Foprmer Pic 25 qd 3©C h5cand 20c rEEHAN &COJ : MIYERSITYt 320 S. State EOOKSELLER Street ~44r++4444* ++ U. bfl M. Brer APOR tATS Shop ad Bath thenciathe. ass + 82STATE.. .. rjanes SBA~RBER~ EPINvERSTY SCHOOL OF aeatl-teacsaeinaag claw,. Monrday. tell pe .L diea' bliifncalas; Wed., itell10p.a. PTKBROS., tnstrtctors Uukeeaae Acadeasy, nicket Halt/ 334-336 S. Stat MfCIAL HOO.RIAY OFFER ! (ne of the L:AUGHLIN FOUNTAIN "'t, potpaid, n a weeks trial c BACaK andl rfe ya *1.10 fo it. ttt sats fhave S t tdes nt sit jY nanE'a AyeVayoalgaeit POeFaT _Ttainitheertp amade. fler a p ye tca nee in tet i-FanErT (,ty ae pearsct oe aressd - orerhaterd a. ( f Ion e ediguse fu. r et I ra tat pe aat ae-r r aa diarugiaer. ~tyane orer ein early-rerdn hca. sate wethe ad'e ne ! ' r tyte}loi deied. Adarer LAUGHLIN MNF. CO. 129fiataeed S., U toit, Min. Ay ank r EpresCeapny in WILL CARLETON Jretenber that wes stn stply you with a $1.0 Fouttnain'Pena the Laughlin or Waterman, whicha aeflly guatrante. What thle can yott ark. Try up. + DOWN TOWN, II6 SOUTH MAIN 4 In rn rdering earriages why not get them where you can get yrurc filled on tatne with a citriage. AWe htice added flewttre t( alrealdy large linegand now hare the largrst numbter ef hacksa int ,f whach will encore you grrd cervice. Price the sameai 4 ' I SPhaone 106.4 515 East Liberty SLAMPS FOITDN S We have a fine assortment at Centr Draft, Nickel-plated Latap4, icluding Tha Roceer anad th Plumrwand,Tha Berlia anttlPertectin lterttatinps S The New Lamap. Pinmeweed, le an advancee in Latc. It gives mate ltght fee the any Lanmp batita kind. Ime nan give yan ale' braLaittfoteethe D.. TINKZER & 8U113 HATTERIS ANeD F Nt SII H leadqaarters tar HATSr, CAPSr, Mccc FURNanancan and CempletelietOY G'MAcahfaa Goons and WEnATana. AGKUCY FOR LONGLEY HATS .334 Saouth Stlate Stree 4 RLY! Ccc. Main and Hroen Streets. HERE Capital, $5,W0. Surpdl,l0,00. Tranacetcsa II nap, Pren. C. F. OvNnecs Vine-Frep. order FREn. fH Beacra. Cashier. LU~ IRST ilATIUNlAL BANK O An A ICR IIIIISL rganined tellS Capital,$100e,00t. Scrplus end Profits, t4aM ''ranscints a general banking iturineas. Feoreigs 9 exchangelboughtt and raid. Farniahl lettars art Etret. . KINNE,PFen. 'BAlISOtN-SO~tE,j ________ S. W. CLARKSON Oate I S TH fin Arbor Savinus "BARK ISCapital. larch. at6,000. Surpluest15,00l.: eRoal, The R esoucesc $1.t00,000. Organizerd under the,, Geeral Baching Lawn oi aced than afIthi tleIate. Receives deposite, btape andwilte exchangreecn the pelatipal ciies ot the 'ttntted Saates. Deaftscealted upan prroter idetifltatine. sfety' depoait btesrtoIrent. Oracanat Christian Macla. t're:; W. I . tiArri- D SEE., man, Viee-P're.;Clans. R. Silalen, Cachier; M. J.Frtz Ameistant Casier 0 W . . BrOTH, PateS.STR W. Am4r, let V ice-pres Tf r J.Y. Suua&Nn, 2d Yiee]trer aanx.C. WAa. a, Asst Cashier BlINK concert in Transacts a general CotItsit ankitig lusiness. la U.lit e~ COLLEGIATE CAPS egat4, ttat GOWNS and HOODS, Reciting af l CAPS ar~d GOWNS, et llciee fltSPECII LT Y. zito L. l;t.' III CLASS CANES, COLLECE FLAGS. _ CLAISS PIPES, eteeteig of CLASS STATeONEPY. rooit el COLLEGE PINS, i ~SPECIALTIES laj)te social W. C. KERN W& D9 a ~' Ctti AiediI -Old Nunmbert 44 SO. MAIN .ST., ANN, ARBOR. MICH. AT THE ATHENS THEATRE. "Nobodys Fool, will he offered b, the Shannaont Dranmatic Co. this eveniai at the Athena Thlatre. The story deal with life among the neonushiners, ant w vhile fall of tharilling situations an< startling climaxes, the work of ihe corn pany as at no linac strained. All th p garts are int' capable hands, and thf n"troop lies showen itself to be one of thi "best repertoire companies ever seen Iteme kiGood specialties will be introduced. FO)R RENT-iLarge frint rorm en fOrs Rear, half a"hlockn franm Campus. 3ll IS. State. A complete line of Adler Bran, fln+ suits at Wadamns, Rtyan & Reule, 200- 202 S. Main at. 'FACULTY .uONCERT THURSDAY The regular. Faculty Concert for lie- ao cember wilt be-given in Frieze Mantorial - Hall on: Thursday; of this week. The prograiu will be by Gardner S. Lamson, Alberto Jonas, Bernard Sturm n dta Frederick Abel, cellist, of Detroit. Studenta are, eorially invited toiIn"- Spe I, eur, c mlate Ifit aesIf suits, aver- colts, men's, furnishinga and hats, Wadhams, Ryan - ltelle. S. Main snL FOB. RENT-A ningle, roam, at t5e Packard. Furnace heaL. 11.101-pr week. 59 Oear line of, Dining Room sets ;rust be seen} to be appreciated. MARTIN HALLER, Fturniture, Carpets, and Draperics. COME ANI D Calendar. py Thursday, Dec 7-bactilty 91 Freeze .taeataertai Bali. 1$ , ttuday, 'd1'oftie lag l..lelctc. s ay wilel ..ay .-nti tnes.e 4e cit-rcl. Ie .Cvorway, D lec, tl.-Aaal()T: 1OIPsl(I111 Itt iteratnle e'l. aleltrt 0illUTtIy CitirCe) ltccltler 14.-tetguar l t 1vllnoU,)a cclety, i055tV'r iccni 3~e . ca~tettll ittedat 7:301P. ill. r rwp, 1)cc ,15.-f t'tliret - Sutntay, Dec. 17--"T leI tile Ltt 1u ettcit i Ca.1 jas. Lb. tingedil tontgragnitlo: " .Monday, Dec iK-tChoral l. -cert; iassatlia's teeuniing 1,, 1 hursdlay, Dec. 2i.--(veai e day Vacatlont begins int all de A caAne line If Manhattan lea at wauniatte, R-yan 4et thlaea'. "S, Mailtket. ill. . inion Con- ling). 1 -I- 'tiartaleets. Shirts Just teitie.Aeel Lace Curtains, Poitiers,. Rugs aneed Rope Fortiers itt great variety. MARTIN HALLER, Furniture, Carpets, andtVraperics. TO TRE FACUVLTY AND STUt:NS T lhe undereigned bas tahen oa-c of the entire etrck, of trIdtic. ay HldyG~~ ; ,' ,.Wetmre, Main street, _tPoat at,',the request, of the mr. tgag es. IolisproseIt at, ally sacrifice to nmeet the nesligatiana. We have nill va rie Lies ate oode sehich you.- one d,