~rIfGmf1 [ that we xcat::Z:yo ::withr1.0 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which t DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. INEARLY f nodring carriages why not get t hem where you can get your or~er De ament illed on tine with a carriage. We hare added five more to or *u already large litn' sod now have the largest namer ot hacks in too*wihwlnnueyugodsrte hn h ae ..RPA DS.. H1~t$ J Y +Plhsne 106. 515 East Liberty Street. Former Price ~L A MP S FOR STUDENT 25 oCd 30c Wa have a Siee sastmseat at Cester Draft, Nickel-plated Laesps, iscludisg The Royal, The SRochester ad the Plumewosd, The Berlin ssd PerfectisontStaesa Lasipa. * The New Latmp. Plumewooad, is as sdvaea isLoaps. It gives moe light for the sil used thas +tnay Lamp af its kind. We cass give yea the best Luaps for the f NOW IAS COME AND SIE.Nubr15a d 2 cOd4S.MANT, ~IadOc~ OdANN ARBOR. MICH. DE AN & co. S To Orgsnize an Orchestra. Calendar. 9, Mr. Barnard Storm o1 the School of Saturday, Nov. 25-Varsity vs. Kala- -0 Music is about ta organize an orches- mazoo, at Regents' Field. UNIERIT 30 . tra to be made up of all available Saturday. Nov. 25, 8 p. n.-Miss Oc- UESEEH 2 SaN e musicians in Ann Arbor. Thea organiz- tavia Bateso lectures for heeit of Circle SBOOKSELLER Street alion will be under the auspices at the of King's Datsglsters. School of' Music, and wilt hold its cc- Saturday, Noc. 25, 8 p. os-Final Inter U. of M. Barber Shop aeet improv and Bath Roomns. tledtes atl 322 Stats St. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop WARRENThe V~f1K~[ MBA~RBER OU5IRgfNTBBS SAITISFACTION UNIVEPRSITY SCHOOL OF Gentlemen's beginningclse. Modayt8 to 10 itsm Ladies' heginnsing elate, Wed,O to 10 p. "PINK BROS., Instructors Office and Academy, Nickel Hall, 334"336 S. Slabe SP I W OIAY OFFE!$ Onestf these $3.00 hi LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN = cset, postpaid, ass a wreek's trial toe only $1.00 tftit dossotsuit youres uv ZTcx ant dsoffee you $1.10 tee it. Il t dosnoet nail YOU MAA Anypay ou sfigure it aPROI Thisisttshe st pessmade. Here is yaoue chanee to teat it-F'ININT QUALTsY D osa itin G aTeGL Otaly one pea sent toone addess X5d"A gifts atneverenedinsgusefual. nesaeida cenanat pissatse- maindereoathelisagees. tsopassorder in early-order tasday. State nehether lady's sr gaasts style is desired. Addressa LAU6HUIN ?JNF6G.O 129 Griswold St., Dietroit, Mich. Asp Sank ar Express Company is Detroit. WILL CARLETO N v-All persons who play orchestral in- Saturday, Nov. 25-Miss Octavia W. nstruments are requested to ae laMr.Bae'drsso "ItntialC - gress of Wossec." Benefit of Circle Storm any evening before Wednesday, Kinsg's Daughters. Harris Hall, 8 p. 10. "between t7 and 6. o'clock at the School of Atdtmissions 25 ceuts. Musc. t i asa a~td tatthe brng Monday, Nov. 27, 8 o'clock-Hos. A. their instruments._ The advantage of j Sawryer in 'Tasppats Halll lecture rooms. such an organization to the msembers Wedntesday, Nov'. 2o. 6 p. m.-Smuoker -may readily be seen and it is to he asnd dinner of Chicago Alusni Associa- hoped that a large number wrill avail lion, Victotia Hotel, Chsicago. Ticksets, lthemselves at this opportunity. $1,25. r To insure prompt delivery of Photo University of Michsigatn students will Iorders far the Holidays, place your he given a chance to cat their Thsanks- orders early, and avoid the usual rush, givitng turkey at their hotmes if they wish s6 IANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO, to pay onse and one-thlird faves over the atlicisigan Central road for the rousnd LOST-A Delta Sigtsa Delta Pin. trip. The Censtral Passenger Association Return to Delta Sigma Delta Housse. 54 did not aprove f the Michsigats Central's Besies he oficrs, he olloingaction its giving the college boys this rate, Beidsthbufces thetlong tfIsat road will tmake 111e rate just the creshmen pasedl the esatnination for souse. Everythitng that the Michigan the Preshman Glee Club, Wednesday Central road does is open to the approval night: Messrs. Ralston, Adams, F. L. of the Cettral Passenger Associatiotn so Lee, Borne, Shawv, Purcell, Broad, far as catting rates is concerned, and its Watson, Standish, Peabody, Lloyd, this nmater the Michigan Central road Whitman, Mason and Crumpacker. has manifested its instetion to stand by The officers are, president, F. M5. Lowe; the college boys, wehether the Central secretary and treasurer, T. H. Gria- Passenger Associatiots approves of then wold; manager, T.,S. Smith. action or not. -,Heretofore a rate of one and otne-thsird 1 Previous to the Thanksgiving gatue fares for thse rosud trip hsas seen usade we will sell our 2ne yellow asnd blue rib-' for Ann Arbor studensts for the Thanks- civinig, Christnsas atsd Easter vacationis bun for toe, cut in strips a yard long. by the Michigan Cetstral roadasnd theA MACK & CO. samse rate will be made this year. 57 .a A emll ~ea de rs n The latest opera scores can always be comlet lie o AlerBro. fnefound at the Ann Arbor Music Co.'s,P suits at Wadhas, Ryan & Rents, 2ti- Washington st. Rave you seen Vietorc 2i2 S. Rain at. Rerbert's "Singing Girl," "Ameer," IWAGN.- R &c CO 0 3 TATl ODD TO MPIM D. R. TINKER & SON BATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headqaarters for IIATs0'Cs, MRosa SUeisllasa ad Capleelisatof. Gsascsau GOSs ad SWATER. AGENCY FOR LONLY RATS 334 South Stae Sres Capital, 15t0,00. Srpls and00.Pranats,.40,a1 'esstgeral bankigbsitntles.Peg ehage batught ad sad, Fsenlsh letterofs credit. H. D. KINNE, Pres. HASi~ON: SOUL, Vie-Pes. 5.W. CLARKSNCashir Thefl 1111flbor 8aviHU3 Bank Capital Steak. aRMSW. Srpus, 15,00. Ressres, n,500,00. Organized snder the GeneealtBnaking Laws at this State. Reeives depsit, bys adsets exchange an the piipal atieat the Bated Stats.DPefsleceshad nopsro ppr Idetiicatin. Safety depsit bases ta rnt. OreaCaes: Chritian Mack. Pes. W. D. Hnse- sas, Vice-Pres.; Cas. . HisocKenCshie;SM. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier ry W. J.OaT,, Puss. V W. ANOLD, ltotVieepre TRU1 Jt.V.CIossS Vice-pes Jsa.C.W Aa,sz, Astat.t'aher JVIG SRVINS Transacts a general Banking IBuiness. COLLEGIATE CAPS, S GOWNSadlOOS, II CAPS sqd GOWNS, At SPECIALTY. ,N y CLASS CINES, COLLECE FLAGS, CLASS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W. C. KERN & CO 411E FiftySeeth St. ~ ~ "A lice to a j~j i Qf pipeful" is a "' Cp one reason Toacco ' 2+ whyOd En. atansa \ glish Curve t" Cut pipe to- bacco is so " popular. .. -.,, The curved in box that fits any pocket is another eason. No other pipe tobacco has ever nade as many friends in so short a time. .It disappoints no one." I tial box will be Sent to any one nywhere on receipt of ten cent in ;tamps. Address Old English De. trtmsent, The American Tobacco o., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. kil dealersel it. SPALDING'S TRADE-MARK The Spalding Offiial Intercollegiate Footall sad axclusively tI;'Yale Piee oas.Harvard, snasylsaat a, II elUiersit at Listcgo Large Collection of Exclusive Novelties .123- So MAIN STS pl JN17, S. L. Al. 601