4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY PU B L SI-ED emember that we can suipply you with a $1.0+ Fountain Pen~the Laughlin or Waterman, whicl wve fully guarantee. WNhat niote can yout ask? Try aE & co. BY RUDYARD KIPLING DOWN TOWN, 11t6 SOUTH MAI In ordering carriages why not get them where you can get yoi filled on timus with a carriage. AWe have added live more already large lio- and now have jhe largest numbier of haclis i which will ensure you good service. Price the sam. P h oen e 1e e . 5 1 5 E a s t L ih e r t k T U 5 D E 2 LAMPS* FOR S ~ We hsvecsacfnesotetnt of Ccc'cr tDraft., Nickel-plated Lamp, includhagT Rochesterad the Plumeood, The Bealin and Perfection S tudent basil the New Lacsp. Plumwcodis aa advance in Lent s. It gives aoa light foe Ih any Lamp of its kind. We can give yea the hoot Lamasyfotaho COME At D. fl. TINKE3R & Sale" HIATTERIS AND FUSHRSus Headquarters far 10 HATS, CAPS, MSssFoRNSISm Itand Completeliae of GYMASIM GOcODSsadSWsEAES.' AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 3,34 South State Stree IN {ST. _______ EARLY! Cor. Mainanad atarca Streets. HiERE Capitat,$,0Mse. Stnst, S30,00. Trasacts ur order R, KEsxpar, Pros. C. E.c E~x, Vice-Pros. to ourFRDIIBLn.Csir in town FIRST NATIONAL BANKl crganized 1863 Capital, $t00,100. Surplus and Prefits, 240,000t Tranacatsa generalttanksing buinese. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Fucnoh lttera at ty Street. E. D. KINE, Prea. HAER5R0SON tOLE S. W. CLARKSON Castaer The 15la~n Arbor Savings Banik Tha Royal, The Capital Stack. $500,000. Surptus, $50,000. Rlesouces, .60~tit0.. ;heoiltused than ttreaniettutider the GenealBaeking Laws ofthis State. Rtecives deposits, soya and rolls exchagaotetrincipalcitiesofothe. United Status. neafts ecathed upon prope idonti~cation. Safety deosit hcoe to rent. ND SEE. tOrteones: Chriistia ackt,Pee.;W.D.Harri- man, Vice-Proe.; Cban.s. E.niscom. Cashier; Ad. J. Felt, Assitant Cashier .ARNOtD, tatVice-pr J.oV.C.WaoAcdot.Caehier SI lNGS ity vs. Cane BRINK T ransacts a general ty vs. Kala- Bankig Business, l~y arangedSatara at ly arane ~ COLLEGIATE CAPS, flute, and fl. GOWNS sod HOOS, apt mandolin. Renting af ice att vocal CAS anad GOWNS. Vice Music 1 PC(LV CLASSCN ES, 11 you more ,C COLLEGE FLAGS, .1t I CLA5SS PIPES. CASS STATIONERY, X1p1in0 COLLEGE PINS. iis teaching SPECIALTIES omylin tlb r, WC.KERN&WCO. he oot ball lit ty-f venih St. tao been uin- (1t1tt AGOI. ItL. Old Numbert Publishers Price $1, o50 .44 SO. MAIN ST.,- Our Price $1.10 ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN& V i.& 1 1 a s v. --S SHEEH11AN & CO. University Booksellers Stationera and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ii o M Barber Shop Ltaest iotpec- and Bath Rooms. ntcitoessed.tl 322 State 5t. i. R. Trojanowski, Prop. 1RARR 11 i The BIUItBER O3UARAtt4reE.Ss SfTI5F IGTION. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS,MOt WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Gresnwead, MR. P. A., Chsicago UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Gentletmen's heginning lca. Monday. 8 to 1t p.m. Ladies' heginaing alca, Wed.,58 to 10 p. PINK BROS., Instructors. Office and Academy, linkel Halt, 334--336 5. State THE HockingValley R TALENT REWARDED. Calendar. The Parke, Davis & Co. fellowship of Saturday, Nov. 1-Vars. $5100 a year at the University of Michi- at Regents Field. gao has bee nawvarded to Ralph 11a. Saturday, Nov. 25--Yarsi Page. Mr. Page received the degree ofmaotRens'Fld bachelor if science with the clana of ________ 1oss. Music must be especial --for guitar, banjo, cornet, Students are cordially invited toain- nearly all instrumentsa ce; opect our complEte lilies of suits, over- With mandolin you ranu coats, monas furnishings and hats. selections or violin nmusic. WVadhanis, Ryan -Otoule, S. fdain at. Co., Wash. street, will to] Dressmaking of all kinds neatly done about it. SERVING 17IS COUNTRY. The leave of absence of Dr. P~. L. Sherman, secretary to Dean C. Wor-es- ter, United States commissioner to the Philippines, has b'en extended. Rio place has been taken by G. A. Hulett, Ph.D., a graduate of Princeton and of the University of Leipsic. TO PLAY OFF THE TIE. t901 and 1902 will play again tomor- row afternoon at the Fair Grounds at 4o'clock to deride which shall have a place in the final class game. They haxla met twice with a blattk score re- sulting each time. TO TEE FACULTY AND STUDENTS. The utndersigned htas taken possession of the entire stark of Backs, Station- a.y, Holiday Goob's, Er:1., af W. W. Wetmore, Main street, in trust, at the request of the ma: tgagees, tc dispose of at any sacrifice to meet the obligations. We have all varieties of goods which you ace daily and this will be a rare opportutnity to obtain them at remark- ably lowrfDguces. The stork must. be sold at once. E. H. MEREST, Trustee. Ta., Ths, 5-0 A complete. line of Adler Dean. fOne suits at Wadhatna, Ryan & Mente, 2005- 202 S. Stain at. FOR RENT-Large front room on frat 0locr, half a block from Campus. 303 S. State. John Buttler, '98, formerl the 'Vaisity bae ball team history andl political ercoc Ishpeming High School. V team of this school, wrhich h dcr his coaiching, defeated Escanaba Saturday by a score of Ft to 0, owinning the Upper Peninsular championship in the interscholastic series. Escanaba weas coached by their superitntendent of schools, It. D. Ewing, '90 Rag., at one time leader of the 'Varsity Mtandolio Club. Two days previous to the game "Johnny" gave; a lecture before ladies at the city and girls of the High Scohoiol, explaining the great game of foot ball. Wanted-All thsse who wiish to join the doass in journalism to apply at WT. E. KEPP, 420 5. Fourth ave., 49 Ann Atrbar. A nne line of Manhattan Shirts junt in at Wadhams, Ryan & eule. See themr. S.SMain at. FRATERNITY HCOUSE PARTIES. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity will give a house party next Friday evenitng at its chapter house sn Washlena~w avenue. The Psi Upsilon fraternity will also givrt a house party on Friday evening, Do cember 5. ARV' Cyr Tobacco ." ' A SLICE TO A DI Nit. L 1 -pipeful" is one reason why Old En. glish Curve Cut pipe to- bacco is so popular.. . The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on reneipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De. partmsent, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Aye , New York City. All dealers sell it. WAG NERTRDc-AR ~i'~Ot all FOR 5589 YThe Spaldtsg OttI ll Interrotlegiate Prolball TAIODS\ 1;T ~M [ n ed sOs ie ta y ie.ie onOtt arv ted