fllE UNIVERSITY OF AICHIG :N ,DAILY. a STYLES THE NEWEST. . .. PRICES THE LOWEST GRSOODPEED'S f 11 ____________117 SOUTH MI MICHIGAN CENTLRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENT'iRAL STANDARD] TIME Taslon o Mral Jars 25, 189 Detroit Night Fxpes.........55 .X Atlat ixs............74 Grnad IlapUdaL) Eprcoas...a.... t 10 Malland Expres.........34P.M N, V. Ilcalar Special.........45" Falt Eastera ...~...........33" Mail andldExpress. . . .'40lA. BActca, N.Y. and Chicago........7 480 Pat !4 xter Expess........13P.. G. It. ad al. Expssc.......54 " Chicago Nighat Ecxpresca...a....94a1 Pacific Exss............123A.M Steaaamsip Tickets, all Classes, to 'lulld ora Nacavpeaapointalc Ic wrartea. Dall infar- allah cacaon applicatio. 0. W. IIUGIILI S, It. W.'fovea 0.P. & T. Ag't,Chaicago. Ag'l AnnaArbor. Lceob tagrP __ u. ocr mI. Pins 5%c to $10.(00. Fine Wiatcha Rejicirig cc Specialty. 1, L CHAPMAN JEWELLRY 206 Man11t.1 5. Have YoU We have in All ti, TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunaly, 1Iy 91,12899. Trinis leaca Ann Arlaarlay Caentral Stand- SOUTH ANORTH *Na.lB- 1:25 A. M. Na. 1.- 9.WAa.Ol1. Na. .-all 7 A.Ms. *Na. 5.-1'2:301a,. a. Na. 4.- 8:30P. am. Na. .- 4:5c 1. s. t a .55P. M. tp" a.- 9:01 A a. tRaaa Saaday only. altar betwencAnn aArboar aad Taleda anly All atlaer tainls daily eacept aundasy. a. S. GILMORcE, Agent. W Fl. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Ctara leave for Detroit anod Ypailancti every half hour. Iaeinino ata 6:45 a. m MEN'S FURS A Newo Course A rlaso inlpublic sa la en organizced ia thoe and is under the dire( K. Clements. This cc toa g1ive thse dcsiring aIhorogh lreporalloi coplete the workatca givaen a certifirate. T. ,tics ore $15 paer ll meetscoTotsaysoaaad oclckl. Such asoppc:t: ough pireparioin foar bo hebaedd nat only ln o do:iamuosialwc: hy all persons wh lo scrs to tecsh in the sen 'r ORCELAINS? Fiancst ljust received 'a New Line of them wilar ucu iConle plia:a:einla a ity Le N e w C o l o r s a n d S t y l e s I S P c I L R A T S T O [ N I O RSac % h " O d UI 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Pronel119 NOWJ1SHINGS.- -- in Music. IBsbalonian and Assialon Art. 13 FOR THE WINTER sool musie sas Tlae scat lecture is the Unity Cloh AltIlae low raile of Schro l of lloir, curse will lae gilen in the Uniarian 25 recnts per iscaila ctiona of Bra. IV. lChur:clnet Monday edeing, Nay. 2?, LEON SHAW, - 117 C. rAnfi., )urse ia intenoded at 8 o'clocka.lay Prof. J. A. Craig. wvhoa',_ nand thoao w ho Ionican Art." tProf. Craig has mado a JU T EC VE tisfactory sill bo lord; study :of this mattecr, and fewc, if A New Lire of 'ho termsa of ti- any.,are better qualified to speak re- esaer. The class garding. Many attractivc picturen w ill The "Some Photographs. l PFridays at 4 be scowts,as tho leoture as to ho fully Cepley Prints snd aroiyfrtis-ilsrae. _____ Copyrighted Platino Prnts this work ahould studeata are cardially invited to in- Unmeant d Indian Heads b:y thosae intend- .p'est onr ceaspiato li-cea of salts, aver- rk aloae btlo 1crcats, Imen's furnishings and hats. SN TA LE ' 1'-: dlas, Ityan - Ii ole, S. Main st. State 5.ABL .3 are ittng her- !.,. AT S O .R public schools. I FOlRtSLNT-Lal'go front room on first -caor, tact a. blook fronm Camopus. 303 S. State. So 123 j ST R 217 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. until 8i1 p. rnt.;Ia tScar for Detroit IICOUtED RItLRI~tOAD RItAES. 11:10 P.mi. Waiting rooia, co:rner Assn For the Thanskgiving vacation Ii:o and Mlaintfits.; Detroi t iriswtold at Anno Asbortacaailroad wiilselt tiekets :a1 - - a--Ir.rta of one sod ose-third fare for thae rowind talc:'Picetslowill ho on .k:,l. (+ #ARBOR Noa.29 and 30S. Limaited to retorn De- rBREAKFAST -ANN AROR mbelr 4. -____ KA AH[FATTAN t'tittPORLENT-Ec ki t', is-lice :of rcoons. zSUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO No. 113: S. Divisicnnsc.. 32 P orty' extra loecers have raosesoil FRE - CHAIR wRS , rc redy for distrilautiona to those holdc- 1,5.P.., ge f irttKENELFITZPATICK. 1Z. S.O Given cc.a P AClacao Te adcea' Aid Sociecy ccf the Chureh tf hisae very busy these daya ovcr . ..5 theirpeparationas foir the Thanksgiving ________ ____ ____ - dinner whaeh thley are to serve at the The H ock ing Valley Ry. churc- A tempting hill of fare 1has tesn arranged and a fine dinner is as- 'With its thlree-hoaur trains betwees sured. Tickcets will he twventy-five Toledo and Columbus, using Unoln cents. Fiveo tickets are offered far 200 Station in hoth cities, is why EVEitY- 'dollar if ordered beflore hacnd.Studecnts BODY uaes this line. are especially inavited. Parlor cars an day trains and sleepers at sight. Through sleeper from Toledo to WANTED. Washington, Baltimore asS Philadel- All itose whoo wish to join ite class in phia.ietrcolistto and lcarnt practical daily Quite a Railroad THE HOCKING' VALLEY. Write wvork apply co L. W. LANDMAN, tt Fart st., W. E. LAPP. Detroit, Hick. 1i26 Sooth Fouirtht avc., Ann Actor. A new line af Manhattan Shirts just MIV 1I191E"' f L,.() NIt ill at IVShon,, Lyan & ael.See osn99 ccl I) armna, Whlas aorlaterP themo. S. Main st. scnall Proplerty. 1-Sole WATCHES A JEWELRY REPAIREL FOtIE kirro e of rocms, 1017 Oak- Olliar at re; idr-aec, 131 E. LibcertySt., Anls Sr landilacre. 57 bor, ;Bichl. All lcicsi aesconiet~ial.flors,a -.to 11:30ca. i. cand tto30andl to 9lp,ai. .losacjla C. Wt~s. Prctt,(,yse rda~ly waaof the v 'ry Banoos in Se00011.laodOIWaches acadl Oausands lightes.t kicnd. The teams ocnly lined up-_ __ at orie eminlcateo, the 'Vartity ear- READ THE DAILY. rying the tall from the middle of ttae_________________ f 1:1l foe a touchdowvnaithout lbring it. ~ 'crift signal prcatce vssthen engacged j fill;ocks ivi. Seigmnd is being saved hercuse " , . a IJUUU1 of0 wrecheing his shaouiler in prc tiee Warranted for 5 Yeas - IVcdnerel'ay. Hu1gh5 White is playing guard in Ike meanime. The men aea.G nearly all in finec ondition and are +w.~ Leading placyinag surprisingly fast. V III* IAino1 ' Jeweler TO TE FACULTY AND STUDENTS. The Most Gomiplete The ucdrsigned toes liern possessior ad the entire stockc of Pooks, Station- linea of Lowvney Chaocolates in the a y, Holirday Go cs N Ec., af W. WI. city can he found at Tuttle's Waemore, Mtain street, in trust, at the request of tao ma tgagees, to dispase ad 338 SOUTH STATE ST. at any sacrifice to meet the otligations. ( a s..'. r We have all varieties of goods wvhich U ll m nlNr you use5 daily and this will to a care FU E A opportuinity to attain them at remard- FU E A alaly lowe figures. The stock muost he DIRECTOR sold at once. _, Embalmaing as pecialty. No. 209 S. Ot N H. H. MELBST, Trustee.1 Ave. Ambulonce night and day. Res- Ts., Th, S.--60 idesce 302 Fifth Are. - __ina w sV ^ 4 EveryvKindF lPAI The Puritan L eads OTHERS FOLLOW $3.50, 110 E~AST HURON