$000I U[6I~L ~ in Your Inside PocketI S Is what you can save ona suit or ov ercoat mado to yourorderhbyous.We guarantce aperfeet fit or oosate Caland :c o obliation to toy. Otu ese atsortmeont of ovcr 3,008 asapieswilptease you.All FooliSuits and O nrcoain farom $12.00nap. G o +n h lA usl a j Fr nt Room o r Fist National ii ~ ~ Tn ordering tarriages why not got thorn where you can gt yourLer f+ildo tyewt carriaige. We hato added five imore to tur -tray ag in>aa n owhv the largest ntonher of htackitowon ~ eparrhenth will enouo you good service. Price the sto. r hfPhone ten. 515 East Liberty Street. L LA PS NFOR STUE NTS% L~&*T NEO Former Price Wohaval on oet oCntetDaft, Nickeltiled Lamsa iocudong The Royal, The The Now Loop, Ptoanood, i an advance to Lams. It givsor enlight foe theoiottuned tttan 25QiC30c anypLamp of itskiad. We canagiv outhe easLamapefor tl } f COME AND SEE. N o Old Numbera 44SONAINBST. M. Au S15 and 20C 4 SO AN BO.,MICH L N & QC O Seats for Wisconsin Game Now on Calendar. Sale. Thursday, Nov. 23, 7 :30 p. i-M-eet- sin came arist-d yesterday froom Ci- ..tt e ter otttte demionstrativc "iste." H H HA ~ cag an cwe asatsane sopenod far stto UNIERIT 30 '.Stte rush. The saectinsresetvesd for sin gait Recital itt Choral Uttison couirse. UNVRST 20SMtae iicihigant aetegation are all here, in- Saturday, Nov. 25-Varsity vs. Kala- * BOOKSELLER Street cluditag blockss or oeats in atl the stats.snazaooa at egents' Field. *Thse covered grand stand is $2,ohe S'tusrda fa' f'fN 4 O' 4' 'fbleachers at the side of the gridiron ly Nov. 25, g 13. 1nI-Mfiss Oc- _____________________$l.hh, atad those as the ends $1 h ai aeloecturesliar hotteit of Circle U 0ItABarer 4 atet inprv-charts' sill he left heroeounti next Mo of King's Dauighters, U . o MmeBarbelShop nday or Tuesday, wsensalt the scale tin- Statclay, NcO'. 25 8i. ni.-UFital latter .and Bath Rooms. 1hielitaoo=s~tilt sold swill be 'offered to the public tn dotetpartat Debate it Utaisit ersity Hall. 312 RSaSt. J. R. Trejanowski, Prep. Wbog ________ttedel sdaty, Nor. 20, 6 p. om.---Stuoer To insaro prompt delivory of Phao tad oditater of Chiagio Alumntai Associa- W f t11orders for the Holidays, place your iaton, Victoria hostel, Chicago. Tickets, BARBE[R orators early, and avoid the usual tush, $1.2a O3UfRfiNrEE,8 SfBTISFf5GTION. 5f6 IANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO. Pcaast lcTlabgriggm UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF As saote trouble has been cateireo at ssc oill sell tsar 200 yellowv attd bloc aib- D. RF. TINSKR & 0VI' RIATTERIS AND) FIOfSBES Headquarters far HATS. CoA, ?Stone FoUttaSHNtan Gtosoand StoW EATR. AGENCT FOR LONCLEY HATS 334 South Statie Stree Car. Maintaand HuronSa treeta. Capital, $50^0. Saurpus, Ratee. Teanactsaa goneralthanhiagtbasinesa. R, KExr, Fees. C. E. CaEno, Vice-Pros. Fans. HItStto. Cashie. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of aniedr1hor Capital, $100,1r00. tarplus sod Profits, a40,000 Transtesasgenal bankiinghbusinss. FPseign excheange houghtad suo. Furaish lastern of E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRlISON SOtULE. Taoe-Prea, 5. W. C'LAtRKSON Cathier The in Mror Savinus Bank Capital Stoch. 850,000. Suarpluas, $150,000. Reoutrces, 81.O500,000. Orsgaizedtasateo the Gieueral Banking Lawn of this State. Redeives depositis, boys sod antis exchange on theinctcsciptat citiesof the United States. lirafts cashed aaposn proper identification. Safety deposit itoxso recot. tarrasuass Christian flaob. Pres.; W. tD. Harri- man, Tire-Proet; than. E. Ciscoos. Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Asesistant Cashier W.d tARNOD staun.-re JOaHN.C. WALTa, AastCashioro 5RVINGS BRINK Transacts a general Raulkalg Rosiness. COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNSand IJ000S, 1 6y Rerting of CPS ard GOWNS, t t11 flSPECI(ILTY. h ;y CASSC(INES, COLLEGE PFLAGS, CLEtsa PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE FIrS, COLEGE jSPECIALTIES 41itFS Fiftv-eentha 55. CGentems ben ist-tutcgas.tosnday. to0p.ma. Ladies'tbeginineasttas, Wed., S o10 p. PINK BIOS., Instrucfors Offion and Sondemy, Nickel Ral, 33d--336 S. Stale SPLCIAL HOLIDJAY OFFER! SOnecof thae _ $3.00 E. LAUGHILIN FOUINTAIN F= s ent, postpaid, on a wooh'satril z far onty ' 1.00 ' If tdoescotsutit yton ascoU IT sAcK asad offer you l$1.1e far it.j If it sails fHjAVoE If itldoesnt nailtjYOU MADE A AalaAny walu igre it eaRIT 1 Thiis hetiast tpct soado. IHere Jji is s ocanceu Ostest it-FaNrES tiuony sate penoun oou t neaddreoss oathtateofaier. d ak #Aittofaneer nding ssctaa-ui aar(tsatd aontatapieasoat e- mndeair ofiihe giver. 1 CoGetausetter ha early-ordersF today. Staste whter lady's o gent s stylelisadesired. Address R by people passitag through teto u-ta! nmeddling swith theo wires, theploes-c- of Ysoiting tha t portiona of the caapsipus has -beeta restriced. FOR RENT-Large front roont on first dear, hahf a blok from Uampius. 503 S. State. The foundaati watts of the itew homeaapathic hopital are approaching coampletion, swith the ecrepton of those under the wing extending to thte notrh. Tue thatuid air machhne seas received at the Univerrity yesterday and is notw being set in pltace ready for wvork. 'ongs Wanted. The Daily is desirous of secring soat noe foot bali songs fair its fhanksgiv- ing taumber. Songs that ean ho suato are- swanted. Thte weards should be written to popular tunes that ate gen- erally Itnowen. Aul eontributions to be isublished maust he in by Saturday. The latest opera scores can always he fatund at the Ann Arbor Music Uo.'s, Washhngton at. Have yao u sen Victor Herbert's 'Singing CGi," "Ameer." boit for ioc, ctut itt stripts at yard long. MAUK & CO.. A complete line of Adler Bros. fine suits at Waditama,Sty-an & Rteule, 100- 282 S. Slain sO. Utniversity of Michaigana studenats seill lie giveci a chanicctat eat their Thtanbs- givinag turkcy as their homeuas if thaeyswish to pay onean td one-third farcs over the .sliclaigau Centiral road for thae rotuntd trip. The CcntralPasscntger Association sdah tot aprosve f the MichaiganatCcentral's actinitt giving ite collee boys this rate, bait that roaed will mtakthe lcratc joist thae satae. Everythintg thiat thte Iliclaigata Central roach does is opent to the approval of the Cetntral Pacscenger Associatiout so fair as cauting ratios is contccrned, andelitt thtis mtatter the Mihtigana Central rosad thaus itantifesteed its iteattiota to stantdlby the college boys, sehethser thac Central Passentger Associatiota aphprovecs of the actitais tr aol. tHeretofore a rate of ottoatnd otue-third fares for Ite routndtrio tas buet taael for AntArbtor studetats fear thatThtataks- cising, Christtmas antdl aster vacattionso by thec Michtigan Comical reoash, atnd thae sates rate wilh he taade this year. 57 LgYEC -ss one reason Tesco s why old En. -F dish Curve Cut pipe to bacco is so \ popular. .. The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends. in so short a time. -It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English Des. partnment, The American Tobaceo Co., iii Fifth Aye , New York City. All dealers sell it. iI L!I An ORL C I N M NFG. CO. 1 9G iw l #, D totM c - 1 ,"D IN G nEF~nxcl l'i l ck JTRFADE-SARK. Asp Bauk sa IExprss op naay iha' f~ootbalI FOR tuna. Cio lfThe Spalding Official Infercollegiate Football usedexlielcy t y ale, Priuse n arvard, WILL A R Ei " ePenlaiaaCoraell, Univesity of Chicago, C , ~U Ifnsa Sitoesand Every Requisine far i Ar *the Garge.Sisalatingas fliohat Ps sh'all. Cuide. EIS~ .aditex by K ItCamp.,lea ml 'a, with index WAIER C E"Uandexlanaatoryarsntestroradsa pho a f ., * . YJTL leadings teatnaspaiaad, 100. flaudsnty ih lus- JIN . f7,S. L. fl. -ORSE. e . HABER(DASHIERS. trlaned Catalsgue oad ali Sportsamattedfree (I. G. Spalding & Bros., New~ons Chicaoa, Oatser