EUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 r r~~~WOULD YOU STOP TO PICK UIP .A DOLLAR?-THEN SLUY THESE HATS 1 ST. MICHIGAN CEN'TRAL ,The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIMTE. Tlaking Esecet June 2., 1899. Detroit Night Eeprroe........ 55A.M Atlantic Expreso .............p7 48 Grend Rapids tExproes.........11 1to Mailand Express............. 347P. m. N. Y. Iiorlon Special ............45 Fast Ealoo ................0943 . Mail and Express_-.......... 9 40A M Bo too, N. Y. aol Chicago. 7 48 Fa:-t IeserrExRpres......... 138r, . C. . an.dcIall. Exrprso........ 5 45 i Chicago Night Express..r .......09 432 PacifiolExpess.............t23N A. 31. Steahip Tickets.ol Classes, tIransd f'ooa Euaropanacpoint lcw r ost ratos. Fall isfor- macti oraocnraliclation. 0). W. RUGtGLES, H. W. ttAroe. G.P. & T. Ag't, Cliicego. Ag'tlAnnArbo. euctscblev, tbhe botograpbcr. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST' HURON STREET Researcht in American Ilistorq. Secured Mantg Positions for Gradu- Thr~'SAJ Re follorwing ace the subjrets whalih les. -OLTD ST.A.~TILT LITK; arre bring wrkced op by the aclass inra c- 'l~hrrr drI tse teachers' appointment TIME'TABLE rsrrrarclvrk iraAmrrerican istrrcy in iS' er orl i roirfthe litecary deprtmrrrent Takinag Effect, Suneday, Maty 20, 1899, Unlivrsity: Thrrrrs JefersIcooMth, --,Is of 'trris eeoity, 132 sets ad Trains loave Ane Arbar by Centasl Stand- rrf PCorrperatiloar,Devcell opmetoph ~tcu vraided ira scing. as ira- ard .inre,.'sAmeran 'ihery, Mthodsliarrol -;irot a theiresen o'lt year.DOe burr- SOUlTt NCOitTII tiron, Thomars Pairne, Jrrhn Drekinsor, drernand rol ra ceepted proitions in Ef5 o~nr~a, .- . Benrjamina Frarnkliln, Thc Amcanr101Mrirhigan sckools and 30 in institutiorns *No. 6.-l'i:25 . 4. 9Nrr. Party in Parliamnto, Franlin and Ihein otrher states. Sixteen of Ike 132 wetr. No. 4.- 8:30 P. em. No. 3.- 4:6 . t. IIutrkirrton Leters, ISouthia rlinr,,ermployedI arcsuperintendents, 12 as t ad.0.-.805 P. . f "1tt.- 9:05 A as. Charles Joaes ox, The Delaration In prrinciprl asardtwtoraat preceptrese. Indeprendence, Patrick Htnry, Canada Amnlg tke institutions otber thaan iaghi t RanSrueday only,.arolle tilelr E lalonlee, Develapment ofahrrliarbiaiootnewes-ud *Run bietweecn aa Arbor aed Toledo acly seEn hoy.Fe arre 5ceroolsinnrrrrtcptolenanwerasStam- All ather trains daily erxcept Sunday. teEgih'~er.Ec ujc st r +:imn olgKna;Hm E. S. GILMOLIE, Agenat. r-rrorked rut bry-a.1memblecrof Ike caretonrl eolle, Ktcoky; Washbur col- t. TI. IIENNETT . P. A wrbhorakesa a refal tody of the gnuts leg, Kanonro; Agricultocal cll'g; Liorn Ifrn oiginalldocumntrrs 10inte NorrthrDakota; Narmal School,)telrcaa- Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- tnciverty libtrary anrd in suo hre" kr; KE naooaSeminarc, IickI'ae bor Raiway. libreasaa re available. Agcritaral college, Mickigan; Cen- Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Students ace cordially invited to In- Iral Normal School, Michigana. every half hourr beginning at 6:45 a. m. ~cIocelpcoht fElooe---- until 8:135 p. m.; laet car for IDetroit :pees'oArnose hoe of fatankatston tshlver hust 11:10 p. a. Walitiaag room, corner Ancoitstlene fuceRshinge alloe.bate cod Malia ts.; Detroit, itt1tarissold at. 1Wadhans, Ryan - RIloe, S. Main St. n tWdsne yn&inc e _______________________________thaem. S. 1Main El. RZED17CED RsAILRODAD RATES. Fore oThanoksgiving vaclatirothei 'tTle PConell-Penoylvaalia pool tnd An ro alodwl etcesat LiltiarJIItorn ament is to be beld ir BREAK1 r arareo' ceandt ron-third fare forcthe BREAFS AN RO rnund trirr. Tickets will be rrn -a(,Phladeilphia on Ike mocning a of o? 30. Nrov. 20 and lb. Linaited to retocn De- The itear will consist. of Pave msera-three SUPPER _ ST, LOUIS, MO, ember 4. foe poorl and Pro for billiards. Thec WABAH - BASTTRANS Sudets emaiingin te cty crin rars asill plaoy thcee games of porol and WABSH FSTTRhaonksgivinag vacation ssol oakecap tlolof billiards. Rack game wl on a little party andl attend the assemblry one po.7n1, and the oide winaning three FREEven CHAIR CARSMrs.Bra.PnngerThaanks- points will be declared virtor. saelO as00Saturdaly erening parties, )vitb WANTE D. I.0S. Gr.ev raeeo, 3f. P. A., Chicagos the corrsrible -aer-plion of dancing a litl lte. 1 All Ithcoewhowisallto joithcl~r ass 1t FOtR FI SHIIEN GLEE CLUB. jtortalm andledarla pratical daily _____ _____- _______1__u__wosrorkoapply to -- - Thcre will be an eaamination of can- L Oc R idakos for Ike O'reshmoenaGlee Club to- W. E. KzAFF. Th okn aly R .nightat a 7:30, in room 24. 426 Sourhla{Tourrtll live.. Alan Arbor. ____ T. F'. SMITHI, Managcr. With ietk ree-hortrains between Tke Phi Psite ntertained Pen. Kingd ec c Asl od uta.OIi Toledo and Columbot, using Uniro and Dr. Nancede dacing Ike stay of toSr ieyetrdy Station in bostk cities, is why EVERY- Ike fornmer in Ann Arbor. ~V --.- BODY ustcthale line. . -Tile Satur11day eventinrg asoelalrics 01 Parlar cart an day trains and lepers NOTICE. Gran(r'setAcademar Ie in 120 rr.y rota- at night. Fortly eatra lockers avet come ad rctedth thIe clases. Tires swill coll- Thraugh lceper fcam Toledo to acre ready far distribution Ita those hold.- Irue thrcoughl the college year wCihoar Wachington, Baltimore and Philadel- log tickets. ationofl llpartraieon tire Iilits of phia. KEENE FITZPATRICK Tbarnksivc inEDay, Valetin~e'sDray ad Quite a Railraad THE HOCKING Waolshington's aBirthday. VALLEY. Write Tbe special double fool ball nonmber Granger cordially in- L. W. LANDMAN, 11 Fort of., of Wrinkle will appear on Tucetday vile Ike stu~detso 1 participate. Detroit, Mich. neat. N . GRANGER. THlE BERT MARES OFj MWHOM nsdd Guitars'1 2Such aes Joeph e lrIl eses, Wasrebern'sa. ael.iJasesse's aer o sle t tie .Lbetonly2l Idoors froMack'Soes.Corner seen1 0111 POE ELAIN0' Frnet t1hin, l0It-lylpIace rallahecipy whron nrcarnicfrnt. 8 0.GlfL R 1118 10 SENIORiS Ih ) I5GPPUIIMdStUdiQ1 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 ir FORl RIO BENT GIRL ON TH-ANKSGIVINGD DAY or Iorbrshorstcss, Ike prudent yorung mrarn lakes a boa of Hank's inre eanfere tions as ala offering. 'Those -v hon ace fortunate enough to receive a I7. of TI. souvenir of our faat ball teamo a canrdy box fillnd swith Ron- banier s will be thankful. Only a knmtted numbcr for an orament in your raorn at HANG STERPER' S, 200 E. -Wasa. 2111 So. State.. Warranted for 1 Year, $1.CO Wi.Arnold, Jewels~ Is at 338 S. State Street. D. Ms MARTIN,., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a Epeolalty. No. 2019 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Bes- ideace 302 Fiftlie Ave. t s Y t 1 f 1 lEFW2070 ~ .. .- -W rh-^_ _ $3.5 The Puritan Leads OTHERS FOLLOW! $3.50 110 EAST HURON Every KindI ENOCH UILILIILL, Embalme r 6Est William St-eel WF L rEocih Dieterle, Lady Assistant. of law lauilding. All laos k j j 5o i .Lbrt tet eldoe~ b S o f repairing nently d oe.hto 3119 W.Waehlog- N o od .LierAyte et Reidneot 0 0 p E. Lamber .t. k n Ia .nn Arbor. 'Q orhAe ohPoes2. - m ~ ~ w -.-~- ~~ F=. N ~ V X77