WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? ~ ~~[I~L IGoodrich, Wle rh +FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. a [ $ AGENTS FOR THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. I SL. C. GOODRICH, A. R. WALKER, .MR HERE THE MONEY SAVERS, + S In ordering carriagee why not get thern where yoo can get your order 4 + filled on timne with a carriago'. We have added five more to (sur ~ arm entalready largea un 'intl now have the largest corn er of 4Tacks into toA Uepart ent f which will enscc e you good service. Price the eam-. + -B [%-+ Plaice 1ee. 515 East Liberty Street. LAMPS FOR tUDL0"EN TS 2Former Price : Weahave a fiecacssot e sto eter Hralt, Nackel-plated Lamps, ncdang The Royal, The }25 alr)d 30c ThaoNewtcLatp,.Ftosaaod, isaacdvacecsin Lasaps. Itigivessaorectigtforltae sil used than any Lamp oflits ttnd. 'itocac give ou es isbeat Laasps fosrthe 1t COME AND SEE. N ow Old Number: f 5an 0 44 SO. MAIN MCH. D A 15 and ~~~ANN ABR IH kAm0' t' NCLAIMEID LETTERS. Calendar. The followving ttters rornain uncalled Friday, Nov. 17-.Brig. Gcn. (hoc. unri o nf *for at the Post Office: King to S. L. A. covarse. S fL06 U. Jnoa P. Alexador, Clark B~elknap, Saturday, Nov. 18, 10 a. m.-Final ANEEState Albeit W. Burnham, LouiseBraytcon,cas i-ateotsFld UNIVERSITY 320 S. Stt audy o.1-Varsity vs. Case f BOOKSELLER Street t Child, Nellie Clark, Norah Haley, Jno. at Regent's Fiotd. + Doilte, C'harley Ekles, Jas. L. Evans, Satcrday, Nov. 25-Varsity vs. Kota- .+*+f+++++f+++++++++f' Footer & Co., Thos. Fortune, Honey A. mazes, at Rtegensts' Field. II ty Franck, Nettle M. Gillttte, Geo. Dun- U. of M. B7arberShop Latest improv- drum, Dertrude L. Hegan, Thomoo: mth odee s'sti Johnson, E. A. Kelsey, B. Krose, Na- Students are cordially invited to in- and Bath Rooms. tebsn;s tl cod toossed.tad Ihanact Lobh, 5M. 0. Loder, M. A. Mar- =peet our cornplete linees cf suits, over- 322 State :et. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop. sheall, XV. S. Merry, Altec May, Rugiene coats, moo's furnishings and hats. McIntyre, t. N. Nichols, Edward Ott- Wadhais, Rtyan - Iteute, S. Main st. SThe toRR N c2 ly, Mr. Parker, Alma iRosier, N. E. That Oine assortment of Movie Rolls GUMARAN FEB00 SATISFOTION" Shaw, Mao. Emima L. Sherman, Laura with the way down price, snakeitn n Stsel .H itth .L mleL steAnAhsMscC.ssa>e UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Sbetterly, Joseph Shaw, ithard Shunt always the renter fsr the eritieat hard- Anni, Shane, T. T. Shovemaker, Jno. H. to-telease huyer. c -q&YI Shaffner, Z. Samaus, Fred Styli, Ma- lamTeyne 0. I. hem, m. t. While Saaurllseeaite and. Kirk are Gea~lesbheinigcasis, Aio d~iea to 1o alp.m. Vanederwater, Geo. Vaughane, fgtngfrth sa en tecandiate sh-a Ladiets' begiigclgoass, Wed., 8 to 10 pm rgt .A ocseWle ht-xe ussm ftecniae o PINK BR4OS., Instructors. soAL.teohrofcsaedig feti- Offceavd cadmy Nckl Nll 34-338S.Stte Foceign---tev. B. Hates, Winl r. Csthurn Standish at Detroit i3 a B reakey, Szonowna Panna, A. Steas- popular candidate and is nmaking c tLN A FE ite, Edie Waters, stroeng run fas base hall manager. Bruts-Mtiss Fife, Base Gifford, I.J .-. ,..-'- D. fl. TANKR & SON IATTRiIS AND FURNIISHES Hleadquarters for HATeS, CArS, STns's Fsssieineas Geesand ,SWEATESe. AGENCY FOB LONGLEY iHATS 334 Seuth State Stree Gee. SMaisnsatd HueonSteets. Capital, 550,005. Surpluse, $Se,555, Teansacts a genserathasking buainss. R, KExp r, Fees. C. E. GsEsE, Tics-Pes, FEs. HcELCash'aiter. DA f cCAss Arbor FIRST NATIONAL RAN O,, zd 1863 Capital, $1i0,00. OSuralus and Feoftts, 640,000 'rscts a geasl bing beesiness.Foeign esxcargeoght sald sold. Fusnish lettesef credit. E. H. KINNE, Prss. HARRISON SOULE, ice-Prse. S. W. CLARKSON (tablies Thy 1onn lrbor Savings fBank Capital Stsock. 50,000.aSurplas, 0$150,000. Resssrces. 81.500,000. Oreganized under the Deseral cashing Laws of this State. Rteceives deosits, hays ssd sells excheange vsanthiet~icl citas vithe Ucited Statces.Drafts eaahaes eponeroperidentification. Safety depaoit boxes to rent. OrrioEsiaseChrietian Macb. PFes.tW. H. used. mae, Vice-Fees.; ('Ca. S. iiisck.sCashiser; M. J. Feltz, Assistant Cashilee W. J. BOOTEc, PRS.8T h W.AROLD,1t ic-psUH J. V.5 aescas, 54 Tior-tees JOHN. C. WALTZ, Asst. Cashaier SfVINGS x WlINK Tranas a general Backing IBusiness. Makers of COLLEGIATE CAPS, S GOWNS satdi-OOGS, serttles cf J ~ CAPS so~d GOWNS, CLASS Cj5NES, COLLEGE FLAGS, - CLFSSS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY. COLLEGE FINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W.O. KERN & CO. itt ESitty-.seventha St. "A slice to a ll'1tI3j pipeful" is -a, C,, . one reason Tobaccos ", why Old En. os aic N~ ish Gurve 15 Cut pipe to. i bacco is so The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another IN OnIsof1 tese $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN I aet pevtpaied,on a csetal foaed o nl'-eiyaeoac Any way youfigureat PROFIT 'fleiete es1pn ad. er MtieGrcgor, RSt. Sharp, YMrs. _5. 0I. St uckey, Flara Soill, Mrs. M. S. Weaver, Rlot. D. L. 0.-Eact-Rotead. Aanewv tics of Manhattan Shirts just iaa at Wadhams, Ryan & tReule. See them. S. Mat.' st. Wanted-Alt those _v-ha wish ta lain the class in jsurnalism tee apply at oneoto W. E. KEPP, 426 5. Fourth ave., . 49 Ann Aihbor. Far Rent-A. single staen- or a suite All modern conveniences and hat water tacating, at 4311 5. Divisian. 48 ivs. asM. oestocwaila addrss toe students at .Non-horsy Malt nest Sun- day moasning an "The Tranosfguration of the Christisn," Whist Scores. The lolsoning were the telus scare-a msade at last night's play at the Whist Club: EAST AND WEST. . Covert and Shaevga -.....235 tlus 13 Oversamith and Beiset... 226 ploy 4 Smsith and Rendethaas. .224' plus 2 Ruosoll and Murrill ....223 ploy 1 Average, 222. NORTH AND SOUTH. Rlaver and Kelsey,. 245 plus 12 Verdier and Mlarshall ....237 plus 4 Peetts and Rants.....225 plus 2 Babcock and Thampsoan...., 232 average i ti I reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. - It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De. partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Aye., New York City. A11 dealers sell it. f ' .: , NC S f' Q.. ''. _ /' y '. ' 0n ose iene sent to oaneaddreess nnOea letsrt'. al'.'git oflnevseedinsgefu~al- laeate a'l'ies. eGet ysaour ornaroly-orera telay. SOatse whetherslady'so., cgveat a tyletistdeired. Adldress r LAAGHLIN MNFO, CO. i29 Griswold at., Detroit, Rich. Aeay Bak asraExpess Comanay is I Brig. Gen. Charles King- NOV. 17, S. L. R1. COURSE. 'TH-OSE NOBBY lackSPALDING'S TRADGE-MAR K FOR lass. The Spalding Official Intercollegiate Football Ci o lcased avelasveoy 5b Talc, irece saa, Haevascl, Peaanoylvania, Cornell, Univesity of Lhicago, Mieicia, aadevoyledingcfotaltama Hyliarme, Sboes and EvereytRsquisite for the Osa Se. calcitag's (Oicial Footbcall Guide S e Edeted lay Wattsr Caaaa99rteas low ilhianade WAONF R & CO. £o sadaxlaatorey notes,,reorasotraphas teofa ~J leadaiagteams, las taciad, 100.I at -aaeiea a H-ABERDIASHIERS. teated Cataiogue sis all Sportsmailed free _____ ____ _____ ___ I. G. Spalding t Bros,, NecYseb tChicagoe, Diseeer I A 92 n. NOBBY TAILOR~