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November 29, 1899 - Image 5

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-29

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Hello, my eMichiganBby"
Hcello, my Micnigan
Mellow, my hot time etamc
The Yellow and Blue. You are the best of ,all,
Where yeu can stand, ethers fall
Sing to the colors that Beoat in the tie in and beat them
light; You can defeat theni.
Hurrah lee the Yellow and Bloc! iBadigers will say: "We're gonce"-
110cc wthe starso ae they ride thre' Pror ..Micigan, od ciii 0 clcecc
the night, Hetto. Hello.
Andi reel in a rollicking crew; tAlr:-Midway01.)
Yellow tl iceIldcs where ripense lie 'ie will beatisccosin,
graini, le cwill heat Wisonsin,
Acid yellocc the miocncon tchervest We will beat Wiseonslic,
ai ; Michigan.
Bail to the colors that hloot in tics (Tune:-"Clcceetinse."
light; Teas Ncovenmber acid Wisconsin
Hlurrah for the Ycllocw and Blue! Blocked agaiiist Ihe IU. ot H.
Icc ihe dust we' drcgged their colcro
h3ue are the hlicb i li tac owctothc W c e re mcuccicccl ch too cirmi" fthelm c.
\X'li-iyellow-r obbedlmccriniccslodue; too cc-iliishceycou iec-r iiii us
,c are lie curtcainsodthatEvencing Icc ccci, bricrocindcsoieicandJaie
lics sun, Yoall go0hime ith clicolicrc trailingo
ticeslturibers of Phccebus to cro0; feric'liillii
Bluearethe blosesomsicto memoricy cieari,
Sciii bloc cscte sappirle, acid glearccs booucilicishc yocli cccer eccac 00
a tear:Ed'or you'll never ctancd the test
iec1il! .Jost reccicibec dwhei 100uiciet 00
Hail to the ribboccs that Nature has Wec arc chaccipiocco of lic es'0t.
liurrahc for the Yellowe and Bloc! J. F. II.-'00 L.
hiece's to the college whose colors we MdC HIGAN,
Heire's to the hearts that are true M~iignt.de-"A'smeofrtee
Here's to the maid of the golden hair, loy Mtffcheaci'tisofgtee
Acid eyes that are brimming with Fort thiteteyealyagre
blue! Frte c el
Glarlands of blue-bells acid maize iu- S1111 to your colors true
tertiec; Box uO hecir "Kangaroo"
Andt hearts that cre true acid voices 'lear upc their cecter too
ctmbicne; - GWellr al
Hail to the college whes colors we is elcicc a o ci u.
Hurrah for the Yellowv and Blue!. Jost tell thecic that cocccw us
-Charles Gayley. Staidicig on caiBadiger's neckic
Jest tell theci that cccsecced 10 liko it
tTune:-"idelio mcy Baby!") Aid Shoot cwih all your mcight "Huor-
HelloWiscocoin!rah" ce're camepicinsOof rOXV 't
iHello, Wysounudin! . or victorcy crownscccthii'Yelicci acid'.lie
dHeclo, you easy mcark!Ble
Badgercs you cac't piece boll J. h. II.-'0 0L.
uh, hut you'll take a tall MAIII2BINcI 'Tc)VtCTORIY.
Football was invented (Tne-" Machlig Thioughic eoriiia.i"l
'ihien thcey have snot our ownic Bring alocce !your Badgers
Wisconsin! Telephone XWe're readcy for a gaiiii
Wolvrines caci tear 'cm tip
Aecacmhulaccee fromc hoe n l hi ro ac
diel'-o-o! Hello-o-o! ndalYour aro tm
J. F, H. Yu "Kangaroo" miay try his puns
__________ We'll beat you just the sauce
HEMLiO U. of Mi.! Whiile wccareccchreing to victory.
(Tune:-"Hello coy Baby.") Chorus:
dHellow! Ann Arbor' Hurrah! huorrahlcfor the Yollow acidlice

W ell-
I gooss I'll havie to telegraph ciy baby
That Michigan hoc heeci our WVateicc
We thoiught cwe hal ihe miiizeOandiiilbo
quile easy-
But all meniimakes catifwccisitaikei, youI
No materiwheeItrioiim,
For o ldi ilcicin-l' o tc ourciii ccclii
No ciicti ilcic ii it 'eocu tnny
It! we'd i :lllm' 1 itclk bici'k homiii
"lie cf it chiganiiwicsing,
Wih a icerry? er ig
to cc i ily- cci cli along,
\VeVi'llcin ccg acerrciii g
Ai rcb' r ,ci', tis , heWiitg
Accept the tribule oillurcciii.
Alcice Matcise ndscc ng
X'c lovecty cascsae n
iWicc'cr'cour Iciticic ccii Cs lii1Wi
iOur Hleats, occcii pszr alw
Anid wce'liiuitic l'Ig u chsrn
Andicllife'o ic k ,tyi c e h s be I tc o
\VX e «a ii ci ci ii o\ ccc ii c ii(. cc
Out ti erypanl~lgsoulii>liii .O
H-owu rihitclii lli beansI tcyii lii! ii
'Ic buicdtieithe'rei Ccc' tii itt
:lnd i we cat~ch is X,a iiicic 0. y
\\'11'1 Sil ciii- .111 11bo 's pe lsi




.... E

Fine11'all iind WinterH
Sui 05,iGs hiM Suits,E

A We C ar' tj the LarqestA
I StocI?
L % illki t c i'Ij, L C

liet ci icwict teom)cii atoaic \ i
be-at X'li ccniic itic,
WX'e are gtiing matykiil ,s 0_ iilt
yetliiiandi he bltw
X thi e champions ocichc' \\ ci ti 111 c
li i ~in h 4a tth 'o u< f ,
XX'hoican uckourciine hue oace",'.icllco
maeth esttan ho
Sio cciiiard iimu cl lii Xiliidgi' sms ' . r
Noi i oecaniiouctip si h ae
beeS, Wccle' c:cou tte cr
XXith maiii a. loetycc'oacc',
XX'c'Hi htllooi, tocicdowi, .c tciuciclicci.
one moreiiic hurrachi then--

Hello there B, of HZ.
H:olly! Inmfeeling fhne
Wacincg you buck their licne
Before coo oat dinner
You'll he a winner
The penccant we'll conry homeci
Asic Arbor! Telephcocco
Aud say it's all ourowniii.
lleloiii-o! biello-o-o!
(Al-"Dixie." ,
'fien-Couce boys all acid glee a yeii
For Michigan and our team as wecli.
Hiurrahi!tiurrah! OHurah! BMucracs!
Thcensivle a cheer foiMc uiici
Horrahc! Hurrah'!
XWe'll raise ac song to help alone
The mccc that play for N140lcigca
hurrah! Hurrch! Hurrah for old Aicc
bh-b-see the turkeys sceamc a shout
But Bridget icc the gance wrns out
Hurrah! Hurrah! Morrah Hurrah'
Xisonsinc like the torkeys fat
Will wonder, too, whore they are at
Hlurcuh, Hurcah, Hucrah, Hurrah.
0, H. H.-'0X L.
(Ai-Ta-ra-ra Boom-de aye.")
Hieren men from Michigan
Are here to clean the Badger elan
You'll always hond us in the van
We sturdy boys from Michigan.
Itoh! RahI!itoh! Mob! Boom-de-aye.
itoh!Itoh! Itoh!.Boom-do-aye,
Wo't ceo have an easy time
Goiing throogh 'Wisconsin's line.
Rtoh! Bob! tRah! Itoh! Bosm-de- +.
Itoh! Ptah! tRah!Itoh! Boomc-de-c'.yo.
Watch the backs go round yoor end
As you gasp for want of wind.
Eleven men from Madison
Ysu see we've got ysu on the run
Csme and say that it is true
Old Michigan knows a thing or too.
E. J. '00 L.

Blue X' U I cIc ce i...V i(.iec~lcci
Hurrah! hurrcah!cecvee billed a kaci-Hc'e achnce atcii ccciiC'lic iii cnti
Wiscosi '-'s ey easy- cand a proper i do iccci l' 1c itc'i Ici
So jusiieetun ph te bu wthl c'l1
'While we acreicmcarcigto victory. i anoidcc bectruieclccc, i1lc iici i
XA'de'dreoamstihowke iche wilcoll Harekeni Ic uelietlf cit ti \ O I
coXqueed diecbicg c s c ii cicciga cins'tcccusclini ihe gami,
cuebierue itOiit00''lscc 0Hillse', Alibiccn, Iliic. tcc
And ecaily cmakecooure goalioc ue hcce
hut wenectdie gami' is over VignaCsadKzoflNNar
'T'ecoBadger 'll sock hisloe iciii ccci
W~hil ecw re mar'cccehicig dtcolicry. hdrlidc
Chorus: ciiiduot soic hei self 01rit ccc
IHurrahc! Isur-rch! We'cccimcde dice tBadh- ec _i i mc cc cue i i
gec's grunt hue ocllcctlicic' cf it dcccl ll lproklii -,,
H-urrcah! horrcah, ccih'chinth Pats~y tce Setc, Xlc'c
weecuobclahcedchhis little game cud Sti ect
B aueScrueley, Ihe'ecccieicc, iFcrccce andil'l'i'
didn't icon' him free sidii cdc ile liccicc
And cnoc e oare mucrhing to victory. 'li e c'too, ' d b'i ttcericc oiiti uccle)tc;
J. F. HASfHTT,-'00 Ia. h hugetchet liLr inic, tuntyi
lAir:--"I tGuess ;I'lliHacve to 'helcegr'apih sldeltoiiiiaite ourcegciii
My Bcby.")
'.here were ocre el'een Bdgc~ercmcen iiemo Sccci clidc i '
Whom fortune did inviteMai i',i.
'lii~~Mak ches p sicttu lttl:tam

Ya I 'ii ii
alnsP hamc


That ccme withiu their sight.
They frolicked wih the gophers gay
And did the suckers browen
But todcy they meet the real thing
From old Ann Arbor town.
They think we ore cinches
That feet are but inches
In coking their gains throughc
Our "iliad easy" line
Dream lice stony
ci thIe glory
Wild ond gory
They cii! jog
Bock to Badgers-
When their captain
Finds be's on the hog.
First he sighs,
Than he cries
And sadly replies.

Michigan is Hoarier.
i11c ginig dccei'ther weightsco1ci
dlhi'placyers it icill hi' seenithact
Cwhhi'e Hichiganc 1bas11checii ci.it~qd'Ie
ac of uweght inc thec' lice XXisooucit
ihea'vcier i l inte bci'kcbic ccciii
for pounds~che.ccst 1 1mdiimuc'hi tiso cif-
fe'i'liic',ccil mecini i llcii dep'en'd, I occ
cidiou '.semalnoenrupnt hemdmcic ccli 1c'iai dcc',
Iftewaradthdi'e''ciu''cciiii coniionc fcu
dlii'gruude. 'heOc'cceccoger''e'for
Michigas's 5tcccii, 180 pocuril in thdliilice
and 16i0 in diihecbacsice for thu' chlies
teamic1721.,XXWiscoin's wecights clice'
their lime us avera'cgincg 173poudso,
their backs O164 and for the teamus1i69.

AncInicc ccciii ctiii0
Study of
Ii\i . i'tiiuu It.I cc uni '. o1 f *1 C ci I
12 Me. 254 Pages. $1.00.
11tbi,41wrto tc ibm r it s i ci

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