a 0 4. 4MA + a DOVW Inor +*ile De r et4ha *ha +* loo16 ++ Former Price i RAch Ier 25Q d 30c Rohsean any Laixaof il + ~15cand 2Oc4 4 EE has ist as 4 * lihe not as a jg UNIVERSITY 320 S. Stats herlg t + BOOKSELLER Street -xek ad xw put up the 1f~t++++4++ 0P++++40+ line-up will Michigas, U. of M. Barber Shop Lx s tiru Sun ... and Bath Rooms. 1,,176"--c-smtill 322 Stae t. J. R. Trjanwski, Prop. Cninlaka _ ~~Wison.. uI~lT~lI2I Te Serk', ap "' i REM Te SeH. Whie IIIIL IBRER street.. OUfIRAN PEES SAItSFPIGTION. Ketilts. -- Leilee.. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Julner .. ins at Wadh 11etlese's beig cas.iiusxay. Rao 1 p.m. them. S. M Ldie' leginingcross, Wex.,8lslo 10.ms. - PINK BROS., Instructos. At the C Ofice and Academy. Nikel Hal, 334-33 S. Sate Sunday et radhaw, x --_____versity. 'hi One f thseeudens at tise l Isis"Geses, ths LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN iabi Lx) PENS tIsriguishex2 psxlns' asis eek. llal gveasdre catstai ssn ony we'ssia ext Sunsay h,"he Jes' . 1 .00 lBut Clear Ti Ifilxos nosnsi yx. xc iuxi - I so a aiand offer yxu$.10 fsr it. lDr. Spil le -- sable ts coes fit les net sat MAe a Wne- Ayway yu igreHI PROFIT, Ihe class in This i hhe lpeixmax. Tere '-- ixyoxteceancero e t i cIi-FINE-%r QuarItetDiAmensi siNT GOLDx 42 Onlysnelensentsosnesddress }t t ontit s olcr.Fr Rent- as! A git of neer eniguseul. All modern c sex' xianxla celsant l exasantlre- eating, at 4 miinder sf l thegie'. lielyaxr xorder in early-orde _________ lsxlay. Statxx xwheter laxy's or guts syl sixdxir. Adrs r^ LAUGHINKMMRCO. J 120 Griswoald St., Derit, Mich. 1Aiy Bask or Expes Cmpany in 136g. Gen. Charles King L rg NIOV. 17 S. L. A. GOURSE. Exclu THOSE NOBBY GOLF remlembaer that we can upply yolS with a $1.00. Pouniaiit Pea, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fually gualranitee. What 1110e6callyosk51 ? Try ns. TN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. IS NEARLY HERE luring rarriateu hyxxt getiIlium wixere yo can get yxxurortder en Cine wish ai utlrciugo. W hvie ae fivsci ie wxore inox xr ly lrge lin clxi cost lxaxxx use argec t nuxtty er ot bacsaixs texixn iil ensue you good service. h'xice tke salo". ,515 East Liberty Street. M ORE TU D EI'aTS%- fine axssortent ut Cenxer tralt, Niuke=latxed Lltapsincluxdinsg The Royal, The te Plrneresed, Flee Belinansxd turfein Stxudent Laxs. al. P'luusexwuud, isdx sdau'eix Lscxxs. It gixus more lighs t'r helsulasesd thait ;skind~. Wuucassgiveyoua thekeusxtalortku hZ'.A S2'W SON3T'M'_ COME AND SEE. MAIM ST.. I N ARBOR. MICH. Case Tloday. .ux roinxxxFixxxilage. et returned and Milo Whxite tsr the piset1. Tlhe men Irule texelinsg real spry alter til anld hatruigame of lass vill certaily etsxIbe able lxx srbest game oft hail. Tise prohabily he as followxs: tase. .. ..le,....lIetertea ......It...Weatherby . ... Ig. Vtxiil ,.. rllr n .... ....Mulhauser .... e.g ........Farr AI..rt........ Piie ......e....... arcxw. ......g...Nis'ding. Cantx. .. 1.....Qtusserie ......rh......Salivtlt .... f........ L'xek ex of Manhattan Shirts just amy, llyan & Iteule. Sex sin st. xxongre'tti{:nllt.iChurcs 0n ning the passur,. less J. W.I till gire the secoxnd xxf ?Is "es to studentsofutthe Unxi- is still be particularlytfxr 'lstw, tronm ths'subject, Lawyer.' M. Franklins xl Detroit~,.a d Jesrish clergymntx, xwill ss salIke Unitarian churck Tevening. His subject vulli xxs Ideal: Nut Free Tiroughtt, soayhl." y says Teetzel weill lxe Lcs- out any mtore thsis year. 1.1 thoye wo'hswsishIts jain journalism txo appiy at W. N. KEPP, 4121 S. Fourth ave., Anln Atbor. -A single roxsmxxr a suite uonveniences axsd hot ster 432 S. Diision. 48 Calendar. Saturday, Nov. i8, 10 ax. in-Final cuss game at legents' F'ield. Saturday, Nov. 11-Varsity vy. Canet at Regent's Field. Saturday, Nov. 25-Varsity vs. Kala- nmazao, at Rtegunts' Field. Stauets aru cordially intinted to in- spect oar complete lixtes of suits, over- esats, smen's tarnishings ansi hats, Wxtdkams, 11300 - lteuie, S. Main at. 'ke lest sperra sces xcaxn always be fxxunxx ill the Ann AxrhoerMusic Co.'s, Waskisutoxn st. Hose you seen Victor Herbet o'sSinxgingtGixrl," 'Amee.' Tlo insure proimpt delivery of Photo urdexs tor thse H-olidays, place ytour orereesrly, antd asoid Ike Iusisil rushs, 56 RIANDALL'S PHIOTO STCDIO. 47 DYZ . ELIZA. MOSHEl~R. FORI IENTP-Lasrge least rooxxxxxixxirsl ilxxur, htalf a black truns Camxspus. 303 S. Slate. THlE STlORtl' Byt rexquest of severaof xoxurkxse 'xux- tomexra 5who1 were nost able lxx sttendsi iast Thutrsday's swe are goxing to repeat lice 51h tannullCthrysanthsemum Fe stiva'i Satut'day, Nov 18. in oar Shoe Depart- ment only. Thseup~lants are n11t Ithe leavings oflssst Th'ursdxay'sfestival.t But a clean.,tnesw,frcshlo xt, wch'kwxillI be xxn exhiition in our Shtoeswindowxx thxis week. lRememher'-A heautifl r po~tted Chrysanthemum F:1lE., xxith every $1.ipurchasse ur ocer it our Shxo' Depxarxtnent only. MACK & CO. A eompiete line af Adler Bros. fine yuitIs at Wadhams, Ityan & R~eule, 1203- 2132 S. Main st.; D. R. TINKE3F & SON HIATTERIS AND FURISHSIERSIS Headqarters fr . A, CAr,MiEst'eSxU mNISS asd Comllee lieelf GMeeoASUM Goesad SWcAERS, ABI:NtY FOR LONGLIEY HATS 334 Seuth Stae Stret " ore.Main and3 tiranStNreuts. Capitln, $50uxo0. Suriplxx, 50,50. Tranaete a genereal asking 'xxsiness. Rx naeerFe. C, E.hGR'uNE,Vice-Pree. FREDxH. I B'sm. Csier. FIRST NATIONAL BNS < xxaid 863 Capial, y1e,e. Seipls and Pexxisl, 840,00 'iaxsacsgeerlxuankinglxbxsiness.Foeign esexgubugkandsl. tFurniileteryof ' credi. E. D. KINNE, Fes. HARRISON SOUL, Vie-Pee. H, W. CLARSNE Csier The fiirn lrbor SainuS Bank Capial Steek. y5,s. Suxxlusixi,000ess. Seoxrce,$.500yei,00. Oganizedudixe tec,ener astning Lame oftisSae. Rcuies deosit, buys ad ells exchagexo eeipxriplxxitilsxflthetUnited Sxats,eDLiatlhedupxoxixsxroper i dualilcatin. - Saetuy depositxboxens tolnt OFresuClxxirisixAla. Fes; W. .IHrx'- man, Vic.e-re.; Cas. E. SHisccu, tasier; Al. J. Fritz, Asistnt Cashier WJ. 55xawssxPass S IT W.. A SeIn, i icu-xres JOsIN.C. WALTZ, Asltaxhier GS IING BRINK TransactH a general BinllglBusnes. Makern af COLLEGIATE CAPS. Z J GOWNS nd HOOS Reting af At CAPS epd GOWNS. I }M A PECIALTY. CLSS CNS, COLECS FLAGS, V , CLSS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY. y, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES y W0,KRN &CO. 6 0 f11004 ipCutlppto TobaccobahyOisEno The curved in box that iths any pocket is another reaon. No other pipe tobacco ha ever nade as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." A~ trial box Will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in samps. Address Old English De artment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. ~All dealers seli it. SPALDING'S footbaII FP1esOR ,H899 The Spaldng Ofitciaetlnerclegiae Petball ied esxcsiy it Yale, rincee osIHarard, Pen'nyvaniaCoruell, Univeiy ofChicag, iciuigan, and eeyleadin footal lexia.rn Ugierrs, Shoeen and ECerY Reusitle for the Gcire.HSalinicg's ofiiual FootellliGuide, iditexd iy Waler Cap, 189rle, wiiii index .dexpl~xanaxory nxote, recrdxphxtxgapehs of eiing tiiie lx llaid, 10. iandctney ilis- tr'4 Caalogeofalnl prts mailexd free ((. G. Spalding & Bros, NewYrk Chia,e, Dene NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. AIOS OMN Collection of isive Novelties 123 S, MAINSTr MIL WARD