Pbishd Daily (Snda s eepted luring tli .Clhge yea, at _ THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHIGA. - Oceac: The Inland Pecss.Henning Blck. Bth Phone, 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EOMARDan, 'm L. - BUSINESS MANAGER. . .. . H. Hn. '55 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS,. . . . 1. HIlNTia e, '01 E T. R. Woacas, 'SI L. A. H. RetlacaAL,'1 E . G. BaawNa '2. E. J. B. Wo, '00, - . J. MOTacaancER'0S. , W . ,ItIAEna, '0, Theccubaepia price of th 1HAyci$2.0 fo the cllge yeaiha. aregla dliery befare naan etacit day. Ntics, aacaacnicaiinand otheremater itended fcr piblicain anal he handed in citlihe DaIcYc aie e hfare S pna ar mailed Iao1the editar bfoe 3 p in, at the a pevious t that n which thy aceexapaatd to appear. Shciptiansamaybha left a 1tche DALY oafice Rleye, cc Salflece aewtnd, ce with Baiuee Eanager. Shbcicchawillacea favr by repotingompcecaly at tiseaffic any failare o careiers to deliaerInaper. All cange in adveiig mactarnmut e ia the offtecbyi4cp. i. con cthe1cday preaioseto ht nn whichc tea ae cc acaar. Pica Atihleic Boacdcisc to ie conmend- ed focr its action in dcidainltg to take the band to Chicago. The taco deevs it and tie occasion desecves it. The boad has showns rI eaitess Itinrwatevec i could to contiue to the succss of the teatm on Thanksgisviig Day. It will in- vose socoa expetse, btt it will be well wocth while. Nose that the boad has done is 1pa t it becomth ie dty of te - iandiIto oits sarcae. Itashold e cc hand corly to play to get the weaes of the yllos anadlce togethe, and to lead thcecc so as to ave Otnogcnied lie of macand cc a cmpact oty of ootes. The'Michigant men can all aly aounc tie accc and thenth iee wilie ass- ances that tey will be togethec and avajablel. Tile facvacd-Pitncetcccccdebatethis yeac will be iheld in Cambridge on Dec. i6. The deate willie on tie sbecjct 'Resolved, tat lila Eiglisth clains ill the contcosvesy withcte Southc Aficani Re- pctblic are iustifiable." Wicoscinc hcs givenc tp its Christmcas foot all gaiceswihc Califocnia, bt will setnd its dehatig teatm. The cocbinec glee acd mndocclinc ccubs of Coriell cict Pensyvania wiii give a ctcet in Pchilcccilpchica cn 11c eveitg of Thanccksgiing Dacy, aftcc the Pecnsyl- vatnia-Cocnel gamce. Bothc teamsc will have cmpllimntay seccts. Public Lecture on Teaching. At a nmeeing of the teaces' conmit- tee of tliericacy deactmnt a fes cays ago it was deteminlecd to organie a course of icubilic leace luponedtca- tioctal stbjcts foc tece hnefct of sttscl who intendti natectpota the wok of teaching. The speakes ciii in the nain e dawn fomn lie liteacy faculty, though it is pocsihle that a few lectures ecay e gvenc y men fomccotercinsti- tutints or by other pecsons pomcinnt in - the, wok of edcation. It is expected that lie acangemets foc the coucse wit be cotmpeted withinc a short tine. Senior Class Meeting-Some Im- portant Matters to Come Up. Alincenlciceco of the Senior Lieary and Enginering lasses liolld attend the cieectig to e held Friday at 4:5 p. n. in ront C. Several inportatct qupestiona are to cone before the meet- to. The mcater of cap and gons is one. Anoher i the election of the two TIME UNIVERkSITY' OF MkIICHIGKN DAILY. Unclaimed Letters YTue folowitng lettes remcain uncai- ad ci the Post Office this seei: Arthcir, Go. Baier Irene. Becnet, Wi. G. Bossea, Harry. Bringhan, A. S. Clark, Mrs. Nel. Chaimcerlain, Joe. Dietrich, N. V. Dol Thomas. Fenton, II. A. Farrce,BHarriet . fcclccicermnc, Lillian., Gamibcle 'crs. Franlc. Ifootscoi. Jecn (). KIataclChiscticn. Kaz, Ms Jacc. Maicc.Ms D. J. Nesoc, R I, ScItoshi,'Mrs. N. J a clLeccnnan, alcolcm. r ciatAtnici. Y t~cliiigtBetha. e NortA. B H Rasu yH1ricy R. rRotcscI.Cacltnte. S Sclincgs Occci. Sicith Mrs Go. R. t Stosell,NIT.L. Wh~lie, .Minncie. Wcarfel, J. X. Dros- t lBlanchard, -Miss F. 1 cint, Ructh. tLccwe,.Chas. F. Lardre, Nell. Milligan, Mss. IMasic, .Miss. Richtmocnc, Anctrec. tiloca, Christina. Russel.Miss. Sabicnc, L..If 1Foreigi- Giimnc, Lecna. McNauglie, XWcm. Ross, W. C. Ross. Chas. Retuirnc. L. .- Rogers, Mcrha. Philosophical Society Meets Tonight The Phitiosopiiicccl Society ciliave is scondtstdens' cmeetig Itonigh al 7:30 o'clock icc roocmta2. Miss Mcgh is to react a piper ccni"Pica Mleaccor- cuses tf Scta." Aulsstects waviocr iterested areivitecd acdinedi trget to attend and paricipated in tha discus. SCI AR TES We ave octat Yale wcut. - ovee 7 dittiececlkid. STArZBLLRB& CO f 3015S. MAIN ST ATHENS THEATRE Watch this space for annosnce- 'meut of conming attractions. E- A High Standard of merit in clathes inching insgwined only by Continuoun Efflet. And so it in in clothes dealing. It re- quirec castinuouscffort an our part ta select that Ychick is bent fcrtn the tocsa hte emaccy clathes mahers is thin coantry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is withcoat questian the finest pro- d ueacd is ahead in every reslcect af the average scade to-crer garments, a1 chest cue-half the price. It is that hind of clothing a ivh he heal dccescars aceiccohicigforad realiziiig ibis fact wve hc.ae11h.sor'ason pucsead aceousoal Large Sock of Stein Bloch Saits, and Overcoats acid ccc in positiacn to fit all shapes accd focrcs fernm acce magniidcent lice of tis highc grade make. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. ___ Lindenschmitt &Apfel' Parker's Campu N-A 04 4L French Cook in Charge FURfNISHES FIRST-CLIISS BOARD. REGULAR BSOARD) $2.7i. fEAL, TICKETS $3.00. Short orders promptutly filled. Fresh S-l ococMadec Candcy cnov on hanti with the famcouos'Sponge (Caramcel a siecrialty. Pop corn bali's anti salted ipeanuts uocv readiy. Comn fiatcd Icy thtens. W. S. PARKER. 709 N. University Avenue DyO IT NOW#.... Don't wait till they 're all ta n shoes former pricae$3. .9. gnne, Ladies heavy winter .50 and 3i4.CP, Sale Price WfIfi-W & MILLBR, 21,8 South anStae reet. TtSE SRll Itoo.- THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR CA LLA tfN 0& CO., Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. l AS AND ELLCTH'O UGH TINGSUPPLIES, SHADES, U ~ PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIfAtLcT. hAt'ITAR5Y PtLU 15, STE.AM AD dHOT WATCHRIIEATtIlO. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHING'TON ST. GRANGERP'S ;rft=i'rNa ior i ugctpz SCOOLoFDANCING~ NORTH SIDE . 7th1 calce o-5ricly a Scho-Siie dres pcUNDRYcrferablecfr claccacircec-Ho eeicmlioraes- cceiegc act lccccisec oHc aicre itoiccccic -Of- FT"A' H W , a T ' fire, grouned floar, Hmg eci'c Aacdmy-Bell 3.00 BoHrad ay O., S',Por 'phase la5. :~r~i ~ 4Schi le 's k New Patent Lecture paned 0 laga liace c e heod is ee'Book Itofore haying youcr nte hashes or lectureesall in ad see orIC paitenttcocver. 'The Parker and Waterman Pesn from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retai Paper from 10 fonts a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street.. Buy a]p A LARM1 CLOCI- UAI ICED'Q ICW91ODV Tn o r cillcige ;ns