THE UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY bijahed Daily (Saday exceptd dung the Callege yar, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orama: Taa Inanad Pe, teaaiag Blck. Bth phaata, 14. MIANAGtNG EDITOR F. EceNOtELaR,'0l L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0.H 1Ilac. 'tt L 'D ITORS. T R. Waaattst,'00 L. A. MCi~astAL'1t GD. HIsacaTTa. ciE. J B. WOOD, 'c, L. J. MOMaERYaac, '00',W. f. ecxac, 'taM, A. G. BoWNE,'aa2d. The sahscititncpriceaofatthe DALYtts a§2t50 tea the ealleg ya, twith a egla deliay hetrce noneacle day. Ntais, coemamunicatin,ad other amattee intedd oe pablictaneaut he handed in at tecDIttoffaicahtefore58p. a..o mailed t te edito before 3 p. a. f the day previosieta that ate which tay ae expected to appearxc Subsecitinaabe lafteat the DAtet ffe, Myr's, cc tall~et' ewtad, cc with Baiacac Managr. Sbscibers walitcnea fa lvee y repoting peetcalylatlateisaticanay faiare at caresto dcliiverialae. All ctags ita decaiiacaattecatat ba i the offieahaut4p.a.ot.heay peviouatotathat ax whih tevarea to aseac. aihed actionc ac the Board of Cottol at ight cwa ceftaly vcy adviedl tkn, atnd wiii dobtcsa met cwith fa- vr amocng te friens of atheics acnd the tudent oty. The uet mockd ofsaceurincg interacttotnd enthuiamtat athleticshitoto provide a god hteeme soledule. I good gama aricaddl anthtec toate gound a certain tumbce at leastt citt attnd temaatd ecomec tatcate d ccda aciwtatling to scaiplot te eccm. Bt, athtluniaortaat amtteaott itheIhomeouncctdslantrstto coboud to A hg gme acay frocm a town oy aaket a shotcetralcdBof coaiosityad inteet imcmacediately bcaore it to tlayecd, aol it tcyca l ccrt a shoat- livtd enthusci~acm. t it is teaIiadyeci intrs t tct cc.a Bromconstalytt 'salaaing a cI.cccoptay icegat omecctatc wins if scuipictaers. Freah Medic Clasa Large. Btidccatcccaaestercay oret yon at the samc tact ipcc cs the cay pte cdintg.Uccaathoritieswri niln to gfivaout :ccy i.~imsbtal c ic ci the rygiscrction c cc cgaterthnha of act yccr ihe hMedical eiricrcaet ta catai ccl cc increcaae ati ic ccclnith1ccfreshmencc class and 1pccbady all trough. Deata Vaughoeasailatnight tat at for o'clck yestercday meore fresamen chIat argisterect thinaslot yar' catire fresic manat clcas. While the snoralav no. yet tfied uptao c the expeted nuaner titey cwil dutlese alt found ak ic a fcca days, Alhoueghc to exact figura ece lcbe heaccred, the Daily haa it cn cccccclauthaoaity'that ao t 2500 stu- denacic lavealeady regitred. Calendar. Saturday, Spt. 30.-Varsity a. Hill- dale Callege. Friday, Oct. 6.-Athletic mate meet- ing in gymnaiutm. Saturday, Oct. .-Varsity vs. Alion Collage. Saturday, Oct14-Varity v. West- en flReerve tUnverity. Wedneday, Oct. 18.-Varity ve. Notre Dame University. Saturday, Oct. 21-Varity vs. Alum- ni. Friday, Oct. 6--General recepion of S. C. A. at Newberry Hail. Openiag Work o the S. C. A. The firt devtional meeting ad the Studenta' Christian Asociation citt ha told thitl evnig front 65 to 730 at the S. C. A. uilding Mr. Knapp will lead the meeting Every old and nec atudent at rduestd to mnake it a stae- ricl poit to attend this the first met- ccngact thc necw college year. 1kefirt Freshaman stayearameceiag wiilheetheld Thursdtay aigtat 6d5. Mis Gdofrey cwiii havae carge of the meetiung Alt Freshmen are urged to Isaac cut ad make 1hisa osing amet- flatFaid ay c ie~ ~g lie Satccts thristicn Assocriatoncc ciiv ae its fist raettion ofthe yea to tlistsudent ofl thaePaniversity. 'ieameabers of th faculty ancd thi i cctas ccilecive, atd every student, old and new, i in- oie lcdt mtae tics at enegage-ment for that eveng. lBILEdSTUDY. Last year the enrolmntt in te Bile losaca of the S. C. A. reached nearly itwo hundrad. Mot of the classes wero taught y Mr. Color of tie Att Aror Bible Char. It is hoed that te aumner talking up a systematic study of lie Bihle may e tuch larger tis year thatn it has ever een efore tCasses cwil e organied and taagh y 1%1a Colr and bv M. f. B. Daidon Ceneral Secretry of the S. C A. Mar, Davidson cwil offer a course in Old TesamantelHIitory. Otr. Colaa ccita after ltae ollocwingcourses tecfrt sacmcster Introducion to Old Tesa - amaelt Study; Life of Christ; Life at Nariilcgs cat Pascl; Christ and Htto Dis- citptes as tPersonal Workersaictradu- tioca Ioa isaeBahilosotphy of Religion.a tner adotre ccatearilcciiehgiven in echlaof ihese oro ca.Tiecasin t ciscCfe on lrit ciii seIa. Frcer's Life of Chisit aa bhok of rfrencre. A ecuifutl cpyoacthlicscbookll iiiCcsuptlid to eaIc pearsn c iwhoero11s for tlicourse at a coat caf oly fifty eats. afic iotll icc lie canly chic ae tinvoled aicin ica - this couse.'aToe wcole s irein cfc- mtilocnaut ticetidlecassmay rea cive fact1. faaticuasaby cingcat Ia ace , of iNaaahc ry Ics. aTie tudants of the Uaiarsty nd Ilaich Sraocl are iatel to .cttn tc asaias of iSatrdcy eveningcaa ctac pate ctfract ca Academcy, cm (. fi. Farell, '8,a is pcrincipcal of tics Zeelancd, Mich.scools. Tics S C. A. Blleinc issued its initial ncataier ysterday. HISTOLOGY, BIOLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY Supplies 1and(1Dissectijer tInsirumants. Ws e gaata lathe goods. J. J. QULBRRY, CAMB MPY 7RGCSTOTOM - GRANQFZR'S School of Dancing t7hSao pn atra o ti ept.30 Flest Dancing Pat y aturday ecenhig, Oct 7. Officegtound floorGcagee eAcadea. Pupate received at any lime dring senact. SHOES EIvEIYTHING IN FOOPlWKSAR SHOES THE BARAIN SHOE STORE Means Good Vcalutes, nthlitag else. Lowcest Cash Price for Good Shoes. Wc ace not satisfied inless you are. We do thte Best Repairing, uting good materiliontly. D. E. GLASS, PROP., 109 SQTTTlv= log~10 Do You Want A dependablc Shop wchere you can buy yottr Clothing, Hatsa Caps. Gloves, and furnshings. A place wherc they stand beck. of their Merchandioe and always consider it a faora to be given an opportunity to nmake everything g o o d. Better Take a Look at Our $15.00 Overcoats ILAW BOOK05-olf" ''o thce oldftdeait s e nedno intraoacicen;to the naw ones cwe wiii say 4t'aI; I c;Vf i~klL fItal )lttLlIlL ELII ad I iN 1llt CII ad cau suppally soy ilaw hocok pccblishied.. A feaw of oucr miicellaneous piublictios Von Hdolst Constittiael History, 8 vole Sandars' Justinias jWisoc's Works, 2 vale Tacker as the Constitation, 2 vois State Trials Erskine Speechles, 4 vola Careen Speeches Roscher Political Etanomy, 2 vole Cciii for oatr Catalogtue of L~awv Booito, Pleatoed faa quoate yout fricas. Ann Arbor Brancih, Law Book Publishers. 340 Stale Street..- Opposite Law Building. J'"AS AND ELECTICOLIGHTING SUPPLIES, 'SHADES, ccclt le ,,PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., JF.SOHUH,_207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Schicede's New Patent: Lecture ieoscyc,q,yccactr o oa rlcelicaves c allcoiin andteeournawate ticoeTk papercdornotcearortetinlaced a inth11ccciistyltrig oteboks Parker und Waterman Peps from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retatil Paper from 10 certs o Pound up. F. tJ. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. GET YOUR 99' PiICHLGANE2N3IAN fIT TtiEB JNLFIND PRESS i- NEW SHOES FOR FALL. Have youxeceked into tee show windowspet? There they ace, styles withoet end. Despite eli the treat talk pee have heard we will selt these shoesejust ae lew as we sold eqeal qealitiualwt yer.PRII-xIL.S SH{OT STOREI, 119 E. Washinagton St. THE POPULAR S"RRz Two Blocks South and One Block East from the Post Office you will find just abuat you want in the tine of Toilet Articles and Student Supplies. MUMMIORrfi.