fHE UNIVESIT'Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 STYLr THE NEWEST .... PRICES THE LOWEST SHIR SG OODSPED' 117 SOUTH MAIN 'A MICHIGAN, CENTRAL "-The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRIAL STANDARD TIE. Taking Effect Jusne02,'1899. Detroit Night Exes......... 555A . M. Atlantic Expresse.........7 485 Grad tepidohExproe...........11 10 Mail and Expreso.............. 3a7 P. x. N. Y. Boton es ia ......0...1... 4 08 Feel Eaters ..............59 43 Mail andREpress. ......... 940o A. Bo ton, N. Y.end tChicego........748" 14a:t 'Aextern Expess............. . G. Ut. end Kali.Epress .........5 41 Chicago Nighet Exprese ............9438 Pacifct Epres.............to 30A. M Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to end feoe European point at knelst atea. Fall infor- mation en application. 0. W. R sGIILES, II. W. SlAwer, .P. & . Ag't, Chicago. Ag't A nn Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Suaaly, SMay St, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tiate. SOUTH NORtTH *No. 6.- 5:25 A. a. Nc. .- 900 A. Mt. No. 2-11::7A. At. *No. 5.-12:30eP. M. Ne. 4.- 8:30 r. sa. No. .- d:56 r.cA. t ' 0S.-SO8.05P . t"l101.- 9:05 Aas. S Run Sunday only. *Rtun between Anan Arbor aend Toledo only All otheer traina dally except Suenday. E. S. GILMORIE, Agent AV 13. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Care letave for D~etroit and Ypsilanti every half hear, beginning at 6.45a..mn until 8:15 p. m,. laot car for Detroit 11:10 p).na. Waiting room, corner Ant snd Main sta. Detroit, ill Griswold st. BREAKFAST -.ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO, WABASH = FAST TRAINSk FREE - CHAIR CARS 5R.S. Greedatooad1I. P. A., Chicragn The Hocking_'Valley By. With its threc-hoor trains hotween Toledo and Colombas, using Union Station in both cities, is why EVERY- BODY uses this line. Parlor cars on day trains and sleepern at night. Through sleeper from Taledo to Washington, Haltimore and Philadel- phia. Quite a Railroad THE HOCKING VALLEY. Write L. W. LANDMAN, 1t Fort st., Detroit, High. Incublcv, the We keep everything yc "SWELL" FANCY HI MEN'S FURNISHINGS. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Contnued frot first page.t French and Spanish for commercial in-t reourse.z -For ua to mect those requirements1 would coil for somao additions to our teaching force. Rut such enlargementsa of our work woold render a moot valu- able scrvice to our coutitry. And thc desire tar sonthitng of the kind as be- doming 00 strong that probably some public spirited mertchants or masufr.e- Curers may be willing to endowc chairs. I regard it my duty In call your atten- lion and that of the public to the sub- ject. 1 trust that we may at no distant day be able to give the instruction woss general character I beat'3landi- rated. "I conclude this report by expressineg our gratitude for the considerate treat- mieet accorded ue by tha Legislature art its sessiona last winter. Almtost unanimously it raised the approp:ia- tion for cur asid fcom the tax of one- olath of a mill toi that one-fourth of a ctill. tt thus increased our annual it- t-ease by about $02,500. This addition .o our resources was imperatively .seeded to keep the University in the ciosi tion it had ec long held among the trong universities of the land. With our great nmtber ef students we were n. sore need cf some new and commo- iions buildings and also of additions o eur faculies. 'The institution 1'eas icen maintainrd with the utmost conomy, at an expense not exceeding one-halt or twa-thirds ef that even omaller universities. The hearty aup- tort given ue by the Legislature fur- .oishen us the gratifying evidence that the commonwealth which we are stiv- leg to serve believes that we are really conferring substantial ibenefitS upon Tier and upon the nation. 'That is our sufficient rewvard and the stimulus to cenewed energy in the future. 'The sumnoer school wvhich in the past baa been ronducted by the permis- si00 of the Bdoard of Regents wcas changed last year so that nose she hoard assumes direct charge of the sechool and appoints the instructors. rhe seummner school having become a inecessary adjunct to the principal col- leges and universities and' to. masy normal schools. It is chiefly resorted Sto by teachers wcho winh to prepare for some speciasl line of work." With regard to the medical depert- anent, Dr. Angell spoke of the changes 1l~b tot~apbc. 2 U. of M. Pin0coto $10.00. Pine Watch Repaliiring a Specially. J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2000Main Sotuth. * Hiave You eecurPORICELAINS? yFcins ut want in the line of thing ont-osloy plowe is te'cipy OSE 8S[EGIf1L MtITES TO SENIORS ,OEM Ihe) BdrfumnnStufflor W~f K 112 W. HuroneSt. N. S. Phone119 jIC'YCLES STORED in the methods of instruction, the leo.OcHE WN E cures being largely replaced by labo,-FO tory work, and of the prcssing need of Al 1110loco rate of more laboratory accommodations. 25tetSirnolt Mention was also made of the largc LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St. nubro ainstetda h n-xersity hospital during the past year. JUST RECEIVED tn speaking of the lan department, Dr. Angell sair that its work is so eff- A New Lise of cient and so wrelltecown that in spite o the nmultiplicaiions of lace schools inThe "Soule Photographs" the west its members continue to inl- Copley Prints and ctrase, and it attracts students from Copyrighted Platino Prints all parts of the country. Unmounted Indian Heads Dr. Angell slated that the Hcmeo v pathic Medical College, in spite of all Stt h ifcliswicuee t a a hne S A L R fairly succesosful year. The atten~d- No t73 0]ST JO RE once when compared with that of 217 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. other homeopathic schools which main -___________________ lain standards comparable to ours, ltif ONEY LOANED sot entirely satisfactory, is not lscoor- Os Watchee, Ditsnonds, Wheels oe etber F' aging. Mlention was tmade of the large sonllProperty. number of patients treatd in the homo-o WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED pathic clinic. Office at residesce, 001 E. Liberty St., Ass Ar bohey, ieb. All busiesceonfidential. loles,3 Dr. Angell spoke briefly of the steady Is 11:00 a. in. asd a te 3:00 andlIt0 epI. tn. grwtha of thec denial departmeent and Bargainsrin Sconed-hand bachleeseaniamndsll th~e large number of patients treatd it.n____________ its clinices during thee year. Also of the READ TillS DAILY. addition to the libyaryhuillding, the - ' large nuanher of new hooks securod, Jgl I flP] end also the new addition to the act 'UI8iI gallery.9 Warranted for 1 Yeas. The urgent need "of tmore ground for , 1C Uleaiversily- purposes eras treatd as ding-d- follows: wemgve cosierlbl Leadigr Debating wsgie cnidrbl le mencttion: TUTTLE We save you $ $ $ Suit pressisg, 35c. B Pant pressing, 1ie. Over Skinner's - book store, corner L U uflN.,R u~h 'm State and Liberty. I t338S tt tet Suits to order, $td.00. O sat38S.Sae9tet FOOTBALL SPEE THAT AREA. . ARTIN.. are the kind re sell, light in weight, bue FUNERAL durable and reliable in every respect. DR C O Our short rubber boots ore stylish- at IEC O toes and frst quality. Embalming a specialty. No. 200 S. 4th GLASS55 SHOE STORE, Ave. Ambulance sight and day. Ilea- 209 So. Main. idence 302 Fift li Are. .. - - $3.50 The Puritan Leads OTHERS FOLLOW 110 EAST HURON Randall'poo