4 THE USYERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 *0 4 4 4 Z Former Price 25 ard 3OC 0 :Now 15 and 20c , 4 + HE E H AC i UNIVERSITY 320 S. Slate +~ BOOKSELLER Street1 U. of M. Barber Shop tLt ~s thf husii and Bath Rooms.the t1t t'i 322 State St. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop. r'"r ARK M The ( UetRFtl'trEES S iTtSFdtGT1Oi'.. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Ladies' beguin cassio, XWed.,8 toI 1t. PINK BROS., Instructors Oftice and Academy, Nickel Rail, 334--33e S. Stale %.I. Pr lIt11H( AY OFFER !A rewieihr'thtat we can supp~ily y'ou with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. 'What nooce can you ask ? Try us. DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. Sc ordering carriagee why not pet Iteas where yoatcan get your order tilled oct tine withla carriage. We have added five cmore to our already large lin- and now have the largesit nuinoer of hacks in towel which wiii ensure you good octrvice.Prcte thtesaine. Ptoe e106. 51 1' East-Liberty Street. We haveaafinea.sorten't of terDfNice;platd oy":, includting The Royal, The Rochesterarid theoPlamewod, The BerlPnInamPereonSuet Lool'. The NewtLamp. 'la'tewood, i uavac nLam attivsmoelighttcorttho all uad than any Lamplof iltskindl. NdVcalgi}o u I li a stLms o h 7 ,EASti 2LONTCTJ I D. fi. TINKER~ & SON HIATTERIS AND FURNIISER Headquarters tar uA, CArt,urENa's Fecasseseas Aid CoatpletalittaOf GYMASIUM oAECY R nLONGLEY HslT' 334 Scach Scale Stree Cr HainandnoS trecets. Capital, $50,000. Sutrpies, $3001. Traneacts a Pi, K mc FPres. C. EIGuO , Vice-Pes. 'assa ilBlLSER. Calhieo. Bat Ace Artoer FIRST NATIONAL BANK iOgaaizedt18e3 Caiital, u$w1t0,(0.Surplus ant Profits, 840a0e0 Troanttossooloetactttteerlbnin uiessoo. Foreign exchoange outght t d sold,.Iturnioh letters af cedit. a, D aKINNE, Preas, HAISON SOILI, S, W. tCLARSOttN Cashiec Capitat Stork. ,00o~o 0. Srplst, $151,000. llraaict ndetsthe GonOal Bitnattgcoa af tttis Stato.Recve't stdrepoits, buys a ad sells exchange on atheit nipia alties of tet talled Safetty deot b~ttoxes to roat, lFIERS:vChris ttianoaMack, Poe.: W. . l arri- smast, Vice-Pres.: (t'sas. 5E.taitooca, Cathtet sM. J. Frtze,Assstat ashiter W. Aaaosztt, tst Vice-ptres BAINK Tr ansacts a general Blanki'g luatneaa. COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS sod IJOODS, !! nr "' Retttaa at CAPS apd GOWNS, fl SPECIASLTY. r. I+ LASS PtIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, SPECIALTIES 41illEIFifty-govoanth SI, il( AGIalt,, Old Numbert 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MIGH. COME AND SEE. Saister Wilt Speak. Calendar. Theo Goodl Govvvnmtttttti(lb woill hold 'lTtvrsday, NOV'. 2,3, 7:30 p.I. oo-tleot- ttt~nc treltsceting text .'tiotttay night ito tag tat Philtoogic'al So'tt y tillpaperbC. ite Tl'an al1lectur evtotom.Hon, A. . Meatder ott te tiot svative "''be'' J. Suttrv vil setk oon"Ptvistontie- Friodty, SNot. 24-Clatrence ely'sOr- formo,'' t subjet tt which Iltthasolevoatedl gatrRecital it ortaal Uniotacourve. agrellatleaolof satudly. Thtoroevill tlso ho Saturdayp, Nov', 25-Varsity vo. Kala- sotIad'doresses ty toetar ovtwotmmet rs toy ooat Regento' Field. tf te litevary ant1dto lataclties.''hlere SaituvrdtyNate. 25, 8 Ip. ste 'lix Gec- atill be 1no1 admlissiontfcanttaola rge at- tailtBates' lecbtures for betnefit of Circe lo'ldlttteis deseired. ott Kinog'',Dauhtoo ers SatutrdlavNot". 25,8 p..-Flintal Iter uFOaRRENT-Lorgo froat roomentfasrt deptartmtent Debate itn University Hall. S-Ioar, half a blocko from Cumpaus.30W Satttrtay, Nttv. 25-Mliss ,OcitaviatW.' To inaure prompt delivery of Phuoo irele Kitng's Da~ughtlers. Hlarris Hll, 8 torders tor the uttlidays, place yourc p.itn111Adttissiont25ceents. orderso early, and avoid the uaual uh Mna, Nor. 27, 8 o'eltoek-1toit, A. 50 RANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO. J. Sawyertil t in aantHtl leetare rootit Wednesdaoi~y, Nor. 20, 6 It. tot.-intoker 'iTe tjuniotr lawv pipes av~te lyrxved anid andldinnetr- of Chiceago Aluittoosi 'ooea- Ittiy he obltinedl t Joilly',, _tion1101Vitoria Hlotel, Chieago. 'Tickets, LOST-A lDolta Sigmta Dellta 51in 5 Retu~rnIto iDeltat Sigmta Delta iloose.'4 Untxert ly of 'Mieihigan ttutentswxiii The Dtaily ia desiroua ofsaceuring so It e tgtin a ehanctte oeat lteir Tltiitk- anew fotot hall sontgsftort'ai tsahnkgv- ovitutrkey at ltheirhoeasxifItey xwixb tng number.',Saogs thaut can besugtopa00110e11111onte-ltird tfiresx over the 001e wanted.Th,'le w'orads shouldbe lotihiott Central roatdtoar thteroundtt xwritten toopttular ttuesthat 'are 1, u 01110 Thle CetlPatsxseer Assoctiatt erally Enowvn. adthtottarovxe0f 11he OMichigant Centtral's All acuntributiaons to he publiohedmsotat i 00ottingivintg Ite cehe o ys Itisrate, be itt by Saturdaybuottha1t1raod xwilomakoeithe rate jut the -- same. Lteryttittg ttat thoc Alichigan~ Thte latest eotera scotres can alxways bo eletral roatd does is 000010ta thlie itpproxval found at the Ann Arbor Mduaic Cot's, of thle Central Passxenger Asxociationst o Waahingtotn st. Mavo you seen Victor fasr ax cuttintg rattes is cottererod, ando in uHerbert's "Singing Girl," "Ameer." this mte11r Ite ieigait Centratl road ha's mantifested tsinateontion tto s~td by Prexiotts to tlte Tlhanksegiviotg gamte, thte college boys, uwtethter thte Central we will soll outr uoc yellow antdblute rib- Pai'iettgcr Assoaciation appxroxves of te toat for ioc, cut in stripsx i yardl lontg. action or sto. MACK & CO. Heretofoore a rote of one al(ohte-Itirtl fares for thte round trig) taxslbeett madoe sA complete lie f Adler Sins. fine for Ann A rboor studets for lte Thunhs- line 's3ixitogChristmas andt.i Easter vaationts soils at Wadhama, Ryan & Reuhe, 200- by thoe Miecoigasn Central rood, andt thte 202 S. Stain at. sante vale will be rta~de this yeiar. 57 ;. a't(i.ld1l4L [[tL[iit41 til 1 Lil ayn 4 tOVYU I icy r . t: Al; y ' Y tioeafthtese $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN soat,tpotaidono s a wool'stsia $ 1.00 Ifsitdfoessnotsutttoue, toE l XT sArK adoffer yous $1.10 foe it, It it does nsui tilOUUMAsE A Ayawayyuafiure t PROFIT Igif1 LvlI p "A slice toa pipefat" is one reason why Old En. Cut pipe to. bacco is s0 popular.. . The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. I disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De. partment, The American Tobaeco Co., III Fifth Ave , New York City. Alt dealers sell it. Thisithebttto 0pon s otolhere' ia yoturtchansicelto tat it-I-Psar = ls'olysonepensttotnetsaddreas a1A git o evrcos' diagtnsefoul- o- andta roota't ptlpat Tes- a ns sslto ofttt giver.la (;,'t yost oreroitsearly-ordar ttsy."Slatelheth elady sos' genat tyle iladesired. Addrs a. LAUGHLIN MNFG. ICO. A 129 Griswold St., Derait, Mich. m, EEECE. a Atnyhanko Esxpresc Companypittg De'troit. W0ILL CARLETON SPALDING'S FTRADE-MARK W Aj 'IIr O1footall FOR 18a9', tI The Spaldine official Intercollegiate Fralball TALOIS TO M'E~N ~Penz anteaaortell, Unit cs~t ft teats, mi of