JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-.NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR, 120 WASHINGTON ST _ _ MICHIGAN CENTRAL '-The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect June 25, 1899. GOING EAST., Detroit Night Expes. ..... 555 A. x5. Atlantic Lxrer.. .... '48 Grand Rapids Express ....I........... 1110 al and Express... . . . 3 47P.x. .FY.Boston special. .. 458 Fast Ea-tern .....0......9431 Mal and txpress. . ..9 40 A. x. Bo ton, N. Y.oand Chicago......... 7 48 Pact Aestern Express........ . 1 38 r. a G. R. and Kal. Express ................ 5 45 " Chicago Nighrt Exprresso............9435 Facifc Expres.... . 120 A. x. Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and from Earopran points at lowest rates. Full infor- matlon on applcation, O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ac't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899, Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Tine. sOUTH NORTH *No. 0.- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- t A. 1. No. 2.-11:17 A. X. *No. 5.-12:30 P. M. No. 4.- 8:30 P. M. No. 8.--4:56 P. M. t -'102.-8 05 a. M. t "101.-9:05 A M. tRun Sunday oly. 1un betwen Ann Arbor and Toledo only All other trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W I?. RENNETT. 0. 1. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. m. until 8:15 p. m.; last car for Detroit 11:10 p. o. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sts. Detroit. 111 Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, M0. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Green -rood, M. P. A., Ciicago The Hocking Valley Ry. With its three-hour trains between' Toledo and Columbus, using Union Station in both cities, is why EVERY- BODY uses this line. Parlor cars on day trains and sleepers at night. Thraugh sleeper fram Taledo ta Washington, Baltimore and Philadel- phia. Quite a Railroad THE HOCKING VALLEY. Write L. W. LANDMANI, 11 Fort st., Detroit, Mich. _. e i~nscblerfthe libotogvaphct. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Annual Football Smoker of the Chi- caao'Alumni Association. The Chicago Alutni Association of the University of Michigan has for sev- eral years given a "smoker" a day or so prior to the big Thanksgiving day games. The "smokers" are entirely in- formal in nature and have come to be re- garded as the jolliest and pleasantest feattre of the year for Michigan alumni. There are over 1,000 Michigan alumni living in Chicago, and a large number of these is always present at the "smo kers." The evenings are devoted to short, informal speeches, songs and sto- ries, and football gossip. The Chicago Association is desirous of having a large attendance this year of members of the faculty and students of the University, and to that end has ar- ranged to hold the "smoker" this year Wednesray evening, Nov. 29, at 6 p. m., at the Victoria hotel. President Lewis has asked Samuel F. Hawley, '85, to pre- side as toastmaster. Several of the members will be called on for speeches or stories, and old glee club men will take care of the singing. The Associa- tion has asked Prof. Pattengill, Director Baird, the coaches and the team to be present, and Director Baird has said that the team will accept the invitation for a few moments at least. It is certain that they will be accorded a royal reception. The price of the tickets is $1.25. Tick- ets may be obtained at the hotel on the evening of the dinner but application for seats must be made at least two days in advance to the secretary, Henry M. Bates, 1208 Ashland Block, Chicago. A most cordial invitation is extended to all members of the faculty, students, and friends of the University, and the secre- tary earnestly requests that those desir- ing to attend shall make their applica- tions to him at the earliest possible mo- ment in order that proper arrangements may be made. HENRY M. BATES, Secretary. The All-Freshnen team is to recom- mence practice this afternoon. H. K. CRAFTS. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra offer a prize of $2j for the best light composition for string orchestra by a Michigan composer, manscript to be sub- mitted by Jan. 20 to Fritz Kalsow, man- ager, 120 Champlain street, Detroit. A U. of M. alumnus, Frank Briscoe, lit, 95, is conductor of D. S. Orchestra. A new line of Manhattan Shirts just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See them. S. Main st. Wanted-All those who wish to join TIJE BEST MAKEs OF Mmonolins and Such as Joseph iohman's, Washburn's Z and runo's are on sale at the j j'. Liberty, only 2 doors front Mack's Corner ave You seen or PORCELAINS? Finest thing ott-only place in the city where yout can get them. SPECIAL RAfTES TO SENIORS 11w DBarruin Studio 112 W. Huron St. N.S. Phone 119 A SHOWER.1 OF SWERETNES2 so that alt eoutd be pteas d, a bat of Bangsterfet' oicote confeetions, suit- able for a Ritt cannot be surpassed. Neatty put up tn ene peund, twso pound, three pound or five pound boxes. 710 E. Watsstngton st. (dowon town) and 111 4 State t. (up town) the class in journalism to apply at once W. E. KEPP, 426 S. Fourth ave., 49 Ann Arbor. Warranted for 1 Year. For Rent-A single room or a suite $LC0 All modern conveniences and hot water W m . Arnold jee heating, at 439 S. Division. 48Jeweler We nave you $ $ TUTTLE Suit pressing, 35c. Pant pressing, tOe. Over Skinner's book store, corner Lu i State and Liberty.Itate Strut Suits to order, $14.00. 49 FOOTBALL SHOES THAT ARE 0. M. MARTIN... PERFECT. are the kind we sell, light in weight, but FUNERAL durable and reliable in every respect. DIRECTOR Our short rubber boots are stylish-saR toes and first quality. Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th GLASS'S SHOE STORE, Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- 109 So. Main. idence 302 Fifth A ve. r ; ., ._.... fem.. ,._ _ , _ . + ; . Im p _ a - " _ -- ' _ - " ' ",a. . : rv .r r y, r r $3.50 The Purita Leads OTHERS3 FOLLOW $3.50 110 ILAST HURON E Bmbalmer and vrt613 Erat WillIam Street .Ls Funeral oDireetue u ie't ant ene-half black west j ' rle, Lady Assistant. t baw ild ng. All kind treet. Residence 88 S hoe Sho E. Lambert. Both Phone s129.E.LmetI