THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDERAND THE NEW TAILOR, 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN CENTRALi601 n ",The Niagara Falls Route.' CE'NTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takng EXect June 25, 1899. Dtroit-Ni it Express........555 A. X Atlanic xp rsa .............74 Grand RapdEpres....i...1t1O Ball and Express..............347 P. X. N. Z. Baston. Special ............4 5 Fot Rattern ,..........59 43 Milc and Expreso .............9 40 A.U Basto . N..oand Chicao ...... 748 " MAIN STREET rat W eten Exprssc.a....... 138P. M.' G.Rad Kat, Expres ......... 545" Chicao aNigtExpres.. . 943 6 Pacific Expres.............230A.MX. CAMPUS 0. W. RUGGLEIS, ii. NY. HAYES, Q. P.dTAg't, Cicag.o. A--t Ann Arbor.- Professor ScottI United States,.. XT, . -8'Gustavos A. I t_ been appoioted Pr Astenographer. STE~~sx=, z= ES Miss \lartlta S1; TIME TABLE cepted a positionS 'Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. cipal of the I astits Trains leave Ann Artbor by Central Stand. Mr. John E. La acd Tine.Itn Germant ints e SOUTH NORTH leave of ablsence f K~a. 8.- :23 AM. No. i.-S9:QA. . ie Na. 2.-1it7 A. Xa 'No. .-130Pa m cs hchl il No. 4.- 8:3aP. it. 7N. 8.-458 P. m. Mr. C. Fred Gc t 1 0.--48:05P. M. 5 t 1-9.5A.M ____________________________tusrned frott Par: cDisoldU 01 FALL SHIRTS NECKWEAR and GLOVIES THE BEST LINE OF UNDERWEAR IN THE CITY. , AG$K & GO- LIBERTY ST NOTES. has sailed for thse ltlintger, '99, has 'resitlent Atngell's ater, '99, has ac- as assistant prin- gs highsschool, autner, instructor eUniversity, has For one year, dur- stucly in Eucrope. rauss, '98, htas re- is, wvhere he ham The Y. M. C. A. wishes to an- toottce that the social set for Friday rdght will be postponed. Eclwardl L. Benedict, 'oE, was nmarriecd yesterdlay at Detroit to Miss Minnie Bradway, of Birmitng- hiam, 'Mich. The Unsiversity Y. M.L C. A. gave a stag social last night in their 10001sits SacketHall. Addresses woere msadle by Rev. Gelston, Jttdge V. H-. Lane and thse president, I. T. Raab. Aboutt150 nsen enjoyed tie evetnings' festivities. A Kondike Profeosorship. As U. of M. mets have gone abroad ansdnmacde thentselves felt all over this cotuttry, thse Orienst, and Souths America, tey are sectiring a foothold inthle wilds of Alaska. In- fcrmation has just conse to Ann A'r- bor tlhat R. Parker Mclaster, '98, las beens given a professorshtip in the University of Skagutay. This is Alarm Clocks $1, U. ot M. Pins 50c to $10.00. Fine Watch Repairing.a Specialty. J, 1, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206 Main Sooth. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH Berryrnan Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. State Phone 119. READ THE DAILY. I BICYCLES STORED IFOR THE WINTER At the low rate of 25 cents per montht LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St. AT STABLER'S ART S IORE. The Celebrated FRRIIY FIGIURES, t,20 subjects to select feoct at Oar Cent Each. For sale only at this clore. ARTISTIC FRAMING A SPECIALTY. STABLER'S ART STORE, New Stole Phoe t;. 217 Sooth 4th Ave. t Run Sanday only. «ltan hetweenA nn Arbor and Toiedo only All athe tratnosdailty except Sanday. E. S. GILMOIRE, Agent. W H. BENNE.TT. . P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor .Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half boor, begiisning at 8:45 a. 23 Tuntil 8:15 p. m ; last ear for Detroit 11:10 P. 2m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main a s.; Detroit, 111 Griswold st. ATHENS THEATRE DEAN SEABOLT, Leasee adMnags. COMING ATTRACTIONS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 PORTER J. WHITE in "tFAUST" SATLRBAY, SEPT. 30 "4THE FINISH OF MR. FRESH" beets stutdytng F renchtdutring thse sutmsier. li s to le tnstrtuctor its F~renchthtssyacr. Thse Normsal Atletic 'tssociations las made a requtest to thse hoard to isake ats aditionsal chsarge of 75 censts on cach yearly tuition fcc to. be utsed for atlelttc purpos)0es. Tlse registraton last ndght "as fcor htundred overthtle corresponsd- in(, day last yeat. Secretary JTohtn- sots last tstiht sa(d the law depart mnttwsas tsvo lhutdred over that of last year. Thse Regetsts spsent fottr stmdred d'ollars durintshte stunmmer in layinsg ottt, filling atsd rollitsg the new gronnd souith of thse bleachsers. Flhe diamnstd was dralised atsd sodded at an expeisse of $soo by te Athsletic Association. A course of studies in thse Nc'w Testamnsst Isas just beets atstotttcedl b) the Unitarian chsurchs for thte comnsg year. These Bible classes vill meet every Sunday at noots. Ctrculars descriptive of these stud- ies ntay be obtained at thse book stores. Work will begin next Sun- day. i thse first itsstitttions of its kind in toe MVONEY LOANED Northwsest. It is to open Oct. I.onWatches, Daods, scWheels or other Per. 'Ele cure oferd s asltrtoneof WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED a getseral literary character. It is Offie atresidne,33ELberty St., AnAr- expected to add a large minitng to 11:30 ai. antt o 330 and57to 95p. schlool. 'Mr. MeMaster is professor Bargansin 5econd-hand wasephCsaotas.Dncd of langtuages. - inmflnr A nsew line of MatnhattansShirts .Alarm1111111 1 just in at Weadhatss, Ryan & Rettle. Warranted for 1 Year. See tlhets. Soutls Main street. $10 Howard hats at Wadlsams, Ryan !Vm A n l lg Reule. Best hat on the market at !'Vm. A nold L e $3.00. 200-202 South Main street. TvTTLE' Students arc cordially invited to T T L~ inspect our complete lines of suits, II Il overcoats, men's furnishings ottd L*ECH ROO Soutls Main street. Is at 338 5. State Street. PURITAN SH OES ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES, $3.5010ES UO T n: :j 0ILEvery Kind' F 1ENOCHJTREF D Both PhnesNoT.& 1 1 l0C tl t e j bo o tpb tre..Enoch Dinterie, Lady Amsitanet. too St., Ann Arhor. No, l . LbrySre.Rsds Fourth Ave. Both PhoeM..5 W E PATRONIZE GODY : AR S DRUG STORE.