BY Pua '-lshers Price $1,50 U Price $1.10 THE 'UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? D. f[. TINKER~ & 80ON HATT[ERS AND FLURNISHERS r% rlp eadqstarters for SI.'. Gos 51', PLWa'ofa G HasCar,, D'stFlf tssooo~as FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK, iooandoompee ie ofe.Nr AGENJTS FOR THE IEST 1AILORS 0ON EARTH. AGENCYPFOR ONGLEYIHATS L. C. GOODRICH, A. R. \VALIOLII, \\ Mi OhS ____334__ South___ tate________ THE MONEY SAVERS,. ar IS N '. it ' ~e 0 r~ YHERE I toe. slaatole cC lon taSt s. $( Capital, $50,000. Surpses . so0. 'lea 'nsa generalhbaning busiess. ri ordering carriages why not el [hem where you can get your order Rt,KFMPF, Peo. C. E. GoEENE, ie-pes. filled 0n tim~e with a carriiage. We hare added fire wor1e to our PaRED. H rEo.osoCashoier. already large os ad sow hore the largest 0010 er of. -loses ino towns which will enso'se you good service, Price the-samoe. FIRST NATIONAL BANIKOr nfed 86 -ft' M V "Copitl1, e100, 00 Suepdus aed Profits, 840,000 °- rraneescts a l ee akeeeiibsne. Foreian exchoagelboe,,ht anoethld. urshettes ofl Aloone o00. 5 1*5 6IC t Liberity Srt.*crediht. _______ ______ E. 0. IGINNE, Pes. HARRISON SOULE. S. Si. CLARNISONMCootoierVc-e We havs a fine sscorotntof trsrafi.ot, iete-lrtettta.psissloetiogThe Royal, The Teflnfro vns I Rtohester coed Ohs Plaoeose dfloe tBerlin asodlPefcrtijon S t(tse OCaptl 1Sted o ee5,00.Soeplos,'150,00 'The NewLa. s P l enod sala neie nti . t GOiveor ee l ttforsthteeoilustdthan Hseseoes E.5pll,e00 c-ya ml eool tsttt tet~lotslltrefslsotexag te riciotplitieseofte Uitt el Stats. raft cahedttpo prperidtiicalstion. COME AND SEE. Safttdeost bo ese to eent:. OF o tiet-th istSiilcc Peo.;0.0D. Iloeri- Old Number: mn, cePes.; CaGtE. iescos&,CCattier; }. 44 SO. MAIN ST., .FrzAssistnt Cheree ANN ARBOR. MIGH. _______________ COO) orNVAJ.tot1,E,. ieos 1[ P'sad cte Dotty Saturdtay scstsitenagdr os~st o 0 s is osecial. Tthursdayeov- iettor 9.-to eie-rn oftDOBNK Prcrooeoiotintt tle stol y cat TheolStedira otie its toDr. AS itianeso 11 SiEAN& CO. Ui~oversty Booksellera tationers and Eng-ravers o SOUTH S'TATE STREET. U. o-M. Barber Shop brst"")(v aul bath Rooms .te1nK1;'. "tl J .. R. Trojanowski, Prop. The &G =-KEAST - ANN ARBOR S P ER - ST, LOIS, r0 ; AS - FAST TRAINS 3 SI - CHAIR CARS S . S.Geonool,1t. P. .Coieagoo - 7 1't 777 Ti 7 ,77 ~ .- IV RSITY SCHOOL OF a otooe