155 -'10 20 rucdayrt OrcIt. 9-The Trust; W! I-t 2QBell 1009a5.1 tO ohll bieO done relictrning it'? Prof. I. C Cermod ......13 511 L. Wriges5R5-wa18r ..........1 -h' SnaNv .I a JsiibeGKae .8 -2 . . C-.Nc5 y ..e. 10 kC hitweenehritsir at ionrs? Prof. B. A. I3n rtiro 0......216 2 HltindleiHRait..15 2 Sundayr,'Nev. 12-The teachingsr:fii -tec , it........1058,,2 Jesu s lire lots f social twelfare. 1Re. E vHi~t .........10t10 J. W. B radshtawv. H--t DaIdt .......6ii-1 Suncday, Nov. 19.-Wiry are sro ract --itz rt'o ..r- .,..ti 6 57r 2 ireple tor-attendants atcburch? Wh'iat F-i Kr c..........16 6C 21 rae be dorne to bing thereir? Prof. 0 BGuttdner .......1059 2 Q -na Bit ........ 48 571 1 W. :t. insdale. 5-9.ri[d Sunday, Nov. 26.-The problem ci te' dismcenmbermrent of China. Br. J. 11 A Welli Foi I - tedInstructor Arngell. - tr WVt' b Mgge'-i ithenec' spen S undray, Dec. 3.-Modern Educatinitrol I i±Of it 'er ng hops Coe Feebler . Prof. Frnis W. Kelsey. jItoi-e er-i siyte t ll eesdilin bth Sundray, De. 10.-The conclusionsrofert ittherirertcl.n ' I p1i teri part of the the Hague conference. In whatsay w 1_ -t:c t. bI- jusireeri ng. trill it affeel nations? Dean H. t. 41tis; . 11 t .uonrr cted will. undayr,. Be. 1.- Here sorsbili. u"i:-litce works Judge 1H. Wirt Newvkirk. h:01 ie1 t 'us 'f Masie Me- Sunday, DBr. 24.-Tb-- good Arceri- httistr ;.,o ~i. rihil& Co's a-s ran citizen. Wihat constitutes ore --'tilng the same suchl Prof. Thors. A. ogle.IM Sunday, De. 1.-Buddhism as a el-..t tilTan gion compared cwllO Christianity. Peo. tit. ! . t t Philade'lpia. Jar. A. Craig. Ilb Iu)i the lastinceri--ititict crc te- Sunday, Jan. .-Organlzatitie 0co - M.f sin de to the close charitable relief in Ann Arbor. 'Mice orrisrrrrsrt, 1-ictet thre pictiion of BEnia E. lBower. Sunda, yJan. 14.-CO.aracer building. travelirg engier ItfmPtlie 1Penscylvania Purity of life and warnings to the I1.Ct.ict r-srinr.- thre uti calle youtrng. 5M. C. Wood-Allen, to rptri ted te tRsel Engine Sunday, Jan. 1.-The tramp clues- Tirks loctrd at Massillon, ., Ir lien: What remedies can be suggested? which pstion he remaind for sever'l Prof. B. . Thomson. ears At Iis ime Mr. Miggett, Wish- Sunday, Jar. 8.The urgency for i nrg tis irena teoretial tote of public libra ry in Ann Arbor. Librarian tin wrk Ia cr11 as the practical, en- Raymond C. Davis. tred ItheIFranklin Insitute at Pio Net Sunday, after the mriing erv- delpiia Ic.akin acsepcialty of mechani ice, it will be nticed that Profe'or R' cal d.-cwing sn machine design. A- M. Wenley sill address the class on the te studyuin tere for two years, M. subject, "Is Great Britain Justiied i igg5rett came to Ann Arbor in the fa. its coercive attitude toward the Trans- of '911 and enered the engineering de- vaal in the present controversy?' A- partment. r.duatirg from the sme icr the discussion an opportunity will place with the class of '99. While a be given to those who wish to offer re- student at te University he superin- marks. Free discussions are always tnded the construction of the power cpen to those present. house of the University. Varst v. Hllsdle oda at This long priod of practical experi- Vast s.H slaetdY a ence in air manner of mecanical plants 3:30) Season tickets on sale, added to his theoretical training give $1.80 for six games to Assoca him an equipment which few men )m itoni members. similar positions possess.