2 Published Daily (Sndyseepedl dringsythe Cellege yer, at THE UNIVERSTY OF MCHIGAN. OrrsesE: 'Thu' Iland Peess, lKening Blc. Both Phonec,,II. IIANAGIC.G EDITOR. F. EGEHARDu, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 5)o. 1hueAS. '0 L. EDITI1ORS. ATIILhI,'ICS ,.., , 1. I leecee, 'etI T, R. Wceeaus, 'SI L. A. 11. MD~lecass, '1 E A.. G. IlsoWEe c , '2 . B. Wau, 'C, G. J. MecGOEeese,'l, W. LCs. 1IaKEY, 'elM, Thcalsbepyisse leseofTe, VlIe Bae sh5alfIr the clt-S '.sear lswt a egl-e deli-ry efoee noonleast(lay. Ntcsecoemsnicatiose, a other matteresntened fice Iscislse Ls r nst eelh hsaelinatlsc DLY sso'liie e'ie n p.mseeo msailedi Io the edio e s'lc 3cp.isns. of theda previoseoIathaiocc whicha the arecexectedestoI apea. Subserl ieonsmybIe Isft A1 te DILY ffice, Rlese's, cc Ssssie' cesslacs , cruihsso~scs, Manage, slsece s Will scecsalsfavorly rcpaessssgromlaliy athsoffic ayalreof carries toadelisercpaerc. All classsecsin aletieleg matterccst. e is the llesli s4a 1s. assonlthe lay peiostoatI ia on whichIey ae to aocir Dr. Small Toniht. FTe ssosodCssessssc ccCubls "'ass caus wisl11hs'etcpened lasi'hC bseProf. Albionssssil.Smacsll head cifclscedd,'Cr- secesoficiossslesgy ilteIl's vssic a'f ChcaoHelille spcya )" s"'lbelMen- icgcsf Trsscsc" heless' ure''S55'5 gvenc is lnieersy Hlsl, hughifiithe ale ofco surse'ticetseqeuaslthelb iectatlions5 softeconinssttslee, tCe v' minin'slsctureI ill b' givens ln CUsi- vesistI-allIFas the Icst ess'ass 5curce ti cecss've enttoingaidlyi andlitisIclilaI'els asCNessbesy tHall cill lbs lull tso cesvesstwin etoniht. Volsse lics' c t Jicceyells sProc. ISc'll hsa c ~ s lbe aiganItspeceial1 sudy ssf trussssd isdsril co bnts ins .te Isakssesss vey active s.'lslt'lit al1 os thsesrecentscusisueioIslehch hsasve beets caedsis coernsingth isic'liestial. IdeIC'55a psomnesfisse re1act t1hle Tresst Cosnferece hIs1eversslseeksheagsil Chicasgo.lD. Sh11a511ic edtsseof1lie ics e IIlls'elhef soralsits ecoeoi~ssc ad socsiolsssisal toiscisle ssountr-y. Fr'eathl~eeocilgical sandpoint he isi proealyslccsselIlllilesdass alyBc-It inthes c utry ficesca dis'iet. D. hiSmallisIInotdof'. 1 an1alestudcentlbat his calso'5a5sr'ssatrksbly asle asdifoece- Ifu luliclccsp ees,his ca'cccl'asicpiesi- detotes i "C'olby talcia'yhin llMasie haingcisegicPl ssimitgeatgeal ofs prIla- ice n scsslrcIegard.tie hal e he itithe headsiofi the Departmesst oi Scil Bcea s's 'snte Unsiv esitcci C'icae.g ofcs''hesmosalessenIof1t1a, sleticste laisglelsmsso hsbeno.eda cens. Couse t ieaets, issldig seen thele'caues cby 'iis' stAlens bSith, Jerecmih D. Jeks, IFeanke '. Itcct e, Dn Al. 1)ikic s. S ases Clampis catnd BesjamsinT lillmnt, iS SemiFinlal Class Game. The l'osotball cgme lbewleensctIs SophiosorecaccciJunice Ccss tecms swill bse playedat9l:IilSsatudy minsisg at Atletcic Fiels. It poesctoIab' ex- cedigly ccs, cc the teamsctlaye a tie tsce gasme last Macsay. Thee swill utnsousbedly be sc lsrge cs-acd cof raoters in evidence Iao IceeItei leamrn ltoIavicos'y. I. R. Patter nd C. T. Teezlcwiltl1praably actlas officil. Bishop Thoburn. The nexC lecur cc the Wesyan 'Guild cureewcil e delivered cc Satur- day evcenincg, Na. 1, by Biscp James M. Thobiuess ci India. Bishp Thsbun Is ne onfcthe maul gied scn in the Mehodist church, nd hi lecure it sure Cc be huled wih maiers cf vital interest to all. His subject with be 'The Christ cC Tuday." ,.{ I i THE UNIVJRSJTY OF MICHIG ls.N DAILY. Athletic Dance Will be a Success. IS ANY FOR Tise danse tonight ci Che GytmnasiusmTHE t 45'1 TOO "U ) You Yflbe sheusuaysu'iccessfus CI lfie ci foreres eass. Fise CL. cf M. Bad-cslIF NOT, OUR seill ha yresenansd furssnisClthlusce. Thoe-who have atC'ndled dusing othe Wauk-e-zie Dcx Cailf, AVister Russeia, StormscCull, aind Vici leathler ~eas ccy i Ise aclce venund's' lined Acii's Lace Slices at $2.985swill slit yotu to pcerectionl. the auupiles ci the Athletic Assciation EqualllIc Maglazinle $3.50 adertriced shoes.Has all thiestyle, hIo knetsat ethey crete great afi s of hell I2'llilee lill'sllc. the cellege ysar asad cwilnot mil ss i on io n hatllowsele~ateC.Tiee GLASS'S SHOE STORE l09 SOUITH MAIN sleunoutedly beIhe a ge assd s\ecil pieaeed crsacs 1. THEbiWISTIFSeORES'l. The follocissg weee Cspilus sceree IceI insst-snIights wsshist151l1y: l',.1STd AND WEST. Muresrill asndlDiee............2c 51 'ausI liaisecdanssd Thosonlse....... -,o plusI I Raven and slasiIIshssll...........c246ihless 2 NeORTHbeAND iSCOUTH. l'silliseasseandJoe ............d21I ylu 6 Dv'essslsandcssslIel ......... .11lplus I Inter-Societty Debate. Adeilphi versus Alpha Nu. L. Fesunsa. C'. leec. Matstlhes. E-.ISosnenschlein. lassiss. D. P. liebisc leses say, Nsse. 11. liesmcsss . C'. I IStrattonc D. Broos,e,'fib, hsejustasby? n elecedsi \ssisss-st ciroesor cciPedas- gogy and H 1i ghSIescl tlcsiseesof'the lUliersiy'ccIllisosi.Ilie is Bnos princpis 'th'Tosss lhip ls IalSche'lsl at1 IaSaslle', Illieos ,111dlthe bossard -ill set releas'iisfris's sp esent51poslc ETHYMOL Euthym ol Tooth Paste TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH Son)ethirg / You Want [or ca Dollar Ouseof it those Sty lish Cs'lsred Sirts of ouris. They arc e E)oi Maidras~ Per- ('ia le (s'iCeviot. :No Collar-hoC soa.sepnarate tain.r cu's %vith ecshirt. A New Thingo lIn Soft :lats. Its what they call a. Giolf' Hal. Cusmes ino Guay andIdBrown asictsrv ersi ell'1. Nioble's Star Clot ir~g Idfouse MOND'qY, NOV. 13. NOW IS FillS TIldil _TO BI.YT1 YOUR NUXi .;tibI,ST1lt LAW B;OOIS. New as ie S'eeon alse.ss IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Every itsing goes. ANN A 111ll"O P N('ll :3108. Slsste Sireetd 6 0 Oppy. Lawe Ilii licic, LA AS AO EL~i'C IiG SUPPLIES, SHADES, ci ClPORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., Tie Guarante ion J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST.. -" SCHOOL OF DANCING SNOW LAUNDRY 'g 1th caon Strctl 11 chol--Singe dessSTATE PHONE, 120., sass st I l lil is sieAs erssill ssot h e-isisisi cd s arch s ndsironed.l llel ls'is issbleed > Turinsclal.-htajc- Nosasis t'oIt cmounitti-rscbectl~cahescb e is oE ill th at sakes thisi ico,! a t'c's' -l isicsise'-.eaeand s4 1 isci snut of dacrs. dry us, tlse fit s:b irce't m of 'sai s ' lceew'ssy you'e cc- rb1,- -.5 g~P et or- '- de- ,ess _ - ei Scss~(. hJ~A~alaU.%s 0NE DO ILLAR - i :jCLUETT. PEABODY CO. Lecture -.Am ISsucesssito l'stt,tCoon& Co.) ~o 6~ 1t'P~1~ Porker and Waterman Peias from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Reteil Pae rm10 centsa Pound up. ATHEINS I EA E F. J. SCHLEEDE. 340 South State Streets FRIDAY, NOV. 10. GET YOUR 99' TI1C T1W66 +AT THE) JNLfIND FPRESS A Magsnificenst Prctstisn sf iumsia'AWS V II"N E00 15 Ismsuatal Itosisuse, hy Just tlie tin(- yous wact duriig this seat sloppy wceatherarst J NO. G R IF FItTH (of Faust fame). $2.00, $2.50, $3.10 and $3.75. PRICES, - - - 25, 35,.50, 75, asd $5.00 Salhsof scat sopens Wednsdsaiy, Not. 8. 119 E. Washington St., A PRILL 'S SHOIE STORE, SCUDDER'S LICORICE, BIG STICK 5 OTS.1 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.