4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY JU TWHO'S YOUR TAILOR ? D. fit. TINK513 & SON IIATTERS AND FUONISIIERS PUBLISMjED RqrhHaqatr o FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. adGoltto ofGYNAIU --AGENTS FOR, TH BEST TAILORS *ON EARTH. AGEN OR toLON0OLEX HATS SeeSre L. C. GOODRICHtii, A. PC. VtALI_-i, '\Nt. M lidu , _____ h~ _THE MONEY SAVERS~ _ p- unCx! IS NEARLY (or.Mttottt Io n t eet sot. In ordering carriages whty not geltItiem wshire yott otto-gttyotr ortler R, La~er, 0Pre. 0.. I Ottocor, tVice-Pres, filled to timseawit a ctarria( . xWe lhtte tiddeiris etomotettotiur FtE. tco . zi r, C"shier. 6 0 0tirettisy, ~ itno e adntt hiv oe ite targest ottoto or of hac nito wnoftotsArto which will ensutre yoo good sertice. Piie ite otato. FIRST NATI NAL BANK OrgnzetSt O Lcdia, 10{0 nr radPrft,110003 toitnhaieitott a.oltd. Futi hlt t er l~ s t'hone t1i6. 515 EIt 1- i.Jer ty Stree(t. cc"ditt. ________________________________________E. 10. mLINNt, Pres. PARRISON ettl'LP. '5cc-Poet. LAM IS F q. TS. I. (CLARKSLON Ctoii Wehv tfn - or t r t to ter itr. Nice-ltdLap.icu igTheRoyalT The fL' r fl r S avings aeK I The N~jA ~ j ent LamptPcieoocl s n dT srt i ni~.I,~ve oein hil tuttdtthan0 ticottroe. t fi~nttttt anyiLatttptofits i. I. c ~It tto the ytttthe het Lit ttt ettttof tis tate. lRceiter deot s, buty:andsetlt COME AND SEE. afty dpstitose to rnt , citotto soCh oot. c. P'res.;t W.D. tHarro. Old Nurmbert rnVcolr'.t(o'. Na, . Ili coctt. Cashter;ot . Publishers Price $1,50 44 SO. MAIN ST., .FrtAo'titnt roster OrPieANN ARBOR, MICH. D A ,O 0 JhmN.J OxOTHooooPRE.fI~ 'tit aedr l.00,A.ic00tOSAVINGS ea Hth is'tttt i t ei aedr o~I TAs~tahcrGpci ~r doooiiir'oig;, Nov, . -~rBANK I SHE2EHAN & Co.e dt s o1tto ~att itte n to unv '.o OttOtot looarIOti 5.thec tt;ty atto9,E-99oove& ...to.... . Stationera and Itt tto. Rt hat. on thettartttttt 13.00. Engravera ZcO-202 S. MaiSO't 0. 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. Graduafte Clutb Met ntiq. M._____________________ Ttt,' utttott' Citll i ll ltot o? U.o . Barber Shop leto:.in e thetI otoottstoo to ti Ya t't. iladeshecu.Ro . too l n.to'd Slot and Bath Rooms. 322 State St. i. R. Trojanowski. Prop. _tt t'.,0 oi BIARB[R-I OUfR4RNT'E.8 MRTi5Fi9Tdi'ON NOOO t -_ - - - .1 0 t titt;o fothe P log 1 c it c~~~~~~~~~~~t t edO 1:I ttnn,,Nv nRto~tst II'itI iteoto'haitlotooi tt..i oBREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR at cQii. I t. 1 tttt Otto, Iet SUPPER - ST, LOUIS Mo. ,in tttttryco, fteN:? ~ WABASH - FAST TRAINS - i ~ L sot t S,'O O. 1)r. A. L. S to oto t14 ..' } , . lot9 FREE - CHAIR CARS thitctttttio theitt'oot stity tostptitaliot ar ltit otttto t Otton o n,o oo\t'it . R. S. OGrenotd,. 1. PA.., LCtti'agn o inthtet ' t tt 10m0ntttttt ont rytis. To T thu F'.iI-Ur'Y ,ANDS"PI'DIti''S. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF iof0 theetitre stotokof Lioto sitittlt aoy, ltolCay tGot(', a, Le., 00f 5\V. '15. Stmoret, Min sotr t,toitrust,tithe Hxentltotooo'00beg'inning cas ~oonettic t, ttto).et. reqouet' of the 105o itgo'0 tttaio o Ll''beginntingo aclass, Wo.,S ttot0 .11. atoany otacrittice'to itmee t teotbligattions. PINK BRZOS., Instructers. SS'o htto tttivsrietiesof otcodotaso toic't p ffceand Aeademy, NiteltHllt, 334--336 S. Slatetyooutus-tototty atd thi itt loetO i xt r sldat .000e. Hocking altRI. . 1:lISl rse YTo.,Oh, S.-60 With ita throe'-houteraoinsbtwee000 Toledo and Cotumbus, Outtng Uitoni Statito in both 'itiel, tiosiBw'hy O'EVE tiR.- BODY uses this lioto./ Parltor crselont day trains antd it '1oo'r as at night, Through s1e00cr froom Ttoledo 0o Washington, Baltimore tand Utiladel-. phia. Quitoa atilrtoad TISE li~tOtNG VALLEY. Write L. W. LANDMIAN, 11ortat o., Doetroit,Mitoh. TO N"lGMT S. L.A.---Max Bendix Company THOSE NOBBY I I GOLFSIVIL Hi "otut "r ociey0. D. il tto H t oia tagot. t't'ttas.Bll iayot ei', nto.gLi ov.oci .-i'zoatf.A - Fr et toiday \ 'dt J .oiAt ilti tio dl toice '. Satrda. Liov. to. sicGis. ititiot atn Sturtdaytitiov.toStot'. it y vs, . itCoo' Sacottrd, No'to25tV'rsitO v'.ooata- Itzo t tgns'Fed looc oots re cio'ratt'nvtod.to in- spect ot'ou it totplte i nes 0 otot sit tsotto'. T Sita t oott m,' itto of o'tocassof ttitcttt. looooII' sof tot ito., tot otooto 0 ohen ., tutu ott outi lototCook '.' Thetottt -c bett sstt yioby 'riojtttor girotltonato. b Transacts a genoral blaonkiong liusiness COtLEIATE CAPS. r GOONS asd HO0DS, < CAPeSis ~GOWNS. CLAOSSNSTATIONERY, COLLEGE 0PINS, W NC. K" RN&CO. CHIAG, 000,to ~1i ~i~lti~j pipeful" is GNSYNtE cz/. o ' one reason Tobacco . why Old En. glish Curve Cut pipe to- - bacco is so o The curved tin box that [its any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco ha ever made as many friends in so short a time. -"It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Aye , New York City. dNUi fID SPALDING'S TRA DE MAREt 3 _ 3 OMNI11 FOR 1899, " TIe Spalding Otticel Inerrcollegiate Football 0, Toog , adeey leai 'ootblt'eo . toto ® * '' g° O HiformsSbesod EverY e quste for andt el anatootory ot s eo d , ho150ttoraphsof ' XoAGN R& CO., tratoed CiioostootA ot alll ;pots mailed free. Haberdashers. (q" G. Spalding & Bros., New Yeork Chttato, D-tes I A NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.