$3.50 r ND E3 ALL THE LATEST LASTS OODSPEED1S Ll S uth Main Street. MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect June 25,1899. DeroitNight xpress ....... 55 A. X Atlantic 'xpreee.. . .. 4 GrandRapidsEx ess pr. . ...11 10 Mail and Express. .... ...... 3 47 P.. N. Y. Boton Specti... .....45a Fast Eastern.. ............5943". Mall and Express................. 940 A.a. No-ton, N. Y. and Chicago.. 7 48 Farit % ectrn Exprces........ 1 38 P. x. G. t. and Ki. Expres;:::::::::.::...5 45 Chicago Night Express............:9 43 Pacific Express........................12 30A. . Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and from European points at lowest rates. Full infor- mation on application. O. W. EUGGLES, H . W. HAEns, G. P. 5 T.Agt, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. MEN Delioero Prof .Fran .A.N:Z sc a~x s:P ,.. Es: dressed the TIME TABLE ples of Po Taking EffectSulnday, May 21,1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- dress with atd Ttne. ties could SOUTH NORTH thing that' *No. 6.-- :25 A. 8. No. 1.- 8:56 A. M. most would No. 2-11:3) A. M. 'No. 6.-losio P. 8. pa No. 4.- 8:- -. No. 8,.4:56.8.play relit gestetd by oRun between Ann Arbor and Toledo only took pains All trains daily except Sunday. Infinite in . . GILMORE,Agent.homes all W R.ENNETT. 0.P. A.es Detroit, Ypsilanti and Anni At- their tenp bor Railway. had its sm Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti 'miniature t every halt hour beginning at6:45 a. m.ing in mind until 8:15 p. m,.; taut Car for Detroit fuledl 11:10 p. In. Waiting room, corner Ann fluenced th and Main sts.:Detroit.111 Griswgld St. ment of d Roman ten discussed . from an BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR much as at religion as SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO, Roman li temples fr WABASH - FAST TRAINS The firstN plainly she FREE - CHAIR CARS and arrant They diffei Jupiter wh R. 8.Greenwood,M.P. A., Chicago after tthe w -- are Graeco ____~_~_~_~_~ __________temples of The flocking Valley By. dihoduala Christianm With its three-hour trains between of Pompei Toledo and Columbus, using Union ideas of tt Station in both cities, is why EVERY- Thus they BODY uses this line. ments of Parlor ars on day trains and sleepers who worsh at night. wowrh Through sleeper from Toledo to no perinan Washington, Baltimore and Philadel- tecture oft phis. architecttiri Quite a Railroad THE HOCKING incitctor VALLEY. Write in its dom L. W. LANDMAN, 11 Fort at., that it fot DetroIt, Mich. unsuited a; ts ie50c to $10.00. Fie Watch Repairing a Specialty. J, L CHAPMAI, JEWELER, 206 Main South. Have You We have just received a New Line of them in All the New Colors and Styles 'S FURNISHINGS. a an Interestig Talk. ncis W. Kelsey last night ad. Unity Club on the "Tem- :mpeii." He opened his ad- a statement that s. the apos- appear on earth, today the would probablystrike them be the absence of outer dis- gious feeling. This was sug- the fact that the Romans to display their belief in the outward uanner. Their showed this influence. They, any rpsiects iodeled after es. And each home always all altar which was usually a temple in appearance. Keep- d the religious ideas which in- he congruction and arrange- wellings the study of the ple becomes more easy. He the temples of Pompeii not. architectural standpoint so n embodiment of the Roman influenced by ioo years of story. A number of ruined roni P itipeti wire shown. cere :his. of Apollo. 'hese .wed by their construction gement their Labine origin. r quite widely from those of ich must mainly have been onquest of the Romans. The -Roman in architecture. The Isis show the same origin. n religion was essentially in- is distinguished from the which is sacial. The temples i plainly show the religious hose who worshipped there. become interesting as monu- the religious ideas of those ippeJ in them. But they had ent iniNence on the archi- the modern Christian church. e of the Chrisi en church nating idea from the Roman tnd the Roman architecture cnd developed its own. The basilica or commercial buildings of the Romans had a greater influence on the architecture of the Cchristian church than did the Roman temples because their style was better adaptetd to the needs of the church. The lecture was illustrated by a number of fine stetrop- tican views which had not been shown here before. See our new line of writing desks and book cases. MARTIN HALLER, Furniture, Carpets and Draperies. Funy about those Brandt mandolins isn't it? They create a demand, sell themselves, we just buy them that's all-Ann Arbor Music Co., Washington "ut. Dec. 16th and 16th Christmas Bazaar at the Unitarian Church. Refresh- ments from 4 p. m. 10 p. m. For Christmas we have a very fine line Rattan, Mahogany and Golden Oak Rockers. MARTIN HALLER, Furniture, Carpets and Draperies. The total attendance at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin up to date is z712. This includes 223 in the law department. AUCTION AT THE TRUSTEE BOOK SALE, 126 S. Main Street.< Each Evening, between 7 and 9 ek. Commencing Monday, Decemh 4. Every sale without reservation. The re- mainder of the day will be devoted to private sales at heavy discounts. H. H. HERBST, Trustee. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. The women ofthe Unitarian hurceh will have a great variety o:( articles, for Christmas presents, at reasonable prices at their bazaar, December 15th and 16th. seen our PORCELAINS? Flneet thin; oit-only plaee in the city 5 Z'e-i an let them. SPGIL RATES TO SENIORS Tho I&rruifnn Stlldio 112 W. Huron St. N. S: Phone 119 gICYCLES STORED FOR THE WINTER At tse !-w ratc of 25 cents per month LEON SHAW, 117 E. Ann St. JUST RECEIVED A New Line of The "Soule Photographs" Copley- Prints and , Copyrighted Plating; Prints Unmounted India, Heads State.STABL No. 173 217 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. MONEY LOANED On Watches, Diamonde, Wbop.nor other P WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Office at residence, 331 E. Liberty St., AnuAr bor, Mich. Allbusines8 confidentlal. Hoursa,s to11:30a.m.anditoS:30and7tipfnp.'m. BargainnSecond-hand Watchesandiamonds READ THE DAILY. A InrWads Warranted for 1 Year. S * Leadllng Vm. Arol, ewr Tle Most Corigplete lo a of Lowney Chocolates in the city can be found at Tuttle's 338 SOUTH STATE ST, U.!M MARTIN, 1! FUNERAL. DIRECTOR Embalming a speialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Ave. Sam".""!KY + tY' L7 I'm f IMFIW F $3.50 The Puritan Leads OTHERS FOLLOW 110 BAST HURON I