THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r rcihished Daily (Sed aye exeptef) daring the -- College ya, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oreetci The Inland Pecs, Henig Blok. BothiPhhoee.11. MIANAGING lID.rIt. F. lENEeHAR, '01 L. 13USINESS I1TANAGEB.H (%. 11, Hatos. '0L. .. DITOIS. ATtHETICiS, . . G. t). II cnrces, '01 1 - . I. Soonoe,'10 L. A. H. MDosoGeAL,'01 B0 A.C1. Bowoet, '0.1h. J. I. WOcD, '00, L..J.IEoeeoee,"tt,'0, W. D.HICEoY, '051, Theseestieeptioo)iof O01the hAtL e$e2.50 o the tollegre ye, with a rglar el iviery bforce aaonea coolday. Noice, cooeoeoo aiooo, od othermtotee inlended oeIpublitilo must be haaded i 01 the DIotolie borne 8 p n., o mailedt to the eio heoet3 p. i, o t cly previous 10 tha on which tiyaeexeedotoi appear. Suhecriptionay be leIt atttherILefie, ltnyer', or 1 le sne't oi, osilth uis Manaer Seth triehoowil cofe o tavorby reporting promtply at thi ~offco y tileto _ caeieeset10ddoier pape. All elange inedvertiinnatte met e in the offieo y 4p. m. on teo day pevios tn that on which thee are to copiee. In charge of hio leoue, -A. I. ivDOUGALL.- An Intrestinq and Prctice Lecture. It is edom tht the engineer of lhee University are given the toe treat that wan accorded thema lat evniig wheo Milt Alex. Dow, of the Edison Illemin- ating Co., Detroit, gave a pactical tak on "Meteo and Meter Ptaetice in Ele- trie Lighting Stations." The address deattargely of Mr. Dowso peronal ex- perience and contained fnds of infor- ,matiol, not only for the stdents pres- ent, ht for the fanlty memeronwha touned occaio to e there. It, was illustrated by the use of 'severa metero which the speaker furnished for hs occasion cool added muh to the prc- tical beeit derived. Mr. Dcw egan with tce first foreon of instrueetts used itc mesuring elec- tric currento and spoke briely of the variono forms of ammeters that have come int use in later yers donn to the most recent inslntions along thes lines. Switcha oard metero come in for a large amount of consideration, the speker pointing ot how g-eat are the errors that enter ito the records de to the presence of various magnetic eectric fields aout te instrument. lHe shooed also hose th-se erros are obviated or reduced to infnitesimals by enrosing hoct instrument in wrouht , tied cast iron hoxes. The customer's meter was briefly con- idered also, and the method of setting up the old style chemical watt-meter, thousands of which are still in use was mitning the amount of current which passes through the meter. The later- and more imprcved tyle of meter, with a cock attachment which -cause the current to e registered upon differeti dilsi at different periods during the day Seniors Adopt Caps and Go ns J e ". A Rule out ClaysDaq Speakers. H igh tandlard The senior literary class held a very quiet meeting yesterday oftlernoon. The only by Costinous Effort. iurpose far sshirh it c-as rolled seas to elect tcNooextra speakers for class day. qiries continuios effort ono the slotks of lice taoy clochi of mserit is cothes makeing is gained Ande so it is iin clothes desling. It re- 'or poet Is select that emliich is heel fromc es isakers inithie countey. 'This intnosvation wsas agreed upon at tke class election. On ithe interim ice- fare yesterday's meeting some opposi- tion to -this plan developed. At the meeting a mcotiosn was made and car- ned uncoiimously to rescind the pee- t-hons action. Th'eoqnestion of caps and gaswessE-cs then takoe up. There was noat much discussio on the subject as most of the class seemaed to be in an apathetic conditioon. Thce motion to adopt the rustomossscarnriei viva-vore. Th're xs ooposiio nose 0as thsere mcht enthusiasm overc'tho'esmocve. Th'ough noons' of the claos objeted to the cus- isis, it is cot at all tprobable that they wsill all carry it out. Ats explanation was maiode of the iplan of incdisidual pictures in the Michiigane- ensian. Everys'snemb er of the senior olass hose hplririlege, of a phiotoctaiph in thse aoik. The photocgcaphs shocild he handed to one of the meehrs ofthlie board s-cry sooni. 'Ihiosswill sab'it neressacy thsat th'y seniors hascw their photographs taken icmnediattly accd nost rait until next spring on they ucsually do. 1100000cacn bc'secureod at lice photographecr's noes as treil as at a later timce. STEIN BiLOCH CLOTHING iseihout question the fioest aces- duced aetd-iw'siead ict osery tespect of ihe average siacie-to-order garentss, at shoot oteare-balf ikeprice. It is that hisd of clocking cwhichtbelstscsdrlessers aseeloooicgfoeroacd tealizing ibis foci we mooe ibis seaosnc, purchased ac sualoc Large h1ook of Stein Bloch Salts and Overcoats accdlace in psositionc to it all shapes aiid forcms fiom ourcttmcgnifiicn list of ibis high grade make, Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. LdnSchmtt &Apfel. Prkd-rer's Campus- C ~ ~ ~ ~ F ae4+++rench Cook in Charge FURNISHiES FIRST-CLRSS BOARD. REGULAR BOAPD $27,5. 1hEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short ordlers promptly -filed.-FrceschHomie Madle Caenolytcosw onh Iand with the faonous Sponge tCaraicsl a siyc 11ty. Pop cornc balls aiid salted peants nowirecady. Comc in antd try them. W. S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue DO ITNOW.. Don't wait fill they are all gone. Lacdies heavy winter tan shoes former price $3.50end .$4tC0, Sale Prie 2.90. Athletic Directors And Band Wj Go to Chicago. At the meeting of the Athlet~ic Donz last eveninga more arrangeecnts wei made in regard to the Thankogis ic Day game. The boaocd of directors the Athletic Association still occocopac thse teom. There are eight entrances, the gronds and it wlii take at least tl sehole board to take charge of uhs aind also lice ushiericng acd the grai stand. The railway fare sf thcOhand to ti limit of 20 men swill he paid. The han stilt take up a collection on the teai 10 pay their expesses while in the cii; The Athletic Associaticcn sill receis returns from the gamce. The r turns still he anoce'd either in th gymna-sium or a t the ficnal state ite. scholastic toocthail gam~e at egent; field. The returns as received hy tO association swlhe complete coed dc tailed. c CC1 AETTE Wvoicsse what 3lot Nvnt. 1 over 70 difietoi kitnds STAMMELR & CO. Il1 S. MAIN ST, rd Cig cy to id rid ,in ,y. WfR & M LL&R~, THlE SIIOElILEN. 21i8Snit~h !%Y laStreet. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. eGAS AND ELEC R 1 [IGIITING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPEIA01TY.NTA RPIA '.t-20idi, bTEiAMAND sHOT eWATERi HEATINeG. JF.SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. S Te c oofDancing Eit~f~ttgiiiptii~igat The~chool d ry The... NORTH SIDE , GflLMYLAUNDRY -DEnot ShC1TiIH U SItL Projir PuPpils receieed at any time-Otli 'Pheone 2-4-6 thhsimk U df" 3f cti~~ Schicede'8 S " ±+"Patent f..S rLecture I vai H I wan nhown and explained IA~ an T A D Mr. Dow's, position as general man IATifl L S TIoL iA 1 . Beferehauying youne bohsor lectiure coesrall in endseeor newpacn' I papardosenot tear or get misplaced as ia the old style string nete ho aer of the Edison Illuminating Co.e'Presn otra asfo $.5u. Waea offices in Detroit hrings him. inoPakradWtmnPesfo $12 up hla; prominence in the engineering world, Watch tlis space for amaaoi-iae- Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. and the addrese from him was espenelat of eomaing attractions. F. J.SCHLEEDEy 340 South cdaily desrahte, seeing to the' fact that ' 2 2 - he itt'an authority upon all suhjects - pertaining to central lighting stathons. H~e wee accompanied by Mr. Clark, who has charge of the meter depart- _ _ _ ~ ment for the comspany in Detroit, end who asnisted in explaining the metersa uya shown before the opening of the ad- Typewriter C p nq . ALtARM CLOCK M iarsalGerstoerhsfourhaicycles in Only 15-c per 100 Words. 113l1 rtiri .sn "!, n w DOOR ntces The 'she. ae aqd Retat h State Street~