- Published Daily (Sndays excepted) dring the Cllge year, at THE UNIVERSIY Of MICHIGAN. OFICE: The tnansd Pete, Hening Bleeck. Bth Pones,1. t MANAGING EDITOR. - F. EsaaLtAaas'OiL. ]BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. 11. HAs. 'a L EDITORS.- ATHLETICS, . .5. uaceaTT, '01 E r. iR. Weoatow, 0 L.A. . StDetrALaL, '01 B A.G.BowEca. '02. L. J. B. WOD, '00, L..MP. SesaEtRY, 'al, W. I.HIleEaY, 'taM. TeessctipriceiofOatthe ttIL ia 1.50 tee the calestt yar, it a regla deliery ietare noon tact' day. Ntice, commuttiatins, aet other anattec itendedtiftr pblicainamust, t handed it at the DAter affet eore 8 p ito mtailed to the edite hefoe 3 p. ia. of the Aay previaois to that on whih they ae expected ta appear. Sbscriptiotis may be left at te DAILY oeie, Meers,cc Statlitos-newtad, er with iasittata Manager. Sbascies wiiiltatter a atr by reporting promptl~y at thieotfe ay aiiureeat tariertotdeiver paer. All changstyein avertiig nmatemst e in the oafiea by 1p. t. at the day peviustthai at whith they ae taxeear. COSTUME PARTY Given Byj Women in Barbour Gm. nasium-Many Unique Costumes. The aone not the University n Sa- urday night gave ae of the met not- abte entertainments they have ever had in the Barour Gymnasium. They have nevee given an entertainment before which was mre thoroughly enjoyahle and amusing. It was not a cold formal function ut an infornal free~ and niconvntinal gatherin, all went in for a gced time and all had it. All the decorations and arrange- meits wre of a ind calculated to make those tresent iy aide reeve end felt at home.- After a short time spent in wearing off any strangenes " any one might feel, the program was give. This cnsistedi of a numer of drills, selections, and character representa- tionic which were, for the mot part worked up extemporaneously during the evening. Tote grand march was first givets under the direction of Mist nyder. About fole hundred girls took part in this. They wore no uniform cotunes hut each wsa dresed toe suit her own fancy. In thitl march were displayed a large varity of caumes,-pretty, goteque, nd unique. The piettet ctune was undont- edly that rprcsenting "the Michigan irli." Ov~r a white dres she wre a yellowc odice. Over the skirt hanging from the waist were six or seven Mich- igan pennant-blue field with yellow ]ieters. Two girls wore costumes over ai hundred ears old-the stiff, plaited. heav y skirted dresses of our great grandimothet a with the big, generots dignified bonnets. "Joan of Ar" wore aceat of mail made out of silver paper, but which loked very realistic. She wee armed with battle ax and sword. Lieutenant Mobson in naval uniform rigged up fres a gym cos- tumec was "represented. There were several "Littie Med Riding Moods" and three Goddesses of Liberty. two nuns, - a monk, several flower girls. Probably -the mst unioue figure was 'a young xady dress ed to reproset a small baby with a ong white gown anda little whito htood with a ruffle in frost. .'thea were cstume reprsnting all other manner of p ope. All colors in combinationt possibe and impossile were to be seen. The drill movements' - were weii eecuted under the direction of Miss Snyder, lame weie vety di ficut. - Al r thes;ra marcia was over A nu haer ao mnidu i pre acs vwe a given. A girl who had lied ii i a west near an Indian reervatin for a oa br oa yart vry realistically -e"presented an ndan siuaw anlx- F; tedthe "son w ane' singingth pefr ueras Scotchta se !iai' li fr,,s hiAnder xexecuted a b ight andeng. i00ot-B allA edrl ae , sedinod-ah ioned pantalettes recited a temperance pce a nd :proved -a favorite. Two 'ARE THE KIND WE SELL. burnt-corkt wenches gave "a cake-walk and song. Lgti egt u ual n eibei Later in the_ evening Tali danced IsLgtiteghebtdrbeon eibei music rendered on the new piano by every respect. Our Short Rubber Boots are various vllunteer players. Vfetsveen stylisb, neat toes, and first quality. dances refreshments were served in the iarlors, each group of ten going in GL SSS SH EiToEg0 SOUTH MAIN a.' ENearly all the faculty ladies wore present. The running trackc was well iled witis invited guests and patroen. $18.0 essee. Some of the faculty patronesses 'i"'' 18.00 entered the grand march with their ! Sutens SUITS , Au dI It v-as an event in wthich nearly ail FOR FOR the n-omen in the Universi'1y lartilptd nsoew-. 1ce DF ~; t.M1 $15.00 Returns tvill be Received in Ann -- DosArbor. Dfoes not ltsot forever-we refer it. our Special $16 00 Bait Bait which Director Baird has made arrange- will ixet eiily ton days, We can rrents with the opera house people tosaeysyyo'emsigaod rcci-si the eturns of the football game sfl.syyur isigago ean Thsatssgiving day. 'rho athletic thinig if yssi don't tahoe advantage assoriation still hare full charge of lie of tbis extraordinary offer. affair. Sense prominent seemlier of ascone__________________ of the faculties t-lt presid" and every- viing xiilibe fonducted in an cederl - nanner. The Bell Telephone Company $8.00 Id$18.00 hoe heen very generous anti offesred the SUITS -_ SUITS aitiletic association the free use of 0 FOR - ~ --___ ___ -- FOR litev betwteen here and Chicago. 'By FOI 1 this servic lbs returns arill hberh'taled $15.00 15.00 and complete. 'fhe athsletic-assoaciation will make. a chsarge to pay expens-s. All pay-itag to heor the returns -ill receive a fre ticket to the fss sil ii ll g.ame in the afternoeon. aTticsae is an important one, heingths final 3nsic in the state interscae-sic le lte. There lire fourty-Iss~o teams in ths league and at the firt of the season each one sad a team trying foe the ___________________________________ pcnnant. Lott Saturday the race lead narrowed doswn to the semi-finals its THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR svhich Plainsa-cll heat Escanaba and Pontiac theat Bay City. These tsvoL rissning teanso sall play "here Thurday - A L A f q m1" atronfothchminhpothstale. Ganse called at 2:10 ociock. I '00 Lansa Defieat Normals. Thse setnior lasv team defeated th Normals in a close game,'Saturday at Yl)Siiatsi, 5 to 0. After the gas-s the laws fought J. 5. Lathers, okt- who is teaching elocution at te Not mat and demanded a speech. A tat began in whiicis the tao-ssvere ori numbered and wvere unable to lit, their au-n. Ms~ls Agnes Kenney, '90, nosy teach ice in Manistee, is visiting friendsL the city fsar a fewv days. EUTHYM~O L Antseptic T'oan td Mouthi Wash, Be Cotle. Euthymol Tooth Paste At 'ois atiel iale IDealifce25c TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH CA. N'S 3N D'G BTO C. ATHENS- THEAT I l' ,h t td Lay Book~sellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 M~onroe Street, Chicago, Ills. AS ADD EL GIRO LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPEfIALTY. seIA arvLUMBaINGc, STEAM ANiD HOT WAT HAvING.svi J. F. C HUH, 207' E. WASHINGTON ST. The School of Dancing GlUfNOLE'S NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY flGfDLMY TROStS OWFPepr." li)103153rtadtey. Pupils receited at any time-Bli 'Photo 2-tin-6 tiiti~bei5ti5l~b~i5t'g- Schleede',s s4X: _:=Patent Lecture Book before buying year sote hooha or lecture covert call isad see etur sew palest covet. The paper dces act tear or get misplaced as it thecod style otriect sate boos. Parker and Waterman Perks from $1.25 up. Wholesale arid Retai - Paper from 10 cents 'a Pound up. F. J. SCHLE DEJ3403 South State Street. .e-icn r su tu.reoer+unocr n PU Watch tils space for annomuce- Maentt of comm.iu attractions. Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases ofEery Dettription. TRUiNKt AND VALISE.REPAIRING at Iotst Poices. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 South iis Street. ANT(%'vSHO S TE ESTIN HE IT Guaranteed to ha genuine French Enameled pewriter Copying 355 atarproof. %PRIIATAlS H-