'V ~~ll STYLES THE NEWEST.. ES THE LOWEST I OODSPEED'S 117 SOUTH MAIN MICHIGAN QENTRAL. '°The Niagara Falls Route."c tcb r, he I ot ra c. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effe"ct June 25, 1899. 00100 EAST. Detroit Night Expess ...........5 .0. Atlantic Expressc.........7 48 tiband RaidsyoExpress.-.. i..1t0O MaI ndEpressc ......... 3 47 . 3. NT . Boton Special ........... 5 FastEaten............... 903 Molt and Rpe w ......9 40 A a. Bto too, N. Y. cod Chicago ......7 4AS Fa. t "teeeoExpress........... 1 38cP. G. Itand Kai. Express..........545 Chicago Nght Exprecs...........943 PacifecExpres..............12 30 A. M. 0. W. RIOGG1L1S. 11. NV'. HATSo, G.SP& T. Ag't,thicago. A'tAnoArhoe.41 TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunasidy, 1Slay 21, 1399. Tratnsoleavn Ann Arhor hy Central Staod. SOUTHNOR5TH *No. 6.- :00 A. SI. No. 1.- 900c A. Il. No. 2.-11:17 A.. . "No. 5-12:300P.5. No...- 0:30 Pe. o. No. 0.- 4:5 .%P. t aSS10.- 8:05'P. si. f- l01.- 0:0AAl0. t Run Surndcay only. allan tbetween Ann Arbor and Toledo only All other trains dally except Sunday. N. S. GILMORIE, Agent. W 5Ft.5RENNETT. Ci. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit Sod Ypsilanti every half hoar, begitnoing at 6:45 n. Dl. until 8:15 p. mt; last ear for Detroit 11:10 C). in. Waiting room, corner Ann and Mlain st.: Detroit. 111 Gerinsvold st. 5P CIAL HOLIDJAY OFFER! One of thecse $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN # 111 snt, postpaid, onnawesot7rat for only $1.00 ui Ifi1 l -not snit Yiou, icE s IT 10507:1 offercyo$.10torit. r f itdoes not osuit UU MADE A Any way yoafigurc i PRnFIT Thes.isthe bestpe nmade. Hic 7000ou chance to test trINaSTn ' lOnlyone pensenttnooneadressn w~on thicoffe N ='A gftofne%,ceingdro. e~l ccfu- os ad acontantpleo~aatle Get yourordner in eorly-order todayp 'tate whether 1lad's o goonsstyle is dosired. Addressn LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 129 Glriswold St. Detroit, Mith. AnyBanoo r ExprresCompany in Dctroit. T'he Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Papers on Chemical Subjects. Two papers cr010 thc department 01 genercal chemistry, one by Per. P. C'. Freer on thc action 07 Bcno oylchlortdc on the Pheaylhydrazones og Bcnzoin, the other by N. A. De~arr on The De- composition or Ccrtain Haloen Substi- toted Fatty Acids by Water, atppeared in thoe November number ot the Ameri- can Chemical Journal. A paper by S. L. Bigelow on A New Form or Boiling tPoint Apparatos appeared in the Sep- tember number ot the same journal. Mte. H. tL. Sargent, curator or the Museumo, io arranging the University's collection ot corals in the cases at the head ot the' stairn on the second Om gr. He is also potting a tewe.inasbing touches on the Chiiocse collection. The corals"are mounted on black bases witho blac background s0 00 to showe ott to he best advantage. To insure prompt delivery of Photo ordero toe the Htolidays, place your orders early, and avoid the usual rusho, 5e RANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO. Edwvhn S. Chauncey, '99M. is about the campus vioiting friends. D~r. Chauncey is enjoying a Oine practice at Girard, Mich., since his graduation lost spring. TO THE FACULTY AND STCDENTS. The unodersigned has talken possession ot the entire sec k of Rooks, Staticn- a y, Holiday Go: sEc., ot W. W. WicetmoreSMain street, in trust, at the request of the mc. tgagees, to dispose ot at any sacrifice to meet the obligations. We chose all varieties ot goods which you une daily and thin will be a race opportunity to obtain them at remark- ably losefigures. The stock mont be sold at once. H. H. HERDST, Trustee. Tn., Tb, 5.--6S Women's League. 'Sle plan reccntly suggested betore the League ot having reguar meetings occe a month ansd having Year Roo has been considered by the commitlee appointed fr the purpooe. The dcci- oion 000 that, swhile good theoretically, it wvould take coo mucha time, -and it wcould be better to gice all our atten- tion to the swork at the "Tens." A cmere detailed ieport swill be given at a later meeting o7 the League. COMMITTEE. The Deering Rotary Engine, svhich was received at the Engineering shops sotme time since toe testing purposes. loan not turned out as successtul as wvas anticipated. It is, hoswever. being on- tirely remodeled by the instructors -and students. When the cbanoges are made it is hoped that it oct11 develop the spieed and horse-power necesoary to matte it We save you $ $ $ Suit pressing, 35e. P~ant pressing, t0e. Oser Skinner's book store, corner State and Liberty. Suits to order, $14.70. 49' There still be a meeting ot the Fresh- moen Glee Club in the near Suture. Place cod time still he announced in the Daily. DENTS HAVE MANY VICTIMIS. In the prosthetic clinic in the dental department of the University of Michi- gcsn798 patients were received in con- sultation during the college year of 1898-99. Among the eases treated svero cleft palate, 4; regulating, 29; repair, 43; reset, 3H: full dentures, H8; partial den- tures, H8; bridges, 17; crowns, 84. LOST.-Camco bracelet, on Sun- day, B. M. Thompson, 539 . Uni- versity Ave. Tlt BdEST MAKECS 0F N14i)ldoljusd~d Guitars Sorb as Jcseph Dllnn's', Wanllcoeno I (and llcoono'p re n sale atthae «. Liberitiy y2doorstfrom Maeorner1 Hjave You 11,1117 ont-only 11ccac ntiaccity Wilceeyooc cciaget itccc SPII RTES TO Si 1"IORS TVf I5lrruinan Studio 112 W. Hacen St. N. S. Fhone 119 A SHOWE OF SWEETJNES3M so that all could be pleased, a boo of Eangoterfer n rhoice costectioons, suit- able foi a gict, cannot be surpassed. Neatly put up in one pound, two pound, tbtee pound crifise pound boxcs. 2101 N. Washiicgton st. (dosvn too-n) and 3161 S. St~-at tup tosvn). , Warranted for 1 Year. Win. Arnold, .' 1 Is at 3 38 S. State- Street. 0, M MARTIN,., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rtes- idence 302 Fifth Ave. ~Puritain SosFOR 3.50 ARE LE ADERS' IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EAST HULRON Evr in NCH DES1 IEbalmer and U iest 613 East William Ste O A U[ G L Fnra ireto dsonoe-half blotkhkwestcin Mrs___________Layssstnt of law building Ali kinds KM, r, T..Z BERm, Or nc Dse*,LayAnoan. he of repairing neatly doner. Phodali s BohPhonesEN 8. 1a9 W.Woshing- No. 1161. Liberty Street. Sesideate OW13 SheS op E. Lambert. R n a toss St.,An Arber. otAe A Both Phone as12.t UiiIF PATrR®NIZE GOODYEARt.' DRU"0G STORE