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November 23, 1899 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-23

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MICHIGANQEN'TPRALettc bo tpb. famuui
'The Niagara Falls Route." I flL,$CeI ooga be. . ofM. Fls5ct 100.Fn
Taking JEffecrt June 25, 1899. WatchzRepairig a Specialty
Detroit NightSExprso ... 9i 5A. 5M. 8 206 S; q Tf lan SJEnnt ER
.tatcioss..... 48._L_________________________________
Altickpes..,,. nr4 ~adRpd rs . ...1l ail andiExpress. . . .97ites.r
N. Y. Bouston Special ......a.. 8t _t o
FansEaen...............9543 a e o
Ma il anilE-pres. ......... 405A .
Bo tonN.Y. andSChicago........7 48seen suer1PORCELAINS? Finest
s_ aA 8 siS 'xpescs .......138 .x.. ehave ust received aNew Linnt f them tiring on1-only place is Ikre city
GIt.and lExpres......... 545 " w~'~Shere yo earlget lIhiSi.
CiaoNighItExprecT. . 9 41 .
Patift Eiioriiss.;...... I2:A a. At. in Al the 'scw Colors and Styles SPEG1PL ROTE[S TO SENIORS
Steaslii~i Tickets, all Classes, iso and fs oii
Europeanposints at lc west rates. Fail infor'-
maatioii Sn application, 1,IL9 T r B r.W.RTGE, I,.IAYS fa
0.P.55. 1liJ(tl, CiS, .o . °t sy,n Ihrbor.UI dD di
0..&TCgClego glAi ci~ 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119
y____________________ ICYCLES STORED
r Women Wilt Glvea Costume Partj Dentis Must flue More Roon'.FRT EWNE
TheArei I iilt he a "ciistii~eai irty"Ill te Thi Dental Department receives the At the low rate of
.&2ID T M.LmIT5 .2M Women'sIXildingon Sirly ii0 AX: . otice iPresident Angell's 25 cen~ts peeriinth
TIME TABLE All ficiiltylties ait Lc<i ue womieni annual rieport LEON SHAW, Its1 E. Ann fit.
Taking Effect, Sunday, IMly21, 1899. are illsiled to attenit. Ciiiie ini costume The Dental Department has as usual
Train leave Ann Arbor by CentaStan d- if posaitie. bsit he su e andinole aii had as iiany stutdenls as it ciiuld ac-
ard Tiine.an
SOUTH1 NORTiH way. TIhis ivill he the "'ioase Naning' iominaal, and is steadtily grawing. JUST RECEIVED
*N.6-i2 .M o . :uA .of the btuiltting. It.lies received official inforniatian that
No. 2-1,7 A. M. *Na. 5.-12a3s1.sm. -is dilomlia is recognized in Holland. as ANwLn
Nii. - 8S30 r. S. No. .- 4::'16r. sm. Students are cordially invited tsoiiti n oi1olerEr1alcun1-. h "eli Poo-ins
.0. :5p . fil llAS. pest oat r mpnete ii:es at stilts, aver- ;
thnSna ny o oeo~ coals, menas farnishlngs and hato. The facaly are giving carueful cansid- Copley Prints and
tn undetwenlAnnWadhalils, iRyan - tteule, S. Main st. eciatito t I hi iueistiorns whether ii is nsiolse
Alt other trains daily exceptlSunday. lilt CXI diest to extend the course to r.b.nPaioPit
EI. S. OtLMlOtE, Agent. RtEDUCEDRI) AILROAD RATES. fu ss h ait n mII i Unmounted Intdian Heads
W H. I3EiNNETT G. P. A TrteThanksgiving vaceatioinitheivoi ,ii iuired tii miettthe standard at itemw
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- Anii Artier rtiilroadiill iistll ticklets alt.ii4 detiretdfiy the faculty are s stata CJ11LJI1..
bor Railway. a rate of one and one-third tare furor t haiiheoinono oetee Phioine A T "M p~,' pi
Cars leaveO for Detrnit and, Ypsilanti round trit. Ticketlosswill be oilligar sot hardly suffice. Appiarently ace No 173 111k 5..)151 I
every half lhour, beginning at 6:45 a. ni. Nov. 29 and 30. Lliited to retunil7e- l:iiioa n c hiioe hbetren raisinlg Ilh 217 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.
until 8:15 p. in.; lasotcir fur' Detroit enabee 4.____________________
11:10 x1,. m. Waiting room, corner Ann - _____ ilur ensfile udmission, the eoten- c
and Tvain sto.: Dletroit, 1l Griswold st. NOTCEtin if theriourse, the refusal of apply IINE = G ~ iI
N'~exr OCE. li u dlioliadtirSoi0 waticher Diamonds, Wbeelis oiliterP
-- hs cie an s fr amiisonandtheenl17.e
5 aretady foe distrihuiolot oiit hoil.scud i f our builingi. It sems imlias- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED
ng tickets. sile 1o fiad propuler accommoodxtiions for Office ati reidene , 331 S. Libiety Sr., Ann Ar
n 'nuerneEannnn r KEENE NITII PltICK iiirger classes in the present tquarters. b .il.Alhle slurlil ls,
Bnirrs ANN ,!RIW to________i 11:30 a. in. aod i to 3:0 nd oou9p. n,
NoRu1l ss thiat 8,000 personsiee ecat-.JosephiC. Watts.
QUPE +' fLUI, l TO THEFACULTY AND STUD)1NTS. 4 ini the dentalhleis if ihe year. BEowairsalSeodbandvachesoand Diaosds
SUPR S OI,~ Tndersigned hns taken possessioin , I'll E DIY
WABASH _FAS TRAINS if the entire otock if Liooks, htation- A nesv line of M1aniaattan Shirts junt
a1,IollyOoa ~ of W iSn1 at WVadhams, Ryan & Iteule. See - -
FRErCARCR eetun h n.taes odsoe f l o lm. k ctore, Mainstreet, ill tellt, at tihe theim. S. lain St. _-0 ,IRblocks
leilust 0th 110 Iggee o di~a~e P.uf. eI-iry S. 'CarllaIS 0who is spendl . ''rate o er
at any satrifie to meet tile obligotions.Varntcfo1Ye.
It.S. Grns ,iisnwod, H5. P. A., Chicago We have all varieties of goods whi1ch in,,tiue year in Berliii, refenls lccepitetd$10
aiil isititil friiiiiAnidreiw D. While, $"
yououse daily and this s-ill he a rae h oralhaXlo rodiir 55~I eadlueg
mopportunpitiliy to obtasinlthlere at lrenark-t"Vyll nol Jeweler
uably buy figures. Tlhle tock l9Xst heiaidIcleiotentiarylat IheC heCm1n11o11tl1
The Hockinrg Valley Ry. SlCSEIETu tee. a innileriit lhi~Uc e ete-PesdntT9
. aii<.tone.Hrrison. Amsiadoutur 'lWhute. ia
With its three-hour trains between ____Th_.-6_
Toledo and Columbus, using Union WANTi'ED. The Saturtday evenll tingsmlbiesat UN iSaini ohctei h VR-G~ne cdm r nn a o- I t38S tt tet
BODY uses thinlitne. All thousewois mhi to jo ihe cassIn Gboestd itAtclasesu.Tarc vllaycon- I t385 tt tet
Parlor cars on day trains and sleepers journihinarn ni lheairnIpractical daily tiuetruhtihle coll.g'Iyear wilhcoan MH TIN
at night,.okapt oi il srtgh lecolg rwll 1 . M: ii.
Through sleeper from Toledn 'to ST.PE. MAUI'. lldtulfiatrO01hu li o
Washington, Ealtimore and Philadel- 11 orliav llSAr T.hlanksgiving tDay, Valentiune's Day and FUNERAL
phia. - 4260 ':-Washigto'saBirlthay. ,DIRECTOR
Quite a Railroad THE HOCK-INGO glen winning first place illan intler- Mr. anld Srs. Graniger cordiahly 1 maltgaopsatyno-09S t
VFALLEY. WriteEmamnaspcat.N 29S4h
L. W. LANDMAN, 11 Fort of., collegiate tenlnis or golf toulrnamnlt at vte the stutdents ho participate. Ae. Ambulance night and day. Re-
Detroit, Rich. Princeton arc permtietd to swear a P. 1R. GRANGER. idence 302 Fftih Ave.

V-,, \! v v y"! \L..1G yr v ' . - v y


The Puritan Leads

t r _ .J.. .. Fine

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