o =. . VOL. X. WIL T1 H Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Carry the Largest Stocki L In the City. fl 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A L 0 R We make a spacilty of Chioclaesa as a side line. AVieae11 lots of thema and our stuck is always fresh. Lossney'a, Alegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. WIlde's Pharmacy ANN ARBOR, MICA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24~, 1899. No. 53. . il THE OLD For sveraliwesiweLave RLALen lyininitflstock forthe (SAts an01BACO ij'IL?5A 8f'IOaGIA L'PY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. ;, IHARD LUCIA STORIES. ecus. They guitile ball dwn oiceteei the The De Crisio Collection O Latin ___-'Varsiiy's 20-yard lincliui could noi gei Inscriptions. Wisconsin Believes Michigan is lai- any fariler. The 'Varsiiy, however, TliUtlrsylis ecida e ing Possum. scored twoouelidotwis during ile r- gifi of Henry P. Glover, of Ypsilanti, iee. ite de Criio olleeioii of Latinis iiri- The folloinrigs froiii \Vedcsdyu The offieials for ile Thlessksgiig geeiiis ly iiibriirptii s hii Cardiinal stllrenmasiiiiidecidede, althon'b it attreel fify.numiiiore oftheistwobein-o "Numerous hard luck siries havestilccciiagreed ilac they blieeastern msen. dredbsnofis-tyble.stioarm e iipoiiter emanated froiii the Micigaii camtp elsi- Potter of Noriiwesterii lis beets selectedslb ofmre. woaeu ntra inig the past week. Sonici of these appear ctu cierary urns. one ott anamtiipora, fairly hlasible, whlile soime others are s olca ~cssu. -ter-io nhsss t ediii.They hardly to le given credencee. Snsow, ue Fortyj Extra Boxes For the Came. raige ii age fros th~e reigit of Augusus siar right endi. hli eeniirepotsred as sik Owineito ie imesie advane sale of to thec fifth century. A. D. in led. atn McIean, te great runinitg seats for the Thaslasgrig IDa gamete Sigiire Gisepte de Crisio is the half biaick, is sid to le ini aiconsditioninit iimuangemnetithlis decidedeeliiilbuild forty Parish riest of Pozuli, Italy, te an- suchsbicier. Fraiice. trouss l msaide field boxes oilth~e fiels, ecadsholdiig fie dicnt Pueli, wsts of Naples. Early it stich s recorid at rioltguaerid,lis left perssts. Numbslers i to 220 nearest te life he ecamie interested itestursiy of AitnsArbhoe stdscordinsg to tesereportsrandetosstnidlsill le sold at $0 per Iox, aniitiiies.saniilfor fory Iearsle lieu till nit reiirin to ile game is sl ess oii.tut those in froit of itie east bleacers, frum ittiise to timse lit-el ii ihe viciniy. Milo Whitie uswio pleyed st full, arik numsberitg at to 40, till lieplared out sle A fir lesastpersuadied to edishisse of,but ,sgaiiist Pennisylv anias, is repotid tsle for $5 larties desiring to ae ithese te rest le stored awry its his house. unasblle toi eter te psacticeisssre alsoisoexis resere cast dosos i by wsiritg A ussissler of years ago te existence Capttains Steckle, Cnnssinghamtsatn Tees- Wardl Huighes 94 Laballe sreet, Chica- of the colletiona becamse kniowni to Ger- el. Whlesn these ccporis us-rsmecntionsed gost uonce. nisinsescholars ade smore itthanoie imi- sit te asists uslstane p roisisisessinits Fit-c lbsxes hlie-bieest aliedI for its dciiand fifty of the iscritinsserer foot stll circles declared:. Never fearsadv-ansce. pubis~hled sitVlue X of the Corpes Michi s-an Ias a rematrk-abhly tine lot o In a- istiuisi Lssitarssts i fett-peacr- plalyrtisendcherteassi tillle i ilt-iiege Plhilosophial Soietq. its sitrs itte spilemsents ticthe Corps, condsiiion for the clsssssponsslss guise Miss Mceuhl reach a pater lst etess-te EI lileseris Epirephie, \Voumie wit 'uWiscosins sie wteek fromsc Ilirs irsitsThe Meitorphoises of Satan.s VIII lits. WisestMichigtnus u is scsdilsies Fle sorignucof ctiltress eisussedhbliiit hDr Wsaler IDennsison,. item pro- fusr slayes site simpily goes isuti and gets Ntasssdecideedtuatusee seed not si host fessor usf I stittniOberlint college, vis- a esins;sut by qesetiona ble msehosesat esil caes inetututhe trorl, ayinsre taist thfg de Crico std really ohtained all, ut heycslling ackherlisould huhayerss" ue eethdiuie is tothe originsf te tesmtission tto psucli ste recenti addi- This, inideed, setms o ie shuit ue at iwoled itself, for origin Gdilsonly kositu tous to te cellectieonsithie American AnntiArbor thsutsetson.sA out thur fit siWe tre sut ucustielwthil-tisbeginnitnug Jouratl of Archaseoogy. The article, of October the sttisics sof slihign' andshcend isuetithi te resent. hisfactcomsptisng sity-seentinisriptins nt foot stll seusadh were issued. Out of tin te wshe qeustions c-ssses down t X-Y icesviousyls islished aroused consieer- seiusad of candseithstes ten umbususering for- Somuse thig,sare esil undueer particularc able itestc. A fete ofIthe isutcrptos ty-fivemten, ontly six n-re picked1for thne circunssusincs,swhihs sre nt undser ave alsos lienitublshtie its teNotizie teat swhich linuptitagainsi tPensyel-eother. deli Sasi, the offcihjournssl of te vaniatest dat-uago. The tther mni n h icissne nrwihevsi- Issiass gsernmsesut, coutaisng reports out the gaimie against tetsusvhs-eui, asistsu is sdoue lies ie eil. Eil is so common au euntsuies. While cengaged its copying swhoms sere Cuuinsithtsuus sndehFrsance,ols haststhere is greait retpon~siility uponut te iscriptionsttProf. Dennson uusstayed twro hsundrheih poundthihe muen, Snout, the good menutoes sretursmte ltd. as te hiouse of Sig. se Criscio,st-Io cus- isse hunssdreed stid set-dity psoud endel Is the life nof es-ry pers there is cons- ided tohsit the perlexity swhichc the rushler, hLeibler Weeks andel Hernstein, sisandthethsconflic is r tesntiswrhicslo uslciof tediisnosiioon(f hecolections hlsf acks, and Sreet, the one husnredcrrespons tste reactionstfounduueits athbrought: fr Sig. ede Cricii is ote ad- asuss ixy usuuuuqurthsrer, swere all secures1phslysicali ifeusassedshittyearssanethhus isisreatises hu- sfter mtsc training sissnlhadlbegun." Ticlit suured otfforce outsiudetof the teeu-hs itstethed thatssmefit-huh Prf.di- M\ichwaneas issmasde 550especial iat-worl is to gived tip lsllhoue. We 5mus ns~nsuggese itIelm.sc coleetuProf shouuld tempuht tolasisthard hucks stories. Istsse- hbeiee certin it hings te cnsnot hprove,hu cogietAseissashuediusse diaey after Csase gssusueSnodwssands sutas i liioi~shsers se mustshremsesmbherhUniiersityeof Muichiga,swhere itsould Frsance st-rc othssutsf te gamue andshIis is fsihusuts knolege. he ffusie tstuduets. neiher hus retusneid s yet. hIsc, -- - - - illiami Waner Bihop, AB., r8i9, ouls luste eems sttch sre st their houes Organ Recital Tonight. A.'uM., 18u3, swho tas last y-ar a felose Fortntielss, howseer, fr ichign, The secondu concert out the Chosrsl ithie Amtericstn schouol itsRusticwsa sotls sill hprobabhiy ie acheo r practicee Uion mcoursceestill liemsn onesrecitsal by- askeddIt maksuee tipu ttolPozuoi amd otn 'ittshtuty. Theinrctuurnuvsill probablsy Csarece Eddvltonusigt. Tie follwsinsg cpuy tie en ire colection.Frnsuesuce eat-c Michigsantwills the stronugesisugre- uprosraum wstill ie gisen:oieitwass esyito umsee te great sel- gationu shelas utsmiinthmscfieldI ihis year, Toccatt in I ..-- - - -Dtchsaetlogctl value of the iscsrptos, amd as all tie layers till tuens le stle o Pastsoralei h.ngesteh (ne ) S- -ter Mr. Glut-r, st te suggestionu of Dr. Sceurzos'nes)r..I . ...IW.S oth y enne-itusui,arrangedl o hlist he collecilon play excepht Teeze, barrinsgfurthersue-(Conceri oerturesum 1 fltiih t teUnvriy cidenmts. 'WVhie Snoseandh Irance massy (tinet)- - - - - -she.. F let sougu oms isett- he soewhssslat sut of condeitiosn they till Aeltiie frost Third Symphilony.u. The s-sui te he ms collection ftr he au- he relied ou to slu goodh wor. GrtandulCleur Dialogue........ se srtuses ttnsisEuiteemch-heetr Biiijueging fruitsWiscnisi's reors Capriccio "Is Chas".....Fmgalli - nearyyIte whoet eam testsumiable o Menuset its G. .'F u.s-. .. .. owsvsi sly ucaus f msmrisofroigestr.Feueral Maceliamd ong of Aex. Dow This Evening. plybcueo nuie fcleewr. Seraphs (sus......... uitantut'Tonigti lhe Enginseering Society will Wisconisint launoi only ealy sll er fToccaisi Di Conerto(uev hutiisssicaelsseimsbitofMer regular seemsout again uiistsalsoiman- Msrcht ndChous sfruits Touts etrPatiei leti tain, aseel io "call ach" a fesw forumer players ausaer- - - --..Vt....... isgerauh siePrccetsEcrcSatos' Ieetn slf cam umits ate anth Lar- Mrn Alex. lDow of Detroit Mr. Dow ile sher ef esosesexctel o LaiPhilological Soieia. is ass egiser of exended exprience, testeohrhafwows xetdmoLs ightinse Phlolllogicstl Socetihavintg scums connueced wihshe isEdsonms els sar work,. sas jusi brought bacsselids its regulr metinsg its romssE, GUi- Electric Li gtinlg Cu. of Detroi for soue th rttleyfrethedayssesoulsheaessitely IHall. Mr. C. L. Meladernressad ayears passti He is a immber of thee wil prscmh autrmegliue-eus.B very iuentisertiinsug atimstrsuctie papear Ameuricans Socit f Mechanumical Em- math teiren psatha srongline ueBohlhaerdon ite changesinthue mesaig ohite gieers auh of he Aereicunst itiute of hid teirurmsfew dss consbuteutostlofhartddemeoistrativ is lte," partilculsary ieos- Eecirical Engineers. luc fr fw ay, bt os o tatisclassicalLatci-hieis,sitese, icse, ile. Hit subjeci is oeupilo which he in sowuser amd Michigan amd Wisconsin The pper was emslsablesdisciusionu, deal- thorouuglsy cmupeenttsiputeaad,reatd will thy a batle royal, with roably he lng cief-- withe the ievelopenhsut o stmue. -she will mreat i, sill he uf iesilmable bestutleamsus bohuethave puinit the fiel this Soueeof the viesws expressedl u-rcsia-as year. compslsete surrie to ithose preseiti Mr. benefi toite stueneeut of etgineeiut. Ii Mseader gvec numiceous ilustrsionsu in is a pracicasl one ansdloe of ithat natiure Hard Practice Given the 'Varitq suport of lilt eeas. which is considereu toes little, along wih Ysterday. Tesehsetn o httdystl em cthioretical worke of he college. Mr. Practice yeserday was hsarder thanm i hel out Decensber 4. Dow will lave several meiters soomee in huesbhensainy day before tihtsteel.'Thle '00 Lawvs Playj Normals. wy of illusration, hic lie has shipped M'Varsity and College lined up for stf The '0f laws will play the Normals t- here front Detroi exresly for himi pur- practice. - he College sewas Unusuiahy morrowr at 9:30 at Ypsilant. A special Al yelectric rain will leave the law building pose. Allitereted persons are urged srong, having te srongesi possile at 8:0 with the law band, the team and io be present his evening iiithe Physical coibinaion oniide of tie revular play- a boy of rooters. Laboraory lecture room ai 8 o'clock. ty : ' Gastman Koclahe 1-3 OFF I Iu ma is itici up 5Au- factorypumes AskiuOsabout kCalkins' Pharmacy JUST ISSUED Philosophy of Histo ruc otte Philosophical Study of Politics M2Fo. 254 Pages. $1.00. GEORGE k-WAHR Psublisher to lbsedtseersiy of llehigan