aiiih~. I VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1-1, 1899. No. 44. T Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, GolflSuits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stock In the City. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R ., Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.- Wilder's Pharmacy THE oLlD ai i a stok fot E.ys ans. now are ready wi 'RELIABLEc etlAia ndTAC . PIPtS A SPHOIA 'PY. R. E. JOLLY & CC Save Your hotographs that you have taken If they are raounted o cards your friends can bo row or beg ther. An Album will keep them. Album don't cost'so much in t1i end. We sell them. Calkins' Pharmacy USISS UED Philosophy of History. An Introduction to the Philosophic Study of Politics Iy AmnsH I. Loas. athor of " Citizen. chi and Salvation," and "Dynamie Idalism."- 12 Mo. 254 Pages. $1.00. Publisher to the nls ity of a ichigan I ""'..> { ' 1 1 - 1 - . . ^ - ' I2 'T: .l I t'4 - ~ee1j~~- -.~ . rf ,~- nerrt 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ By courtesy of Detroit Free Press. NEW HOMmEOPATHIC HOSPITAL. THE CHICAGO PAPERS. Their Attempt to Cast Discredit Up- on Our Teem. OPINIONS OF ERBERT, FITZPATRICK, STEKLE AND OTHERS. That the newspapers of the west are not to be depended upon to stand loyal- ly by the representatives of their sec- tion of the country has been effectively demonstrated by the events of the past few days. The Chicago papers in gen- eral and. the Times-Herald in particu- lar seemed to do all they could to cast discredit upon the achievements of Michigan's team last Saturday. , It was to these papers we looked for at least a square deal and favorable comment upon the game that our team put up. But in this we were disappointed and it has been the pleasure of the eastern press and especially the papers.-of Philadelphia to place credit where credit was due and to tell of just how great Michigan's game was. The com- ments from them are all in praise of the work of the Wolverines and it seems to be the concensus of opinion that Michigan had the better team and deserved to twite. The interviews given helow by vari- ous members of the team and the coaches throw a new light on the play- ing of some of the men, especially Cun- ningham and France who seemed to be singled out by the Chicago press either for censure or a severe letting alone. "DUTCH" FERBERT. "There is nothing to say that the pa- pers havn't published. We deserved to win and nothing but the hardest kind of luck kept us from it. The goals we missed were comparatively easy. The game has served to show us the points wherein the team is weak and give us time to strengthen them. Wait for an- other year. But I wouldn't care if we didn't play east again for ten years. It is too hard work for too little glory." KEENE FITZPATRICK. "There is not much to say. The metn are all in good shape, there being no injuries during the game, and were all out to practice this afternoon. It was an awfully hard trip and the men were tired out; they were really in need of rest. Cunningham outplayed Overfield at every point. He was down on kicks with the ends and did magniicent work tackling. They didn't gain much through him, most of their plunges be- ing made into the left side of the line." CAPT. STECKLE. "I have played in lots of games with. Cunningham but Saturday he played the best of all these times. In my opinion he far outplayed Overfield though the latter gave him a hard fight. Especially, in the first half, hisĀ° work was wonderful and far ahead of his opponent's, and in the second half Neo Homoeopathic Hospital. he more than held his own. I think Courtesy of the Detroit Free Press. we outplayed Pennsy and this seemed to be the opinion of the players, specta- tors and officials. Both sides fumbled but ours were more lastly than theirs. Penn had the luck from the start, wi.- ning the toss, and it seemed that they got the best of the decisions from the officials, not but that they meant to do the right thing but he showed lack of judgment on two or three occasions. But I never played with two better men as officials. The crowd, too, treat- ed us schite. The tuen all pulled to- gether, especially the veterans, and the team work w-as fine. McDonald played a fine game and of course you know McLean did. The interference took him past the line and then 'he went in for the most part alone for his long runs. France played a great game, though the papers hav hardly men- tioned him. Ile played Hare to a standstill, keeping him out of nearly every play. Neil Snow and Street also did fine work. Any little thing would have changed the whole affair. Once the measurement on the fourth down showed that Penn had gained a single inch over their necessary five yards. On several other occasions it was near- ly as, close." "CHICK" McDONALD. "We should have won for we certain- ly outplayed them, and it is a great disappointment to all of us that we did not. The Chicago papers seem inclined to roast the boys but it is certainly un- deserved and you have only to look at the Philadelphia papers to get the true account. Cunningham was the whopl: thing at the middle of the line and far outplayed Overfield. France, too, put up a great game. Two bad fumbles lost the game for us, both being made inside their twenty-yard line. Penn scarcely made their five yards in three downs but the measurement always showed from one to six inches over thie desired distance. "JACK" McLEA.v' "At the end of the first half the team was worn out, so tired were they from the effects of the trip, and when Penn made their last touchdown with but 55 seconds left to play Michigan was sim- ply done up. The long journey was the cause of it all. The boys put up a plucky fight. I don't think Pennsylva- nia can play as good a game of foot ball a the westerners. Time and again we ran them down the field as ,it they were prep. school players. Our inter- ference was beautiful and it alone as responsible for the gains I was enabled to make. Fumbles and off side playi lost the game for us. Cunningham? He was a team in himself and out- played Overfield two to one." The wails of the new Homeopathic Hospital now being erected will be field stone to the top of the first story and gray pressed brick above. The roof is to be of red tile. The building will have a frontage of 175 feet and the north wing will extend back 130 feet. In front the building wil be three stories high besides the basement, and the north wing, containing the main operating room, will be five stories high. The plans provide for six wards. They are a men's medical, a men's surgical, a women's medical, a women's surgical, an obstetrical, anjd a children's ward. Besides these there will be operation rooms for major cases and for diseases of the eye, several private rooms, and recovery rooms. The anaesthetical rooms have been arranged for and a lecture room for general medical, clin- ical, and demonstration courses. A large sun room will be connected with each of the wards. The larger operating room, which will be at the further end of the north wing, is to be finished in marble and the fin- ishing of the operating room for dis- eases of the eye will be white tile. The architects are Messrs. Samuel McC. Stanton and Henry P. Kirby of New York city. The 'hospital has been planned for a normal capacity of one hundred pa- tients, although it can be made to ac- commodate 140. The contract price for the erection of the building is $4t.670. This does not include heating, lighting and ventilat- ing fixtures, nor the hospital equipment. The site for the hospital was a gift to the University from the city of Ann Arbor, which purchased it at a cost o" $17,000. The large two-story brick dwelling house already built will be used as a nurses' home. David Starr Jordan Secured for the S. L. A. Course. The S. L. A. board has completed-the arrangements for the spea*ter to fill the open number on the course. lavid Starr Jordan, whom they hav* been endeavoring to s.. ure for several months past, is a well known speaker. He is a man who understands espe- cially well how to please a college au- dience. Being president of Leland Stanford University, he is in touch with student life. Today he ranks among the first of college presidents. His executive ability has elevated Le- land Stanford to 'the position which it now holds. On the Pacific coast he is an authority on all questions of im- portance. Me was one of the members of the last Behring Sea Commission. He will speak here some time in April.