T'JU+ lj.NTVERSiTY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY t TErtd E ST J~M~ I A AL JUST 9 PUBLISHED STALKEY & CO. BY RU DYARD KIPLING Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $I.10j i WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? D. R. TINKE5FI & SOP~ Goodrich, Walker &Murphy, iadurer o FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. andtlCmplete'5:'ltoocttiessASIIJX Goisad8VA1..AGENTS FO"R THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. AGENCY FORI5.s)NGttyIlAtrSSte L. C. GOODRtICH, A. R. \VAI '.RI t V.Ym. I lt'iix' THE MONEY SAVERS. PARTY EASON1S NEARLY PA w A 0 EEIn ordering carriages why not get thern where yenu(can get your order tilled on lone witlh a1 earring-A. We have aidded ive sore to or already large line and no1w have the lamgest nuinh~er of hacks in town which will ensure you good service. Price the samne. HOL. M $' L4VER Y, Phonae 1011. :l5 East Liberty Street. LAMPSFOR STUwDEINT We av a1snot s orrtmetof('eteri DraftNickel-plattttd Lampts.srei og n The IRoyal, The Rochester andl the Plnamra'tssstThe Berlin and Perfectin 5 tttttt't tn01:. The New 'Lam, 1:. 'lse^'"000, is anadvcl etin o lstsr: . It gives ssttreelight flrthr~e oil usedthItan any Lstptof its kind. A e can gitvse yo tst Imsote COME AND SEE. Old Number:4 4450O. MAIN ST., DE N& Q ANN ARBOR. MICH.DEA 1N 00 An Interestinq Bicycle Trig. Calendar. It tnn t heplit: ntut s :trtr', Itrof. No:'. 11. l'rtf. L.rhrtos, ''A umhert' Mstic, itt'otc:rt n - :it'tt rstt . I'ari)tt Sr. -tus'tlaty, Novc. 18--Vartsity vs. lO:'a Cor. MinoandsHurnStrets,'l Ci~ta~l, 850,.hSurlus,. 5t0,Ot st'an sactsa getorl atnrting tbusinsess. R,: Itr res. C.tr'o .' t' (tN .sVice-Pree. FatS 5IIB :.stFsCrsite. _...._....---FIRST NATIONAL. BANK ttr-aioctlib'3 Ctalrtn.1100,:t00. Srlurstnd Prrofts, 140,10 exc'hansge'boutghtrand ldt.Furnshettetrsof E. , ).IN555, res. 1HARIs ON rS 55 11 S. W '. A515.'tN tCatsier The flan tRrbor Savinus Bank Ct'l Sltotck. o6o0,Wo. Suttlsti$10,000 I)cssro 'tt tttt es 1:'ts : sI,60 ttttr rr Is' of tthis Stte. tR't'eive'o tdeptoits, burys atdrtHello exchagetont eprincipal citit's oftheItotnited Stattts. lDrafts cshedtI upottnt propr'Oitentificationr. Safettyrdep~roit boxstor ent. tttrts,.Vic r estct.; ('(to. tH. ttscets. Caer ; M5. J.5"Fritz, Atsstnttasher W~. J. B tt , I'l isso':.T W. A sttsoist, I t V irc e eo J.V. 5 sne ts s,52d V i ce-roIs Ntss.C. Wasere, Asst.t'ahrtrc I~ BRINK 'Transascts a gesseral Basskisng Bsiness. Maker s o Is'' COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNSand HOODS, CAPS srld GOWNS. ft SPECIAtLTY. CLASS COtNES, _COLLEGE FLAtlS. CLASS PIPES. CLASS STATIONERY. COLLEGE PINS. COLLEGE SPECIALTIES WOC. KERN & CO. SHEE~HAN & Co. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop ~tt ~dh and Bath Rooms. , Stl 322 Stage vt. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop. WARRFN BBE OUPOROSrE. sseT,e'F1G-oToN. A voting contest fotr sa $30l.00 Lssdwig Piano wvill be cttstluttt'l rbfy thie stres, whose marr)TietItter lowt'ts, t'rr tle beiselitosf the varitrsels r:rclrt', lodtges, schools, etc. , of Asis Arbotr. .'otr furthecr 1particuls all('Iltir (If' thse Anns Arbor Mrsie (Io. or stiy of the following stores: KOCH'S, Furniture, Carpets, Pictare VFrames, Mouldings, Trunoks, Valises. WAHR & MILLER, Shoes. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Grocers. GEORGE HALLER, Jeweler. LAMB & SPENCER, Grocers, State St. MUEHLIG & SCHMID, Hardware. W. N. SALISBURY, Druggist. L. C. WEINMAN, Meats. IJAVIS & SEABOLT, Grocers. IIEUSEL BROS., Bakery. 'MILLER & PRAY, Grocers. 'H. C. EXINGER, The Fair Store. .IOHNSTON &CO., Groceries and Meats Forest Ave. THE ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. C. A. HENDRICKS, Millinery. GiOODRICH, WALKER & MURPHY , Tailors, over First National Bank. were visited:,noth, sitot, 'east 'and IThen,'rossoinrg tiltetchanner'l~lst'erot'eI lay ItherughrNormnd~r'y 'and1 11rittanry, go'iinrgarrostBrittaniy, teI:'ttw:' s visoited' l i'I:'Ce Ihe tr'eyt'tt riarl wa~s ill ttsvallfy(riothei'oire,::so1ri1h ilst'ass- Hes 'of hitor'ic'il r is:: :'l ar 1lt t het Bli Vs ".dtillcitsturnedlnrts hwardsul, 200- i52 to Paisb wyofCart..Whl At PatisisIll'stlytris iretaktninthoty 0110119'11t It tld fotsr t Of(I n gybosr::su 'luisethis triptin alecture. :itur S twill Satulrdaly, No:v. 2I-V' tsily vs. EKila- Mu ic' rusothietespet'cial ly ia'r'atnge'd fo:r gualr, ban~jor, 'ort: , f(te, :tit:I tertly a11 in~strrumhe:nts exct'ttmtandtlin. C'o., Wash~. s ri':t, till tell you mres abour~t it. Ar'ewIuine oPf Manhauttans Shreirsout in it 'tdltlittrts, ilyan & Iele. See tireiri.S. SMats at. Atrizof $510 still be 'giversfoP:erl: bst tessay try soa hsui::e girl olttsb Mhi:'tgant. 'Tosetwishtinsg t cI~ should coult:I Psot. 55:' l.usvlinte'- g'aretinsubjctlan11011netsionsl. Studtlesarecoeerdsily invitedto I: it- siettir c'sit:,ito litnes 1'ofsuits, over- 'oats,tress's funshtings sauithats,0 WVadhamstt , Ityasn - leule, S. Malsin St. trsialrr o lMusitnet'ly Is l's at 1 2 ElD. ItHtron:s teet'. --.4 1'() .1 11,litI til 's. l1i T1 : 1'V. 'S. of:the enire si estr t'f'Bookts,:Ietats:'tt- Weoe , Is: asi Vsret,es:in tut:atissothe y:'ol .'usIdaily amsth iis trill1be a rr totptrlttinitty I tlbtanin lutit sitt ':'tti'tec- ililev lowvf(goures. 'lie stocktmstobhi soldilat 551c'. 'Its1., 'I1+ in, iTrustee Cp !EC& cn." one reason non . why Old En. oct'5 onettio ~ glish Curve Cut pipe to. bacco is so The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. .It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stams. Address Old English De- partnsent, The American Tobacco Co., 13[ Fifth Ave., New York Clty. All dealers sell it. 3 h 'Oa tV 11 FOR 1000 TheSpalsdingoftfisilIntercnllegiate ' athall O se ci l il y Y I: ' al, 5timeotn. IHarvarit, toruetl sinoia ne l'~'l, Uivrtilc ty :f C'icaogo, " i i n. t atndttvir Im:si ssin otbatetsin . hIl l Uglfsrms Sosanod EverReustfo I .my.E is.te by Walie srinomp, t1899 rules, with in IsIs and laatosry notsiec o etrdlosiphotograniphtso I Haberdashers. (l. G. Spalding & Bros., N ew York (Siesgit. )stai'r I L ARDSTATE ST. THOSE NOBBY GOLFS