THE UNIVERSITY OF MJCHJGANODAILY. THE RIVAL TEAMS. Statistics of the Football Men of~ the Contending Universities. Below we give the brief foetball his- teries ef the members of Michigan's squad at the training table and of the men of Wisconsins squad as it has been furnished us by the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal: Captain A. C. Steckle, '0t M., weight 172 pounds, height 5 loot 8/4 inches, right tackle, is frown Freep-ort, Mielsi- gon. He played several years on Olil- vet College, being captain there dur- leg his last year. He played last year and year before on the 'Varsity at right tackle. He was tackle on the0 All-Western last year. He is an ag- gressive heady player being especially strong1 on defcnsive and affensive play- ing. John F. McLean, 1900, weight 151 pounds, hcighct 5 Icet 11 inches, age 22. ycars. Bol hock. 1-ome in lMenomniee, Milen. Has played football since his first year in college when he played half en the all-freshmnlteanm. In his second year, he played half on his class team and also on the It scrv ,s. Lost year he played right half bock on th' 'Varsity. He occupies the sauce pasi- tion tise year. He is not strong on de lensive work or line hooking hut he 1:as 00 equal in carrying hack pants or end runeseen offensive p1ay. Critics are unanincous in pronouncing hism the grea test runninig shalbook in tihs coun- try. His end rus at P'hiladelphia were a revelation to e'astern foteth'11men. For t1cc last two years he has- beecn captain of thce track teanm. He holds hoth 'Varsity hurdle records asd the Western intercollegiate high hurdle record. At the last Intercollegiate he BASE BALL PARK, CHICAGO. 165 KERNA (e..) 074 172 198 SNeW R.E.) OoctecKE R.) ScIGMUNe (R.G.) COCEMSeeL.E.) Erase (L.T.) LEeco (L.G.) o18 70 18o PEELE (L.) 17 Linesman, POTTER, of Northwestern. MICHIGAN. 057 kRnARDSeN (s.s she STREETe(Q.) 198i CeUNINGHAM (r.) A. CnAERLssesAIN 171 WILMtARTn (Q.) 050 G'DcA (F.s.) 170 WISCONSIN. years. Left tackle. Home in Merrill,I Winner ccf Senate Trophy cut Sag County, Mlichigan. This, his freshs-- man year in college, he played tackle in the earlier games of the season. In the last few he hcas been at a ga-o rd position. He is a last player and a hard tackler. Before corning here he played lull back and tackle for three years on the Ypsilanti Normal tea-i. Charles Juttner', 1100 law, weight 178 pounds, heighst 6 feet 1 inch, age 24. Tackle. Home iso Meneoinee, Hieb. ils fsotball experience previous to coming to the University was gaisned on his home high school team wehere 1cc played loll back. tIc the season of '96 Ice was en the reserves. In '97, ice played tackle on the ''e':rsity. In '98, he played on the 31st Rtegiment, Mich- loan Volunteers' football teamc, being a menmber of Cosopany A. 'This yeacrice hcas been playiccg end, lull back and tackle on the 'Varsilty. This latter is his strongest position. Be is a hard man to block ansd gets elf well is: the isnteference. Rutherford Burgess Hasyes Kramer, 1910 law, weight 115 pounds, height 6 feet 2 inches, age 22 ye'ars. Cooed. H-ome is: Elgin, Ill. Before coming to 7 a i. e f k i. X 5 C C t T' c i t C and ODea ran a tie race for the liighc college he played guard on 'lgin 0000- hurdle championship. 'tosnorrowc will emy. Was substitute guard on last be the first meeting of the tecsinoe year's 'Varsity. that time. R. J. Siegmsund, 1952 desnt, weight 191 Hugh White, 1902 Lacy, eight t8O pounds, height 5 feet 1t incehes. Guard. pounsd, height 5 feet 101/ inches, age His home is in Buntington, Ind. His 22 years, home in Lapeer, Mich. Guard previous traininsg wv-s received on his or tackle. P1aced en his class teamO hosoe high school te'am. This year he until last year w'hen he tried for thce as played in all the 'Varsity gamces Varsity. He played left tackle durincg except the one last Saturday whesslice the whole seasons:and in the Chicago was kept on the side lines because of game especially distinguished himsclf a shoulder injured in practice. Howc- by the hard game which lice put up. ever, he has nose recovered frosm this It was a result of his blocking Hersh- injury. bergeros punt in theefhrst half from Neil W. Snocw, 1902 v-eight 174 pounds, Chicacgo's 25 yard lise, that Michigan height 6 feet 2j'>isches, age 21. mnade the first touch-down of the g-anecBight end. Home in Detsroit. Snoot asnd made Chicago realise that she was has had a viery wide general experience 'up against the real thing." This year in athletics. Be p1ayed right end 00 he was out of the game for three weeks Detroit 1-igh School for three years because of a leg hurt in practice, and one ye-ar on Detroit Athletic Club. George B. Burns, 102, weighct 155 Played right end o the 'Varsity last pounds, height 5 feet 15 inches. Hond. season. Matdo right end en the all- Home in Free-mont, Mich. This is his Western and was considered the best first year of 'Varsity football. ils lost- end in liceweet last season. P102-ed hail experience was gainsed at tFerris first onse and right hield on the 'Var Institute, Big R'apids, Mich. Whirlcsity baseball team loot spring. Wass a there, he played on the '96 and '97 point winner in the indoor meet. teams. W. R. Cunningham, p. g. medic, is Charles G. McDonald, 1900 law, from Grove City, Pa. His eeight is weight 171 pouncds, height 5 feet 9%e 191 pounds, height 5 feet 10 inches, age inches, age 25 years. heft taclcce. 23. Center. Me played two yeas's on Home in Fremont, Nebraska. Due- the Grove City College team. He was ing his freshncan year in the Univer- sub-center three years ago. Thse fol- ily he was ineligible for the 'Varsity, lowing year he hera-me 'Varsity center on account of having played on Obar- and ceas at once recognised as an uno- in College the year previous. While usually strong player. Last year he there he played tackle on the 'Varsity became a star sf the frot magnitude, and was one of the fewc players of the being center on the all-Western and Oberlin team who played during the Caspar Whitney's This cwhole of the hard game which was year his play is if possible even an im- played here three years ago. Before provement over last year's. His swift- playing on the Oberlin 'Varsity he ness and aggressiveness are remark- filled the position of tenter on She able. Me -always gets the jump on his Oberlin Academy team. Last year he man in charging and is immovable on pliayed tackle and foil back on our dofense. Me is one of the fastest ncen 'Varsity. This year he plays left in the line and a sure tackler. tackle. Me is a conscientious and hard Ard Ezra Richardson, '99 Eng., P. H., player who may always be relied upon to w k or he tam' gan inpra-isches, age 23 years, full back. Played -erance to doing individual starring, end and half back on '98 class team for Elbin Wilson, 1902 law, weight 279 lw-s years and in '99 and '00 class pounds, height 5 feet i8Y2 inches, age 28 teams, Played on Scrubs in '99 and '97. clle bars. 1-e is in nmagnificen ical conditione and has been pie. excellent gamoe at loll hack fort ccv weeks. Heb is a sure go; bucking the line. Bin hence is Everett M0. Swveeley, 1903, cei pouncds, heighst 5 feet 11 incis yercshalf bacck. BHails ler City, Iowva, wchere he placed Iu o0 the Sioux City High Secool Io the past three 9-earn. Be is ar noeeansd ccon the sincgle scull ponhip of Ieeeacfor last yr lopthdfrhshg chls er ei rbbyt punetesso Michiganc's squoad, tgeoddisetance acdibeincg rein quacklcincgettingh off Iis hices.I had aicki blocked thcis year i pra.ctice or canmes. He is ground gaintr but sosnewhat v tiefensieewec1k. Albert B. 1Herrnstein, 1903, cc: heighst 5 feet 91/, isnches, age bark. 1-i is the youngest ma:: squad. Be is fees::Ciilliroth, where ice plasyed en his igh teanoat -half acedItculeefr the 1Ice also eves: lie trackicevc't., yard dash and pole vault.I swvift mn w cith the ball and i ialily gooed in gain~ing thr~ough a field. B. D . Gill, 0903, Mcedical, cwe pounds, bright 5 feet 10 iseches, left end. Frohem Meadville, Pa: froms:Lowrenceville Schocolw pleiyd rigid en~d for ieee year playedl left field coscthe sihe yecars. Played eel at Posfet Cosnn. 1-Icplays ca seosceerlulg isis sweighet beintgnswift to getc pansslands a :ggressive is: bre plays. C. B. Street, ceright t6 oousnds 5 feet 10 inchies, quas~rter bade, Lee,10Mcs'.,asnd is cc gra~duate cases.Be plavesd teesyears li's ' haelf esndl 0cc: hs ccplayedl teo esrs at:1 :uar at Michigan. He is very fastl p'cially' strong sen sringing bc iLeo.J.Iveensacweight 105 heih 6tc feetsigist half baris comses Isrone Detsrsit. Befosre ht the Usiversty e icplayesi on treedtCollege.Itoeislaysieed bac kocn te'9.'Vasity. Dis strenegth insIsis linse bucing a insg. Be inssomewhaet slssein away isepunts bst they a long. Lee T. :Barkenbsss, lace '02,w pounds, heigist 6 feet, renter, Kalanaoo. He' slayed on tl mazoo High Scihool three yeas; ler and guard. Waiter W. Shawe '02 Law years.,eweight t5o pounds, -heig t112 nhesm,quarter bacrk, essn Kansas City, Bsso. He played 1 1 A. M. NOVEMBER 30, 1 899. McLcAN (L.1n) 20 171 148 1 FiANCE (te.) MSle Dce(..) GLI. (E). f(c.)KoGERs (en..) CURTISe(ReT. JEAU sxE c.) 200 168 '7 LAReecx(essi.) 70 in "97 Dittlo AWhite '0,eweiht 107 ponse ad par- heiht6Ifled, full bckeiso IonsFe- :1 phys- moccllMicigan. 1-lelayed ccc ei ting an IndutsraIsettte teamsccteeo years at the paste:nd lansd ackleandcivcaccon the All- iser en Fhmls~c enelst yeas. e played icc Sag-lie flt re .sca ginst Virg~iccceind Penseylvania.e ight 16s Its inrecceiitFerance'0-' Dccclecgiit s oge 19 .200 pcuns.elieght 0 fet aediched, a Sioux guarcidcis omeeDectur, Indiana. Br ll back pcciyed ticseccyesecnce aturHighc tam 'corriSchorieenle omade the 'Varsity rewerocIlastcetacc-s ca freshmanancd fiioshed I1 ram-tic c -ececccti oe eecretthe bet records cc. Hie of acyemaeeon ~cthe team.c:Ths yrshe polcin hae -n nresed eer:-lst year. e he bst ciscccececleli actires-ndccistroneg cacnd hccv ieee'rhocflloingerssme~isc' tals Has notties ofcthetie scc e eamdsbtitte: in ritlers (lil-PoeiionL.I., 1903 ledi, ag-c a good21 %%eght 14, hicrghlt. o ee. 10 is. weeak asons ccnald-5PoiteonL 1.,900 flit, oge"e2creighti 11 eght c ieet 9/ i. ight1,8, Frnc-PstoneL G.,190-c Dccc, 151 hlfsaec22,oeghtc200,ceght 6ifectcyin: cc in the tuoneinghamo 1 PostoC., UP. G. e, Oo, e cc ae5 eit 101, hieht 5 feet e ye-rs. Ses'znene PositoneI.GU ,102 est, is of 100-''e"20,seeight19'iheight 5feetl11in. Ice is tckePsiion, I-f T,1901 SMedic, is espec g 6 egt 17:,iheiht a fect3%,in a brokces SnreecePositionsst.E.B 190',ago 1 seesgit 14heiht 6 ieet 2l- in eight 148 Street-PositioneQ, t90tOlecsge2t sge 21, Neigh tO60, heiht 5 feet 10 551 -Comes iLan-P Scecec.OI., B 00 BOO 22 herericeight 158LIheigeht a feet 11 cn: s. Also iKrona-sPositionsR.BHB,101cac' 20, for tworeiccheel165,ccIeight 6 feet it cooichardesoel -F.,5"'9 1"P.G1' age5' game:0foreie'"1t lI e cist1''eet' ccin deono Soh -oiion, half 19i', age19 siing- up 1wc"ichtO,leight5ettrt in.c If1 Wi'e-c Poitionsgu-ard,190' ag 1s, heightl2',cwided 150iseiht 5-fetlo 10n -is frcom: 'Wilcson-Positiocntaklec 10 1t rt~r c e ght 86,e'ight I fet 2so: -lee- back Jottoec 5 Posiciodcc atie 1100 L1:1 .k punts. ieerrstel ccc:1PositionhlfsIM'19-iage touns, 1'rIseishtl1S es ssight 5eet in agr 20 'urn-Pociicnend,10',aet entered «ei'ght 15ic"hih et1 n the Bre- IBarken bus-P'scitoce ere'903ilLi cocciftll a-e-0.'herrshlcd25,Iheigt 6fet s ecia a :Pstioeneqs-r tee,192Lsi-t age ediepunt- 1,seweiht 1I-cOeiht 5 foet101/ysin cc gettin" Iliss-Postion, guarsd 10 La,agIe er fairly -2lsweght 190hceight ce feet 1llcc 550 Whiite-Posiion, ull 190 .Lace ,eight 2020, 'eighs'lt 1lbsieiht 6 feet is fom ISCONSIN'f T't. he Kalo Patrick J. O'Dawho is serving hdo s at cecu sceod yeras capeael of clte teamc, wasc boon ccc Melbourne Austraia He pr- vage 18pa0res at Vctcra ligl School and ght 5 feet I e Cccocllee. Bs snteredb Xiscnseis res icnom nthoeIfli of 190 asa'seci1studcnt ho aineligble to the foot bal leas half and end.reseel the lawee school the following Williaom C. tliss, Lace'112, cc graduate year and sectured a0 ilace as fullibarceec of Breowns tUnieersity, wveighet 191 the teceo, swhich posnitison he nowe plays. pounds, heigiot I feeltile).' inehes, left 1-I holds the wvorld's recordls for puntl- guard, is from East Providence, R.1.incg and dc-op kicking. 5-ie record for Prayed one year osn East Providenoce drop-kicking was made in competition Migh School. Me played part of lice with no wind, and covers 86 yards, Virginia and Pennsylvanila games, Might end is played by William J.,