SETT" JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVTER IN PRICE. K pTHE NEW TAILOR NE 120 WASHINGTON ST-4 MICHIGAN CENTPAL. '-The Niagara Falls Route. CJENSrRAL ElTANDARID TIME. Taking Effect June "0, 189. Detroit Night Expres....... 55 A. X Atlantic Ilpress.. -1. ..... 8 Grand IRapide s :pres..... i....11S Mail anid Express.. .....347P. X. N.lY. iBostonSpa l............458 { Fat REtern .. .ea ........... 4a' Mailad Exapres............... 0A M Bo tis, N. Yand Ciao.......748" FatiAeltei-nExpsp ........... 8 P. x. G. Se. and Kal. Exps ....... 7 4 Chicazo Sight Exprs .........943 Pacifac Expres............. ..230 A. a. Steamsnhip Tickets, all Classpsto and frcaa European paltat, lo west rates. Fail inter- anationaoanaepliction.a U. W. IiUxGLES. 11iW.'4 Stae, 0.P.&T.Aglt, Chicao Agt AsinArtier. TIMEs TABLE Taking Efifect, Sunayaat, May 21, lea9, Tralis leave Ann Arbar bF Central Stand- ard Tiai,e *NoaU.- 25 A.m. No.a1a-a9:a0 A. Na. a.- 8.30 P. m. No. 3.- 4d-6 P. at t 02.- 8:0S P. 5u. t4"le.- 9h05 A It. tSo Sean adiay sanly. *taa betwean Ann Arbor and Taledo only Aul ether traias daiFyexctrpt handay. E. S. GILbtIlttRE,_Agent. WN H. BENNE TT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor railway. Gars leave for Detroit anid Ypsilanti every half hour, tbeginnig at 6:45 a. asn. unitil 8:15 p. a1.l last ear for Detroit 1 1:10 p. an. Wailing roam, corner Ass and Main ate.; Detroit, 1it Grisweold at. BREAKFAST ANN ARBOR SUPPER ST. LOUIS, MO, Wh ABASH FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R.tS. Grseseaa-tt, St. P. A., Chicago The Hooking Valley By. With its three-hoor trains between Toledo and Columbus, using Union Station in, both cities, is vwhy EVERY- B3ODY lunes this line, Parlor cars on day treinas and sleepers at night. Through sleeper from Toledo to Washington, Baitimore and Pbiladel- phia. Quite a "Ralls'ad THE HOCKING VALLEY. Write L. W. LANDMAN, 1t Fort t.. Detroit, Etch. ! _'>.: :9 k5?^.ai _ 3! xsC iyT4 r ' 5T_ 77 7.r'i"«r r 5l / :raw'aF_; C4 °r ,rc:s.... sr, l. ..E _ +. I t ''_ :Y 9k + ww as +-a. 6 Ne ar. +.+w+- +-a.+ +t r.+s. * tam. Hr. Rentscbtev, tbe 1j 4otapbe. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. I3URCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Subscription for Band. A nsrissin a t:! diog seem~s toth-ive ofttei a atundlthe c-nsisiscoteer- ii -- thn matter ef takiiig the baoddiTi Chicatgto. rTheAthletic Aesat~~iiio a it, at msectiog srttd $125.00 tor th~e toive oui-omsrlsii-h swas at the rate af 15.011 iail read ftoeftr each ooe ot 25 Witen. Tbhis was -otirely satistac- tiiry as the band baa been receiving compesaition ior itsaservices at gameus tis fall anil s cid not feel that the Aasoiation iasustder obliigationse to H-owts-er, it lisceertifotnd that s-w eral at the omost imosrtaot mets,train . enusiral stanidsoint, in the band can act afford to say their express at t hioags-soe of thllese,01e0 arcestark- ieg their reay thi-oughcrlelictc aid saiply could net go with the band unossh their expenses were p< id. Raiher titan go to the city with a oe aided or weak srganization it hass liee-o deiided to take the swhole band anod take up a, railetioa en the 0-airs. '5e band Ws ISt distinctly under stead that the colltection is iii be ueed enly tior defraying the expeisses of thte snan montloned" and is not a collection for tl'e hand as such. Students are ontly asked to contribute five eorbten rents. The band atipreciate u-hat the Athletic Asociation have done and wtill not ask them far a further appropria- tise. Wisconsin triti _ay all the expenses at their hand hut it toust he remiem- bered that on account aftIhe esot dis- tance from Mtadison to Chicaga anti the tart that the trains wrill net leave until Thursday' morning, the total ex- senses ~ itnet amount to malre thans the railroad tare. ter sue hand men. Everybody should give a mite and wve will eend a student band to Chica-;o that wve may be proatnd of. A nesr line of Manhattan Shirts just isa at Wadhanms, Ryan & Reule. See them. S. Main i. WANTzED. All thsose who wish to joits the class in journalism attd learn practical daily work apply to W.° E. KAPP. -al6 South Fottrth ave., Ann Arbor. Sawyeor on Prison Reiorm 'Tonight. Tihe Good Government Club wvill boea itt firist o- en meeting ttoight ir.liii Tapptan Halllic-tore roanm. This is the o- hld during Sheewiniteat whch be hel t dui ritig the siintete at s.itich miinteis of the faculty or promnine nt men of Ann Arbor and v icinrity w-ill addtres the club. At the nieeting to- tight Man. A. J. Sawryer. the wel kntown Ann Arbor attorney will speaki eta "Prison aRefotrtm,' .a oubjert to se-hitch he has givlen a greet deal at stotdy tar a numbe ref years bark. Mr . Swyer nas gisen thae ature lecture b-foet other audiences of the state and it -lis met twith thse beat of receptiotts. (Oe of the large easteran magazines baa N"titten Mr. Sawyer and as the outcome te lecture is 1o be printed as one of a sers on erosinent questions of re- form. Ths lecture has attracted swide attention because of its able advocacy far the establiasment of pmenial settle- mensain suercolonial posessions. Tbis lecture is not en the regalar core ad admission is tree to all. A let-ge audienre from the teen end atl deeictnente aftitrtu University ia de- sired. IttIs possible else that sonic memtbers of the farulty trill make abort addressem. REDUiCED RAtLROAD RATES. Feftee Tiaettkngi . itivacation :11(, Ann Arbor railroad u-ill sell tickets at nirtatrof one and one-ltird fare for the round trip. Tickets swill he on sate Novcember 28, 25 and 30. Limited to re- toils Dec-imber 4. Ve cAnit Arbor R. R. s-ill sril Thanks- giving titkets 0onTttesday, the .atit, also. Students are crdially invited to in- TfJE BEST MAKES OF Suceis tnJoseph Shanes, Wasnhburns eiaidlcrun 'saranxis aleat tia ,W.Liherty, only2idoorsfrAlaa c's Coreer~ HaveYou seennt- PORC-ELAINS? Fiaet a tlhingtiiii-esy p1acei.n the city wlt-r yon ctii i gettahem. SPECAiL RiITE TO SENIORS TV, Ib rrum "II nStudait) 112 W. Hares St. N.S. Phone 119 FOR 1-suBEST GIRL ON TRANESGIVING DAY or tor his hostess, the prudent young man takes a box ot Rankns tine canfec- tions 00sian oftering. Those wbo are fortunate enaugh th' receive a U. of AL. sauvenir at our foot batl team a randy tbox filled with Den- bonieras Nill be thiankfiul. (hnly a lit-ited nunaber tar an itrisanet in your room att IIANC ITERFESIP. 200 E. Vvash. 310 So. State. Al 4Warranted for 1 Xear- Wni. Arnold Leaiusr The Most Cor)plele ln e of Loswney Chocolates in tho city can be foiudt]et Tuttlu's coats, men's furnishings and hats. W~adhanms, Ityan - teule,..S. Main st. I 338 SOUTH STATE ST - FOR RENT-Large front rsna on first 0. M. MARTIN... S'cor, half a black from Canmpus. 302 S. State.__ _ _ U E A NOTICE. DRCO Forty extra lockers have come and DIE T R ore ready tar distributioto those hold-- Embalming a specially. No. 209 S. 4th ing tickets. Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rteu- KEENE FITZPATRICK idence 302 Fifth Are. _ 9 . $3.50 The Puritan Leads0 $3.50