Pablishd Daily (Sndays excepted) dring le College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - OrxcE: The Inland Pese, Dnning Block. Both ihone, 117. _. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EGEL Asas, 01 L.. BUSINESS MSANAGER. o,.l.LxAas'00 L. EDITOS. ATLITICS,.. . G. D. IUDNoTT, '01 E T. 5. Woonoow, '51 L. A. II. HcDOoGALL~,'0l E AG. BONE'0.OE. J. B. WOO, '00, L.J.SOTGoxoson,'00, W. ID. HIlcKn, 'Ox, The ahscption peice of the tALss92.50 Ofo the colege yea, wih a reglae deliey bhoroe noon end' day. Notcescomunoicatios, ani othec ia~exalintended oe pblintioneat ho handed i at the DALsY oielabfoe S p m., 0r mailed to the edtce efoco 0 p.a.oxitho dlay pevios to thaI on which thy aeexected to apparn. 8ahcipiienesonay be lot at the Dses'ooie, 31eye', cc tollto oowtaed, xrwith Boinee - Manage. Oxlcriciheowll cone avoee y rprting posply asithis ofie any failre o carrescto delie pape. All hange i advtiin smate enet e in the of0c by a ip. 01of)the fay pevos to that an whch they ae io ixe. The Conference oi Seen. The call for the conference of the even colleges of the middle west hsa been made for half past ten on the morning of December 1, at the Chicago Beach hotel. At thin confeence the reprentatives of Michigan, Wiscon- al, Illinois, Chicago, Northwestern, Purdue and Minnesota Univeritien meet to discuss the athletic situation in thin ection of the country and to unite upon some deinate plan of action for the maintainance of a high standard of amaturiom and scholarship. The 11ll has heen made thin year by Prof. C. A. Waldo. of Purdue University wise officiated ao chairnman of the confer- ance a year ago. Michigan's board of control met last night and elected Prof. A. . Patengill to represent on next Friday nmorning. Come matters of importance are to come up chief among which is the on- sideration -of the application of a foy more universitis for representaion in the conference. Notre Dame, Indiana and IowaaUniveritie will make such application and in all probability thei requests will be granted. For there is -really no power vested in the confer- ence and it would appear most ungac- ius to rfuse admissin to a body -which has no powers of legislation. It can do nothing, can pass no rule nor adopt any policy that will be indlg upon the respective instiutos which have representation. Ito sole object is to initiate legislation by recommend- iss to the various boards of control of athletics and much good has been ac- complished by it in this manner. lta aim is to have influence for pure ath- letics and to extend this influence as widely as posible and certainly it can do tisl better with ten members than it can with seven. Another matter propoed for consid- eratiocn by this conference is the ap- pr oval of a list of men from whom the officials of intercollegiate games shall be selIected. 'he adoption of any sch esulutfon is iot oxscertain -as the ad- mission of new members by sy means. And ven though it should be dopted by the onference it is not at all likely_ that the various boards of control will fall in line For the mmbers of this onference who are all faculy mem- bes are nt placed in.a position to oame the men svo shall act an oic- THE SUtNIYVER~SITY' 01F'MICHLIGAINDAILY. Lewis C. Carson, svho was grodoact art andin2 55w i th th egre eed Af H igh S a d r tsdin 189 with n eg e reheof 10.ster of arts, leanbecu appoentedl an of seil is clothes mating is gaincd asistant in philosophy, with salary, only by Contisnos Effort. Andl so it is in clothes dealineg. It cc- inO Harvard University. Mr. Carsonl in quices coentinseffcolt on our pact to selectl thoa hick is bent from studying for his master's degree took the slacks of thc many clolhes moakecs is Ibis country. op thse subjects, history of philosophy, philosophy of religion and isociology. STEIN BLOGH CLOTHING In lOB3 he received che degree of bach- is witkhot question thec finest pco- elor of arts from Harvard university. daced and is aheaod inevcey cespsect of the acecage neade to-ocder Proftsor cMerinz Levi, of the depart- garments, at1 oh 01 one-half the price. It is that kind of clothing ment of Romance losuaEssocs is now whlchkthe best drcessers see lookiog for, sod realizing this fact we engaged upon proof-shoals of an cdi- haee this seasone purchased an unusual Large Stock of Stein Bloch Snits lien, of Holdlere's LAvare. The work asd Overcoaanareein positionstIcfIt all shapes aesd forms feoma will contain an introduetion dealing oueaegniicente liele of Ibis high grade makt. with 11-e life of thse author and thce sources or the ploy. It will be issued Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. by Heath & Co., Boston. Professor Clack, head of the deport- Always come to us for the proper thing. inent of philosophy of Trinity Colleg-e,-, -- Toronsto, will lectore before the Philo- seophicael Society, Friday December 13 'The title of Ike oaddress is the Forma- Lindens1ch-mitt & A fe tioes of Public Opinion. The meetien_________________________________ will be held in the leture room of Toll- ,- pan M~ali at 4:15 p. im. Prar v yrs CaM pus A football souvenier calendar made t perne etra.I a Isr saracveos el adycoItas a i areaattaclie cverand ontins \~~tI~J*~444* Fench Cook in Charge pieture of the football squsd, all Inc. individual mnembers of the 'Varsity, FURNSIHES FIRST-CLf-ISS BOARD. pictures of Fitzpatriek, Ferbert, Hen- REGULAR BOARD $2-75- fIRAL TICKETS $3.00. Short ninger, Verdier and Day, besides en-any ortlers prompatly filled. Fresh flu me Madote Candy nosy on hanel cadu io s )05waith the fao Sponge Caramiel a specialty. Pop corn balls Jest the thing for Hiehigan rootes. adslepentnorad.C teiadtrtem Oea sole in U'niversity Hall and the an at'pauonw edy oi nadtytsm Book ste~reos. Price, 5t cents. t I Weihaeses'tsyouoset. tOver 'l0 diffeet hee., AtiV SSTAL13LLIR &co. Its a foolish man who won't help his friends when he can do so with no cost to himself, This proposition is a simple one. If you buy wvhat you -vant of either of the 'followving firms, you ran got a voe for every too cets' wvorth purchased. You con cast these votes for any school, lodge, ehuech or society in the cily. Thec orgeaiaotions which revolves the most votes before Feb. 2thtl, next, will be presented aitis an elegant $30 W. S. PARKER 7559 N. University Avenue DO IT NOW..,. D 7n't wait till they are alli gone. Ladies heavy winter ton dines forener price $t350 and $400, Salet Prie 2.l0. f11-1fit &tm:"LL&4R, - THdE SHtOESSIEN. 2108 Saoth isaiesSreet. piano by the merchants ilhose ness -s appear belows. Patronize these merchants and thuls KOCK furniture, carpets. picture fr'ms, m ouldings, trunks and valises. WAHR & MILLER Shoe. IN-4EY & SEABOLT' Groceries. G510. H.ALLE~iR Jewelor. LAM1Ii& SPENCP1I Grocers S. St M IRULIG &,,-4 H MIDQHardware. DAVI* & 8RA IdOL'' Grocery. HI KUSEL llROo lHakers. MILLER & PRAY Groicers. H. '. ELING VR Fair Stove. JOHNS ON & CO. Groceries and Mleats, Foest 01ave. Tie ANN ARBSOR MUSIC CO. C. A. HEN IRICKC SM ilinary. GOODRICH WXALKER & MIJR- PHY 'Tailolrs. over First Nat. Bank. W. N. SALIASBURY D)ruggist, Its a foolish woman who won't help her triepds when she can do so with no cost to herself. ATHEINS THEATRE SA1TUFRDRY DEG. 12 LtxCOLs J. CART scoscoter Scenic Ser- prise RE[MB[rR ulE MAINE A Gigantic Reprodaection of Ike miic ntaeoof tierostastirrlag events of tha late war. See the Destruction of the Mainre. See the Battle of Manilla. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR CALLAG N&CO., Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. AS AND LCIA CRLlG RTIN SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANITARYs PLt'1511N50, STEAM AND HOT WATER IHEATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207' E. WASHINGTON ST. The School 01 Duncing STry Th e... GR~i~G~tI'S ~ NORTH SIDE S LAUNDRY A C1 MYTHOS5. RO WE, Prcopr. t 10503 Broadiway. Papils received at -77,oll 'Phon2-11-6 'llottlhiiilllltlblhlh'nIl Sehleecle's II New IEIZ Patent Lecture ______________ -Book Befoehaying your otoe ioohs or lecture coversccall in and see Sar ness'patent cover. The papserdoe-- no1t oreee lt leislaed sin theo old style string note hooks. Parker and Waterman Peas from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retai Popes' from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. Buy ma ALARM CLOCKU shown ~ ~ ~ ~ . at.. , oleePie shown i fs ',, a MIN w. *o j College Pin& a M,: _ _