Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during th College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orraiz: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones.147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EGnLAn,'01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. O.H. HANs. '00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . . G. D. HuDnuT, '01 E T. R. Woonnow, '00 L. A. H. BcDouaLL,'01 E A. G. BROwNE, '02. E. J. B. Woon, '00, L.J.MoxToEo,'00, W. D. HiecxEY,'00M, Tho eubscription price of the AIL is12.50 o the college ear, with a reglar delivery befoe noon eabday. Notices, communications, an other matter intended for publication must b handed in at the DAILeo oice beforo 8 p. m., o mailed to the editor before 3 p. n. of the doy previous to that o which they are expected to appear. Sbscriptions way be left at the DAILY oce Neyer's, or Stoflet's newtad, or with Buies Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by reporting propiptly at this ofice any failure o carris to deliver paper. All changes iaeadveriain matter must be in the oicebyp. o lite day previous to thai sn which they are to auear. Yesterday's practice showed that the candidates for the 'Varsity have the true Michigan spirit. All reports that certain players were disgruntled at their treatment and had decided to re- main away from practice were proved untrue by the appearance of all the regular candidates save one, and that one had a good and sufficient reason All the material possible is needed now more than ever before this season and the players are slhowing a spirit that gives good hopes of victory on the 30th. If victory is not won on that day it will not be their fault. That these men have the sympathy, support and appreciation of those following the for- tunes of the team is evidenced by the frequent comments heard commending the various players for their conscien- tious and faithful work. The following is from Tuesday's Wis- consin "Cardinal": "The 'University of Michigan Daily' came out in a special six-page edition Saturday in honor of the very credit- able showing made by the Michigan team against Pennsylvania. Splendid cuts are printed of the Michigan 'Var- sity squad and the '99 Alumni team. The Cardinal practice in printing upon paper of the 'Varsity colors is followed by Michigan, their special issue being printed upon yellow paper." Brother Cardinal's intentions are no doubt of the best, but his memory must be failing. The Daily has for the past five years printed anywhere from one to a half dozen issues on yellow and blue paper every year. Guess again, Cardinal. Commenting on the games which will be played in Chicago Thanksgiving day, the Chicago Times-Herald says: Should Michigan defeat Pennsylvania next week, and this result as it looks now, is possible, the Wisconsin-Michigan game here Thanksgiving -day will out- shine the Marshall field attraction ne- cessarily. Even after Michign's defeat by Penn the Wiconsin-Michigan game will be the greatest attraction in Chi- cago on Thanksgiving day-Stagg and the Tines-Herald willy-nilly. The freshmen lits. have at last got started on their political course. Their fSrat meeting is tobe held next Satur- A Primatie Electric Motor. A curious relic of the early days of electricity.'is still preserved in the ma- chinery room, of the electrical building of the University. This is a primiti electric generator, and so far as i known it is the first generator ever in existence on the continent of America. In the early days of electricity a quarter of a century or more ago, it was decided by the University authori- ties that one of the new fanged inven- tions for the generation of electricity directly from power would be most de- sirable for demonstration purposes in the engineering laboratory. An order for one of the machines was therefore placed with a firm in London, England, known as the W. LaddnCo, for its manufacture. After -months of waiting, the machine arrived at Ann Arbor. However, it would not work when first d tried, so it was shipped back to Eng- r land for repairs at a cost of $1,000. y When the machine arrived a secod time it delighted everyone by generat- ing a very feeble and varying current. For months after it was set in opera- 'tion the machine was the wonder of the University, and in fact of the en- gineers throughout the world. After some years, however, when new and more perfect dynamos were con- structed for practical use under the stimulus caused by Edison's invention of the incandescent light, the old dyna- mo was relegated to an obsure corner of the laboratory, where it has re- mained in disuse ever since. Lately, howevr, it has become al- most as great a curiosity as it was years ago, but the reason is directly the oposite. Beside the huge generators and othepr electrical machinery with which the laboratory is now equipped. the old dynamo presents a most anti- quated appearance. National University not Feasible. At the last meeting of the National Educational Association, held at Lo Angeles, California, resolutions were adopted in favor of the establishment of a national university, and recently a committee of prominent educators m:t in Washington to discus the advisabili- ty of such an institution and the methods of presenting the subject to Congress. The project was not cons:- dered feasible and no recommendations were made to the President. The com- mittee includes many of the most prominent educators in the country, among them President Harper of Chi- cago, Eliot of Harvard, Schurman of Cornell, and Angell of Michigan. The November meeting of the Board of Regents will be held Friday, Nov. 17. CIOARETTE.. S We have what you want. Over 70 different kinds. ISTAIZILR & CO. f" . So01 S. MAIN ST N ATHENS THEATRE' A High Standard of merit in clothes making is gained only by Continuous Effort. And so it is in clothes dealing. It re- quires continuous effort on our part to select that which is best from the stocks of the many clothes makers in this country. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is without question the fnest pro- duced and is ahead in every respect of the average made-toorder garments, at abrut one-half the price. It is, that kind of clothing which the best dressers are looking for, and realizing this fact we have this season purchased an unusual Large Stock of Stein Bloch Suits and Overcoats and are in position to fit all shapes and forms from our magnificent line of this high grade make. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindenschmitt & Apfel PARKERS CAMPUS CAFE. Lunch Counter in Connection MJ1hL T11IK1TFJ 810111 ORDERS P11011'!LY FILIAJII W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. 709 North University Ave. The Refreshment Stand at the Athletic Field will be under acy supervision again this year. $3.00 and $3.50 per Pair Fits, Looks Best and Wears Longest WfBfiR & MILLER, THE SHOEMEN. MOND(Y, NOV. 13. NOW IS TlHE TIME TO BUY YOUR NEXT SEMESTER LAW BOOKS.. (New and Second-hand). IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Every thing goes. ANN ARBOR RBANCH 11 flt I t 1C.iILI -rA 340 S. State Street, GAS AND ELETI LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. J. F. SOHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. GRANGER'S "r"r"""""v ""evrvvvv evv TTc'TT ""IeTr OALL. UP SCHOOL OF DANCING SNOW LAUNDRY 17th Season-Srrictly a School-Simple dress STATE PHONE, 520. preferable for class xercise-No ewbrase. Your laundry washed clean and well weattopupils asvioirore willnt be adtmitre rhe d n rndEeyhn leacdl during clas bours-No stairs to mount-Of- starched aed ironed. See, ground floor, Granger's Academy-Bell and aired out of doors. fry us, 'phone 246. ilLi .aaaaa aaa.u oacaaaaaaa..ieaaa. Schleede's New, Patent Lecture Book Before buying your note books or lecture covers call in and see our new patentcover. The paper does not tear or getmisplaced as in the old style string note books. Parker and Waterman Pers from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retail Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE 340 South State Street. BI p .Buy an. 111LARM CLOC- I FRIDAY- NOV. 17 Lieber and Co.will present Hail Caine'a 11 I / College Pings of Fine Design.