b ft o nosae 2 Godric 4b4. filledo J b lred DepaiHC Fome Pic :Rch este andtt b 'ChtNetLai 25 Q )C)3Oc any Lamp fits f 4 b 4 Now Old Number 15 and 0C 44 ANt b4 Loells U. of 4 Tltc regular * cttil sale De. 2 -4 teay plate P UNIVERSITY 320 S. State s tett att excel 2 BOOKSELLER Street ctollee btili 44*4+44-444+44*+ 14+ etcta. The fo ocets. Ott U. of M. Barber Shop ,:d at loccat's car and Bath Rooms. thlties tilT nuK adie oolseseord eters tr t 322 State St J. R. Trojnowski, Prop. roes eary,t a6 IoADA [ARE The Ote laottttl BfijRR tratott"laoes OLUAR1NYFto e.8 StTiSPR 1105 lcigott-Plesn __________ __________ ______ of ttese blonli ENIVIIRSIT'Y SCHOOL OF tor to te Jet Alptha Nt,an Dr-'kAN C Xf OST-A RewitottDttl!~ Gei iettt - catuto 5neceas. tseotosO tot10 los. - Lais ehnwetas, Wed to t0 iota iThe latest o: PINK BROS., Itsrctors ontd at tie Oile and Academ, Niket Bit, 33433 S. State 'atasiisgta i - -- ' lict bert's "it SP.CAIi~ tU ,,AY OFFE I j Te1c. Cl -- tait cettratGC Otie ost heo I t tie Cttttce $3.00 til goe atttaa f LAUGH-LIN FOUNTAIN Vathe otloeet PENS s otac t sett,potadtontss wet's ttat i Sfts stty ttctttottSetera $10tcitittinte p.s y00years agotlieR i it doe ot ttttt tttt.wnest tue Critita ttis s r iCRanot r o ut stespst 0sl ftottit. plcs tooetitg - _ t ill be lad ttt l fIiut s M AE A - Preiotta to $ Any ayyuutturit PRFI we till sell ott - Ths isthe eel en mde Icr ion for OC, etl tyttitsehtilts itttet i-Fito rst' lil sttet'sttustatseo A complte - atthc~ffer "isits at Watth 4av A git o er endttitg it-situ 21024SMain sn nidtristh eti t tre. te- top. Sl~or rdits ttatt o dery aentsty tle isteid. Adetit LA 'GHLIN W0FG0CO 12 Griswd St. Detruit, Msi. , " Aty Banstsor Extso p a nistuy i I - WILL CARLETON e Jt. 17, S. L. 8. GOURSE. . In Your Inside Pocket i ansaoi asutsiit oreovercoatttmidesto your orerebytns. We gttisstoelaperfet le, ault asntsee i o ottigalotiitto bty. ote i it-ee ssotsoct osf oses3;00 1 ploeseyou. Alt luiol Stitus teldCOvercoas efrom u$12.00 sup. c jIfAkIer _j u p]6 p'FroatSeem ever FirstS Sationut f j a 1 M urhq Bantt, Ann Setter. ZTY 445"AIS NEARLY HERE erisg carriaoes whly sot gelt therosalerse y osangt tyourisoder to lttle withiit0 elecoag-. We hbce todded lito woit-to 1oustr y forge lItsoil stoath Ithla lasst nttml o ag s in ta-sn will ensune yt o od saceltctt'o ite-.t 5e15 Eas t I tb rty Street. inettosorttent.ot entersrt.sot, 'Noekel-ptateot Lamstictliong The Ruol, The Le Plumewouod, TheBetlinandtPerflsosstdettoottos. Lm).t ttirto-toodt, isottoadattt'tttcintt;o. Itgiveasoeeligttfortte oiltsedtttn kaindt. Witeenoive ycouitheestoLamstfortthe COME AND SEE. Nj ARBOR, MICH. 6.A N ,t l N. Cafendr-Nets De- Calendar. iiqn In Color. Frcidaoy, Noc. 24-Claretce: Etdty's 0c- rC. ofti l. Calenodar trill be gait Reciotal itoClioral Uniot coturte. 2, t89a. 1t is tritest stt Satoeday, Nov. 25-Varsity vs. Kata- oplier ittlecolors, cisontaintintg to o, at Rtegents' Field. ,letnt phto-tgras-ttces of thte Satutrod ay, ov. ,,8t lto-Aliss Or- ogs Pes. Atngell, hfoot lbatll.tat-ia Ba~tes lecttttes ftor beneeit ttf Circle ttt is a stpecial dlesigo ill ofsinitg's It toglttets '1. _Pulller. Late 1. Ptice Sattrda.y, Nsv. 25, o. .Fittal Iter i sleat llboo sore ad lepatmtentDeat Ait.Utoiv sersitysHll. peaospt deliv'ery of Phto BaIOtesjdrss It erna~ttioa Con- Heboliloys, lace yase'ecssf'I tte o l.otsi iea and acooidthe usual rushtresot, - en"1enftofCrl Ll.'f PO1tfO Sf CICO Kitng's IDauttitrs.I'Harri all, . n. o _________ _ 'IAoiisioo 2- toetts. rel andtlfioty toeot httve Ito that Nsov. 27, 8o'ot ort lon. A. fsor the c soaloito.-ar~sitofte j' osIt pottI i ccoe oto icy itothe We ster atity- c etit a.y, o c to2.t6toom-Soker ffrsolXa. lo icty-ogleto thle atoddintotor of Chitctoo -AlutttitAstoria- d1 fifteent to ithe )adtetltt lton, Vic.toriaetel, d Chiot.teTicelats, Delta Sigmta lDelta tot__ill._______ t Sigmta Delta H ottst. 54 0MASONIC SPIOKIIR. sera scores tan alasoe Sormoter owti1'ltt.-hld Staturdtay Auto Arbor Music C.s veig t7:3a tttU.of 71. Mas'atic It. St1are ysou seen Vttctootiomls. agilog Gil,' "Amoetr' Untitversity of Atlocltteotstuodetsatill so. 1B. Noswmant of thtelDe- Its giv t enatane to eaot teir ''Ttak- tolri-tiao ChttrehlorltpeakstQ-in tttutrkey at thoerlomoes it thay wshl h oft C'hrisitnext .Stna eig nteeeitothe ty ayone anon0005-ttiro fre1 oert' Attess too your-t people o oiltchigtan Cetotraol roaod tortehle routtnd IThe ItncarttatioionofthCie tor10 1 Te Cetotral Paasetneer Asseociationi Newatoots a lai g lidtog t00 ptots' f thte liltiogat Cetlaol's ore thaott rdlinary oabliystoot i-tglseleeloysttsrte heardowth ltgratat tpreetd t llgvn h clccbysti ae rI toccasiotns into het.city lbuttht 01rsooadosill otatee the rolls jost the st few yeairs. Sothre ae. cerytitti tat tthCie 1icitigot tat-vot aloldess ftsortheLI(ot-riuralraoldoes is soentooohe apporovsalt on at1 a01nio y'ottg pea o fthtie(Cetral Passetoger Associationtso 01110 all owho reitetmtber it too as ettitog rattes it cotncered, andolint taar htimtoata, tois toolst-Ite tl lieltigaltiCentralroado Issmotntofesteat its ittiono toostanstobylot ite Tholasgiv-inog gmtote licollege boystowhethter thteCettl ar eocyellcow landlute rib- Possengter Associationtatpoprovses of te itt oeqot o yotci tetionotor ntl. Litinstrpsa yrdlon. ertotoe acota'te fotte aono te-thirdJ MACK&C. f,-sfrthle rountta riotoths seen totaoe- -- fot AnntoArbor astudetstfor-Cte lThl~ak- tine of Atdler llrou fins ttvtngClhrislttasalt bater vaeatios tams, ityoii & Iteule, 20OS y hreot 'lieliigao Cetotral road, antd .the - samoe rate' till be todtohIis year. 57 D. Rl. TINKEAR & SON~ HATTERSSANDis FURNsISHESS Hedqurters fo HATS, Ars,]MoNssFoemssos a omoteai. YNSU AGENCY FOR LOGEY HATS - 334 Suth State Stree fo.BindolonisosStetis. Capit, 50,tt. Surpus, 30,000, Teunsaucts a R, KSMee Pie. (.i.OREENE, Vice-Pree. FREDo. 11BFSee.stOshit. FIRST NATIONAL bRANK'Ognie 1E Cupitat,$,10. Suroptls and Pofis, V40,0e 'franssaeeratttl bacingttbusnse- s, origu excaeouoght asd eod. Fristtltttsuof credtit. E.. KINNE, Pes. HAIOtl SOULE, Vies-Fes S. x. CLARKOtN Cahie Thie flilHnfArbor SaVdus anK Reoutre, 5,0,00. Organizledderlithee h l-t-stBaotang Lw of this Stat. eeies dposits, btan sitls aeaage onthIte ttisoiplctiestofthentoe Ssd Sitawts. oatisaseduon 1100psoptr ikite tittecatio. Sofey detosit lboese-totret. OFIER,+;attChaistian Itel. Pets; W. tD. Hre- bxi, tVie-Prse; Cloe -E. Iieo. s she; A, J rtAaestst Cshie .J nu S.W. s t IVic-toesti SP T JOHsN. .ALTZ, Ass. Cshier &1 VINGS !NK Transacts a general BlankitnglBusiness. G OLLEGtATE APS. - ~ GOWNS sod HOOS, Ietlos of CAPS - 5 ad GOWNS. Rt - A SPEILTY. LASS STATIONER4Y, COLEGE SPEILTES 4151E0Fiftt-sOeveittSt. sm f1 wiy" liet (;0VC a s one reason T Mac why Old En. astotitirisla oe ish Curve Cut pipe to bacco is so The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." 'A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on rueept of ten cents in stumpy. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., llt Fifth Ae , New York City. All dealers sell it. BlackSPALDINGAS TRADE-MARE TO~t all FOR 10909 Tine Spalding Official Inercollegiate Football Pettosylveisa, Cionll,OUnivrsty of Chiciago, Slitlegast, antd seeryleadisng football tootm. Ur~tfarms. Shats asd Every Requisite fer the Game. Slis(icilototltotbaill Guie Editsetby SWutter Cutup,.)1)5rue 1s wih index WAGNER & CO. andiepltolrnotesi, resords, photogriahs of leadingiescms,pestpatd Jo. Ioods a 'lyitlus. KIABERDASHER S. He trused Cflu aull Spotsamailedfiree. _________________ (I. G. Spalding& Bros., aewYork Chio-os Donver I A DNBBVY TAILOR