Societyj Pogramns. U . 1 o Jeffersonian-Saturday, 7 p.Is. Cur- retTpc Roe-apt h pi Published Daily (Studays excepted drig the Floll threeminute talks as follow: TH UIVRSTYOF CHIGAN. Conquest of Per-HI. R. Williams. Orrmic The Inand Prcss, Henning Blic. Invasion of Spain by Napoleon-Boyn- Bth Bttle of Maila-Vs. B. Russell. MANAGING EDITOR. all of Santiago-Todd. Geteal Sonmming Up-A. J. Freebory. -F. Enunnuan, 'ii L. Reittiosn-Cosley. BUSINESS MANAGER.. (enetal fDetott -esolved, tlat the . 1. BAN, '00 L, aheivments of the Utied States sur- EDITORIS. pass tos of all otier natios. ATFLEIC, . D. Ilcnw, 'at .Afimt ite-Atinan, Cole. ATIT. . tS0n~,'0 . A1. IscAL,0 egtivie-Donaldson ydalel. F. i. iaann'e '1t 1. A I. lle~aeans'ul l-Cletott of officers. -&A C3. Bstw:ao'a2. E. J. BWau,.'lti, - L., 3M5aeun te, 'Ot, W. eD. lenr, 'a St Woltitet 'rdty, 7:30 p. n. E say-El tt.C Issks. CurtetstIvents P.A1. Lipert. _______________ ____ - tttttcsttptts-W )D.Kigt, J. L. Dc --- - Groot.iT. Rlrlc. The ubsttcrptton reeatftenlts n8t2.t0tfoe 0 r-;itt-ts .ITyler. ,he eitefgu sar,nih a reguanedei~eeoec Dbto -issls d, tsitisCnadt sould nonend' day, Nticttes, ceetainiaintutaa, atd uther mattee intendetifotue tatio usautthe be tsexeto the United States. handed in usti athe Iie bhforeuR p. n,or s irist tue-JF. Adamts, E. C. Ward, matted tcottte edittr hee 3a, to thet rday W. C Seeloel previous to that n whicihtiey are epected t o-i lA otP V otr appear.NeaieA.ASoyFW Pter abriptioamy e t ottt at tDIY uttie, Cost K ink - i Meye', tr Sttttttt'sestacust, srwiti ltttiussc Redito-"-I.1). 'f'iskey. Manate. Sts~ier twitconter a far iy Aic-r isg istdl Dowvning. repring tttpiya hnatera aise t C tesPto . - fil _ Alt elanece itsavereisingstgtaser Insertlto in pITGA 1aO DADiT the offieciy day ireviun o tius t iO C0AthatF11)A1)U ma which theareaccotear, PLANT. _____ - '1Theseptmenctst o iiP'harmtaonosy re- Its eharge ofl today's issue, oently recved thirty lrge photograps -C. J. MO0NTGOMERIY.- from issnt~iore Indiaic. 'These illustrate _____ ________ teetutuec eoeci issaldprearations l____otteitsriset of certains saier tl-ants, "Open House to Michigan Men in fromtswhichticl ,tels f omm~tere are til- Chicgo" titned.Amotng te pottgraphs are 'SThe Mietigans Alimni Club of Ciciago eon citainges, eliteltts, andisuberis wihsto annouccute that on the Saturday lstrpioc coaadote n aftr he'Iltnk~iitg ganme it will hold ITe plotographls sill le used its the opesn hotse" to the Miehigani teaso andc lectures givensinittedepaetmrsent. to all tlihigan rsen whlo are its Cliieaio that sighsettnd hotes that all wot cas,---- will dross its isforismal" at iheclbrooms, tits secondslfocor, tob Ratdolsib street, asy a 1S timte sfter eight o'loek. Refreshmtsn will le served tand it is oned that every' z body still omue. Thecettiwsatorganized itt Septemober and was for ele purriose of affording the ogieltigctt sient tIsshorIadbeets itollege togellier sduring the last feit years a F1ulD esS it chatter to seet andi renesw foctrtes frendc- chips.lesies 1lceeesg t~ ut stsiterest itt -reidy in pt us college affairs. Thte titertgs are held the first andthlirdl Hitsday ccl each -they'reoflfaultleafIt monthi at ob casdolp stsret, Cicago, -the bonerssnaver bulge tse twsetvt-fiv-e or thirty thalliste beetn__ presens aste etings have tassedlse ."-tse ineal garments pssia - very pleasantl evenings ogether. Inheecluc membslershi'p of te cltb is a little over_ S i is rsid et C. C. A d s secre -p od c tary, tand A. .Keit is treasutteor Athlte Rltiocs With Chicago. LET, EA BODYgl l, & Co Referrisne to ele athletic relations e x- Mkr fistinsg between Michiot atd Chicago, shot swhich there liss beets considerable qy j tulle of late, Prof. Pattentgill, chairmanas ofUl 11 tite hoard of cotntrol, says:--- "No direct overtire,. have ects isade to the Usiversity f 'Michligan in regard )EUTH' Y 1B( to a settlensent of te ithlette contro- 1V'I 1 IM V lhw -versy wst the Univerit", of Chicago. nor, Aitiepiti 'oth and Mouth Wash, so far at I kntow are ass", beets ttade 25CBottte. either to she University of Illinois or te Usniversity of Wisconstin. As arrange- _- nents for te next year's ganes are usually made early its the year, it sems Tooth Paste likely that tresens state of affairs will T1 continule for a lusty timte eunlest a settle- ment is reached sousa after 'Thanks- Appalaraad reibecDctrifice 2c givig"Pacage. giving."TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH D. M. -Ferry Botanical Fllotih'p, At the smeeting of the Board of Re- 'I I * gents of the University.Nov. 17, the D. R i Y M. Ferry Boasnical Fellowship for 18g- c A-,e~u's 8 = ta'm-SOM- itioo was estaliised in recognition of a gift from 1). M. Ferry of Detroit of $o to provide for the research to be con- ducted in Ile departnenlt of botany. J W '1. Duval, agraduate of the-Univer- Siter of Ohio in 1897 and sice then en- gsge-. in botanical and chenial work at the Ohio Experimntual Statton at Woos ter, was aneosultedt the fellowasip 'The A H N H A R nvestigation will be directed to the d- trmination of certain physical andAT LIS TH TR chenmical factora affecting the vitalty o' seedas. __________ The a ddress which Prs An oill was to ;'ie next Sunday before the Busnss Watchl this space for announce- Mlen's class has been potponed until Decc.17, and in place of that judge New- mt of coming attractions. kirk will discuss the oer side of the Transvaal tiuestion NOTIC. There will e a mneeting af the ath- letic hard tonight at icp.-in. Foot-Ball S hoes PERF ECT ARE THE KIND WE SELL, Light in weight, but durable and reliable -in every respect. Our Short Rubber Boots are stylish, neat toes, and first quality. GLASS'S S HOE STORE 19 SOUTH MAIN $h.lsai hi$18.00 SUIS SUITS I FOR AI oodFOR $15.009 $15.00 Doe not lst forver-we refer t ourSeil $15 00 Suit Hale which l will lte onlyten days. We can safely ay you're missing a good thing if youa dentt talke advantage of thsnexlitrrdinry offer. $18.00 II$18.00 SUITS I______ISUITS FOR l- -" -- IFOR $15.00 II$15.00 THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR CALL AGIJFIN&Co.,, Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. GlAS AND ELGCTR31O LIGHTING SUdPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. nANITARYnPUs s s OtSTE AcaN 110 iT WaTt-lit iHATIN. J. F. S.CHUH, 207 E. WASHINGT .N ST. GRANGE R'S Ii5 oItffic-R tsi:' rlg xBi, SCHOOL OF DANCING Tr NORTH SIDE 1555s So a-ui ly a etsnlSimtpe Srn roit attee~ -aeuhsun LAUNDRY itsntttspttrlasvs'tta - stnuotibeudmited darsagzclsur-Nu staisrrto esmut-of'TROS ROWEPopr. ice, ground flan, Grasge's Acadey-Bellt 100 Bradwy Schleede's New hisS Patent Lecture Book Beore uyng ysurnte hoohs or lctae oeseralluinI and ee er nw paenser.Tie ppe duenteartorr ges mipand a n t he ad style altrigntoosh. Parker and Waterman Pegs from $1.25 up. Wholeaale apd Retai Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. tiEADQUfIKTERS FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases oflEvery Dtelstion TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING at Loeni Prices. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 South Mumn Street. ANTT ' .e-TVFa'iL. I I RUBBER BO0TS Just the thing yea want during thin wet sloppy, at $2.00, $2.00, $3.00 and, $375.