'ERSITI 01" ' A] t -- - .r-=--, __... "' t--- t- t"_ T- y' '" = t'"'. r"-- r--- r:.... . J'r r -- . ('-' !"_ r. °_.:I "'T".::.!_.. 'i" .t^,r-- -' r- r- r-- r- t° r-- t = -1.- t- r-- r= ,..C'- t- !_ i° - " ® ,,g Z.P= a pj ONEUEEK ONLY 119 So. air) t i 1 _ I - MICHIGAN 0ENTPA L '-The Niagara Falls Route." CRNT.RAL STANDARD '111 . TahinggBllet CasI 14, 1899. Detroit Night Express ........ 55A. I Atiantic ile- ..e........... 7 48 Grad tispit!. tspresse.........11 10 31liaiyEiiprcy .............13171I. 3. N Y 5 4sonSpecial........... 8. Fot Ritern.. ............. 943 Stsalli Exres............ 9 40AAI o ton, N. 4. andCicaego ..... 748" Fa t VeirrsernIprs.......1 3I'. II (.ID.ad RIt. tuiles,. ..1 545" t'bicacosN~gtttExpressr........19431 Pacific 115111...............1213ISA. 't Steam hi ) Tickets. iali (lass1s, to and f-os Ruesv((peas pools as hwest rates. Full lofor- oliti inion5 applitio. t3. W, IDJIOLE S. IL. ". SHouts, G. P. Is T. Agi', Cititog. Ag't Ass Arbor. it hie, t) ibotooapber. We have just received a New Line of them in All the New Colors and Styles -', MEN'S FURNISHINGS. A Nets Badge. - An atracive Micitigato baidge sill be 21.2 DTDW yiksSHzt11Z5 LAR E v: Cortsby many sf the. rooters at the Thak:c_ TAILE gain e Thut silay. Te style is a broad Taking Effect, Sundlay, May 21, 189., silk ribbosn, dsrk bue in coilir, upoin Trains tears Anna Arbority Ctntral Stand- sc st tlesI"ct5lt Tr ard rite. \h hi elw""cti h ar soiUrse I C31r it sity block figures. The ihloleisaikes it 'No. #.- :11AM.. No. I.- 9:0A . X. very salty aptpearance when wortip- No. .-itt:7IA. 0. =ti. 5.-1't:o FI. A1. lottile tiat, andis sm~uch iteaterttan Nit. 4.- 8:30 P> s. Is. 3.- 4:56 Y. m. t.02.- 8:05 P. M. f5!"101.- 9:05 A MI.. ra:btit's teest ottseveral yards of rib- bont. ''The ieatame feats Wiscotnsiti, taunSunay only. *tRts tetwees Anit Arbsr and Toltd oly tehoeraskets still wsar simoiltar badges, All oter trainsdailty except OSunetoy. onily rtd i lotr oiitt a white 'iW' al- E. S. tIILMO5IRE, Arent. W 11. IEN"NPTT. fy. P. A ott thtm. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- thitiaatthrstntSoiy bor Railway. cetitlg, ites. 2. Ii. Ct a' 1st t till ,it.v Cars lesave forIDetroit intl Ypsilanti an adtdre~ss entiited:kThetGosupel as- every half hour, begintning tt 6.45 a. Itn. ' until 8:15 p. nt.;htstticr for I etruit ectrding isotProf. Herrott."Tils oill 11:11. ji.S. Waiitig rootua, Ctrner Anntehe lbsirst of a serics of addresses on and Mists.:to Detroitill(iris \old at. Social tProblesnawhitchiMr. Crssker sill r s '!" : l' ~ "ice dsrinog the winter. Students are cordiallyivnivitetd to too- BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR =pstou c/rpitelinsosu-its,ovr SUPPER si. LOIS, ! Wadlaitts, tRyani - Rteute, S. Malt sat. -i FORk RENT-_A single roomamtof06 WABASH FAST TRAINS tackaord. Furnae eal..50 SPIei- Wseek. 59 FREE - CAIR ABS Tbe U.of 1. Calendar for 1l0 ds 15 thttind ity H. 'T. Muller, Latw'Si. R.S. Gre uit'ttlltl. P. A., 54 ~age N TO THE FACUJLTY AND "ISTUDE.NTS. IThe midersigned liss l1,-ntposseosiss ofithe entire stock tofS.ab",:,..Statietn- a . y slt toy bloat:sa.1" c., of W. W. Hoe R ck ing valley R .Wtmore, Main sitr et, mitstt, at the ttetuest of th' mc tga e .. ipano of at anyscrifice to mnoet t ., . 5.5.155 With ies three-Dour traits between Wehate alt varietic-sof gootltt3ivttlci1 Toledo and Columbus, using :Union 3-()u use tiiy antI itiaswiti he ,aose Station in Dolls eiles, is whiy EV tIy- sopportuinity to obtain tenmlit eisitirk%- BODY uses thia line. aitly lowcfigures. The stoekls t be Parlor ears on lay trains and sleepers sold at onces. at night. It. H. IIERtEST, Trustee. Through sleeper from Toledo to Tu., Tb, S.-60 Washington, Baltimore and Philadet- NOTICE. phia. Quite a Railroad THlE HOCItNG Forty extra roekers have same and 'VALLEY. Writs ere ready for distribution to those hlt.- L. W. LANDMIAN, 11 Fort at., log tickets. Detroit, Mith. ISEENE FITEPA ttICIS Wrinkele out Tfodayj. Writnkles Thanksgivintg tnumlber is oat todaty..T c. .y ce;l;k,:.r i skykyII. T. Miller, '0s '.,.is in threecColorSsotni grapthicalliy rteptesents a Michigan mnt runnoilng ssill the hail. 'The centre pare is on of theabsot wcsbWriokle tias had atntlis: a swelconse shange from ste usual fttothall centre page. Owing tt thle fact that this to a double number, tli re appearacan unusual, number of s111l11r drawcings D y Whitehead, Brttwn, Bowmssan, Pitkin and others. Tile falls 'its in Captains Steshie. T.lilel'itorry wIorks is for the mo.st 1 it < ca cilet, particularly that of 1-isis, Liteisan and Mdarshall, A inewtinetsof Inhattan Shirts Just in ait Wadhans, Ryan & tteuie. See them. S. Main st. ttOU's itt'r -wants a5 U. of.1C tl- en~dar. RTID_ 'IED I tAILIIOAD RATES. '. tile ll,:ttksei. ittg avactsiin ;l's Attt Atrbor railcoad swill sell tickets :st irlit (ifoe and ont-third tare for ihe round trip. 'Tickets will ho on sole Novensber 28, 25 and 30. Liomited to re- tiillDeen-iber 4. ITle Atti Arbtor RS. E.still sell Thanks- givinti cksetss itn Tuesday, tile 2iih, also. '1lhe 1T. t4fAH. Caletidasr foc11900swilt be reas-y for saleflee. 2nid. 'fry a vaitor bath at the U. of M. Barber0110p. 5 WANTED-At St. Jantes Moel, stau- st to woirk for cro tia dboard. 5: ?Es tra good music far daneiot.gt t ttetgeti ltoksittgnight,08.10 tai 12 o'clock. lill kideins. ztuoual Sat- urday ecetlcing =isseinhly this steek hut ino ri . Seho(_Atropens fiondliy tight. FORk RENT-Large front romin oirst; fleor, half a bloek from Camuso. 303 S. State. The rertifieates entitling stodetle i- rs duced liatcs ttn the railrotads ft r kte 'ibskgi;1grees sib e isue it tie secretory's sffice today utid tornor- U. of IN. PitSns lt $1000,Fine Watsh Sic pairing a Spteiallty. J, L, zAPEA , P-1WLL R, te6 Moin Sout1h. HaveYou sentoiur 11011 file.=SINS? PFinst tittg outolyiein t IIits cthy SPI GIRL RRT[8 TO [ENIORIS 1Th I5BCFFuIIH Stdi 112 W. Huree St. N. S. Rh.-me 119 ICYCLES STORED FO HE W YtVIN TER Al the Ilsw rale of 25 cents per motnith LEON SHAW, - 117 ES. Ann St. JUST RECEIVED A New (toe of The"' Soule Pheto2sraphs" Copley Prints and Copyrighted Platino Prints Unmounted Indian Heads Nhe Stole ST!ABL E'S Phase o.1ART _>TO RE Na. o175 217 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. MONEY LOANED ots Woathes, Diamos, Wheels or othle P WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Offise a1treitenee, t331IE. liety St., Aunn Ar tsr. Ilii. All bhmnesconidnetiot. tloitire, S to11:30 a. i.idtoi3t:30lan;to 1).ist. .Joserlh C. OWal' Suegoains inoSeond-hlandWtcestanod Diamodua REAl)TIlE DAILY. l 1Ain Clocks Warranted for 1 Year. $1.0 Win. Arnold ,e el Tbe Most Gor)plete lin e of Losuney Chiocolates in tile L ity sitsbe fosuta'titlo's 338 SOUTH STATE Sr. .fJ M 1MATIN1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR tEmbalmoing a speialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Aralbulaaneenight antd day-. lies- ttlencee302i a o y af5ali~ -~ 0 IL. . - - - m v K IEvterv Kind The Puritan Leads OTHERS FOLLOW 110 EZAST HURON er and 1613OiEart I Dretor n e rsitv t t ll widat hFines Fa~tlydaliPhoto nbert. KPoo