XIlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Im2 MIN AND WOMEN THlE BEST EVER SHOWN rtOR THE MONEY 19Suhmi t 119SFOut'anS. i MICHIGAN CENTRAL I r - - - - CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.L Taking Effect Junee 25, 1899. Detrit iNight Expres ........ 555 A, .. AtlanticExrs.:74" GandRapid" 'xpess..1.....)t10 " N Mai adkpsm ............ 3ar. a. E N Y. 1Istos Specil.......... 44 5 " 0 F. Fast Earlotern . .. " u sme3f Mail and Expres,.............0401A.. . Beton N. Y. and Chicago. ..7 48 "i And every thing FatA extern xspress..........51 38rPx G.I.adK i.E pee.........545 " ChicaoNight Exss :'........... 4 in the way of Pacific Express ...............1 0.x 0. W. RUGGLE'S, H. W. RovES, G.P. &T.Ag't, Chicago. AgtAnnsArbor. ig.a I Brolke up the Faculttg Meeting. ANASW 13 MSS=IH zARms;- Great preparations wore made for the TIME TABLE celebration last night of the teaim's Taking Effect, Sunday, Stay 21, 1899. show ing in the east. The town had Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- been searched for barrels and boxes and Tie. and all the firewcorks that could be prs- Ss.lTHj NORITH cored were provided. The hand was eNs. ii.-.T:25 A. sM. No. .- 0.80 A. 5. Ns. 2.-1l: ? A. M. *Ns. .-lo:3se. M. out and shortly after the appointed No. 4.- 8000 ai.s. 4. . .- 5 P. M im t apaPneamn he t 02.-8.55P.sM. f5 1.-s 9:0j5 A M. iisapernc mn teso _________________________ dents0m asembled on the campus soume t Run Suday only. 1ftelen husdred in number. While the *ltos between Ann Arbor and Toledo unly All sthier trainn daily except Sunday. bond played and the bonfire burned the E. S. GILMORE, Agent, mob of howling students circled in a [v 1. BENNTETT. Ci. P. A great circle about the musicians. Fire- Detroit, Ypsilanti and Annw Ar- works were shot off and speeches from bor Railway, members of the team called. for, hut Carn leave fur Detroit ad Ypsilanti already "Fits" had the men at rest to every half hour, beginning at 6:45 s. im. recuperate from the wearing rffecto of until 8:15 p. m.; laet car for Detroit the lonig journey. 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, colrner Ann anedMain nt.:'Dtroit.111 Gisol at. Anxious to hear from some one the gelse you want men's Furnish- MOCK. & GO. Unquestionably the play of the yea- is Hall Caine's dramatization of his famous novel "The Christian," vhich Ann Arhor will have an opportunity of viewcing for the first time on Friday, Nov. 17. when it comes to the Athens 'Theatre for a brief stay of one evening. It is (luite safe to predict the same nubstantial success for it here that han greeted the play all along the line. De- ti olt was its frost stand in Michigan where it recently closed a phenomenal woek's businens. The same management will present "Tiho Christian" here with identically the same complete elaborations wvhich characterized its run of 175 nights in New York and 110 nights in Boston. That charming actress and lovable woman Effe le iler will be seen an "Glory Quayle," in which she is accre- dited with the chief success of her Seats on sale at usual places. We save you $ $ $ Suit pressing. 35c. P~ant pressing. 10c. Ovar Skisner's book ntore, corner State and Liberty. ,uits to order, $14.00. 49 The Assenblty Deuces. The Assembly Dances is the name that has been given to the series of dances which has recently been ar- ranged to take the place of the old Forty Club. The frest dance will be given in Granger's Acadesmy on Friday, December 15. The date of the second dance will probably be January 19. 'She clsh giving the dances is a private one and is limited to forty-Ilii mem- bers. The committee in charge is com- p'osed of W. J. Stone, Ralph Page, T. Robinson, William Spitzley, T. F. Woodrow and J. H. Prentiss. LosT-Cameo bracelet, on Sun- daB. M. Thompson, 53 E. Uni- versity Ave. Alarm Clocks S1I, U. of M. Pints 50e to $10.110. Fine Watclepaegliring a Specialty. J, 1, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, zeRn46Sajn South. ORPHOTOS ...ARE.-. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE! Brryman Studio 1 1 2 west Huron St. Stale Phaone 119, BICYCLES STORED FOR THE WVINTER 25 cents per 501111 LEON SHAW1, - 117 E. Ann St. JUST RECEIVED A Nlew Line of The " Soule Photoeraphs" Copley Prints and Copyrighted Platino Prints Unmounted Indian Heads SaSTABLER'S Phsne No. 173 ART STOREi 217 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. MONEY LOANED ons Watches, Diaemoodr, 'Wheelese or lier P sonallProperty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED oime al renidear , '31 E. Liberty St., Ann Ar bsr, Michi. All busineeseofidetial. Hours,.8 to 11:30a. m.sad lto :30 and7tss9pm. , Jonepha C. ti "eHtt. Bargaiss i Secosd-hasd Watceussnd Diamons. iIEAD THE151DAILY. M A rRTMalocks Warcranted for 1 Yex. } ($1 .Q/VO Win.Arnoldl ewle Is at 339 S. State Street. Os.Ma MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rtes- idinen 3012 Fifth Ave. SPLCIAL HOLIDAY OFFER Ose of lbee $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN<_ PENS l e or tplaid0.on a week'setrialE _ for only $1.00 IflitO:d)(" 551otst o. w'110 T AK aa i elyos n1.0for it.~ i,: ',' h! FI ; Ni N ' ^ I , '. 'r 1 Ilitdoes net nil ,J MADE Any nay y8u fueiel PRauFIr This is thebentlpenmade. Deco icheeascet tort it-S'isrrr Q DIAM'OvDiasPOsNTCOD Oxlysone pme entlss neraddres on thie uffer. d'A gill of never endisg ssefol- ness and actsantaeplemastre- minder sf lbs giver. Cr1 your srde inearly-ordee today. Staeehier lad'go gent'e style iedesired. Adirelsa LAUGHLIN MNF"G. CO. 129 Grisnold S., Deroit, Minh. Any ankeor ExpreessCompany in Detesit. A'' 7 it li I I 3i II !I. d lii whole crowd went en masse ts "Proxy's" home and there yelled for hiso appearance and a speech. but after about a quarter of an hoor thus slpent some bright mind happened to remem- ber that it wvas faculty meeting and again the crosvd adjourned this time to University Hall where their cherers and yelling succeeded only in breaking op the faculty meeting without. eliciting the de'ired speech from President An- gell. Fiinally a tame rest waa indulged in and the crowd dispersed. Manq Graduate Members Bach. Saturday evening the Delta Ganmma Soiority held its annual initiation ban- quet in honor of their ten new e sm- beis. Among the guests fromc out of town were Misses Florence Smith. Grace Hagadorn, Hello Frost, and Agnes McVittie, of Albion; Mrs. Seeley, Hiss Powers, and Belle Krolik, of De- troll, anad Miss Barnard, of Saginaw. 1902 Cantes They have come and are now on sale at Sheehan's. Heavy black Congowith silver mounting, and a neat inscription. Price $2.54. ~Puritan Soes FORE 5 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EAST HURON 1 W rnrrfl Embalmser and 413 toet William Street