- U-- n
'Fine Fall and Winter
Suitings, Golf Suits,
Fancyj Vestings.
We Carry the Largest
In the Cityj.
ICall andoexame our8 nd101pec
$t5 anti2 00 l arned
36 Soutb State Street.
THE OLD For sev era teeswehv
been ) la~in in0a socok for the
S.anow are reaood with
RELIA BLE a llilie of LUNCHE:S, Ci-
1-131 SA i'SIGIAL0TY.
C iomlpete sets, parts of sets
t or single instruiien~ts. We
4 think we have exalctly whlat 4
yo ~ iwaint and «.e111knowo thatt
,he prices are right. Our
eases for five instruments
ire very lest111101coilveil-
j ient and were gotteis u1p ac-
cording to suiggestionls from 4
For all Departments, Law
anfd Medical Books. Bring
in your old hooks for ex-
change. College Stationery
and Blank Books, all prices.
Writing hy the pound at
15, 20 and 25c. Make our
stores your headquarters.
Two Stores,
V]!II gOOK5TORE, Opp. Court House
S5te" toxSttX-u5.
Scrub Tear uP Vrsitti but Neither
Sic Scores.
Thc practice of yesterday showed
at markedi improveneit over that of
tile cay efore, especially in the use
of thc signals. Then, too, there was
cencotragemeint for tie coaches in
tlhc added number of candidates.
For elevens were practicing at one
time with a few men to spare. This
approaches more nearly tie niimer
of canidcates tiat tie past few years
hlave each rouglt ott. But still it
is not as large as it sould be, taking
into cni~sderation tie fact that tiere
never was a better chan1cc for a new
111an1 to mae tile teaml. For tus~
far tile oly miemnbers of last year's
Vari 'ty wh1o art ot daily to p'ic-
tice aie White McLean, Steckle
ainid'MctDonald.c fie other 111n311liii
earnied their NAl lst season adil wh11
are colg bu 331301 )1 t txpectiig to
be1 out 1113.XAvery, Talcott and
Streti Thec 1131wlmatrial of ;his
fall is miostly greeii fewx of tlie 11en1
lavingo adl 11111chxprience
1Te Var sty 'od first sriilinliidc
till as follows, for brisk lpractct,
1111111131 .... 1 t. I... . iPtter
1 -rkabls 1.....~1. ....Oesilitl
Carmiioiiy . . 13c. .. .. r111131
Whlite .....1 13.,. LiBow
Siciononni. ...r g.. ,....How l
Wisn.... r ....Doirant
910111n1011 ..13 c.3.. iclarcsoii
clrdn r . . . .q . .. . . Day
Midceall..1.1. ...Slephic113
Keena...... . ....Nwbrry
'Sweeley . .. . f. b... N... 'eks
to fgain, tit N iisity attempiltdIa
kic1k 11111311w115 block'ec, the 1scrub1
securinlg 11113ball 011 their cppoets
3-yard lin~e. Fromnthtiere they car-
ried3c it iln a few rus11113 to witinl the
Varsity's 5-arc li1111, wviere the lat-
tr took a rac and held for dows.
T11i as the nearest etier sae
came to scorinig. Tie old U. of -M.
yelli was givn several timeis drng
this spirited it of playig. "lie
blall remlainled near tie ceter oftie
field mlostly inl the scrbs' possession
for tile remainlder of tie play. Tie
only other occrrence worty of
note was a ron for a gain of aot
thirty yards y Sweeley, wio 1oes
from Soox City, Iowa, where lie
played on hils Higis Scool team.
Kelley, of Missouri, is a new man
who made hils first appearance yes-
terday. He tipo the scales at 225
pounds and his weight is well
placed, ut he knows little or noth-
ing of the game: He spent the time
yesterday in watching the play of
the guards for which position he is
a candidate. Later he was given a
chance in the line-tip aid for a man
who is totally inexperiencd and ig-
norant of tie signals, he held his
enld tip well. In the person of Scott,
who has played on tie Yale-Har-
vard school team of Chicao, also1
ois that of Highland Park Military,
Academy the coaches have another1
caindidate for quarter-hack. Brown,
of Northwestern Military Academy,<
is another man who appeared for
the first time yetertday. He did not1
play bece hs115s1100011w13e withot1
A the Notre Dane game will e
plavyei here istead of at Graid
Rapids tiltsttdent ody- will e
giveii an opportonity to see a close
contest 13n11the ihomle grondcs
NotrecDamieliashecil Iakiigtreml
otis efforts o build up a good teaml
for ir gamles with Cicago, Alichi-
gan, Inciaia ande Northestern,
113111311all co0me13ill 0131011r, 111131as a
11stlt of those efforts several Sottl
Bciiid01131, who played last year 011
the Commllercial Athletic teaml
w,,hich defeated the C. A. A., D. A.
C. 111111Indcianapolis Ligit Artilry
teams, have decided to "go out to
collcge 111131take a cotrse" Han-
ley, tackle, AaNI1fier, halaf-back, aiic
Doocai, fol-back, are tie names135of
m1en11whioml Notre Dane expected to
play inl her game~ yesterday wihl
Lllglevooil iiigl._____
The New Ann Arbor Golf Club.
Golf 1101w3promisles to econe oe
of the leadilg sports of the Uiver-
sity. A elub was organized at the
close of year before last. It kept til
its existenlce last year ad attached
somle fewv newv meni to itself. Blt
its mlerbership remained cofied
largely to a few zealosly devoted
entists. But tirogl the inter-
est of Prof. NWenley and a fewv ot-
rs the cltb kept p tie gamle.
Nithl the opening of tie college
year golf ethusiasmllseems to leave
becomle 11q13ive idespread. A large-
ly attendcedlimee tiig was 111113 at the
reaience of J. . Beal. Over eighty
of those lpresent gave iiitieir names
for tihe new elub. Both Annl Arior
citizenls anld University stdeits
were present. The new organiza-
tiois is to be called "The Ann Arbor
Golf Clob." It is planned to build
a club ihouse as soon as arrage-
ments can e perfected. A commit-
tee to secure incorporation was
named as follows : Prof. Wenley,
Prof. Taylor, Dr. Trowbridge, L.
P. Joceyn, J. E. Beal, D. Zimmer-
msan, and Roger Morris.
The DAILY will be free this week.
Women Join the Asoiaton.
The women of the University are
showing an unusially large interes
in athletic matters thila fall, and are
joining the Athletic Association i
much greater numbers than ever
before. Not only are th women
who are studens in the Universiy
buying tickets, but the Faculy la-
dies also are diplaying their inte
et by becoming memnbers of the As-
sociation. From fie to ten mem-
bers of every sorority- in college
have already purchased tiikets and
also a iiumber of the independent
girls. Last year thiere were oly
fifteein menmbers of the Association
1wh11 were wom~en. "These were Dr.
:Moshier, Mlrs. Dr. Lonsard, Mises
Harter, fray, Randoclph Leonari,
.Morris, Pierce, and three olher la-
dies wiose Inamles shere ntrecord-
ed. Tile large icreaseith1113n0111-
her of 1w001en1 1110 lre l011iO0I ttisi
year is very- gratifyingo to ile ath-
letic mlanlagemnlt.
'Those who have bein seling tick-
ets during~ the week report that the
11131 arc a little slow Iinluyingo tick-
ets 111131seeml to be hloldnlg back tici-
ti: tile arrival of the new hi'ol
These are explectedI to arrive tis
miorninlg fromllChicago andlcan bei
procured by preseting0the ticket a
NNider's Phiarmlacy oil State s .A
large ntumlber of tie bttos wlle
inI tile shape of stick pin, wichell sill
be more31 convenient for tie Iloliei
memlbers to wear.
No Potoff ie Rushes This Year.
IPostmlaster Ponld ihopes that ile
chlange in the arraiigeimet of th-
postoffice will avoid the evenill
ruishes whiichl took place in the cit
butilding. LAle is 111311o3001lled
to have anl evening delivery he via
diacointie it if it cainot be made
witbott disorder. Ile said yest r-
Tile very first tle the sttdet
start a rttshs dowvn go the widows
Onle inspector waaihere tie oler
eveninlg ad wanted mel to do away
witih thic eveninlg ilail delivery at
the windows. Thle oly reason I
keep it up is for an accommodation
to sttidents aind tiose xho live in
tile resident districts."
'99 Mortar to be Mounted,
Tile Spanish 010131113left as a 01e-
mlorial by the class of '9 is lying oi
the ground beside the flag staff.
01 he committee is anxious to have it
mounted and work on the mortar-
bed will be commenced as soon an
Prof. M. E. Cooey has completed
the plans. The location is not vet
definitely decided upon, but wil
probably be in the front of the 11-