Pabiahed Daily (Sndays ecepted duig the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Qrac The Iland Press, Henaing Blecs. Bth Ihoe,ta. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EsaGEARaa, '01 L BUSINESS MANAGER. 0.71.IItANS, '0L. EDTOaRS. ATHILETICS,. . . G.1. ItoosTT, '01 C 3.R.Wooeo, '00 L. A.tIcMoaAL,'OE A. G. hoes. '02. E. J. B. Wee, '00, - . J. Meaeacecav,'O, W. DICKEYc, '0l, Thesubcreeptinoptice ef the DAILYts MW ew ~ the tleea yer, wth -a reglarc deliereyeoree n oncebcday. tNotice, conoman ajctios, ad othe amatte inteded fce pblctin alut e haded ia at thehDAYefiec'ehorse 8 p Mco mated te the edite hefore 3 p. In. at the flay pevieus to thalon which they aeeec Pted t appaar. Shscriptioay be lft at the DAILYofficle, Mye'sor 00 tfet'tonewtad, 00 witlc uinolece Maaoe. Scecihooc wll cofe a faoreety reportcg poemptly cl tise offcay faire o cariers ato celier p110. Altchage iacdvertiig oatte wool e ia the o0110eb hyp.I. onc.aslte day peics to that onawhich tliyar etecuvear. A Succesutt Graduate. Bfernard C.tHesse, who graduated from the University in 189 with tec degree of pharmceutial chemist and too t893 with lie decree of acelor of sciene, is nose employed cs a chemist in the aniline and soda wors of hud wigshcfen, Germany. This is the larg- et chemical factory in the word, over faur thousand persons eing employed in the works. tHe is engaged upon the chemical literatre of patent causs. This rings him in personal consult- ien with chemists in London and New ork, alternately with studies in the works in Germany. His engagemta contenmplates his having charge of a Ne York branch of these works. Mr. Htesse camne to the University of Mihlc- gan from the East Saginasw Iighc School. During the years 190-It he was an assistant in the Universiy in quali- tative 'analysis. Later he secured a fellowship in the University of Cicg and pursueod reearchc work in cenis- try. There seems t present to be someI dout whether the and will e taken to Chicago on Thanksgiving Day. Tise is a matter that should receive the srisus attentiona of the athletic 0u- thsrities. Every effort is being made ts stir up enthusiasmo for tie game, because e- thusias means larger attendance and greater enouragemernt to the team. tha these arrangements the and Shup not e overloked. No suhstitute fr a band cano e found. In the firt plae nothing else stirs up Posiuch enthu- siasm. In ns other way can a bdy of rooters be rallied as quickly and effect- ually. With a and to lead the roter they can be quickly collected and made to do effective cheering. Wisconsin will take her and and Michigan certainly cannt e without cne. Ts hire one in Chicago would cst quite as mch as taking the U. of M. band, and their playing be nt as serviceable. Herbert C. Gre, who graduated is the University last June, hlds a fellw- ship fr chemical research in Ohio State VIgversity at Coumbu. An inquiry for a man competent for this fellwship came ts the Chemical Laboratory 'of the University f Michigan just before com- mencement Mr. Gore writes that nos opportunities are good and he is already weti at work in hi research, which Is under.Prof. McPherson. There witl be a meeting of the ath-I letic board tonight.I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Encourage Fraternities. FotIcHC ThatP A P~aeREEC It Chicago and Leland Stanford the F.Joit' f1l ae tTF:.w aouthorities seem to be doing ott in their power to establish and promote frater- nitics. President Harper of the University of Chicago mcade an offer yesterday to the fraternities of the Univrtorsity Is hui'd houses to become the permanent homes of the Greek letter societies. Occ lie vacant lots sot of the compos lice Uiooversity proposes Is erect a house too each of the local fraternities and lea-se it to thcenm for a small rental fee. Tlic- proposition was made to rtpresentatives of all lice fraterncities nose has-log cha~p- ters at the University, and if it is as- liped by alilswill establish thema in the samce blockc, near the U'nivetrsity. The grouand swhicho it lia proposed too use for Ihis pturpaose lies on the wst0 side of Ellis avenue, between Fifty- seventh atcd Fifty-eighth streets. It is said that two fraternities have the natter under eons ideratisocnunowaod caothersswill iprobably arcclotthe 11lan. 'Tke folloowing is foea the Daily 10010 Alto: "The wvest side of Lauen rosy bids fair to be the prettiest roar on the campulos. Na rs. Stanord Leland has set it asi' for the use oftohe fraternities, tmol .olecaly taco handasoeme structare s iaave been erected. The Phi D'It-a Thetca's honec, built in the quant oldl Spianisho style, and the Eaptpa Kapopta artoc to pictusqsue English cottage, noala' handsome additions to lice camsst buildings. Mrs. flStafordl favors strongot- ly the building of fraternity homes on the campus, feeling clot studencts in Ibis ssay comne cltoser in touch swith the real Usiversity life and spirit. Tarot more fraternitits are swating Mtos. Stanaford's returcnicn order to hegls building again." From a Grad. The folloswieg letter has been receivedI frota a Moichigana graduate swho hasn't forgottenc the 'Varsity: Editor 1. of H. Daily: Derr:-Ilaste just 'eceived full ac- coaunt of Michigans-Penn gatme in'Chicoa- go poapers. 'there are a dozen Ann Arhbor grads hero' sho scrodlice gocod old Michigan team our heartiest cotngr'atu- latioons on their nmagnificent contest at Pthiladlphia,. We arc proud of star leans and wanot you Is knosw it. Yours truly, W. S. GILBIERT, '99 Lao'. Jos:eph 11coguston. Chi Psi, wscslect- ed freshnman toatmtaster at a meetling of tht fraternities. EUTHJYMOL, Antiseptic 'toth asd AHoslh Wa'sh, 25ceBtlle. lEuthymol Tooth Paste Apopoolacand relable vestriclee toe Packet,. TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH Q% u..sP A'S OR& RU9eMo# ARE THE KIND WE SELL. Light in weight, but durable and reliable its cvcry recspect. Our Short Rubbcr Boots are stylish, ncat toes, aod first quality. GLAS'SSES TORE.: 10,t9 SOUTH MAIN 9 $18.00 SUITS SUITS FOR QuudFOR 1.0 $15.00 Does t o last forever-we refer to or Special $15 00 Scull Sale wvlch will last oncly tenc days. "We can s-ofely easy you're missing a good thinog if you donit lake advantage of lis extrasrdinary oifer... $18.00® SUITS OR $5.00 I$18.00 I -- -- - ISUITS I F__ ~O Till1S SPACE IS RESERVED FOR CALLAGvjrI & CO., Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. AS AND ELECIRIC LIGHUTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A S00CIAC,7.'lv I.'1R L' MI'NG1.15Ob'STAM51ANDOT5WATI.R HEATrING. J. F. SOiHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. GRANGE R'S ictlicti0tltiogoogsg SCHOOL OF DANCING AW NORTH SIDEA 10 eon-St rcet lScoeol-Simcple dress ' IA h fn'. tootrbl fotlotor cla ot rci s--N~o ewbcrosc. LA UNDRY wentOtlolaltOtl cos.t oscilto ot be adotto cto d ti lm o rs Nottosta looc teomounct-oft- "THOS. ROWE, Propr. flee, goeocod floo, Grocooe'o Acaemsy-Boll 103 loot ~y 'pon 023., coa-sy = Schleede's. , Neva Patent Lecture Book Be-lore hoytoog; youote b00 ooks olenture oes ccall is sod see our new' patenat cover. The paper0 does sotteaoor sogot cmieplaced aooilathe old tyle ostricg sote hoehs. Parker and Watorman Peas from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retid Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South Stale Street.. fl-EADQIUfIRTE.Ft8 FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases, of avery Doseriplies.TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING at Lowest Poiceso. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. Watch this space for announcc- ulemt of comainog attractions. 307 Souith. Man Street. ANTS %" "EUTFL. Just the thing you want during this wet sloppy weatheor, at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and '0.75 119 E. Washingtan St., APRILL'S S81O10 STOR1E