THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. ILDEBR AND THE NEW TAILOR, 120 WASHINGTON ST. 14 L TWEEES A[ASO MICHIGAN CENTRAL 1, The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect dJun 25, 1099. Detroit Night Expres...........0 5 A. t Atlantic Expresse..............74 {bnd Rapid? Expresso.........11 10" Mail and Expesz.... Salon....... 4 .t N. Y. Bostopecial .......... 458 Fast Ea torn............... 9 4 ailandExess.. ........... 9404A M. Be to:, N. Y. and Chicago ...... 748 Fa,,t w steronEpes.......... 1 38rP. M. G. Bt. and Kal. Expres.......5 45 Chicago Night Expresso...........9 43 PacificExress..............12 304A. . 0.XW. JRUGGLES. II. W. IAYreS, o. P. & T.Ag I, Chicago. Ag't AnnoArbor. ANST ST.&TiMS3TI .bISt E; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Masy 31, 1899. Trains leave Ass Arbor by Central Stand- ard Time. SOUTH NORTH *No. I6.- i:25 A. ss No...- 9.00A.3Al. No. 2.-1l:,7 A. 10. 'No. 5.-11:30 P. At. No. 4.- 8:30 P. s. NSo. 3.- 4:56'oP. t "':02.- 8:05 r. M. ft*11.- :05 AAl0. t Ran Sondoy only. *tRun between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All other trains daily encept Sunday. E. S. GILMOIIE, Agent. \V H. BENNETT.,1. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. to. until 8:15 p. m,; last ear for D~etroit 11:10 Waiting room, cotrner Ann anodMain sto. I Detroit. 1ll Griswold ot. SPLCIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! Ore of thes $3.00 i= LAUGHLIN FOUNTAINS 1 PENS s st,lpostpide,ronaweoek'irial for on:ly -111$1.00 If it 10rnt:sit ou,50:.WE I00r IT lC;a~ er ou 0a$.10fr t. Ni If itdoes not sadt YOUSADE Any way ynuhgure it; ReOrIr J Thi: ebeb :11:05:aode.Hee is yourchan: c totest it-FINEoeT Onyone pon sentto one::address idrof the givr. Gt.your: orenear , o:ly ordero today.hlt awehe lad\ 44: gents styletisodesired. Addreso LAUGHLIN MNFG, CO. 129 Griswold St., Detrnit, Mth. An:y BnoroExpriessCom:pany in: l"Rentscbler, the W'otograpbcr5 .t(O1tgdi Such as Joserp1 ohnans Washbun'sa W. Liberty, oly 2doors fomnasCornteer The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET OUR PHOTOS . . .AR E. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THlE Berryman Studio Rooters Loyjal to the Tfeam.-An En- credit to the occasion. Each play er I2 esHuo St thusiastic Reception. wsa greeted withl a heart-warming slate Phoner 119. The leanm oas given a reception cheer as he appearedl. McLean was last night fitting their grand ptaying receivedl at the ptatfornm on the at Philadelphia. The train to bring shoulders of his admirers ansdhorne home the players was diue at 12:30, nmid resounding cheers througlh the and over 300 loyal rooters had gath- station to the carriage in waiting. ered before that timue. It was an- l~e players u-crc gotten into car- poiutced that it svoud be an hour; riages wsith altlisaste, and drawn latre. 11u1 no one seernetd to maind ! away with a farewsell yell ringing in thsat, andl all madte merry as best ti:eir ears. T thsey nmighlt. Over thirty girls svere dlosvn to se For a time they yelled and san~g, the learn come in. Tihey all re-n},yZ untill that got monotonous. When msained faithfully u~ntil the last play- they tiredl of that they began calling er had left tile stations. for speeches. Finally, three or four Such a loyal reception has never z ® o sturdy fellows caught one of thsose beenl accorded a team before. That whose names had heels called arid several hundred students, including f raised hint up on their shsoulders. a couple scores of ladies, should 1 The crowd cheered him and tde- patiently wvait neasrly all night to A SHOWERI OF SWEETNESN rianded a slpeech. After hie had tdemonstrate their loyalty, speaks s htalcutb lae :vo said isis say his surpporters tossedi sell for that loyalty. shat asleoerdveh lea esedrasoxsOt- aim u11 a feiw timses arid theln let him a.ble foraifg:t, cannoot he surpassed3. dlownr. Musical Clubs Notice. Neatly put up :1n one pound, two poud, One after another was given the All ruembers of the Unrversrty th1ree pound or hive pound bosxes. 200 samse treatrment until a go odly nun- adMnoi t 1sigons.IlsoIe-i:n ber sad been before tihe souse and Glee, Lanjo,adMndlnCtlbs E ahntns.(ontw)ad received their shaking up. Still the meet tonighlt in roons 25 at 7 o'clock. 316 S. state st. lu tossni. train dill not arrive, and the more THOo. R. WOODROWv, _________________ sleepay ones began to dose off. Preoident. I riii livery available place to recline -A~fllmuMOWi that promised any comfort was pre- Losr. -Canago bracelet, on firm- erupted. They dloubled sup on day, B. Mh. Thompson, 539 E. Uni- Warranted for 1 Year. benches, huddled upon radiator cas- versi ty Ave. 1C ings anid twisted inside windowrs. ______m____ixj-.,, L a n Tsso young men who were not to be YVYII.o Je.PU, weler robbed of a support, after all avail- Dr. A. WV. Alford, a msember of TU TT 'LES able resting places had been taken, thse Boartd of Medical Registration, stoodl up back to back, learning 01n :i11 be at the Cook Hourse, Wednes- ecd oth~er, and seemetd to find it a very satisfactory arrangement. Fi- day, Nov. 15th, at 4:30 p. 1i1. to I'NC 1 8 nlily a trains was heardi approaching inspect diplomas and for other busi- andthle crood aswakenirng in an in- ness connected with registratiors. Is at 338 S. Slate Street. slant rurshed to thre platformal n 3.D ARSVSc vM.MRlIL it onty a slosv freight. A ltoiet.D HROlNaSc.0tMeM RIr. a mail trails startetdarnoth~er false 'rho Junior Lasw oases have arrived FUNERAL alarns. When the long-expected and are ons sale at Wahrrs book store. DIRECTOR trin finally arrived, after three They are very neat and a splendid canse Emrbnlming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th o'clock, thse faithful supporters Of tor the price the comomitte has placed Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ren- the teanm gave a cheer that wvas a o:n them. idence 302 Fifthl Are. ~PrtnSoes WN$35 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EAST HURON 1 E e y K n IEN C DI T R Eurlmn er ua ! d613 Eanst -h lamStreet EDerector EUnivF e rst d soe-half block wesF e O A Ls._Enoch__DiTREeterleL d istant. n~es of l aw epain ii I bin ds No, 19 .Wg Na a Liery tret. elderer g rnetly done. a l Poo Bot Pons o . 19W~shng N. 16E.L adrySret.Rsincenn3t ° hoe Shop Eof a ber. Finehoos ton St., Ann Arbor. ( Fonrth Aye, Both Phone a12S.S .5I*~o. W E P-AT RONb 'IZE G OODA ww&YEAR'S D RUG 5STO RE