'XiTE UN1Vitti;±1 YUr JYLUfiUAJN VAIJ-*. ~ f~ I 61 fl Lremember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which C ~ lIw~e fully guarntee. What mnre can you ak l Try us. ofL J1WIN ~ALLr DOWN TOWN, i6 SOUTH MAIN ST. ISN ARLY IPRTY SASON ISER + In ordering carriages"why not gt them where you can get your orer e~ rnw mnn+ * tilled on tune with a carriage. We have added five more to ore NN 11 $ *e already large lin- nd now have the largest nuinrr of hacira in towrii + which will ensure you good servie. Price the same. Phone 106. 55Es iet tet Former Price - LPAlM PS 'FOR STUDENTS *25 ary9d 30c We have a Sene asoerrint at Centre Drat, Nictr-plaird Lemp, Irriading The Royal, Te. SRochester ad tmr Pluaewod, The Berlianrd PefecionStuadenrs Lap. :The Nw LampPiamerwod, ieean adasce i Larp. It giver mre fighifra the oitused than any Lamp af lie kind. We an giar yea the eatampa tee iha i COME AND SEE. 15 b ll 20c + Old Number: ~1and2Oc 4SO ~ii S. Z ~ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN 0 +University of Michigan students will Calendar. (3 be0flf givei a chance to eat their ws Thanks- gii rky thi hmsNfthyeyWsh o Piolgca , yCo to payt one and one-third fares over the ingofPilgca Society; paper by C.I Michigan Central road for the round L. Meaer on the denonstratve "ste. UJNIVERSITY 320 S. State + trip. Tie Central Passenger Association Friday Nov. 24-Clareince Eddy's Or- BOOKSELLER Street did not arove f te Michigan tiestrat', a eia nCsrlUit ore action in giving ele college boys ti ae tet a eia nCoa no ore fN N N N NO ,ut that road will make the rate just the Saturday, Nov. 25-'Varity v. Kala- satme. Everything that the Micigant maa, at Regent' Field. C.etral road does is on to the approval Saturday. Nov. 25, 8 p. i11-Miss Oc- U. of M. Barber Shop Latetipro- of the Central Passenger Association so tavia Batslcue o eei fCrl ha'eeSilfar as cutting rates is concerned, and in Bts etrsfrbnfto iee and BathetRoomsi icedBattoo te. meed. ti smte heMcsgnCeta odof Kitg's Daughters. edtosi e. timatrteMciaCetarod32 State St. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop. has imanifested its intention to standty Saturday, Nov. 25, 8 p. ir-Final Inter _______________________________the college boys, whether the Central departmeit Debate irs University Hal. The Passenger Association approves of the Wednesday, Nov. 2. 6 p. m.-Smtoker 'WARRE 111 action or not.andinroChcoAlmisoi- BIIRtB[R Heretofore a rate of one anti one-third ats isnro $Ciao AutiAsca l3Ui ix LEFB SfiTlWSFldlTlOMt. fares for the round triotias been erde tint, Victoria litel, Chicago. Tckets, _____________________________for Ann Arbor tudentso for the Th'lanks- $.25. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF giving, Christmas and Easter vacatons_ by the Michigan Central road, and the TO THE FACULTY AND STUDENTS. -D'vC same rate will e made this year. 57 The urderigned her taken pssesion 11"Collegiate Sorosis will entertairs about of the entire stok of Bok, Station- Centleme'ahrsgieniegciaass Me day 8or1iepm foty of its friends at a dancing party to a~y, oicay Goo, He., of W. W. Ladies' hgiriegrets, 'tO'.d 5tto Op5i Ci bt givers next Friday evening at te horme Wetmore IRinamstreet, ira trut, at the PINK BROS., Instructors of Mrs George W. Paterson on Souths {ofice anedSeder, Nickel all, 334.336 . Sate University avenue. requet of the m. tgagee, to dispose of at any sacrifice to meet the obigations. To insre prompt delivery of Photo We have all variete of goods whih LSPL CIAL HOLIDJAY OFFER! orders for the Holidays, pae your you oae daily and thi will e a rare order early, and avoid the usual ruh, opportuity to atbtaina them at remark- Oerat theeae RANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO. aby lace figures. The stock must e $.00 ' sold at one. Board Meeting Postponed. H. H. HERBST, Trustee. LAUGfiLIN FOUNTAIN Tire regular meeting of tie Athletic Tu., T, S.-ft PENS Boardi will be nsponed unrti tonmorrow en wek' tral night owing to Diector Baird's absernce Previous to the Thankegivinggm rentpeeraidfroms town. lie left for Chicago last fr oanily ocos~teteoragtessfrwe, will sell orrroc yellow and le rib- $1.00 tie big game 'on Thanksgiving Day bon for ioc, cut in trips a yard long. It it daea rt sat yu,. ire em MACK & CO. IT sas odfferryo*.00tr it. Tie second Children's Concert will e' _givenr in Freize MemorialI Hall Friday WANTIED. next at 4:15 o'clock. Alt children are Attss h iht ot iecasi Ill doomr st rol RADOAF isttdjourrnalis and leanspractical daily Snysy yafigreil PROFT ' FOR RENT-Large front room on flet 'work apply to Trite sthehetpee erde, Rea oo, half a black fronm Campus. 03 W. E. KRAPP, I - 'r~rr D nitenee OtINT-asaSGtae___________ 426 South Fortth ave., Ann Arbor. PE.The latest opera scores en alway be _________ Ony one per sortieo are address found at the Ann Arbor Music Co.'s, Acopeelnofderrs.ie err thia ofer.AcopeelnofAerBs.te 14- A gitaoatnevere ending oele- Wahington st. Have you seen Viteonr tWdao ya el,25 na.s.ead a cwanttpluaaut re- sisa ahmRa el,20 minerorfitie gver. 0 erert's "Singing Girl," "Ameer." 02 S. Main st. tet year order is erly-order __________________________________________ today. Cate wether lady'sora goitre-tye is deired. Address LAtBHLIN MF. CO. 1296Grswold ",$t, nDetot, Mch-i1 Any ank or 'a resom pay in l ~~/ y I 4 e' D. Rl. TINKBRF & SON~ HATTERS AND 5I2RNISHESS Headquarters for BIArs, Gay, OtEN'S hPeme'tiaistrd aindCoemprlelineato ~s'esar OOeS AndCSrWiATERS. - AGENCY FOUn LONGLEYT OATS 334 Soauth State Stree Coo.MintandetureonmStrere.- Capitol, $50,0W. Surplus, $:3,OOO. Traneatsa general harking husiness. it, Knsee, Pres. . E. OnoEsx, Yice.Nre's. FREDr. H OoetsmnCashier. IIATIISIAI BA oatAnnAre FIRST NIONIJIAL NK Ognzd26 Capital, $I00e,r0. Surplssod Profite, 140,000 Transacts a gene er anking husiness. Fareign exchange heught and sold. Fursaish tettersofa credit. S. tD. KINNE, Pros. HRRISON SOU5LEt, ViewPree. S. WF. CLASRKSON Cashter The tRon IirhoF Savings Bank Capital Stack. s$50,000. Sarpius, 65000i. Resurce.so.500.600. Organied andr the General Banktng Laws of Ohio State. Receives deposits. bus and sells' exchange on the princeipal, citiesOfe the Polled States. Orafts cashed span proper identilleation. Satety depasit btes eo rest. seareEnn: Christtan Mank. ''red:a.t . H iarr,- mar. Vice-Proes.;Chas.5E. Birore. Csahitr M. J. Friar, Assiotant Cashier W. J.BOOTH, PRS. fT W. ARNeO, lio Vice-rers 2. V. Seinnoata, Id Vie-pres JOHN. C.WIALOS, Amst. Cash iee IVI BlINK Transacts a general Banking IBusiness. Mtters of COLLEGIATE CAPS. " GOWNS sod 1H000S, CAPS opd GOWNS, II E;SPECI jqOLTY. CLASS CAINES, COLLECt FLAGS, CLfISS PIPES. CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W, KERN & CO, ati1at Fifty-SesventhSt. 1i o! 1~J pipeful' is - one reason _Tobacco .A why Old En. innsaese - glish Curve Cut pipe to. bacco is s0 \ popular.«. tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever I Emade as many friends in so short a time. I -It disappoints no one.nn A trial box will be sent to anyoe anywhere on receipt of, ten cents in stamps. Address Old English Do. partnment, The American Tobacco Co., ICl Fifth Ave, New York City. All dealers sell It. SPALDI NGS TRADE=WARK."" oo i &1 ~otaII FOR 1099, The Spaldinag OffIctal Iatercollegiate Foothafll rised exrlusively 1i 'Yale, Prisce on. iHarvard, P snsntaiae nell tUnivereity of Chicago,. Mie, nata evecryedinfotalteam. WILL CARLETON TAILORS TO MAN 1 t2