4{ + Former Price 25 ard 30c + Now (sacnd2Oc +S E H N& C.UNIVERSITY 320 S. Stte + BOOKSELLER Street U. of M. Barber Shop hedt"oII and Bath Rooms. t"ne too, sv it, 322 Sarte t. . R. Trojanowski Prop. GUdtlgdNFF-& BRTIOOIWGTION UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Getlemen's lrninning clssMndy o 10np.m. - adie' fbeining nc, WechO to 10 p.m. PINK BROS., Instructors Office and Academy,Ickelfial, 334-33 S. State SK~CIAL HOLIAY OFFER I One o tes ee AUGHLIN FOUNTAIN 4 ent, pstpaid, n a Wek's trial cc nAoelt and offec),n 1$.10 fo i t. ' fItanuis Vflh macE if t des nt nilu MAE A Any way yea figrellt PROFT Tiririt n eeatpnacde Ie" l iyo nrcla test dit-FIE" -lt any Dc xmecca PaenT u01a1 crely ee nnt te ndderr ,t1,i~ f nPen ending cnt 're- i $110600 .In Your Inside Pocket In what yen can nage en aesutrovcocet mnde to you ear 1by ee. We gnorcc&lcc ayct fit or nonale. Call and ece ro obgationto bey. ccr innrcle aeceontnnri t ef ere3,005 enamplea willctleeeo. AlleaolSts Itand Oiecoatsa france $t2.0eetip. Goodrch, alke urp rront Iloom ecrAnr et National Goodrich, wsincr x iiurp , An Aerboer. r IS-NEARLY PART L-,,HERE In ordering carriages why t-eti tem whlere youa eec get ytotrtorder filed on trme swithr a cte i'- 'ohaveeddd li ve ifrecoto tnr u alrearry lorge lieraet] nne Wlitr~ce l.ir ogent tom ler of hocts ic t;Own W ich will en lye you good servc nve. ie te f. Phone 2104. J 1 5 East l~berIy vStreet. ' A IM P F0R S U We havra firreassrtenetof tentreDrart, Nlickeleltn cri mn., includirng The Royal, The Rochester and lice PlumnewoondThe Berladim er ecslica Scueeo[Lrrrg. Trie Sew Lamp,.trlrnrrsct, is nradvncen rLnrrcy r. It givsemre ligirt for lire oil 11rn-d tiae any Lamrpeofitesbird. Wencarrgiseyouarhe beet Lerrrpc fee ihe r COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH.N FLAWS WIN. Calender. ConlinuedItrfrmfrstnIprage. Montiay, NOV. 27, 8 o'clock-Hon. A. fere the ineome wsoutni pay for thbeeno- J. Sawyer in Taptpan I. loll lecturre cootr. tireprperty rn 17 years. 'trlrn. say, Not. 211. 6 p. rn-Sotoker "tI5wisis the ctu:dent4 of tC o t'eieer- anrrldircner rof Cicago AluttilAssocia- n ity would take utt the contitutiort iflieVntiaIiCrao.Tkts the elate oer Mietrigan foe etudy. I inVctra oelChag.Tcts tclaim that tire Univcccity ic the tilace$125 1 at swhich the di si;onr should begin. I alsa is ih that the U niversityStm-Untiversity of -Michrigan stutdetnts wvill dents would cnsnidee the beoccrm"o ive n a clharce to cat thirThIanrks- that ougeht to be made to the ctate ton- tvirng ltrkrey it teir homres iftlley wrsh ctitution." to cay orte.attd ontirrnfites trier the The jtrdges ascarded A. M.K Ilouieit itgrrt Centtral roand for Ike rotundc firal, M. H-. Carnmody cecond, and".trip ITe Cet'tr'l C c sucat A. Ohleinger third. The prizesawerec(i not aprose f the -Michrrgan Certral' $70, $50, add $30 respectively. E. Sosnractiorti giving the colleac litys tits rate, enhnicl elrat.3 but that road owt11 make thc rate jtust tire ' atenaesante.l'serylltrifthctiat itetMiiant The detailed rnarkings or the jod esCenntrroaitd cites isiovintotite apprtosal witt be piublished tomorrows. iof the Cerntral Passentger Assocriation st The team comoposed oftke thbee n- alrtascttinggrates icoiscer nedirtd ir ne 'rill meet the University of Chtti- tirtrter tire 1\lrcktgait Central road 'eagor lear ntoUrniversity Halliton.Tao.Irts maifested ritsriterntctottstand by 12 en the name quoestion. Michigan has th ie college boys, wheothethIe Ccnral the negative side of our men wciltlsnot Passenger Associatin approves of thte have to choange sides. actiton or not. To nsreHeretofore a rate tif orte artdlonec-third To peroetmpt delivery of Photo facet for thre ctrond trims has beetr roaiie orders for the Htolidays, place yotr for Artn Arbor studrets fntr the Thartla- ordere ear't1y, and avoid theousual recfiigCrsmskn atr aain 16 RANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO,'bytherrMichisnasCedtrasera n t Mine Jennie Badenhaseen, '01, is in- samec rate weill be mrade this yearr. 57 leelaisioghee sister, Misc Anna Ba:tl- enbauserr and Mice Mary D~ill, ofl: Be- Buy Block M Michigan budge-Far catur, I?. Sale at Wake's, State st., and on spec- A cmplte ineof dle Brs. ineil train to Chricago. Price 25 cents. suitsat0 Wadhams, IRyan & Rteule, 200- Thre latest opera seoees can alwcays be 202 S. Main at. found at the Ann Arbor Msteic Co.'s, NOTIE AIL~FhE~t0~ed Washingtoitsat. I-love you seen Vietoe 71'h el-frshmn wil pay il~d~ ereberts "Singirtg Giel," "Amneer." en Thanksgiving day. All eandidatee renport for practice today at 3:30 at thre Previnos to IteTh'arnksgivinsg gacme gym. M. K. CRAFTS. ne nill sell ocr eoc yellow ansd bloc rib- 1101 for toe, cot itn strips a yard lotng. FOR RI f-I'-Scrite of roorrs, 1017 Oakt- MACK & CO. land ave. _________ 57 Try a canoe balk at the U. of M. The near approach of the mrarriage Barber nbop. 57 of rt. L. A. Milsn, '90 Lan', is as- nouneed. Mr. Wilson wan a member Niel Soon- hen returne dto college of our debating teamn which icon frees and expects to be nith the squad at Pennnytc-nia lar.t Mareh and seas also practice today. Meba quite recocveed captain of Co. A., t'. of M. Rifles. tHn from kisinijurie'scwhick kep-t him from is a mncmber of the Delta Chi frale- Ithe game nt long. orty U. MI'S.INl1 nmlX &l Dui0 HATTERS AND FUSRNISIIEI Headquarters tor Bor, (OAay ras ese tl'caSr and Cmptetlineo Gsmnoaeem Gon and S,5 Wea.IM AGENOCY 50OR LONOLEY BATS 1 ~334 Suh Sate Sre Cr. Sain and Htena Steent. Capital, 15.00. surpusn$,aocTranacs a . genral bauknginen R Exes ,"Pre. C , AFO.xR, Vicr-Prs. Fun. HBELS'rh arhier FIRST NAIOINIAL BANK rganncdA101r Capita, $100,00.Surpusnsnd Proft, $4,ne0 ofnsct oieerlbaekinfglbrrine.Fe.Figs eehanebogrhtadceold. Frnihlttrrroe credit. Is. . KIE, Po, HARRIESON SOUL, Vic-Pre. . se. CASNgyCasiober Ihe AinH o aings Bank CapitltoMcik,$50,0,Surpluo, 10,. ( Resurcen., 1,500.! l:. Orized uncdrCl ioe tenera anig Laws en thic Stale. Secives rdepait, bys andsells esocrangefn torFr c mnileciie cf tie United States. lDrfts cserl{1upon11proerdiderifcain, Saety tyiepoit Ioseo1renea. - ciFerrru':cn'brfi tan Sack, Pies. , D.0 aarri ran Vice-P're.; Ca. I. Iiscn Case;SI. J. ril, Assinlt Csirb W.dJ.OOTHe, RES. ( j W. Aeeormr, ml VicepresnJ- 1 Joaan.C. Wocvo, AcrICeihier QiIINO BfRNK Transacts a general Bankintg Buiness. !i. Makers af f. COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS nd HIOOS, Rong af r k ,'. _ CLASS CNtIES, .t ; COLLEGE FLAS, CLASS PIPES i CLASS STATIONERY, t 'COLLEGE PIS, 5'"fi i; -SPECIALTIES WOKERN &CO 41t E Filly-. ielb S. 01('AtlGO. IL., I~I~ pipeful' is VtyiE%,. 's one reaon Tbaccto a why Old En. a saea nru. 1 guh Curve Cut pipe to. bacco is so N popular. .. The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be gent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents-in- stamps. Address 0lA English De- partnment, The American Tobacco Co., !iI Fifth Ae , New York City. All dealers sell it. TFAOE MARK 'TO~ all FOR 1899. The Spaldng Ofic'l Ieltrollegiate Fotball a edl Ivcn .lrelyt IW'balei ae at r a Golf