D epartment Former Price 25 aqd3Oc : Now .1h5and2Oac SHEEHAN& Cal UNIVERSITY 320 S. State + j BOOKSELLER Street U. of M. Barber Shop La.ta anid Bath Rooms. twtoth to~. td. 322 State tSt. . R. Trojanowski, Prop. G04-1R1TO EEtS 5fiTttFf5TION. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ".Oonoleste'ebogi nn ing class, Mondio .ml~.n Ladis' boginnig clots, Wd.,8 to 10 p. PINK BROS., Instructors. BOitte and Acadey licket Hat, 33433,S. State SPLCAL BUUI3AY OFFER! r , One o hs LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN wPENS ectt postptti, otta wee'sttoal I I t doescoottst yot, wEntuy no I BCandoffe yoat$.10fo t Iil t s ts eol sil MU./ADE Ae d npway yufigreit PFTot Ttleito th bet pen oade eet tstyourthttttto tt totit-tnNEST QUoALIT In nnPONnGOLO 'P-Only one tes etttonentattressn OtA gill of neer n dngusoe fat.- n -o annacon-aOntttpl~teasntre G, ( totyourotrdet!n ean -o ter Y" tdy. SMat eoette adnsor gtle styl tdooloto. Adreso LAUGHLIN MNFG. GO. !dbj 129 GriswoldtS~ t. rietal, MinhIt' " r Any ant-or ~nosomayinnrq Brig. Gen, Charles King NOV. 17, S. L. R. GOURS. THOSE NOBBY GOLFS .remember tat we. can supply you wilth a $1.00 Fottntain Pen, tlhe Laughlin or Waterman, wlnicn wee fully guarantee. 'What tmore cant you ask? Try Os. DOWN TOWN,, n6B SOUTH MAIN ST. IS NEARLY M-N v A 4 O'NPAI\HERE, In ordering carrioges why not get them inhere Totyan cooeet yotur order titled on ttnne with a cnnreinge. We have tdded five nortoo urco alreoady targ tin-onnndlnow fhaoestho Innocent notner of aein inci to tt whicho wilt enstno yoa goad service. Price the sanme. P110110 10o 515 East Liberty Street. W5e have a fi eneotment5 of Cent eDo'aft, Nicel-planlted Lamstte inclading The Roal, The Rochester and thePlumnewood, 4The Berlien d PerfctinStnnenntLnnmps. Tie NL~f.batp, Stoo snoia n advanceinbLanps. It ;ivesmorenligtlforthe oilased than anyLaamp of tskind. Wecanve younthebeotbLamnpsoten D. 1R. TINKER.& 8ON" HIATTERIS AN'D FRNaIESa Headquarters tsr BArn, COPe, tM~EN'sFeunonneannenee aed Comeotelieof OymNASetat1 OODSand 5wnAnnenR. AGENCY wOR LONG0LEIYOATS 334 Soth Slate Stres Coor.Mate antiHuonterteets. gentel banoking busniness. St KEmpor, Pres. . 1. GRENtEn, Vine-Pes. FeRLt HBnSERa. Cashiero.. B oatAnn Aob FIRSTNAIONAL. A KOguGd16 iCapital,,(0o0o. Soopionstand Pftl, 9400ff "raeneacts a general banking busninens. Foreign oclneenge bought and sold. Faoninh lettne of credit. a.oD.tKINEte, Foes. HARRlItSON 5SULF. Vice-Fees. S. W. CLARKSON Cashie 1Ii t n1H Mror Savings Banlk Capital Stock. 50,00. Sonrplon, $S5,0. Rtesounrcen.s.t.50d00. Oirgantioed onder the General Bankieg Laws of this State. tReceies depooeits, boys and sels exchanfe on the principnal citiesof0 the United Staten. Draftecasined unon properoidentification. Safety depnoetitboxes to rent. OFenenone:.Chietn Mock. diees.: W. D).fhero.- man. Vic-Pres.; vitas.e. .Hticoe ahiehrolM. J5. Fritz, AseistaneC"ser J. V. SHENnna, 2d Vice-pese rI( JOHN.C.WAnLno, Asst. Cashier SRIVINA BDANK Transacts a general Banking Bualness. Makters of COLLEGIATE CAPS,a GOWNS and MOODS, if CAP gof i CASenrd GOWNS. COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST, ANN ARBOR. MICH." High Praise From Philadelphia. The' folloowing highnpraise at Mirbi- gants team. is from the Philadelphia tInqirer: 'Give Penn Mirhigan's or Harvard's end-osirting ability aad she would wia many more gameso, and her totay wonuld he a thing cf greater beaaty. GOve Michigan ttenn'o line barking abilit- and shoeowoald he the bent foot bait tcama in the wenld." At a depth of h8t feet the drill ins the canoto.z welt yesterdlay again struck limestonne. F'or hit feet it had 1 sootJ thnrounghnshale, eince the tO feet of lne- atone strurk at Ott) feet. In thin shat, there had hera indicatilonst of ^so, shown by the babbling of the eater in the sand pump. There is niach intereot ye knowt'how far the present format~on will rontinue. The mnineranl water strataj underlying Michigan wilt probably hr strack in the nest :300 leet. That fnt assortment of MattecStalls at the Ann Arbor Manic to.'s tore nith she way down prire, make lt 't; alwvays the center for the critical hard- to-please buyer. A. L. Dovenport aoddrensed the cotta- quium of the Physics' Department at the Monday afternoon meeting on "The Pthotography of Sound Waves." The nabject of "Mew Types of Votmet'rs anod Amphmetens" was alao disransed. A new int of Mtanhattan Shirta just in at Wadhamso, Ryan & Reule. Sot thetr. S. Main st. Wanted-Alt those who wtish to loin the class in journalinm to apply at sovce to W. E. KEPP,. 426 S. Fourth ave., 49 Ann Arbor. For Rent-A single roam or a saite7 All modern conveniences and hot water heating, at 439 S. Division. 48 Calendar. Fr'iday, Nov. 17-Brig. Gen. Chaos. King inn S. L. A. coarse. Saturday, Nov. 10, 10 a. m.-Final class game at Regents' Field. Saturday, Nov. 18-Varsity vt. Cato at aRegent's tField. Saturday,. Nov. 23-Varsity vs. Rata- nmazoo, at Rtegents' Field. A fourth student from Porto Rico is about to enter the Lawv Department., F. A. Fun-its, '9OM.E., and ferment. an editor of the Daily, is director of manual training at the Mannual Iligit School, Chnicago. Me has, bcen elected secret.ary-treasurer af the Chicago Manual Training Teachero' Association. He aolso has charge of tine vork both it. manual training ansd drawing in the jHammond evening school. H. I3. Ktillnan, '98L. has returned io South Dead, Indiana, after s'v'rol days' visit here a'ith friends. Students art cordially invited to in- spect our complete Gnes of suits, over- coats, men's furnishings and hats. Wadhamo, Ityan - Rfeule, S. Main at. 1901 Class Meetin. Thursday, 4 p. in., in room 2, south wins',t'niversity atall. Important businesa. WALTER McLAUCtHLAN, 46 President. Dressmaking of alt kindt neatly done at 412 E. Huron street. -45 A comploete line of Adler Bros. fine suita at Wadhanna, Ryan & Reule, M00- 22S. Main at. FOR RENT-Large front room on first floor, half a block from Campus. 303 S. State. I CLS CAES,. !!4 f 1 ,'z CO LLEC' FLAGS, I CLAfSS PIPES. CLASS STATION ERY,a j! COLLEGE PINS. OLER& O SPECIALTIES 411 E Fifty-SevontSt. DAVEYCyr, 's one reason Tobacco . why Old En. R gdsh Curve Cut pipe to- bacco IS SO The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Aye, New York City. All dealers sell it. A~i'F~L~SPALDING'S ~I~~II1I~.TRADE-MARK avvwi8 i FOR ss TALO S O ~NThe SpiigOffiiael Iseresllettate Football TT T used eonnsivettys 7 Yale, Prince n a rne S aad TAIL RS , l.J EFt enyl ania, 'o a ll kn'it ntyof Chicago, 011$aadeeyledn ot~tta'irme, She n d Eonrp Reqalsitefar tenon the Osme. Spaliing'a Oiiilcisl Fotlall Ouide. zLa rge Collection ofdtdb atr"ap,19 uewt ne jEX ltliwe ovetiesST.r adenator y all tes, ressrds, itgahseoe ExlsieNoetis12l.eAN T adinteasane tercee bgah .1-2 S11MAIN 1, e ad tloaene, postpaid, 100. lSateomelyillus. _______________________tr ated aaogenofall Spota mailed free. I .Spalding &Bros., Mi, WA DNOBB'Y TAILOR MIL ARDSTATEC ST.