3eV r 0 94 PaiL 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER29, 1899. No. 57. TO WIN Michigan Team and Rooters Leave Today for Chicago. DEFEATED IN '93 MICHIGAN EX- PECTS TO WIN FROM WIS- CONSIN TOMORROW. The First Football Game Between These Universties in 5 Years. Wisconsin Won, 34 to 18. '99 'VARSITY SQUAD. STREET M'DONALD GILL SWEELEY BARCABUS H. WHITE KRAMER HERNSTEIN CUNNINGHAM FITZGERALD MECHLING BROOKFIELD BAIN M. L. WHITE WILSON DICKEY For the second time in their history are Wisconsin and Michigan to meet on the gridiron. Tomorrow in the pr5s- ence of a record-breaking crowd their respective teams will do battle in Chi- m cago, the soamping ground of Stagg and his protegees, for fihst honors among Western colleges. Michigan's team leaves this morning with a body guard of some eight hundred rooters, and the hand. The vocal powes of the former and the musical ability of the latter will have frequent causes to ex- - press themselves during this the great- Pt ganse of the seasonin the middle ELL: MARTIN SAYAD BROWN TE'eZEL CAPTAIN STECKL .DURA west. That Michigan is in to win and TURNER BURNS YOUNT I MOUR will win is not doubted by a single sup-__ porter whose loyalty and enthusiasm it was the game in which "Jimmie" branches of athletic sports in which we carries him today with the team. NorI Baird made his debut as field captain. have engaged to cause ruptures and are those who must perforce renraln behind any less sanguine of the suc- The team was confessedly badly crip- dissentions which kept our interests at cess of their heroes. pled and it was with graye misgivings a variance until last winter when a It was in the season of '93 that Wis- that Baird was chosen to call the sig- common cause united Illinois with as consin's team made Ann Arbor a visit nals in the absence of Capt. Dygert. in upholding pure athletics and fair and left the night of November fourth, He covered himself with glory, how- business dealings in matters athletic. It with the various scalps of our cham- ever, as did Ferbert. also, who was a is regretable that circumstances should pions dangling from their belts. This "new man at half and played a star have so conspired to cause the boycott- was in the days when offensive play game from first to last" as the old ac- ing of any one university but that the was stronger than was the defensive count puts it. action has done much good for theI and the score stood 34 to 18, with the Since this first game circumstances strength of our athletic policy is doubt- Badgers 34. The game had more than have intervened to cause Wisconsin ed by no one who is conversant with one distinctive feature. It was our first and Michigan to remain strangers as the true situation and greater good and, up to the present time, only game far as the gridiron was concerned. The is still to result from this meeting ath- of football with the Madison team. best of relations existed after our one letically on neutral ground of sister But, just as important or even more so, defeat but it fell to the lot of the other institutions ,so long strangers. iNT LARSEN FRANCIS IihENA SHAW WEEKS J This game excites more than ordi- nary interest. Not only is it of unusual importance to the supporters of both teams because of the long breach ex- isting between these colleges, and the keen rivalry between the two leading state universities of the west. But the general public as well and football ex- perts especially will watch the out- come of this game with great interest. For the match practically decides the championship of the West. Neither team has been defeated in the west and both have played leading eastern teams to a standstill on eastern grounds. It will he a battle royal. Both teams are in splendid condition and will play to win. The spectators may look for spectacular runs and line-bucking and punting galore. For Pat O'Dea has Herschberger's record to beat. WISCONSIN'S FOOTBALL SQUAD, '99. HYMAN SKOw viGH JOLIFFE FROMACFI KING LERU RODGERS BLAIR JUNRAU YEGER CREGO A. JOLIFFE A. fHAMBRRLAIN ROY CHAM5RRPLAIN HIAILfGN PATTERRSON 0'DLA fURTlO WILMAETRI TRAIT CONLIN DRYVRR ALEXANDER ANYODRA COCHEII5 COMSTOC K PF:E GIILKEY SPENCER