THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1-DAILY. '99 'VARSITY SQUAD. ls CT. M'DONALD. (GIlL..WCEL IvY. CBARCABUS. H. WH ITE . KRAMER. IERNSLOIN. NI'LLAN. CUNNINGHAM. FITZGERALID. MECHOJING. BOOUKIELD I. BAIN. MI. L. WHI TE. WILSON. DICKEY. S[l,,(, ND., 30 Tihe Christian. In the hook at "The Christian" Mr. Caine had a set and defimite purpose. In the play he has a motive or a moral. In the piay, as he himself says, he took the "two principal charatters 1n the 11Cvel, as well as tisa motioe of their relatioln to each other, and made an inldependent diansa atf1nUw'incidents aind treoh Corrounmdingo-just ao he might 1101e taken too characters Ut' 1101 history an~d conotrocted lahoutthiemlla plaly which could othcerwioseisave no1 COO Illo historicl 1trolls." 'Thiois Ihe distinction th1t Ali-.(Calie pers'onally ,iiakes Petteen the 1bo01kland Ike play. Wh11t11s10he1.otaltof lt"e play? To 1110111 oeUand Joit S. Storm, thc 1t1o 11111 cii',itateitii of i t1he Clalie 011111 1011r Ci'11 Pitorthlit, rtypeso tt Ike latterihal of theUniniieteeinth ight the balt toifetin pofesliena .trr thesincr C oungthergymaools il the11Mou11.1BattheIoc oial eaintiret;_ .101 tproblemsltw0111c1 souirouod the ;;Le~s f tesechactero intt 1he110101 are not welt 1po 1il t'ep1ay. which is irnflya rmanic story i o ov. 'Ahe explaine 1111yth 10.otto1choeltfor 11 C byl t 11111 1au otho, sfom010hIe 0011 I t f ,o'ctilon11isow0n11draOCICO of Mary 1 o 'lagakl10.1at e idoorttt Simson 'hr eP10a11see.In the dawtCing,. dary I 10 1 .0t fetol1proceoion and io teen 1te1111gk a1wre1th lof roossUromtothe hair cstpsofithle house tilth'rein she sees the I FactIo Chri. H'er lovrrisfollowting her nd s tringto Scott her Pack. .sexlatin110,"ltht C ~tIe soulkj beto n othe parllel wCiItthe'Il'sujett's. i Fiday'ioNov.1. STe lul ll ill.. are Ike ocores of lthe Pe111sotov1111 trai toI.(lte L-.itf P. 44,Firanklint 0111 Marsihall 10. I .itf P. 47,'.iicktiolli0. Cairlistlek1I..iofP. i 1'.iofl. i, . V.oitt!iit C. Laaete6 Ct".o . I. U.ttfI1.,,Chlicago 5. Hartard lei, 1'. iif IP. C. Total os'ore it U. it P. 151: totall 0'ior' Dr. Jamesoositalniano.'1101, ias keen chose aueii10110phsikcian1111o10take Ike plcoftDi'. ._.L. Switoni, S9ot, ohio reigne 01ito accppPtt 0 locaion a lt COi- 111..MAR~TIiN. SAVADI. 11111000. )i:I PXll. 1.1 .'AI oTiElEi. 111R0NT. lAIt PP. 1RANCE. 011"NA. Statistics of the Pennsylvia- nia Team. Thoimas 'irlitn Ha ~tre, 'i0l,'ciptainl 101111ert guarh, is 21Cool's old, C ft. 20i i. 1 iin it011tOa wighs195. 1.111' Ic This isis10thi ird earon tilhoe 'Vars,'ity foot hail 10011. lie 11as0a1 me1111riofi1. tie '511'5'Cl'99 lrckTetams, 11101 1111 points inthoe Intei'collegiate 111eet1s il those yearos0as0 a ohammoer throotetr. JoiahsC.AMetrackent'1,1 nut hlf~1- wit'll i 1 p~tound.1Tiss hstitd yea~r lilthoe 'V.a1011yfoot Pill itisi. Ilief fist plate tCprPeiparotory Schoitol. Doeota cpan fte''i ritk 'loam. He toosIntercolegiaerchin-lii pioin in puttingC the shot and in tile khimmne r ltrotw forthoc yearo to8 and e '99, and halsthe Iterollegiatelec''r 1 ois for Iloese evenits-PutinCgIki' liot, 41. tt. 581in.;throiotng teham1111er, 149 ft. Tin. Ide held liiieitw0rlo' ritoridfors the hammoer throiw in skI8, t52lfto. ini. Peter D. Overfield, '0l, centire, 10sO23 years old, 6 ft. loll and wisgehs i8l pounis. This ioslis fiiuitho year oil the tram. He firstl played at t1110ansi~ooeld State Niiiisal Sch~ool. HDro10ed ionlithllt second rrew i'n 1111. J. Buttn Siioo el', 1left,'takleis 2 year's old, A ft. 111n. in hoig'lt iud toeighs lid75potnds. lie 11110aisubsti-1 Dte o hoe '980 '\'oiy. Ilie 61 s1 pl10yed at the Mlansf1 id Stale Nolrmll School. Ide 0is captallittofte 'ftalsipy crewc. He roociti No. 4 in1 '97 and11'1. C'. Edgar Walloce, i.. 'It.,i-Citi tackle, is 21learsold11, I6 Ci. tllandtt wIeighs 19'. oun's. Ilie ii Cl played za P'eddie Institute. Ile'oras oIte . '- onid 1e0m11111'9o. D. Ziinierinan, 'ill, substitute t1acklei. is 22 veas'sold, A ft. 7 10 in. ii1 eiht anodoeighs 1911 poundsl. Ile firot played at Phillipto Exeter Academyi. He toils 110 the second teamo last year. W.IR. Ditoell, 'C2, substitute ind, 1is 211 yeairs old, C t. 2 io. io height,. 111d oteigss1i6Cpounds. This isisPloilst 5'e'ar on the 100a1. ide owas a member' itt'98 'Varsity ciewt. F. Slilsie, Jr., 'Ci0, substitute tod, 11; 111 years old, 5 ft. IC is. is height, atid wceighs 113 outnds. DHe000a0 assue lost year He io a ineimber of the Waler Polls team.t John P. Dardlnei','Cl, quarterback a~nd half-hark, is 22 years old, 1 ft. C0 is. high and weighs l65 pounds. This is his second year on the team,.lie is a member of the Gymnastic Team. He was strske of tke 'Vaisity Creow in '598 and '9l9, John 11. t)tttland, '00, left half-back ':; years ol(. 5 1't. ;-) in. in height, mirl and quarter-bxtel, is 24 years old..} ft. ti Agl s 114 pounds. IN first played tit 1() ? xi11. in height, and \VOighs lti: Sttstluehatrna ACLUI.rrny. 't'his is his bounds. lie \\-,is captain in '9,N. This urst year on the 'Varsity. is his third 3var on the t nin. He Hirst _ ibert It. Kennedy, '01, lift half- played foot hull at (WHALe _acvademy. bark, is "° years old, 5 ft. 10 in. in fie Was (Aptain or thp socoond twun in height, and weighs 164 pounds. He INK \ vas cabtajii of the second team last year. Walter J. Coombs, '00, right encl, is 21 rears old, 6 ft, tall and weighs 1S2 H. JJ. Ilodge, '01, substitute end, is bounds. This is his second year on the, 21 years old, ti ft. I in. in height, :tnd tears. Ile first played tit tit Central "eighs lit Ivound& lire was on the sec- High NOW , where he captained the and teani in 17 and 18. foot ball, base bill[, basket 1>