Wbe o VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1899. No. 59. W I LD T H E T A1 0 R Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stock In the City. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A , L 0 R W IL Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,A.llegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLDN Far se alweekswehave THO pe)senlaingInsa steck for the bsoys and now are ready with RELIABLE Aus ans2 CCO Ca- PIPISS A SPECIALTY. ' R. E. JOLLY & Co. Gustman Kodahs 1-3 OFF We wil furnie anyKodak. new from the factory, at es factory p ices. Ask usabout it. Calkins' PharmacyF 5. Philosophy of History., At Itroduelctio to the Philosophical, Study ofl Politics ByA rs . author of"citien Sip andsi a saiva ," sad "Dysamsie f E (. WOMEN'S EDITON A Monster Paper Gotten Up bs the Coeds. The W omens' edition of The Daily, which will appear next week, will ce- tainly be a surprise. It will be a wholly new feature for The Daily. Though. there are special editions every year on account of athletics contests of victor- ies an edition occasioned exclusively by co-education is a novelty. All of tlte articles published in tihte edition wili be collected by the girls. They will not necessarily all be writ- tten by the co-eds themselves. Most of the articles in fact will be written by members of the faculty. A few of them are by prominent members of the student body. But all of them have beent written upon subjects selected by the managig editor and her assistant. The planning of this has taken an im- mense amount of time and thought. The paper will be unusually large- being expected to contain about 32 pages. It still have a yellow. and blue cover and be done up in book form. As there is no special advertising secured, it will be mostly solid reading matter. In regard to subject matter, almost every possible phase of student life will be discussed, mostly from a co-ed's standpoint. There will be articles on the growth of the University, athletics, college politics, co-education, sorori- ties, etc. Many of these articles will be illustrated by cuts.. On accouut of the immense amount of work necessary to the arranging of all this copy, the publishers cannot get out this edition until next week. The list of editors is as follows: Man- aging editor and business manager, Louise Frances Dodge; editors, Vera Chamberlain, Georgia Suber, Helen F.. Sage, Caroline Culver, Frances E. Clarke, Marguerite Gibson, Florence Hall, Mary Goddard, Annie E. Car- penter, Katherine G. Hine, Sybil Stew- art, Babyn Bowen, Victoria Fohey. It will be sold at ten cents a copy and the proceeds divided equally between the Alumni Association and Barbour Gym-- nasium. Summarq o Gound Gained b the Twto Teams Thanksgiving Dat. The Daily has prepared a careful summary from the best records obtain- able of the groupd gained by both teams in the Thanksgiving day game. O'Dea kicked a total of 385 yards in the first half in eight trials-an aver- age of nearly 49 yards. Sweeley kicked a total of 150 yards in four trials-an average of a little over 37 yards. These distances include the distance from the kicker to the point at which theebait was stopped and returned, and not to the point at which the ball struck the ground. Driver in the second half punt- ed (including kick-offs) a total of 150 yards in five trials-an average of 30 yards. This short gain is due to the fact that he stood nearly 2o yards back of his line when he puntetd. But O'Dea stood far back also. Keena kicked off across the goal line (55 yard's) and punted twice for gains of 65 and 6u yards respectively-a total of ifo yards Wisconsin was able to make practic- ally no gain around our ends-a totai of 15 yards in both halves, and returned punts a less distance. These figures are the greatest evidence of the ~tuperior in the fact that gains could not be made A VALUABLE GIFT near Wisconsin's goal line. The follow- inir table shows the gains classified as A Paris Dispach States Ben Cable punts (including kick-offs, punts re- Will Make it to the Unieritq. turned, end runs and line bucks: in three trials, or an averagef f6 yards. A Paris dispatch to the New York FIRST HALF, WISCONSIN. Journal contains the following: Punts- "Ben Cable, the sillionaire from O'Dea....... ....... .. ......385 Rock Island, Ill. has just made two Lute bucks- very remarkable art purchases in Paris, Peele........ ........ 20 the work of the sculptor Fremiet, for Laruntso . rne.........4-24 iss alnia mater, the University of Mich- O'Dea (kick off)1..........0 igan. Ball carried for total of............ 34 "Oie of two enormous bronze figuree For Gill tackling of free catch...... 15 bought by Cable is a centaur. The other Total gain ......................434 is an ourang-outang grasping a female MICHIGAN. figure. Punts- "The centaur is ver- different from France, (kick-off) ........40 the usual traditional one. It has a Sweeley .............150 190 small body with only two legs, whereas Line bucks- the centaur of tradition has four legs eas.on.............25 , and the body of a horse. Others ..........2..... 0-76 "Fremiet, who is a great student of Punts returned- zoology and anatomy, explains his view McLean.. .............. .....45 of the centaur by saying were the body End rsns- of traditional size and the legs of the McLean...............40 Gill ...... ...... . . . ... 2-42 usual number, it would be impossible Ball carried total of.............163 for the animal to take in enough nutri- For Wisconsin off side.............0 mentthrough the mouth of a man." President Angell declared that he Tota gai..............363 .knew nothing of the gift. The dispatch SECOND HALF,fWISCONSINgmight be true but he had not been noti- Driver.......................t15o fled of any such gift by Mr. Cable. Line bucks- Larson ....... .. .. .24 Corals in the Museum Rearranged Perl e......... ...sfo Driver.. The arrangement of the cases filled Cochems. ..w..........8 .ith speciments- of coral on the second Others ..................18--69 loor of the museum, by Curator Sar- CoEndruns- gent and assistant Taxidermist Wood. Larson................ 6--15 is about completed. The cases are Ball carried for total of.......... 84 worthy of the inspection of everyone, For Michigan off side...............30 and of great interest. Some of them .cfm-- are like beautiful flowers. They are of For free kick from 25 yard line. 28 all kinds of ,form, some small and Total gainst........... .......289 MICHIGAN. other individual specimens as large as Punts- eight incies across. The corals shown, Keuna........ ........ .......1o as has been said, are but the skeletons Punts returned- of beautiful and delicate animals Gill.................30 called coral polyps. Throughout the End rus-- body tissues of the -olyps is secrtted McLean...... ......... .....100 the calcareous material of which the Line bsicks- coral is composed. Riclardson'... 12 In a sense, the coral-polyp never dies, Sweeley ..............7 Others ................13-32 its growth being continuous, while sn Balle carried for total of ..........177 its native waters, life passing outward Total ......................357 Athletic Finances. It is said that Michigan is $3,500 richer on account of last Thursday's game. The total attendance was 12,000 and the receipts were $15,000. Expenses this year were heavy and coaches sal- ary, traimnig table, supplies, graduate director's salary, etc, still have to be paid. With these debts off its hands the athletic association will have about $1,- ooo with which to start the spring base- tall and track season. Harvard and Yale each receive about $24,000 from the receipts of the game this fall, and Yale and Princeton divide about $24,ooo from their game last Saturday. Faculty Concert Thursdaq. The next Faculty Concert will be Thursday evening, December 7th, at 8 o'clock in Frieze Memorial Hall. The following program will be given: Trio for piano, violinandello. Op. 15 No. I. (Cost moto Moderato Finale) ...........A. Rubenstein Alberto Jonas, Bernard Sturm, Fred- erick Abel. Prologue, "Pagliacci."' ....Leoneavallo. Gardner' S. Lamson. Novelleten ofr piano, violin and cel- ' 10. Op. 29. (Allegro scherz- ando. Moderato. Allegro).,.... and upward, as in the case of a tree leaving the middle part dead. Living polyps are of the most bril- liant color. In a few species, the skel- etons are red, blue or black,, but in niost cases they are white, or nearly so. The pure white specimens have been bleached. To be appreciated, corals should be examined with a magnifying glass as- in most species the individual skele- ton isuof more interest than are the colonies into which the are grouped. Corals inhabit the warus waters of the ocean between tide water and 15o feet depth. Many of the tropical islands are con.- posed wholly or in part of coral. Some of the tuors ,solid specimens of coral are used .for building purposes, being sawed out of the reefs in square blocks. Prof. J. B. Steere says many of the smaller churches near the sea coast in the Philippine Islands are built of coral. In damp weather the interior of the buildings is filled with a smell of de- composing animal matter, which arises from the coral. It is also burned and used for lime. Many of the specimens le the cases come from the Beal-Steere col- lection. gathered by Prof. J. B. Steere in the Philippines.