~* ~ ~University Atte~ndance of te World A H . t 1721114.,+. The following is. given as a correctn ad FZistatement of the attendance at the. of merit in clothes msaking is gained Pab~aked Daily (Suadays escepted) daring the world's great universities. They are only by Continuous Effort. And so it is in clotesr dealing, It re- College year, at taken 'frns Minerva, Jarbuch. Dec Ge- qiera coantnoous effort on oar irt to select that swhich is heat froms THE UNIVERSIY OF MICHIGAN. terenWl o 889,adsm he stock~ of the maay clothes makers in this coantry. Oippaca: The tnland Prers, Ienning Black. marine the attendance for x$98. except SENBOHCO HN - Both___ Phones_____147 ______where otherwise. indicated. Th iir tterST NBLCl LO IG of hle American universities are capitol- 'is without question the finest pee MANAGING EDITOR. dcerd and is ahead in every respect of the average niade-to-order t.EacntO ized : garments, at abnust oar-half the price, Itlls that kind of clothing mParis ........ ... 2047 which the hest dressers are looking for, and realizing this fact we BUSINESS IMANAOSBIS. Belin ........1 .......::0306 have this season purchased an anusual Large Stock of Stein Bloch Suits O. B. Baxse, 05L. Madrid.. ...:.6143 and Overcoats and are in position to fit all shapes aiid forms from EDITORS. our magnificent line of this high grade make. ATHILETICS, . G,.0.D. BeuDnese,'01 B Vienna.............. 5710 T. Rf. Woonnw,'oo L. A. H. Xac~ousc, oi E Naples ............57t0 Best Line of 1Furnishings and Caps. A. G. BROWNE.. . 2 . B. WOaD, '00, Moscow ,.. . . ..446tlascm ou o h proper thing LJMasvao8Sn,tQO, U. ICKY, 00.9"Buda-Peisch......... ..4407 Munichs....... ..4997"RW..............37 ___________St Petershurg ........ ........365Lid nsh itt & _ pi, The aubscriptioei price sla Bth e iaSI.:50fort hes .,...'. r:.. . 5 the mllege yoar, wish a regslar delivery hefore Oxford.. .. 3408 no ah°a.Ntcs o~nnctos n ept a h r3 emai ritn orpbiainmutb 22ed I t the DIYoiebfr .m r NI11 AN . ...... 393mie oteeditor hefore 3 p, . ,oftihe isy previsosotao which they are expected to Manchester.. ........ 3000 1vn aper.ioemy o Dae ffcCambridge...........2929 CJUJP+++++++.+ French Cook in Charge Masrpin a elft tteDIYOfc eyeras, or Sioftoetsa ewtsd, or with Businees Prague ......211.8..UR.....S. , .T.CLASS2BO,5D Manager. Susecrihers. wilt confor a favor hby Editihurgh ....... . .........25 FRIHSFRTCASBAD rersdeiertplater ofcesy.alue MINNESOTA.........85 REGULAR BOARD $;,75 flEAL. TICKETS $3.00. Short All changes advertising matter inset he in PENNSYLVANIA ........ .... 2834 orders promptly filled. 'Fresh Home Made Candy now on hand the office by4Op. rm. on the lay previousa isthat Ke............55 wt h aosSog aaie pcat. Ppcr al an which they aro to avear. Ke 55 wt h aosSog a ne pcat.Ppcr al ______________________Turin ... .. . ,........2531 and salted peanuts nowV ready. Come in and try them. With the close of the fooliball sensori COLUMBIA .......... ...... .. 519 a backward glance ove~r cha work of thie TALE............. ..... ... 250n0 W S. PARK] fall' is hut natural. Michigatn began the CALIFORNIA '.......... .... . .2211Io .UnvriyAe season with the hrightestlirospeels of a Lyond ........ ........ ...... 2r98_________________ 09NUivrtyAe goo tam Asth saioi dvnctd oiBordeaux ........... .......2144 r g0dta .A h caoiavacdfCHelInC es..........2i36DO J ITNOW1 04 several weeks new men kei: coninrg out CHICAGO .................:... 21J2ndisuhgowrkstonae.NRHET N...,...,0129~ andnag di.sc.go:wr.a.o.t eNRTWSTR...... .....2009 Don't wait till thoy aro all.gone. Ladie heavy winter it almost impsssible to chouse Varsity Cpnae.........20 oan price29n- eugQacii00iJ. oac-io "el :ER nUt players for there were ahunudauce -comi- petent ones. Then a ceries of accidents began, and the players dial no; seem conditioned for hard play. fiuuor en1- jeges were easily defesitel1. But ihc 'eVarsity was not playing iu true EUv> versity style. In the gasme weihIl1i- nois with a large nuiiib2r of cripples victory was liar dly won. Bu*, followc- tug this ganme tram work hegan to hit- prove, the cripples returned to the game, and Notre Datne was easily defeated. IHope of real 'Varsity form win born anew. White and Tea ere t injured and even then Peunsylvania was played to a standstill by a spirit anid dash and team work which was not thought pos- sible at the time. From that tiil on the team inmproved constantly in physical condition and all the players who had been injured were hack in the ranks feeling helter than ever. Teetze was the only man not sound. So far as ap- peared from the Thanksgiving day ganie no advance had bcenmade since the Pennsylvania game, and the spletnuid spirit manifested there was also absent. The men were, with the etc spion of Snow, in fine physical conditioin for iheir final game and.;inidividus'ly played a good ganme.. The lack of train work which was so apparent can. rot justly be charged. to ,the individual player's accounts. To the mhen all credit is dwue. They all winked hard and faithfully and play- ed the best ball-they were capable of . Only one or, two candidates, quit due- tng the whole season. All stayed out, worked as hard as they could, and those who were given the opportunity to pl;., made a hard fight for their university. To thema belongs the.,'credit of doing; al l they might for' Michigan's success, and defeat cannot rob them of it. The prop- er thing to do is to give' the team the. -credit it deserves, admit a fair defeat and seek the causes that "made it peas sihle. Then study how to remove these difficulties so that a strong team need not meet a similar fate in another year.. ~ICIiARETThS~ ovehrvo differcnt kinde. STALZBLER&CO.,i 101 S. MAIN 8T. PEOPLE ARE NOT SLOW. to comprehend and appreciate a gourd thing, and when the 15 merchants mentioned .below, offered, name weeks since, to give aome society or lodge in thia city a $110 Ludwig. piano, were not slow to respond. Make al0c. cash pur- chase of, any of thmse mercnants atid vote for the aociety you wish to have the piano. It in cdrtainiy much easier to work for your aociety that way than it is to spend weeks and months of your energy in the way of nociabes and entertainments, the usual means of raining money. Bring the subject up in your lodge meetinga. Get the unain- moon support of ito members, and the prize +is yours. KOCK furniture, carpets, picture frames, mnouldinga, trunks and valises. WAHR & ?MILLER Shoe4 RIN8dEY & SEABIOLT Groceries. GEO. HALLER Jeweler. LAMBI & SPE+NCER Grocers S. fit, MEULIG & SCHIMID Hardware. DAVIS & SEABOLT Grocery., HlE'U$EL BROS Bakers. MILLER & PRAY Grocers. H. C. EXINGER Fair Store. JOHNS'i ON & CO. Groceries and Meats,;Forest rave. The ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. C. A. HENDRHICKS Millinary. GOODRICHI W ALKER & MUR. PHY Tailors, aver First Nat. Dank. W. N. SALISBURY Druggist,_ ATHENS TH EATRE 2. 00. W'fXlI-R t& MILWBR TEE SISOEMEAI. 118 South Main Street. 'THIS SPACE IS.I4ESER'VED .FOR #1CALLAGHE(IN &CO'', Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. (AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, - UG PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANItTAR ItY t.11B115, STEAM AND HOT WATERt HEATINGO. J. F. SOHUH. 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Th6 school of D Igi dn Try Thie ... GRAN ER' NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY IGtIDLMY THIS. V#3)WE, rp Pupils reneved at and time.-Belt 'Phase 2- 1-6 003hslahIssroalslhT70 New i Patent '~j~liLecture S Book . Before huying your note nooks or lecture covera call in end see one new pstenteeover. Thes papar die not tear or get misplaced no la the aid style tette note bookes Parker rend Waterman P51)5 from $1.25 up. Wholesale ae~d Retat' Paper from 10 cents a Pouned up. F. J. SCHLEEDEO 340 South, State Street., Bu3y an ASLARM CLOCK HIAILER'S JEWELRY STRE.e~n TO -NIGHT, rrqj Shannon