~PEG~1L ~ In Your Inside Pocket S Is what yea tan cave an a auittaroaereeoat made toyoar ceder by ua. We guarantee a perfect fit oacne sale. Caland seee n ebltgatton tn bay. Oar tanmenenassortment af ever 3,50 samptes wilt please yea. All Waol Sults anal Ovecoats froma $12.00 cap. G1L~ oodlrich, Wlkr&Murphytj omo istN oaL 11 1(4 c B a n l , A n n A rb o r. In orern carriages why not get them where youcage your order f filled en tine with a earrings. We hare added five maore to our + f already large lien aisd now have te lar'gest nuntoer of haspa in town f p r n which will encore you good service. Price the cams. *Plaone 106. 515 East Liberty Street. # LA PS FOR STUDENTS Former Price Welaave afneleesoetmtactatf Center Draft, Ntcelpaeptted Lampe,itctadiaag The Royal, The f Rocheater ad the Plumewood, The Berlin ad Perfection. atudent Laaaps. 4 The New Laamp. IPlacewead, ia cc advance iaa Lamapa. It gives cars light far the oat card than ff25a 7 30c any Lampof itskind. Wecanagive youthe best Laapsfer.thae aodm b a' ~ b~A.T 2~O EY. COME AND SEE. 11L TT ~Old Number:an1a AN NoBORN MICH. DEM C 5a d 2 cAommunication Calendar.J Tefolowinig is a cottmunicatiota suh- Saturday, Nov. 25-Varsity vc. Kala- & C . mtebyajunior: maca, at Regenta' Field. SS HEE H AN & C . atATFEW RESO~LUTIONS. acideats are cordially invited to In- LastThusda th Juior las hed sectourcompletetinas af scotta, aver- - UNIVERSITY 320 S. State nomeetitng, sitposed to hr for ttrpose coats, mens furnishings and hate. SBOOKSELLER Street oi stirring utt thc support of class ath- WdsmRa tue .Mi t 4 .44 +4 4 4.4letics. Thsat this wvas accomoplished is The latest opera scores can always be llcclo detnied. Yet, at te same timse there found at the Ann Arbor Music Co.'s, 1i of M.1 Barber Shop Ltesht iaaprov- occutrred a natler thoot does not seetm cx- Washington at. Have you seen Victor and Bath Rooms. ithol ue.Still achly regular. Several class officers,Hrbt'"SnigGl, Amr" 322 Meate at. i. R. Trojanowski, Prop. ntaely, athletic mantaigers, juniiorloop To insure prompt detivery of Photo commttlee ttemtbers, and a vice-presi- orders for the Holidays, place your INAfR FN The dent, wvereelcced. Why was it not de- ordlers early, and as-old the usual rush, IIIIII LII BfIR dared in order to elcct tte fall list of30 RNALSPOO TUtO O~ldITES SRIPITO.class officers as well? Or is it supposed 47 DR. ELIZA MOSHER. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF that the present officers, who were tact FOR RENT-Large front rooam on first Sdisplaced at this meeting, are entitled to forSae afabokfo aps 0 A N C 1 G" od fiefr two years ttpon ocitedcc- _________ oGetleman e an's eginintcasa. Monday, a8 o p.m. ticna? Anthler mttler that seemsed of THE STOR ILadiesabeginniagacelassa Wed, to 10 p.m. yrqeto eea forhecs PINK BROS., Instructors.,' questiontable taste was the prootiasea-t fyrae fsvrlo ~o as Oflce and Academy, Nckel Nall, 334-336 S. Stale part taken lay fratertnity tmetn in the dcec- tamers wsho were not able to attend last Thorsday'c we are going to repeat our A tiont of the two independent memhers of 5th annual Chrysanthetoum Festival SPcCIAL HOLIWAY OFFER! the jutnior top comnmittee, who shoutldI Saluarday, Nov 18. in our Shoe Depart- itase hero elected hy indepetndetnts alone. ment only. These plants are not the ,. Oar of theser No otne has atty ituitatiotn to msake leavings of last Thursday's festival. D. fl. TlNgKER & 801', IIATTERS AND FURINISHIERS Headquarters for HATa, CAre, MStaa Fusuxaacaa and Completerlinref GYCwns~~ax OOSceand SWnATnE. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South Slate Stree Car. Mlain and Haron Streets. Capital, $5a,000. Scepter, $30,0001. Transaetse geereal banking buiness. R4, KExre, Fern. C. E.OnEENE, Vice-Free. FRE.H BSe.Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OrsaeizedlArbor Capital, $100,('0. Surplue and Profits, 040,000 ,ranaets a general hashing basiessre. Foreign rehange bouaght and cold. Farncish letters of credit. E.0D. KINNE, Pree. HARRISCON SOUJLE,. Tie-Fres. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier The 1f0n1 rbor Savinas Bank~ Capital Stoch. 5.so,000. Surplaue,$15seo00. Rhesorces.5.5.. Oreantzed tander the GeeralSatking Laws of thin State. Receives depsits, huys and nells ehange cc the prianeipal cities at the United States. Drectscasted upon proper identification. Safety deposit hoxes to rent. tFICERaS;aeChristian Mack, Pes.;W. D.lHarri- mas, Tire-Pree.; Chas. E.H. litrateCahicer;M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier w, J. BOTHr, PRESe. I.ARaNOLDa, 1ttVie-pros vT~ J.'tV. SHEHAx, 2dfite.pCsr hf1VINOS Transacts a general Banking IBusiness. COLLEGIATE CAPS, -, GOWNS andHOGODS, l CAPS ad GOWNS, fl SPECIjgLTY. CLASS C~tNES, _COLLECE FLAGS. CL(ISS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, SPECIALTIES WO. KERN & CO, all N Fifty-Seventh at. 'A sice to a -'1Y Cr one reason Tobacco . whOl - dlish Curve Cut pipe to- - bacco is so \ popular.. . The curved in box that fits any pocket is another LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS cent, postpaid, en a week's teial foe only $1.00 Iftiitdosanototuit yousen acts' ITs ucrnid offer youa$1.t0 for it. tf ll suitn VH Ass Illi doec oscalit UUMAcs A Aey nay ypua15tare itI PROFIT against thte officers of the jutnior class, butt thte very pertintottqulestiona is asked, whten does the annual election of officers of the class of t~oi occur, or is it sttp- tiosed to have already occuarredi? A RRADER. ADELPHI MEETING. There will he a special meetitng of the society T'uesday at 7 :30 to draw places inl thte Pennsylvatnia debate. No one will be allowed to enter unless present that nighot either ito person or by proxy. A eomplete line of Adler Bran. fine be on exhibition in our Shoe swindosw this ovekt.IRemember-A beautiful potted Chrysanthemtum FREE, with every $1 purchoase or over ito our Shoe Departmenot only. Previotts to the Thanksgivitng ganoac wve will sell outr toc yellow and lute rib- b)on for icc, cutt it: strips a yardilang.. MACK & CO. WANTED. All thaosvltho wisha to join thte class itt jounialism andtilearna practical sdaily swork apply to ti Thiscisthe bestp ecmande. Her -3isyourecance to test it-Faa 'ar ll::ly one encsntlto cat addres onthis sifer. 44A gift of aneve' endinscaeful- ness and a onoant pleasantre anicdtreof the g i. (let youroerd iincaly-order ataday. State sadatt r Iady's o get'sastyle ta desired. Addreta LAUGHLIN MUGB.CO. 129 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Asy Btaor S prece Comspany is Detroil. WILL CARLETON N..~t 17 S. L. Rl. GOURSE., reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. -1t disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten centn in Stamps. Address Old English De- partinent, The American Tobacco Co., iii Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers nell it. Isa Wadha me, Ryan & Reule, 2ie- W. N. KRAPP, S. lain aL, 426 SothaFouirthavae., Ana Arbor. BlackSPALDING'S TRADE-MIARK FOR 1009, 0,1f The Spalding Officlal Intercollegiate Fantball tired rxcluirive ly I"YaTle, Priaee. Harvard, Pennsyivataia, ('oracelt, Universiiy of Chicago, Slir:.igae, anadevry leading foothall itea. Ur~iforms, Sbaosc and Everny Reqtuisite far lbse Gare Siaid: ge OtilciantFootball Otaide. E' dited by Walter Camp, 1505 nile,. with index WAGNER 4& xCo. cc15 ad explanaatoryaotes,,rtords, photographs at leadaiglteat c pa iatidlo , Coa 4atnip teliles. IIABI(DAIIE(: ~G. Spaldirng &Bros., NQ1BSY TAILOR STATE' ST.