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November 29, 1899 - Image 7

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-29

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GOODSPEED'S $1.98 Shoe Sale



119 So. Mailr) St

L -Z -;- -;- -r- - T T -' - - Z - ' S - S T STZ -'- T ZT_ Z-T_ '-Z°r = T_.

",The Niagara Falls Route"
Taking Effect Junes 15, 1599.
Dletroit Night Expres.............5 5A. a.
Atlantic Exprecse.........7 48"
Grand SRapida Expressa..... It...1IS
Mlail and Express.a .......... 3 47.
N. Y. Boston Special ............458"
last East en..................943"
Mail and Expres...........19 40 . .a
Botoa, N. Y. and Chlicago........7 48"
FatWsenEpes......... 8P .4 .. and Ial. Express........ 545

lRentscbtct, the liphotographer. _ Manolis and
R CFLS asha sJsph I h iansa's, as laln's
Dr haoborlo MusIG Storo
Wi. Liberty, nly 2doosrom Mack'a Crner
Th p. inp Tailoring Have You

PacficEpres.............12 30A. .as
Steamship Tckets. all Claases, ta and from as eu ORCELAINS? Finst
European pints at lowcest ratesa.Full Infor- p Q s-..thing at-only mto n plctin hreyucnace a teit ly
0.ntia onUapLication. HAYSirade 0.f.the werCitycn.etthm
G. P. & TAct, ticago. Ag't Ann Arbor.815E06GIRL RtlTES TO SENIORS
A Xew Budge. STOP AT TME VICTORIA. 112 w. Huron St. N. S. Phoas 119
laeA_ P .O'~ A\. An attractive Michigan badge will be Massager Bairad han made arrange-
wor byman oftherooersat hemeats 0a(1 the ceamn sill hove head-
ANW S S 2MR S K B T SP EB; wr ymn tteroesa h quarters sit the Victoria hotel ithile in
TIME TABLE game rhursda. The style is a hroad l'hicago. Thsis famos hostelry is A
Taking Effect, Sunday, Maey210, 1899. silk rihhon, dark hlue in color, upon situated sdost ntsssst on the lake frant / ,
Trainnleanes Ann Arbor hy Central Stand- which is a yellow "M"' cut in the 'Var. and is on the terser af Michigan :ev.t
ird Tisse. ,
SOTsOT ity block figures. The whole makes a anid Van tBurenssto. The Alumni
SOUTHNORTHsmoker will be held there at 6 p. en
*No. .- 1:25 A. M. No. 1.- 9:0 A. X. very natty appearance when worn sap- on Wednesday. A reasonable rate wtill
No. 2-lit I7A. X. *No. 5.-a2:3S P. ax. on the coat, and is mach neater than be made to students. Everybody will
No. 4.- 8:10 P. M. No. .- 4:56 P. at.
t102.- 5:051 P. m. t5"101.- 9:05 A . rabbits tact or several yards at rib- do well to make the Victoria thiri
bon. The idea came tram Wisconsin, headqua rters while in Chicago.A - s .
Ran Sunday only.
*Run hetwesn Ann Arbor and Toledo only whose rooters will wear similar badgea, NOTICE ALL-FRE'SEMEN.'bc
All other trains daily except Sunday. only aedinl color with a white "W" up- The all-treshmen wtill play Hillsdalea v y
E. S. GILMIORE, Agent. o hnsiigdy l addt' _
W H1. BENNETT. 0. P. A an them. s hnsiigdy l addt
Detrot, Ysilati -report tar practice today at 3:30 at the
adAnA- Students are cordially invited to in- gymn. HS. K. CRAFTS. oaN
bor Railway. eetorcmit tc tsia vr CONFEICTIONARY and ICE CREAM
Lars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti coats, cocoa turnishinga and hats. Maybe you wish to take a mandolin fosT'hanksgiving
every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. mn. Wadhamsn, Ryan -.Raula, S. Main at. or guitar home with you Thanksgivingshudbofteenrslgodkd
until $:15 p. in; last car for Detroit vacation. It so, you know where o udboftegnrslgodkd
11:10 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Ann FOR MEET-A aingle room at hod get it, at course-at the Ann Arbor ul as.o svodcreamw ftersnd aittyh
and Main sts.; Detroit, 111 Griswold st. Packard. Furnace heat. $1.5par sir Co., Washington at.da Ou 5m wtes nd aiy
59 irau-s ate 'sorthy at gracing the table
week.A new line at Manhattan Shirts just at the fastidious epicure. Eangster-
The C. atfSM. Calendar tor 1900 was in at W.ahams, Ryan & Reule. See frslesemMos n hrot
them. S. Main at. asre unexseelled tar quality and deliciosus
BEKAT-ANABR designed by H. T. Miller, Law '01.________ flavor. Orders should be given the day
Your sister wanst a U. atfSt. Cal- previous. No order too large tot our
' u Unvriyof Michigan students will endar. capavity. Noise too small tar our seast
SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. be given a chance to eat their Thanks___attention.
giving turkey at their homes if they wish RERDCCED RIAILROAD RATES. . HANGSTERFER'S
WABASH - FAST TRAINS to pay one and one-third fares over the 36S State st. 2S0 R Washington t
MVichigan Central road for the round Foe the Th,:t.nsn'issen.-vact ion :e
ti.The Central Passenger Association Ann Arbor railroad will sell tickets at A - Alum. ni....I..
FREE - CHAIR CARS ditd not aprove f the Michigan Central's : roir sot one and one-tbird tare tar theftiIi Il'j' I
action in giving the college boys this rate, round trip. Tickets trill be on sale ' 1 iIIliUUJ.
but that road will nmake the rate just the November 28, 29 and 30. Limited to re- Warranted for 1 Yetr.
St. S. Greenwood, lM. P. A., Chicago same. Everything that the Michigan turn December 4.
Central road does is opeit to the approval The Ann Arbor R. R. will sell 'T'hantks- 10
of the Central Passenger Association 50 giving tickets on Tuesday, tile 28th, also. 111m An l Leading
L 2:101d Xfar as cutting rates is concerned, and in _________ %'ir ou Jeweler
Hockng V lley this matter the Michigan Central road Try a vapor bath at the IT. otfSt.
Th a anifested its intention to stand by lBather shop. a.57 Tbe Most Con) p 1e te
The Hocin Valey Ry the college boys, whether the Central- -
Passenger Association approves of the WANTED-At St. James Motel, oto- lip a ot Lowney Chocolates in thse
With its three-hour trains between action or not.dettwokfroo anbad. 5 ciyanefudatTtl'
Toledo and Columbus, using Union Heretofore a rate of one and onc-third dn otoktrro n or. I iycnb on tTtl'
Station in both citiea, is why EVERY- fares for the round trip has been made
BODY uaes thia line. for Ann Arbor students for the Thanks- Extra good music for dancing at 38SU HS AES
Parlor cars on day trains and leepersn iving, Christmsas sod Easter vacations CGrangers Thanksgiving night, 8:30 to _________-___ _ _
at night. bv the Michigan Central road, and the 12 o'clock. Bill 50 centa. Uusual Sat- I , ATN.
Through sleeper tram Toledo to same rate will be made this year. 57 uray~ eveiiing assembly this weak bat U. M A TN.
____________ no classes. School opens MondayFU E A
Washington, Baltimore and Philadel- NTC.ngt U E A
phia. NTC.ngt ______DIRECTOR
Quite a Railroad THEE MOCKING Forty extra lockers have coma and
VALEY Wrteareredy ardisriutin o toa hod-FOR RENT-Large front room on fral Embalming a apecialty. No. 209 S.4t1
L. W. LANDMAN, 11 Fort at., ing ticketa. floor, half a block from Campus. 303 Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rei
Detrait, Mithh. KEEE FITZPATRICK S. State. idenee 302 Faftha Ave.

, .

l$3.50 The Puriltan Leads $3.50
Embalmer and 6i3 East William Street
OA Every Kind ENOCHI OIETERLE, Funeral Director University Jast one-half hlsck westFn
Mrs Ench ietrleLad.Asistnt.of law building. All kinds
Mt T o.ME, Ma nc itelLd sitn % f repairing neatly daned a i Fn
aoth Phases Na S. l19 W.Waahlsg- Na. 116 E. Liberty Street. Reideuce 6155SShoe fS op REanLamberthotos
tan St., Ann Arbsr. Fourth Ave, Bosth Phone slS. Sho

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