8 THE ULSdYERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY i I Department I I Former Price; 25card 30Cj Now ISHEEHAN& C. I UNIVERSITY 320 S. State t' SBOOKSELLER Street U. of M. Barber Shop Le~etntlr' and Bath ROOMS. the bsinss. StillI 322 Sate St. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop Th GUAfRAiNTEE.S SflTISFflOTION.t UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DAN~CI2G Gentllemen'se bgining ca. Moday, to to. Ladis' befit liningocoos, Wd,, to 10 p. C PINK BROS., Instructors Offce and Academy, Nickel al, 334--33 S. Satet SPLCIAL OLIVAY DFER! 7 $3.00n LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN t PENS, -sent,postpad, ota wte'str i ftr oly $1.00 T 13cancd offor yoi$1.0efor, t I t sats VfHIAoe ttIfildes nt sat YouUMAcs A Ay way youafigureit PROFIT Thisis tebet opn mate.olt ret jjicyohanceto tetol t-FI-NT A QUALTcAODPOtIT (dooD Onliytoepniet to onoaddress onctisoleoffer, S "A gft ofneer endigusful - nototandia con ttplas ttre cctmider of tilt gioer. Goet your oder ill eary-odor toay. StoewiethertolIdys 0r gentstleisldesired. Adoec LAUGHLIN MNFG CO. 129 Griswold St., Detrot, Mich Ay Bakar Epresslomploayinii. WILL CARLETON JIN. 17, S. . f. GOURE. THOSE NOBBY GOLFS $I0*00 In Your Inside Pocket Isowhat you tat tattoo a colt orovorco tmadeotocyourorder by cs. We guarantee a peofect fit onootale, Ccli cod too at otligation tottty. Our imseosortmeototoof ootr3,000 samples wilt pltase you. Alt Wool Sits anad Overcoats fromat$02.00 sap. Goo ric , W lker & urphy FrocalRcam afer First National GodicM rpi, BeeS, Aee Arbor. PARTY SESONISNEARLY In ordering crriages why not get thorn where you tan get your order filled on time with a carriage. We hoot added five more to our already large ling cod oow have the largest oumber of hacks in town which wilt encore you good servic. Prite the come. HOL4 OL IE$'-Y Phconet 1060.51 l-sLiet Sre. L AMPS FOR STUDENTS Wethvtco ieasstorltettof (tertDtroft, Nttket-platd L2mps, ncludongThe o Ryal, The Rochester andltePlumewaod, TheoBerlincand Perfton S'tudenttoampt lTe'New LamopPtlcmeootoisondvance inlLamIot ivestoelgtttfotheooi dthan anyLao itllkind. We cantgivetyoute bestLam orottt Ja-I=dt- ST \4 01\ -fQJY_~ 1 _1 c E c c r a i Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. COME AND SEE. DEAN &0CO Open House to Michigan Mi in With tttstod btoesaott-~1tew! Chicago. (Tar! isot the thought of thtat donet The Michligan AlumnttiCluio Clott- oramo taowishes to aonc'"that ottAttoo ttothe- ocike 0001 tiel o t h ac'od blue! S'tturtdty atter toe1'hankstgivintg gamtteit oat 01 oiv Ucotttto it trill told "otpetn touso" ittto th Mictt- 'Nothetto uttio' ist 11s0 0010- igall toamotantdtto tll Mtichtgano otent 'I" 1Ittought fl a mitoit thatt drames twho atrc intChioago thtat oight andpstalllwocn ild ot n cm h I'd moak an appeal t' tho' powers. infooroally at toeclub roomts, theoc- ond flootr,t1t6ttRatdotpho street, any tin 'fe iitatotteroootoAo', coaroecItkot that drames it frautsto willbe srvedand t ishope th tIbetavcit thougho 'oodthrough! evorybody trill toome. ott jiot ttt' thougilt of thtat damiteot 'helteoutbtwao orgaonized in Sopten-Jlt. dre aood tasttofr thtopurpose at affaiditeg Ma~tkes toe yellaow 'nd blaock'ood bloc"' the Michigant men who tad boeo in. coltege togother durinog the latst fete'tDW I.SVI' H years a chttnce to nmoet aotd rentew Soora itraTngt fomer forieoodohips, tesides loeepittg up Sm eraVioiaTngt _ an interesttoi oallege affairo. Thteotmtet.- 'fle tatoutlfotfatball "smaoer" anti re- intgs tore held theo fitst aotd third Mtn- uono of thea tMichigano Alumtti of Citi- day of eaoh otontht at tO08Otanlphtt ctago Aooociation twitltttke place tontight street, Cicago, the ttwonty-five or r attaclck p. in., ttt the Victoria Hoteol. thirty that haveo toentprecent t tito The datethas beeno chaonged to WED- mteetings htatve passetd 001m1 very pie to- NI'iDAY in ordeor that thoe faculty atid alit 'venings toge'thor. Thto lmtmbetr- stde tay tatteond,attoit i epete stip of tite olut to a little over fiftyttttatrgouotrtottleaan 0000 aood tosl-awing rapidly, P. -V.taco of the opoprtunoity. Protector Seip ispreidet, C C dam scr-Ptttteitgill, Director Baird and tte tory, and A. Ht. Keitho is treasurer. coachles toillto preset, and the entire fottbttalltoam w nill camint for at letoot a fetwllmomnts. A lao-go attendae to From a Chicago Wolvoerine. eaotnootly desired to give tho'elton 'toe The foilowintg poettoito tn offerintg by tight kitnd oaf wtecomte. 'a Chicao-Wolverinte wha expects to 'ITho'price ott tiictoets i$.2, ando tioc yU citl los voie into Irittott oftr U. of AM. 101y10be ourceitod at tte thotel ontthei to Nor, .10." 0evenoingOof the, tanqtuei. P'AT'S DRAME'. - HENRotY At.iBA'iTES, Se-cretary, h "I do-aied aoBramoe," saidtPat tO'Deat No.1t20t Ashtland Blockt, Ctioago. '1 dttoooed thttoe htad pta-ayed-- T'httt totorkey gatmle with it chteigino NOTICE:.P And I draioted thttwe0 oere laid' Fotrty extra lookers have come aond 'roreatdy for dictoitution to those hotld- Ot! on tho cowlid, tar-rd toutoomin ot irckets.S ground KEENE tFl'fZPATII!E D. R. TINKER.F & SON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS -Headqarters fr HATS, CAS, MENFURaSHaNGS- ad Complt ltoeof GYMNIUtM Gonsantd SWEAESaa. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY OATS 334 Sauth State Stree 1Cr, Main and HuronaSreets. Capial, 10,000.Surplus, $80,00.Tanatsna gneral basing bsinss. R, KEnsr, Pros. C E. GasENa, Vie-Preon FRED.,H BLSER.,Cahir FIRST NATIONAL BA N K ofgaie8. Capial, 5"00,00. tototousand Prois, 840,0c( Transctsola gnealtbanigbusines. Foeig exchantgebou~ght and od Furniohkltote t E. D. KINNE, Pron, HARRISOIN SOUE Vtc-Pey S. W. r'tARKSOiN Cshir Thle flun flrilor Savings Ban Caplitl Stok,$,50,000. Srpls, 150,000. Rort lceo, 5,500,000_ ortgonized llder teOecltoolBaooting Lw of ttis Slato, Reeo-ec dpoitst, buys aond ello exnottogeon toe princtilt ctiesoof thenteeilo S talS. Dafts aseadonilopropertidenttificatilo. Solely deoitotboxeo to et. OlwEroototChristian OMac, Poot; , w. H.arrc woan, Vice-Pres.; Chos. E. istoc, Otashior; S- J. Fritz, AssitantCahber W. SoacooL, 01 Vic1010s I V. SEttE0A o't ice-tt'y SIVINGS BAINK Trantactsa Sgeineral Ilankiig Businesc - COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWS and HOODS, - y Rettg o I I CAPS ad GOWS, CLASS CNES, - COLLEGE FLAGS, t CLASS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, - COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES 411 E Fity-Sooet StSI jr \ ya y y A slice to a /hU~.:lt/ill~t ( 1It pipeful" is L~pE Cl one reason Pipet. Tebacce why Old En ant~t ooO~tt$ gush Crve Ct pipe to bacco is so N popular. .. o The curved in box that fits any pocket is another eason. No other pipe tobacco has ever nade at many friends in o short a time. It disappoints no one" ktrial box wilt be Sent o any one nywloere on receipt of ten cents in lamps. Address Old English De. artnsent, The American Tobacco o., 111 Fifth Ae , New York City. kil dealers sell it. SPALDING'S TRADE-SARK footb ll 4II "FOR 19 The Spldng Otficial intercllegat Felt fire'clrileol t Yl,t P rtnce 111. IHtre-tool t'ttotohilcttt toottot i,rtlilof Cthticiago Iktiau ad eeleado'tig foot tt Ugttorns, Sboesa and Eoery Requisitelofr lid . xlantotry noteso', rordl, photogtorahto of 1011111 roams, oftrait, 70C i ldttl llu os A. G. Spalding & Bros., toow ok Ct'lttcgo, D o NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. Blck.Hs MIn'CL WARD 2c- C II t fti