be ALI VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. No. 49. WI T L D T CASE SUCCEEDS IN SCOR- ING. H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A Stock I L In the City. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. Wilder'sPhamacyt THE Dr seel] weeksha TR I BE snow are ready with A ELlAnBLE Aan"A CCO. IPB S A PIGIAL'TY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Save Your Photographs that you have taken. If they are mounted on cards your friends can bor- row or eg them. An Album will keep them. Albums dont cost so much in the ene. We se lthem. Calkins' Pharmacy JUST ISSUED Philosophy of History. An Introduction to the Philosophical Study of Politics 1y Aesns 1. of"Citizen. si and Salvation,' and "Dynamic Idelism."- 12 Mo. 254 Pages. $1.00. GEORGE WAHR It is by a Touchdovn Instead of a Field Goal, Hoecer. For a while in Saturday's game it looked as if Case was going to make good their promise and give Michigan a hard rub, but this was only during the first half when several substitutes were in the game. With the score 6 to to 5 in Case's favor at its end the necessity for playing more of the old men has made apparent and Street and McLean were in the line-up at begin- ning of the second half. The latter went in a vry weak condition, as he has been on the sick list much during the past week, and Trainer Fitzpatrick only allowed him to remain long enough to help "start the balloon." The boys from the scientific school came down filled with hope and deter- mination to win the game they were keyed up to, for this was their chance to rise in the scale of foot ball prowess. And from the way in which they start- ed out by circling our ends for gains of forty yards at a time, it looked as if their hopes were to be realized. In the matter of kicking they did not do the great things that it was predicted they would, for perhaps the Michigan for- wards were more aggressive in break- ing through than the Case kickers were accustomed to. The try for goal from the field which Lusk made after ob- taining a free kick from the 40-yard line was a pretty attempt but he missed the mark by about a foot, On Michigan's side of the ball there were several changes in the line-up from anything that has appeared on the Ann Arbor gridiron this fall. Wil- son played at guard but his work was neither noticably good nor bad. He had a hard man to oppose him but it is worthy of note that this opponent left the game before its close and a substitute took his place. Burns and H. White were unfortunate at the be- ginning of the game in allowing them- selves to be boxed in so that Case net- ted two runs of 40 yards each around their ends. White was supplanted by Gill, who played a hard, fierce game, and reduced the gains around his end to minus quantities on several occa- sions. Behind the line Shaw tried his hard at quarter in the first half but with more or less lack of success. Street took his place in the second half. Keena was tried at half back and did fine work bucking the line, making good gains whenever given the ball. He kicked well, too, but was a trifle slow as has always been his fault. His runts averaged longer than did those of Quarrie, who did the kicking f or Case. He is not as strong though on leading interference as he might be. Leiblee was in the game only long enough to allow Sullivan to run past him for Case's only touchdown. Week's immediately took his place but was unfortunate in not being able to catch ,punts, and in the second half McLean was put in for a few minutes; just long enough to make a touchdown. Hern- stein then took his place and put up a nice game until sa severely injured that it was necessary to put in another man and Milo White went in in his stead. Juttner at full did somee pretty line bucking and played a strong all around game, Grothe at left guard for Case showed up very strong on the defensive, several times he stopped Keena's and Jutt- ner's fierce bucks with no gain. Peter- ka and Barco antd later Norton on Case's ends did some clever work. Sullivan at half was a strong player and made good gains as did Quarrie also. Lusk at full played a good ;e- fensive game but they had the ball so seldom that none of them had much chance to shine on the offensive. The first attempt by Case to advance the ball other than by kicking it re- sulted in a forty-yard run by Sullivan for a touchdown, from which Quarri kicked the goal thus making their first and only score three minutes after the beginning of the game. Leiblee in the back field was an interested on-looker. After the kick-off Quarrie took the ball from their first down around Michi- gan's other end for a run of 37 yards, where Shaw forced him out of bound. Then Sullivan immediately tried the first end again for 25 yards and Gill was put in for H. White. Later in the half Quarrie found another 20 around Burns. Keena went straight through tackle for 30 yards and Michigan's first touchdown. In the second half an im- provement in the work was noticeable and the second score for Michigan came after a 30-yard gain by McDonald though tackle and a 28-yard run by McLean for the touchdown. McLean brought the kick off back 27 yards be- fore being downed. Stret brought the ball back 40 yards from another kick off. He also made several pretty gains on double passes. Case. Michigan. Peterka ..........e..............Burns Emerson ..........It........ McDonald Grothe, Willard....lg........ Seigmund Mulhauser .........e.....Cunningham Farr -...............rg........... W ilson Pole, Wunderlich..rt........... Steckle Barcoe, White, Gill Nieding, Sullivan, Kittleberger-......g......Shaw, Street, McLean. Hernstein, White Sullivan,Gebhardt.rh...Leiblee, Weeks Keena Lusk-..............L ............ Juttner Referee, Nate Williams, Yale; um- pire, J. C. Knight, Princeton; time- keepers, Pel' and Buck; linesmen, Gib- son, McLean, White; touchdowns, Sul- livan, Keena., McLean, ^McDonald, Steckle, Juttner; goals from touch- downs, Quarrie, Keena (3); time of halves, 25 minutes. Reserces Defeat Alma. The Reserves on Saturday easily de- feated Alma 15 to o. Alma played a much stronger game than she did against the freshmen. Durant, McAffee, Bain and Gardner did especially good work. Sage and Durant made the two touchdowns in the second half. Bain made a difficult goal from a place kick early it the first half. Most of the gains by the Reserves were made by line buck- ing. The following men played: Dickey, center; Kelly and Brok, field guards; Maching and Sage, tackles; Martin and Brown, ends; Gardner, quarter; McAf- fee and Bam, halves, and Durant, full.- '00 LAWS ARE CHAMPIONS Win the Final Class Game After a Hard Contest.-Lawls Celebrate. Saturday was laws' day. The laws began their celebration early in the morning and continued at it until Sun- day. Incidentally two foot ball games were played during the day. The cause of all this gaiety on the part of the legal members of the University was the foot ball game for the class championship played between the '00 laws and '01 lits. The band, tin pans, badges, banners, megaphones and law were out to win the game from the lits. The laws began assembling before 9 o'clock and by 9:30 over 00 were gath- ered in front of the law building to start in the procession which extend- ed the full length of the campus when it was in marching order. The march- ers sang and yell all the way to the athletic field. Once there the proces- sion separated into several divisions, each doing what it might to stir up a racket. The '00 laws waved their ban- ners and sang their class songs. The leading banner was one with the sigl- ficant inscription "to - with the lits." Another was a picture of a yellow dog labelled "Lit." Still other banners hac variations of the same general senti- ment. About 50 '01 laws dressed in cheese cloth sweaters with the letters O. L. I. printed on them, formed the "Tin Pan Brigade." Each had a tin pan and a stick to beat it. They tool a few turns around the track and finally stationed themselves on the west end of the south side lines. The '02 laws were content with repeatedly giving a yell paying their especial respects to the lits. The whole law contingent had its picture taken on the south bleachers. Shortly after the game began Profes- sors and Thompson crossed the field and the pan brigade hurried over and escorted them across. During all this time the lits. hardly made enough noise to make their presence known. Finally the game started and in this the contest was not sc one-sided as it was in noise-mak- ing. The laws came on the field over-con- fident and their confidence early re- ceived a severe jolt. The expected walkaway did not materialize. For the lits., thongh completely outclassed in weight, made their opponents do the hardest kind of work to get their touchdowns. The laws' defensive playing was extremely poor and the lits. repeatedly punctured their heavy line for gains. The laws managed to hold just enough to keep the lits. from scoring but tise and again gains were made troug them with apparent ease. On offensive the Victorious team was much stronger but the tics, played a remarkably strong defensive game for their weight. Had the tits. been anywhere near equal to the laws in weight there would no doubt have been quite a different story to tell. The laws earned eleten point and found five. Just before the lits. lined up the last time on third down Dutch Ferbert remarked "Time will be up after the play." The lits. punted and walked off the field as did most of thu law players. ButMohr picked up the ball and carried it over '01's goal. The tduchdown was allowed as time was Continued on page 2.